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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. This is because you have a dysfunctional libido
  2. I wasn't aware this was on, not that I would've attended anyway. But it's a great idea so well done to him and the club. Where was it and can you guess how many attended?
  3. This is a thread about the Aberdeen manager. This is a forum for Aberdeen fans. It has a robust off topic section too. If you have nothing constructive to add, just fuck off and die. I'm sure that you might be capable of saying something interesting sometime. I've just never seen it. You would be best advised to return to the hat.
  4. I don't agree that it's social stigma. I think it's genetic. My wife and I are coming up for 32 years and I love her company, her attitude, her wisdom and her progressive thinking, although I've no doubt I've had an influence on her over the years. But I still love fucking her too. I couldn't possibly be as close to her if we hadn't had such a history of mutually rewarding orgasms. It is physical attraction in the first place that creates the possibility. Couples grow together. I could never be friends with a woman. I would want to fuck her, as I always do with women I find attractive. I just don't believe in monogamy and the lie that we have been sold by the Christian tradition.
  5. I have no idea what he's on but I was told something a couple of days ago and thought I would put it out there. The boy Dunty holds the key here. I said it would all come out in the wash. He's already washed the dirty laundry.
  6. On which of my four points? It wasn't speculation. And it was second hand, not fourth. You're another cunt in need of a slap. Edit: for all your bluster and nit-picking that you two get up two online, the rest of us take solace in the fact that both you and kow are so defective of personality you can't walk into the Masada or the Kings Bar or the Bridge or indeed any bar in any town or city and get on with people who were total strangers minutes before. Personalities like you two are sick from weakness, as beige and bland as the thoroughbred middle classes always are. Nothings.
  7. So what's preventing you? I've been to lots of films on my own these last few years.
  8. The continuing persecution of Julian Assange by the British government is a fucking disgrace. What are these "values" that our western governments go on about? Edit: Rhetorical question. Please don't come back to argue. I canna be arsed.
  9. :laughing: That tickled my kazif. I heard it called a "taint" yesterday by a yank, the bit between yer arse and yer ba's. He reckoned cos it taint the mechanics and it taint the pussy or something like that, describing it on a woman whereas the guy that told me - the guy was from Craigellachie, and he told me on a beach in Vai, Crete in 1983 - that it was a kazif was kazif it wisna there, yer guts wid fa oot.
  10. He was only passing on information that had only just broken in the news, that Walter was now in the frame. I certainly heard it from tig first on here before it broke everywhere. He then passed an opinion on it but it wasn't him suggesting it. You on the other hand misinterpreted his post and went so far as to suggest his mental health had been impaired by substance abuse: - That was the vitriol I think he's talking about so an apology might be in order.
  11. I'll never attend another Scotland game but it's fuck all to do with the manager nor the SFA. The fans are total arseholes. Tartan army? An "army" of sad bastards who made me embarrassed to be Scottish.
  12. I don't see the need for repression. Surely it's obvious that this is an online forum where the possibility of acting on such feelings is zero. Particularly when, unlike you, I don't know the cunt nor indeed anyone from here in real life. To my best knowledge, one of the points of webchatspeaksites like this is to share information. It's very rare that I share or pass on rumours but I personally don't see the harm in what I did. I'm pretty convinced that 1. Sevco didn't offer enough to tempt him, 2. there was an undue delay during the negotiations (transfer budget) and even 3. wouldn't surprise me, the Docherty blockage. In the same conversation on Sunday when I learned this, I was also told what McInnes was supposedly on. We could hardly believe it but by putting it out there as I did, someone somewhere might have some knowledge to share and it appears that dunty does. If indeed he did get bonuses - and fuck knows what for and those sums are obscene - then maybe his total earnings this year will be absurdly generous. When the day comes when the cunt Kow succeeds in seeking to shut down speculation and ridicule posters for sharing it, he's missing the whole point.
  13. There were a number of things McInnes told A who told B who told me, mostly about the aborted Sevco negotiations. On his salary, B was incredulous that McInnes was rumoured to be on that much. I'm interested to know how you know though and I suspect that it can't be as much as 750. I did say that it will "all come out in the wash", as these things always do, normally years later. But where was it reported about his bonuses/salary that you are so certain?
  14. No. Venus and Mars. Marmalade and Gravy. Jazz and Classical. Lobster and Salami. Plus, I would always be looking to shag her rotten.
  15. Walter Smith. Just no way never no more. Not only because it's him but he is disqualified on grounds of not having done the job for years. This is the level of desperation and incompetence the SFA are capable of.
