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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Yesterday wasn't his best game - nor was it a good team performance - but he still scored. In the second half, it reminded me how much better-than-average he actually is. He kind of drops his shoulder when shifting direction and sort of "ghosts" into positions to cross into the box. He's been a breath of fresh air this time round and given GMS's twinkle toes performance yesterday and Ryan Christie also being pretty ineffective for the most part, McGinn is filling one of our gaps in comfort and style.
  2. I heard this today from a very good source. McInnes was on £500k p.a. before the huns came calling. He's now on £750k, insane money for a club of our size. And yet Sevco offered him less money than he was already on! They took four days to answer his simple question regarding the size of the transfer budget. And they told him that they wouldn't be paying for Docherty and if McInnes insisted, he would have to pay for him himself out of his wages. It will all come out in the wash but the two things I take from this is how badly managed both AFC and RFC are.
  3. Whew. Breathes sigh of relief. I kent it couldna hiv bin you. That particular Barbour wanker couldn't have spelt fitba.
  4. To the nearest point one of a per cent, 100.0%. Simmied.
  5. McKenna was immense today. So strong. Wasn't Niall's greatest game but great strike for the goal. Not that anyone competent could have missed from there. Shite game v. shite opposition. Good 3 points though. Always good to win when nowhere near 100%.
  6. AOC had a good first half though. Shinnie our worst performer. Nothing from Christie again. McLean almost gave away a goal. Rooney at sea. Fucking shite first half. Great turn and goal by Bambi on ice.
  7. You must have deleted it by accident Jute. I thought counterfeit transfer bids was pretty genius actually. The biggest hypocrisy is their counterfeit religion. They all hate kafflicks without knowing why they do. We know it was cos they were brought up and brainwashed to be knee deep in fienyan blood but their Protestantism isn't something they ever invest in. Doubt many of the fuckers have seen the inside of a kirk. Apart from the wee frees. They're fucked up in a different way.
  8. Inspired by my recounting of yesterday, just got the wife to make me porridge. She does it well but doesn't offer it often enough. I bet it cost less than £2.50 too. Must learn to make it myself. Can't be difficult. Only takes minutes. My laziness in the kitchen goes into room 101 too. Making the Melba toast on Xmas days is the only constructive thing I've done in there for decades. By casting this sloth of mine into the abyss, I am going to rise like a phoenix and start doing shit in the kitchen that the family can enjoy. Maybe. I'll start by looking after myself more first instead of eating out all the time.
  9. Not the first time you've mentioned tranqs and anti-depressants. I know it's a big issue these days but fortunately I don't know anyone who's on them. These women, all in their late 30's early 40's didn't strike me as being on pills. They were pretty in their youth, in an external, first glance kind of way but being from safe houses themselves, only had gold-digging or comfort-seeking as their main goal. Panic in their souls rings true though.
  10. Haha. I do make eye contact with those idiots who are there to be seen. I want them to see how disinterested I am in them. Yes yesterday about 10 to 10.30. You weren't the wanker in the Barbour jacket sitting through the back with an ugly woman? If you were, sorry for calling you a wanker (just now, I wouldn't be so rude to say what I think publicly... these days anyway) and sorry for describing the woman you were with as such but she wisna bonnie. Fuck I'm a terrible man. I just have an irrational hatred of those Barbour jackets that stamp the brand in our faces. We can spend 50% more on a jacket that is three times as good and twenty five times more style, without having its maker splashed all over it.
  11. Of course populations are a factor. India produced Gandhi. China produced Ai Wei Wei. Both of those geniuses were results of the oppression they grew up in. My theory or argument isn't population based but environmental.
  12. Another thing that annoys me is a gaggle of the middle classes, a collection of wannabes. Example; I was going to the bank at Queens Cross and popped in to the cafe on St Swithin Street. Their porridge is very good at breakfast time and it's pretty good for coffees and snacks etc. It was the third or fourth time I'd been in but the clientele make me cry. It was strikingly blonde at the tables outside and as usual, the middle class wifies with their coiffured hairs always check you out as you walk in. Some are quite good looking on first appearance but they're ugly in soul. They're married to money, presumably oil money in many cases and they can't be happy with their lives, however much they pretend that they are in their safe comfortable existences with better than average houses, cars and clothes. If they were happy, they wouldn't have such banale and uninteresting conversations. By the time they work out that consumption and materialism doesn't satisfy the soul, it will be too late. They will have bred further shit people who don't take risks and who follow a prescribed route to "comfort". So yeah, let's stick the ugly Aberdeen middle classes into room 101.
  13. It's messed up for sure and until we read White Trash by Nancy Isenberg - one of the best researched books ever, a book I bought randomly whilst in a Contemporary Arts place in London a couple of months ago - we won't know why it's so messed up. The history of the country has injustice, madness, hypocrisy and inhumanity written into its core. It's never going to change because it can't change. The DNA of the people includes badness. As with everything, there is yin and yang. I believe that the reason why America has given us some of the world's best people and some of the best innovations in human history is because the default is so sick. The likes of Sweden, Norway and Belgium etc. are beige. They don't have great inequalities and social hardship on anywhere like the same scale and therefore they don't produce the same brilliance of genius either.
  14. Ok I got to spell it out. It's a nightmare for professional sportspeople getting stopped for autographs and selfies all the time. I would only have said well done whilst passing, without stopping to take his time, without expecting that he's got a duty to converse with a total stranger. What's so fucking difficult to understand?
  15. It's one of those must-watch films. Me and the wife went when it came out. It was indeed an excellent film, as we might expect from Loach.
  16. It's a bizarre video. I was wondering how they casted it. Get me ugly freaks and dress them like ugly freaks. I'm not sure it would do much for the actor's self-confidence being cast like that. Some beauts like.
  17. Saw Three Billboards last night. Enjoyable. 7 out of 10.
  18. Not that song though. It only got released two weeks ago. I heard Lauren's session. Was good.
  19. Shaun Keaveny playing it again right now so he obviously likes it too. No accounting for taste. Maybe the boy can invent specs for ears?
  20. Regan is an abortion and an embarrassment to Yorkshiremen, who are generally good people. At the initial interview, the way his mouth formed his words was a dead giveaway.
  21. I'm a bigger racist than you. My racism is not based on skin colour but I have a discomfort with guffies, yanks, jews and arabs. And fifers and weegies. Not all you understand. They're behind the 8 ball before they start with me but can still prove they're atypical.
  22. Saw Kenny McLean in a supermarket today. Unfortunately by the time I had recognised him, the moment had passed as I had walked past him. I should've said well done for last night... rather than I know a guy (on DT) who hates you. It would have been good to say something positive to him whilst passing. I'm sure they appreciate stuff like that. As opposed to the sad pricks who ask for selfies or who think they have a right to stop and talk to them.
  23. It's racist to prefer Scots, whatever their skin colour.
  24. That's as maybe but we're having a good exchange and you're being a spoilsport.
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