Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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Everything posted by rocket_scientist
We won't count your losing treble in oor wee competition. Cos it's a treble! Even though you posted it after your first leg (and ours) had come in. Let's stick to doubles please. I take it you're taking Stuttgart for the home win?
Finally bothered to watch the video. Aberdna was too contrived a title to pique my curiosity, although admittedly clever. Shocked, I was. Who the fuck do we think we are? And who the fuck is that cunt with a kiwi (I'm guessing) accent? How big do we think the international potential is? And we're throwing a telemarketing team at it? A small permanent team and a big ad hoc team? How much is this costing us? And how much will it raise for the football budget? So who's actually paying for these slithery cretins? It cannot possibly raise more revenue than it costs to do because we are not that big a club. This is Milne pretending that we are being innovative and at the cutting edge of commercial realisation but not only is telemarketing 20 years out of date, it's far too costly for the potential returns in our case and therefore a guaranteed loss maker. We're already behind the 8 ball with the design, advertising and marketing costs already spent, let alone the cost of that wank and his "teams" and the tens of thousands spent in time and expenses trying to recruit historic skills and unemployable grunts to do the soul-destroying work. "Closing the gap" and "its who we are" are cynical lies, as is "it all goes to the football operation". This has got the same Milne agenda written all over it, spending our money unwisely, formerly to keep us in debt and to make the balance sheet an uninvestable proposition for anyone else who might have been interested, and currently to sell forefront thinking to the required investors to fund the new stadium we were never consulted on. Disgusting.
This freezing of the nuts off. It's totally preventable. Layering, they call it. I'd never worn anything under trousers until a couple of years ago so that's well over half a century of ignorance. To be fair, I've only ever worn these icebreaker chats a couple of times since I got them but if we know it's going to be cold, we can prepare accordingly. The coldest I've ever been at Pittodrie was a very boring Scottish Cup tie in January about 10 years ago. Hamilton maybe. We won 1-0 and Josh Parker either scored or made the goal, he was the only decent thing on the pitch. That day was even colder than the match v. St J which was abandoned at HT. Around that era, I saw a Hearts fan wearing only a fitba top on one of the coldest NE days ever. I doubt he survived Sunday as he must have been hypothermic real quick. That almost rhymes ye ken.
Dairylea, like Philadelphia (and Quiche actually) are for poofs. These are not foodstuffs for men. I don't know why I've always thought this. Perhaps the consistency of it might be used as a lubricant, I don't fucking know.
The world according to TRUTH, not western lies
rocket_scientist replied to rocket_scientist's topic in Off Topic
These are only from this week. This man, and many thousands of others, have been seeing the agenda for years. Integrity Has Vanished From The West Paul Craig Roberts Among Western political leaders there is not an ounce of integrity or morality. The Western print and TV media is dishonest and corrupt beyond repair. Yet the Russian government persists in its fantasy of “working with Russia’s Western partners.” The only way Russia can work with crooks is to become a crook. Is that what the Russian government wants? Finian Cunningham notes the absurdity in the political and media uproar over Trump (belatedly) telephoning Putin to congratulate him on his reelection with 77 percent of the vote, a show of public approval that no Western political leader could possibly attain. The crazed US senator from Arizona called the person with the largest majority vote of our time “a dictator.” Yet a real blood-soaked dictator from Saudi Arabia is feted at the White House and fawned over by the president of the United States. The Western politicians and presstitutes are morally outraged over an alleged poisoning, unsupported by any evidence, of a former spy of no consequence on orders by the president of Russia himself. These kind of insane insults thrown at the leader of the world’s most powerful military nation—and Russia is a nation, unlike the mongrel Western countries—raise the chances of nuclear Armageddon beyond the risks during the 20th century’s Cold War. The insane fools making these unsupported accusations show total disregard for all life on earth. Yet they regard themselves as the salt of the earth and as “exceptional, indispensable” people. Think about the alleged poisoning of Skirpal by Russia. What can this be other than an orchestrated effort to demonize the president of Russia? How can the West be so outraged over the death of a former double-agent, that is, a deceptive person, and completely indifferent to the millions of peoples destroyed by the West in the 21st century alone. Where is the outrage among Western peoples over the massive deaths for which the West, acting through its Saudi agent, is