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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. The only criteria for hiring or firing anyone is if they can do the job or not. The definition of what the chairman wants and what the paying customers want is two different things. So it is all academic and theoretical. I would never have hired the weak midget cunt.
  2. Which really is no surprise given that Considine has never been and will never be a good left back. He's been shoehorned into this position to paper over the cracks in his appalling recruitment in the middle of the park. Put Considine up against any winger with an ounce of skill and his lack of pace - both in thinking and feet - gets horribly exposed. He might have turned out to be a competent CB but given his total mismanagement over the past few years, we will never know. A classic case of wrecking a guy's confidence and extinguishing the prospect of anything good that may have once been there to be developed and nurtured.
  3. Great post B.B. Thing is, after the first 20 minutes, I was scratching ma heid. We were inviting them on, we had 11 behind the ball, we were inviting them to relax, get over their jet lag and then we finally had a go. This happened precisely after 20 minutes. I thought good on ya McInnes, this is a game plan, you do know what you're doing! But he didn't. Ok, it was Forrest beating Consi too easily that set up the first but overall, there was no strategy to win today. Not one that was ever going to work anyway. McInnes is a cunt. A hun cunt at that.
  4. Beautifully expressed. DM is a loser. Always has been. Always will be.
  5. nae chunce up front and personal, every time. Never find me in the back row.
  6. Ken fit ye're saying but it's us that need wimmin and it's us who are more efficient when we have one. To love, to fuck, to make us food or a cup of tea, to clean the dishes, to wash oor claes and punts, to do the shopping, to argue with (in the early days).
  7. This is the advantage of having an online community, particularly a NE Scotland one, to draw upon. When Al mentioned Carpe Diem, I was reminded of Dead Poets Society, one of the first films that the Mrs and I went to see together, well before we married. Ironically featuring the now dead genius talent of Robin Williams. Instinct and following feeling more than rationalisation and understanding, and always having the humility to know that there is much we will never know. This can be difficult for certain professions, scientists and teachers in particular being paid to know stuff. It's only armed with the knowledge that we can't understand it all that we start to see things more clearly. Like women are unfathomable but beautiful and necessary and like wild horses, need much time and love investment before we can ride them properly and get from there to here with greater efficiency.
  8. There is one hope for a reversal of fortune. Karma. This was the week when it was revealed - or at least became much more widely knowledge in the public domain - that the husband of the woman who Brendan Rogers took from him, killed himself. Whatever the history was, shit like that creates a cloud.
  9. https://youtu.be/F9hJAHPRxcI Some mad woman starts off but the mad man comes in @ 5.30 They showed portions of it live on Sky News, a horrible organisation and a "programme" fronted by the horrible Kay Burley.
  10. Thanks. That's what I thought I'd worked out and you just confirmed my conjecture.
  11. OMG. The NRA dude speech just now. Insanity on an unimaginable level. The USA is pure evil.
  12. Raybams? The misspelling in the title is offensive to word purists.
  13. What's really insane is the proposal to arm teachers. If the problem has become so widespread that the only way to counter it is with guns, that is a refusal to properly examine the problem. It's so lazy to say mental health without acknowledging the ease by which the state gives the opportunities for the sick to act through guns access. It's stupid not to understand the negative influence of celebrity culture. It's embarrassing to admit that the country produces people who's nihilism results in acts of massacre. It's sick that life and humanity has been reduced to zero. When he arms teachers and trains them how to use them, not only is the irony rich, the sickness is embedded.
  14. Terrible choice of shot at the end of the 9th by wettie boy. So says Steve Cram of all people. Swiss already lying two. Stunning hammer picks up FIVE and a 4 shot lead.
  15. Ok I get it. Partially. Blank 7th end means GBR keep the hammer. 4-4 in the 8th.
  16. And GBR get the hammer again in the 7th? WTF is going on? That's 5-2 to GBR last rocks?
  17. Fuck up with the last stone so 4-4 now. Poor stuff.
  18. Simple and uneventful 2 each the last 2 ends so 4-3 GBR v. the Swiss chocolates at HT.
  19. How come GBR get the last stone of the 4th end? That's a bit unfair no? 3-1 in favour of one team? I don't understand the fucking rules.
  20. 3 ends down and GBR men are 2-1 up. Their first mistake was the last stone, as it should have been an easy 3-1 so having had the hammer twice, it's pretty wide open. Tell ye what though, I couldn't have a pint with these wankers.
  21. We worked out last night how to be the best bobsleigh coach in the world. Your charges need two critical bits of advice: - 1. Don't hit the walls. 2. Get down there as quick as you can. We may be missing something but I don't think there's anything more to it than that. Not rocket science.
  22. I didn't know they had that but I thought it might be interesting to some of you fuckers waking up to see how it unfolded! The 10th end was the only real action end and was great viewing. First time I've ever watched a full match. It was pretty dull early doors. One thing I thought looking at all the girls, including the last couple of ends I saw v. the Swiss, women curlers are odd. Just like the proportion of women golfers being a dyke exceeds the national average by more than tenfold makes them odd, the curling wifies are weird too. They all have the potential to be attractive - some of them, potentially very - but there's something nae right. All of them have beautiful eyes - clear, bright and piercing - and good hair (mostly long, unlike the golf dykes) but their gaits and the intensities of their performance is strikingly unattractive. It's like they're definitely feminine in appearance but manly in their natures. As I said, I reckon they all need a good horse-cocking. Then they should get off the ice, get back in the kitchen, wash the dishes and make sandwiches... for the commentators. Oh hud on, there'll be nothing to commentate on. It's a conundrum right enuf. Weirdos.
  23. Stunning finish. Great strategy. The last end was the best, in every respect. Well done Scotland.
  24. Amazing multiple plant by Muirhead at the end of the 9th. Rescues the game. 5-4 down now. All to play for.
  25. Great patience to tie the match at 4-4 with 2 ends to go. Right back in it plus the hammer in end 10. Excellent.
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