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Everything posted by ???

  1. Are you gathering material for a new book?
  2. ???

    The DT music game

    Kanye West - Jesus Walks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8feHCmNutj0
  3. ???

    The DT music game

    Belle & Sebastian - Asleep On A Sunbeam From the album 'Dear Catastrophe Waitress'
  4. Even though the test was successful four posts ago, you still feel it necessary to post a sh*tey video of you burning a picture of Barry Ferguson. Awesome. : :
  5. You been sucking that gas again? Idiot.
  6. And the boy Minj claims he doesn't get all his influences from NME
  7. Off topic, why all the negativity toward Charlie Allan? Has anyone here ever spoken to him, or does anyone know him?
  8. Seems that most players mentioned are from the mid 70s up to the present day. Are there any other Aberdeen players who'd arguably been an important part of the club's history. For example, players from the hall of fame? Henning Boel, Martin Buchan, Arthur Graham, Jim Hermiston, John Hewitt, Drew Jarvie, Fred Martin, Teddy Scott, Ally Shewan, Neil Simpson or Alec Young? Don't know if anyone here's old enough to have seen many of these guys play, or even know much about them.
  9. Nothing wrong with either of your posts dude, you made some very valid points. I think Leighton's importance may be under-valued. In his first spell he was an integral part of our greatest ever side, I'm sure if you were to ask either Miller or McLeish they'd say he was just as important as they were to that team. And then on his return he helped the club through some dark days. As was suggested earlier in this thread, he was a major part in us staying up. If we'd had a lesser keeper we may not have survived. He's set the standard for Aberdeen goalkeepers to live up to, the likes of Snelders for example. We often here how the club's past successes hang over us, but if I was a young goalkeeper going into a club like Aberdeen, I'd aspire to be the best I can and have a career like Leighton's. If you also take into account that he's still involved as a goalkeeping coach, then his importance cannot be underestimated. Whether or not this is enough to put him in the top three, who knows, but there's no doubting he's in with a shout.
  10. By all means, if you want to put the point across for more than three players, crack on. When I was making the original post, I was going to make it five, but swayed to three as I thought about the age of many who post on here. I thought if I made it five, we'd get people struggling to name five players who have TRULY been important to the club, having had a direct influence in the club's fortune. By saying three, I thought we'd avoid people mentioning lesser players who in reality were not important figures This may seem hypocritical, seeing as I cite Aluko in the opening post, but it's more to do with the potential impact his signing may have with regard to the club's future. The likes of Aluko, and Mulgrew for that matter, are our future. Along with the likes of Anderson and Diamond. This is a new era in football, and a new chapter in the history of Aberdeen Football Club. For our club to survive and prosper, we need players of their ilk. In a few years time, I hope that we can look back and thank Calderwood for the day he managed to re-sign Aluko, whether that be down to a lucrative sell-on fee, winning trophies, or influencing other talented young players to sign for us over potential fortune in lower leagues elsewhere. Valid point, that I did bear some thought to when making the thread. With the players you mentioned there though, Stavrum left under a cloud, Windass caused himself more problems than the club needed at that time, Dodds was part of the transfer that saw us spend the best part of £1m on Robbie Winters and Zero was only a glimmer of light in one of the darkest periods in the club's history. Unfortunately, that'll always overshadow his contribution. Taking all that into context, I'd find it hard to classify them as important players in our history. I'm surprised it's taken so long for someone to mention him to be honest, I guess that just shows the age of those who post on DT though. By the way, I'm still thinking of my top three, although Willie Miller is definitely in there.
  11. Good three as well, as you could arguably say they were the catalyst for the success each of their teams had in their time at Aberdeen (Miller - early 80s, Snelders - late 80s/early 90s and Severin - just now).
  12. When'd the tickets go on sale?
  13. Would I be right in saying that the signing of Snelders paved the way for the other Dutch players that came around the same time, most notably Hans Gillhaus? That in itself was a very important part of the clubs history. Don't think so? Didn't he join not long after after Calderwood did?!? Seem to remember the signing and people being impressed with the fact Calderwood had managed to get him to sign for a team that had performed so poorly the year before, under Paterson.
  14. That's a pretty good shout. If we'd gone down then God knows where we'd be?!? I suppose the importance of Jess was doubled as he was brought throught the ranks and had a real status among the support you very rarely get, and he also re-signed to arguably save us from going down. All good shouts there, I guess Leighton more than deserves to be in that group as well. Dodds was sh*te, and as good as Stavrum was for us, he left us under a cloud didn't he? Am I right in saying he was pictured in a Besiktas shirt before we knew he'd left or something? I wouldn't put either of them in the important signing bracket personally. I suppose we're looking for players that have left a legacy or made a mark on the club that has a direct affect on where we are today. The signings of Hignett/Kiriakov/etc. should be discounted for example, as it paved the way for the financial state our club is currently in. Not necessarily the fault of the players, but they weren't what I'd ever class as important players for Aberdeen.
  15. Ferguson goes without saying, but this was more-so about players, whether it be players we've signed or players we've brought through. In recent years for example, I think Russell Anderson - for his years of service and the transfer fee he brought in - and Zander Diamond - for his potential selling fee and what he brings to the club - have been worth their weight in gold and both have cost us nothing bar their wage. Aluko and Mulgrew, as pointed out before, may prove to be astute signings that signal the way Aberdeen will operate as a club in the future. Scott Severin was also a very important signing in recent years, as it signalled a change and really set the foundations for Calderwood's reign.
  16. in Aberdeen's history. I was thinking last night about how important the signing of Sone Aluko may turn out to be. In the modern footballing climate, where young players are being paid ridiculous sums of money just to keep them out of reach of rival clubs, it's refreshing to see a young player who's prepared to put his career before monetary value. Aluko's obviously had a taste of what Aberdeen had to offer last season, playing against Bayern in the UEFA cup, being part of a squad that played in two cup semi-finals, and also finishing fourth in the league. He was also still selected for England under-21's whilst he was here so he'll have realised that he'll still be in the eyes of those in England. As a club, Aberdeen may not be able to offer a youngster millions of pounds, but if they want somewhere to learn their trade, and a platform on which to better themselves, then we can offer something. In the grand scheme of things, it's great that we can now attract this type of player as it's these guys that Aberdeen have to look to in helping the club progress. Calderwood's brought a stability to the club where we're now going into a season thinking, "we should win a cup or at least qualify for Europe this year" as a pose to the years of, "We could seriously go down this year". With this stability, we're now an attractive proposition again to many players. The hope that Aluko brings with him is that other talented youngsters may follow his lead, and see joining Aberdeen as a way of furthering their career and not necessarily a 'step-down'. We're led to believe that Josh Walker, for one, came here off the back of advice from Aluko. I wouldn't, yet, include Aluko in the top 3 important signings/players, but he may yet prove to be an extremely valuable acquisition in the future of AFC. I'd also be tempted to put Charlie Mulgrew in this bracket as well. An extremely talented youngster who's not yet lived up to his potential. Fingers crossed they can both prosper at Aberdeen. I'm still undecided as to who the top 3 signings, or players we've brought through, are. Interested to see who people select and the reasons why. Discuss.
  17. ???

    Andy Murray

    No woman, you don't.
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