responsible in Yemen? Where is the Western outrage among Western peoples over the deaths in Syria? The deaths in Libya, in Somalia, Pakistan, Ukraine, Afghanistan? Where is the outrage in the West over the constant Western interference in the internal affairs of other countries? How many times has Washington overthrown a democratically-elected government in Honduras and reinstalled a Washington puppet? The corruption in the West extends beyond politicians, presstitutes, and an insouciant public to experts. When the ridiculous Condi Rice, national security adviser to president George W. Bush, spoke of Saddam Hussein’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction sending up a nuclear cloud over an American city, experts did not laugh her out of court. The chance of any such event was precisely zero and every expert knew it, but the corrupt experts held their tongues. If they spoke the truth, they knew that they would not get on TV, would not get a government grant, would be out of the running for a government appointment. So they accepted the absurd lie designed to justify an American invasion that destroyed a country. This is the West. There is nothing but lies and indifference to the deaths of others. The only outrage is orchestrated and directed against a target: the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Iran, Assad, Russia and Putin, and against reformist leaders in Latin America. The targets for Western outrage are always those who act independently of Washington or who are no longer useful to Washington’s purposes. The quality of people in Western governments has collapsed to the very bottom of the barrel. The British actually have a person, Boris Johnson, as Foreign Secretary, who is so low-down that a former British ambassador has no compunction in calling him a categorical liar. The British lab Porton Down, contrary to Johnson’s claim, has not identified the agent associated with the attack on Skirpal as a Russian novichok agent. Note also that if the British lab is able to identify a novichok agent, it also has the capability of producing it, a capability that many countries have as the formulas were published years ago in a book. That the novichok poisoning of Skirpal is an orchestration is obvious. The minute the event occured the story was ready. With no evidence in hand, the British government and presstitute media were screaming “the Russians did it.” Not content with that, Boris Johnson screamed “Putin did it.” In order to institutionalize fear and hatred of Russia into British consciousness, British school children are being taught that Putin is like Hitler. Orchestrations this blatant demonstrate that Western governments have no respect for the intelligence of their peoples. That Western governments get away with these fantastic lies indicates that the governments are immune to accountability. Even if accountability were possible, there is no sign that Western peoples are capable of holding their governments accountable. As Washington drives the world to nuclear war, where are the protests? The only protest is brainwashed school children protesting the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment. Western democracy is a hoax. Consider Catalonia. The people voted for independence and were denounced for doing so by European politicians. The Spanish government invaded Catalonia alleging that the popular referendum, in which people expressed their opinion about their own future, was illegal. Catalonian leaders are in prison awaiting trial, except for Carles Puigdemont who escaped to Belgium. Now Germany has captured him on his return to Belgium from Finland where he lectured at the University of Helsinki and is holding him in jail for a Spanish government that bears more resembance to Francisco Franco than to democracy. The European Union itself is a conspiracy against democracy. The success of Western propaganda in creating non-existent virtues for itself is the greatest public relations success in history. -
The world according to TRUTH, not western lies
rocket_scientist replied to rocket_scientist's topic in Off Topic
On the Verge of Nuclear War Paul Craig Roberts One wonders if this latest extremely provocative and hostile accusation against Russia, supported by Washington’s empire, is the prelude to war. There is no basis whatsoever for the statement of the US Department of State that “on March 4, Russia used a military-grade nerve agent to attempt to murder a British citizen and his daughter in Salisbury.” Considering the fact that no evidence has been presented that any nerve agent was involved, no evidence that it was a Russian nerve agent, and no evidence that Russia, or Putin himself according to the crazed British foreign secretary, is responsible, this accusation is the most reckless and irresponsible charge imaginable. If the Russians do not now realize that the only terms on which they are acceptable to the West is as a vassal state of the West, they are beyond all hope and will be destroyed. If the Russian Atlanticist Integrationists continue to paralyze the Russian government, Russia is finished. There is no greater threat to Russia than its own Atlanticist Integrationists. What will be Washington’s next orchestration through one of its vassal