  16. My source is well known to you all and he got it from another source who is also well known to us all who got much of the details from the horses mouth as he was sat next to him on a recent flight. So no, I'm not talking about the 800k that McCoist's salary was supposedly reduced to before he got his jotters.
  17. I was one month shy of my 36th birthday when I went into Paris the day of the game. I didn't have a ticket but I used great initiative and got one fae "Donnie", a skinhead from Clydebank. My cardboard said this "Gies a ticket. Norway/Morocco to swap". Donnie was over with his mates, all tartan army and were over for all 3 games whereas me and the family were only over for the first two. I left them at home (caravan place on Loire valley an hour+ away by train) the day of the game but spent all day in Paris the day before and I knew it was going to be tough to get one. Donnie asked for Norway AND Morocco for his Brazil ticket. I had 2 x Norway and 2 x Morocco when I started but gave away a Morocco ticket to some dude who lived in Cardiff who was cycling to Bordeaux and then St Ettiene. bypassing Paris cos he figured it would be impossible to get a ticket. I says to Donnie, what two for one like? He said oh, er, I'll give you forty quid? Dealt. I felt so guilty I gave him £20 back in Bordeaux as he was sitting next to me for that game. In his mind, he was getting to tick off 2 of the 3 games whereas some of his other mates only had one ticket like he did. Thank fuck I wasn't at the last game, a Leighton howler off if I mind. The Brazil game was amazing. I was on the telly on North Tonight with a very hoarse voice after the game, resplendent in kilt.
  18. Exactly. Largs-trained is essential. We rule the world. We arra peepil. Dinna want guffs fae a cricket-background. Fuck them.
  19. This is the type of post that makes me want to assault the person who posted it. Nothing heavy. Not a near death experience. Just one punch and most likely a broken nose at worst.
  20. I can hardly see it as a "gamble" when he wasn't going anywhere and he's already on more money than he's worth. Our record turnover is between 12 and 15m if I remember right. Giving more than FIVE PER CENT of the total revenue to him is utter madness. But it suits Milne because McInnes is good enough to keep the fans off his back - remember Calderwood's final year. And of course it doesn't cost Milne one penny. It's OUR money he's been totally mismanaging for decades.
  21. Given that there was zero need to give him a 50% pay rise before Xmas, I can't agree about every penny.
  22. There is no doubt that he had got stale in his last seasons with us. He was always capable of a much better average performance than he delivered. He was sometimes sublime but too often happy to exist in a team of journeymen who were never good enough to win anything. I remember that goal at Tynecastle when he crossed for Hayes and another time at Tynecastle, he took it from the left corner flag, ghosted past a bunch and buried it to give a commanding lead in the first half (3-0 I think and he may have scored more than 1 that day). On the other hand, he never showed that degree of passion and desire often enough and whilst I criticised him as "lazy" in previous seasons, others misinterpreted this as physical laziness where I was talking about his motivation issues. When he reflects back on his career, I would imagine that he must admit that he's been an underperformer. He's a quality act, far superior to the average we've had at AFC the whole of this century, one of the more gifted footballers that we've had but AFC is an easy life for him. He never challenged himself to be the best he could be but then again, the vast majority don't either. A frustrating footballer sometimes but totally galvanised by his time in Korea. Hopefully he will work his bollocks off in these swansong last years of his career but given his previous, I don't see him keeping it up with the same consistency that the best (in any sport) do.
  23. It is indeed obscene if true, Sand d G, and I have no reason to disbelieve it. It just fits with what I believe is Mine's agenda and whilst I can't reveal the source on this occasion unfortunately, I would be shocked if it was bad info.
  24. I didn't know who was in the final, how they got there, who was favourite, I'd never heard of any of the players etc. but because it followed the football and wasn't a big build up before kick off, and probably because of the enthusiasm of the four dudes on the BBC panel, decided to tune in for a while. Got hooked. Found myself wanting the Eagles to win (simply cos the underdog) and absolutely loved it, a thrilling contest that meant I got to bed 3 hours later than I was planning to, the first NFL game I'd seen for 20+ years. Still wouldn't be inspired to watch NFL regularly but that was the perfect game to watch. Half time show was pathetic. Their I love Jesus shit was disappointing. And the winning QB's baby daughter seemed to have a disturbing growth on the top of her head.
  25. Harry Kane produces the biggest cheating dive in the history of the game but neither the ref nor the commentators have the balls to say it how it was? Karma meant he missed the resultant pen but it's sick how just cos he's a special talent, it's one rule for him and one for everyone else. Fuck you BBC and as for you Lawrenson, have a word with your dress sense. Fud.
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