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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. I've been waking up this morning to the Nouvelle Vague top 75 track playlist. Just excellent. I signed up on their website and will go anywhere to see them live this year. A lot of their covers are tracks from back in the day that I liked but the most unusual find was Too Drunk to Fuck, originally by the bizarre Dead Kennedys who's Holiday in Cambodia was iconic. They put music, sensitivity and beauty into a track that didn't have anything like that before, the Dead Kennedys being a conundrum of middle class sounding Americans playing at working class rebels.
  2. Can we get into the habit of spelling his name right please? I thought it was Rogers rather than Rodgers but I don't know either way. Hope it's the former. Rodger is too English for me. Like Rodney.
  3. The problem with giving credit where it's due - even though this is the fair and the proper thing to do - is the danger it creates by extending the shelf life. I've seen enough of McInnes over five years to know that he's not our man. Edit: I can imagine some thinking like it's got anything to do with online posters. I wasn't talking about that. I'm talking about simple decision-making. After five years, the majority of AFC fans don't want McInnes out. They've not made this decision. Some are now at least questioning him and seeing his fuck ups but some of us, a small minority want rid of the cunt, having already seen enough over a more-than-reasonable time period to have made our decision. If the majority want the manager gone, he will be gone. Fuck it took them long enough to see how shite Calderwood was.
  4. I never knew Christie wasn't fully fit on Wednesday. He picked up a knock last weekend and it was touch and go whether he would start at Ibrox. From the horse's mouth, McInnes in his pre-match interview yesterday so I'm told. Given that McInnes has recruited like a horse's ass last summer, he was shoe-horning a less-than-capable footballer (through injury) into the starting XI and boy did that backfire, thus his absence yesterday.
  5. God no to Mulumbu. He would provide short term gain but very short term if at all. There's a reason he's at Kilmarnock. Much as he had an influential game yesterday, he lost control of the ball through clumsy feet a couple of times and managed to regain it through pure luck more than anything else. A carthorse waiting to happen.
  6. But for the fact that there wasn't one cliche in his post. You're totally correct about Considine bb. His regression has been alarming and easily explained by playing the vast majority of his games these last two plus years in the wrong position. It's been criminal what's happened to what was once potentially a good footballer and who was definitely shaping up to be better than the average SPFL. Agree with you both that McGinn being back is a breath of fresh air. Even that turn and snapshot in the first half was something most of our donkeys wouldn't have had the imagination to try.
  7. Say the correct score was 20/1 and Rooney first scorer for AFC was 4/1. McKenna to score goal no. 2 for AFC might have been 33/1 and if we did get a third and it was McGinn, that could've been 66/1, especially that he hadn't started a match yet. Given that Al has just pulled off a 239,000+ to 1 quadruple, give the guy a break!
  8. I didn't see that and I would imagine neither did his manager given that he subbed him off after 15 minutes of the 2nd half. The boy is fucking shite.
  9. Ball stood out today, as Mulumbu did for Killie. But for different reasons. Those yellow boots never made a decent contribution the whole hour he was on. I noticed GMS swapping wings with McGinn but didn't see who initiated it. I just assumed it was Niall who did as he used to do this with Hayes a lot. Nevertheless, I'm struggling to think of one positive thing GMS did the whole game.
  10. He was as expected, one of two major negatives, the other being that Rooney is becoming more than embarrassing now. GMS had an off-day too. It was an incredible strike by McKenna, possibly the best shot Pittodrie has ever seen, THAT good. Other positives were McGinn's goal, totally created for himself and Shay Logan was back to his old self today. I think Rogers is going to be good. Terrible first half and other than the two goals that were great strikes, it was a pretty dreadful match. Mulumbu was impressive for them, totally stripped Shinnie for the ball a number of times. Deceptively cold despite the sunshine. You're better off with the mountain goats and the sheep and the warmer weather. Not sure if they have mountain goats over there but they would have more intelligence than some of the balloons in the SS today.
  11. There's so many points of disagreement between us on this point it's probably best just to agree to disagree. You saw the "domination" of Hibs as a management masterstroke whereas I saw it as perfect timing to get them, immediately after their brave and excellent performances v. Celtic and Rangers. It was also the best AFC performance I've seen at Pittodrie this century and in any period, there is a best and a worst. Lennon won 3 in a row as Celtic manager, he won League Cups at Leicester as a player and tons of trophies as a player with Celtic. I don't think McInnes being captain of a team with no prospect of ever winning stuff is in the same ballpark. Their playing careers are incomparable but I wasn't meaning to compare these apples v. grapefruits. I was only reacting to your saying that you didn't understand why some people rate him. I think the biggest difference between the two is personality-based. One has displayed hunger his whole career and has got results. One is only happy to be employed and is engineering a career for himself. Interestingly, Lennon may have plateaued as a manager. Having taken them up to the top flight, what more can he possibly do? As he showed in consecutive weeks last month, he can still put out a team to do a great job v. the biggest that Scotland has to offer.