states, such as “Great” Britain? Can it get any worse? If the Russian government is realistic, it will expect an incoming nuclear ICBM strike. There is no other reason for the long collection of false charges against Russia except to prepare the insouciant Western peoples for war. If the Russian government does not realize that Washington is bringing war to Russia, the Russian government is endangering Russia’s survival. If the Russian government continues to believe that “the door to dialogue is open,” the Russian government is deluded beyond repair. The insouciant Western people, concerned with things of no consequence, sit in their stupidity while their corrupt politicians tell them lies. The populations of the West are so stupid that they do not have a clue as to the consequences of the lies that they are fed. -
The world according to TRUTH, not western lies
rocket_scientist replied to rocket_scientist's topic in Off Topic
Great post. Like you, I've no idea what happened and I agree that they would be dead if the Russian deep state wanted that. The police have no idea either, as their mouthpiece has just admitted on the news. On a balance of possibilities, I reckon it's more likely that this was Russian revenge than anything else. They have history of eliminating enemies of the state, exactly like we do (although our "investigative journalists" aren't interested in reporting this of course). But being likely isn't the same as being. The haste with which cunt May laid the blame at the door of Putin was not only severely damaging to international relations, it was a pre-meditation. How could she know who did it if a whole team of investigators can't say yet? But good international relations isn't the agenda for May, for Cameron, for Blair et al.They do what the Americans tell them. I doubt Trump has even worked out who's in charge yet but it certainly isn't him. -
Sky News just showed our prime minister in a kindergarten. All the images were her smiling and attempting to engage with kids, something that must be very alien to the barren cow. Why does our prime minister visit a toddler school? What was the state purpose? And is it newsworthy?
The world according to TRUTH, not western lies
rocket_scientist replied to rocket_scientist's topic in Off Topic
You should've stopped after your first three words. Unlike you, I don't believe the complicit media. Not that I've read one word in a newspaper this year. Like you, I don't know who was responsible. Unlike you, I like to explore the boundaries and consider all the possibilities so I certainly wouldn't believe the first thing I was told. And if it's that bitch cunt May saying it, I certainly wouldn't be inclined to believe her. Yes there are but your conclusion that it was made in Russia is once again, what you've been told, not what you know. We don't fucking know who made it nor who administered it. Although you know not only this, you even know why... What disarray? What chaos? What advantage to Russia does this do, even if you believed the lies? Christ you're a Russian expert now? Did you hear what Hitchens said on QT one week ago? Do you know the history of Ukraine? Do you know why the west interfered in that state, now country and how they did? And you're a Putin expert too? Why would he want a mob state? He's already stinking rich, as are his family. He has nothing to gain from anarchy. Agreed. But you can't discuss Russia's history without looking at America and the UK. It will be impossible to debate with you because our starting positions are so vastly opposite. You've not read anything other than what the establishment feeds you. I've taken everything that they say. The difference is I didn't swallow it. -
The tartan army are not hooligans. They are full of sad social misfits who's failures in love and in life are ignored by their own denial and who direct their energies into a sense of tribal belonging. Like the casuals, England's travelling support is full of sad fucked up youths and men who never grew up (intellectually) who's sole aim is the threat of violence and the perpetration thereof. That's a totally different animal. Their only common ground is to escape themselves and the sadness in their own lives that attracts them to tribe with like-minded arseholes.
The world according to TRUTH, not western lies
rocket_scientist replied to rocket_scientist's topic in Off Topic
It appears that it's not just tabloid-reading Brits who actually believe the lies and propaganda spewing from May, Johnson and the complicit presstitute media that Putin was responsible for what happened to the Skripals. The expulsion of Russian diplomats from so many countries suggests that others around the world believe it too. Or do they? This is politics and human nature at its ugliest. No sane person of average critical thinking capability can believe the British state on this. It's being in with the in crowd and an absence of courage that has resulted in these mass expulsions. In due course, the truth will out. This will prove to be the greatest mistake ever made by the British Westminster government, fuelled by the same hate, greed and suspicion that their masters have indoctrinated them with. -
Aye I Tonya was good. Watching The Shape of Water tonight or tomorrow.
Tell ye what Bobby, if this works out between us until the rest of the season, I'm going to invite you to join us for a NOT - a Nailed On Treble - in August to start the 2018/19 season where we pick one each and make some good dough. Your picks are exactly the type of selections we go for. I knew this would work You will NEVER be asked for money as our goal is not to lose and I can afford to take the risk. It's the element of competition between us that makes it pay plus my selection of suitable partners of course! We started with nothing at the end of December but I'm suggesting we hold back £200 to start our 2018/19 NOD in August, the goal being £2.5k each at Xmas and the rest in May 2019.
Just for the record and out of interest, my mate went Schalke on Saturday and I stuck £70 on it with Falkirk so it's a big one for us. I'm already counting my Cardiff and his Wigan as a winner. He's not said re Sunday yet.
If he was there in the late 70's for the Pomagne final v. the huns, I would've shoved him in the road of a fleein bottle just on principle, the principle being him being a greetin yank wank.
Ha. We have a Cardiff Wigan double on ourselves and I love it. £10 on. £19.60 only back I'm afraid as both prices are now 2/5 whereas we got them both at 4/9 two or three days ago. Didn't see this one so will put £10 on it too, with Falkirk at home to Brechin (1/4) = £18.05 (Atalanta 4/9). Amazing coincidence. I put them on in a double with Atletico already. Another £10 at 2/9 and 23/20 = £26.28. Enjoy northern Italy. Like it's possible not to And PM me your e-mail sometime. I'll show you our spreadsheet and a more comprehensive one that's been going for 3 months. It IS possible to beat the bookies ?
Much improved the night despite an inauspicious start. McKenna is ace. Got to get rid of Mulgrew and Forrest, Phillips and the wee runt boy not good enough but promising stuff. Mon the Eck.
+£15.36 kitns 7/10 picks = 70% 3/5 doubles = 60% Bobby, my mate and I are going Friday, Saturday and Sunday so see what you fancy. Enjoy Verona. Been to Lake Garda and Milano and Torino to the west and Venezia to the east but never been to Verona so will be interested to hear your spiel. Long weekend? A part of the world you know? Love Italy.
Forrest is shit. So is Phillips. McKenna's cross was dying to be buried. Forrest should be buried irrespective of if he's deid or not. Mulgrew's pen was worse than his hair clump. And that's the most absurd thing ever seen in Scottish football.
The first 15 minutes, of such low quality, in a stadium more than half empty, suggests to me that football are getting it wrong. It must take a special kind of spesh to give up his holidays and put up his money to follow this shite.
McKenna was a happy accident for McInnes. You can't blame Wright. He's not been given a decent run. He had a mare v. Rangers but so did everyone else, 100% the managers fault as he was preparing to jump ship. Maybe the real source of disagreement between us is that you don't want to see that McInnes is as bad as I say he is. Yeah he's got some qualities but let's face it, anyone can be better than Calderclown, Dinghus and GWT.
McInnes is either totally mismanaging Scott Wright or he's decided he's not good enough. If the latter, why sign him on a contract extension? More likely, our genius small man manager is a small mind manager who fails to understand the mental game and how confidence can be given, can be instilled, can be nurtured and developed, particularly in the young in order to get the most out of them. Our midget charlatan with the massive ego may even have been sidelined as a young footballer himself in favour of more experienced journeymen and is resentful of young talents, determined not to give them the chances he never got, blaming his former bosses for his career being spectacularly pedestrian.
Got St Mirren and Raith Rovers in a double tomorrow. It returns 2.2 but only put a seventh of our balance (profit, playing with bookies money now) on it as we have already staked a good bet on a Friday double that is more nailed on, I feel so will be interested to see what you pick BB.
Friday and Saturday the next two for us BB. Guffies Easter card gives good opportunities.
£20.36 kitns £12.31 us 3/4 picks bb & rs, 6/8 kitns, all 75% We are 50% doubles landed, you are 75%. But it will be highly unlikely that you will finish ahead of us come May. For reasons I could tell you right now, if it wasn't obvious already.