  12. I don't "love" Lennon but allow me to try to educate you. You obviously have no comprehension on why some do rate him. Firstly we need to correct your misunderstanding. McInnes didn't outsmart or out-think Lennon last month in the 4-1. We had a rare great pass from McLean to GMS and a simple cut back for the first and some schoolboy errors from them (including a standard Ambrose fuck up) in the first half to gift GMS two goals and a safe 3 points. It wasn't management tactical nous that won that game. It was the bigger club and the bigger budget doing what it was supposed to do, fulfilling its bookies favourite tag aided by some utterly incompetent individual errors. GMS's winner at Easter Road wasn't managerial excellence either. The reason why some like Lennon is that he is a man. Unlike McInnes, he doesn't give a fuck about cultivating a perma-tan nor coiffuring his hair or beard. Unlike McInnes, he doesn't prioritise his press image nor does he care about PR and he certainly doesn't suck his boss's dick. Lennon is a winner, a proven winner over many years. He aches to win and wouldn't think twice about grabbing McCoist's throat in his passion for prevailing. I don't know how good or bad a manager he might be but I do know he's got a far superior track record in being a winner than McInnes could ever aspire to, and is a far superior man where I'm starting to wonder if McInnes has any testicles at all.
  13. Good point. You're totally correct. My judgement of Hayes was influenced by his last 18 months in particular. I like Christie. He's just got so much growth to come. As is usual at his age.
  14. And Hayes was infinitely more effective for us than Christie has ever been. Stronger, more goals, more ability to influence a match, just a better footballer all round. The frustration is that Christie could be as good as Hayes was, possibly considerably better given his brain and his quick feet. We're not getting the best out of him but it's not necessarily anything to do with us.
  15. If Christie plays like he did on Wednesday, he can fuck off right now. Ok already, everyone has a worst performance of the month, season or career just like we have a best performance. He's a good footballer or at least better than average in the SPFL. Needs to deliver more end product and needs to turn up in big games. Too lightweight for me and I'd be surprised if he ever had as bad a game as he just had at Ibrox.
  16. Absolutely. I'm not going to agree with your "opinion" because it's not an opinion. It's a fact. The more interesting angle is why? Some are born more confident than others. Some grow in confidence as they get to the start of their careers as some grow in confidence during their careers. Just like some lose confidence of course. Some just have so much self-belief it never leaves them. This is much more obvious in individual rather than team sports of course but at AFC for a very long time now, we've not seen a team on the pitch with a majority (that's only SIX) having - let's call it - winner mentalities. A good manager builds winner mentalities. A great manager takes a young footballer and stamps a winning mentality all over his spirit, his psyche and his soul, even when it didn't exist before. These good and great managers are winners themselves of course. I don't see McInnes as being able to inspire young prospects. I don't see the footballers he recruits as having winning mentalities, bar one. A mate of mine almost 30 years ago used to bracket people as winners or losers. No grey, it was only black and white. At the time, I thought this harsh and simplistic. In time, I've since learned he wasn't as far out as I originally thought. For me, McInnes is not a winner and doesn't even understand this conversation we are debating right now. Therefore until he's gone, there is zero chance of success. Which leads to a further debate and the need to define success...
  17. Continuing the French theme, this is utterly outstanding. Saw this on Jools, went online, got tickets for the Apollo (O2) Glasgow and it's still their only Scottish gig to date. Then saw them at Brixton Academy 14 months ago. Interesting difference in crowd reception. The Scots went daft from the start. The more reserved English needed half an hour of progressive enthusiasm before the joint got fully bouncing. One of the best live bands I've ever seen. She's nae gorgeous much.
  18. Aye Black Maria was funny. Da ken Gus fae Bricker masel.
  19. For me it's not so much the tactics but the mentality. If the management doesn't believe, truly believe, that we are good enough to beat them, how can the players?
  20. You may be interested to know that BBC, ITV and Channel 4 ran pieces on Mark E Smith in their national news. You might also want to revise your thinking more than your words. Just because you don't appreciate nor understand the artist or his work, those of us who do should not be subjected to your insults as a consequence. It was stated earlier by you that you can tell a person's character from their music taste. Not only is this the stupidest statement on AFC webchatspeaksite history, we learn more about your character, mindset and outlook when you make ignorant pronouncements like this. Not only is your ignorance, narrow-mindedness and intolerance plain for all to see, your insensitivity for those of us who are grieving was also noted.
  21. Saw The Post tonight, starring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep. There wasn't any violence, not one sex scene, no blood, no high speed car chases and no "action" so it wouldn't appeal to the majority. Instead it dealt with a real story from history and themes like personal bravery, the role of women, freedom of the press, integrity, truth and justice, you know, boring shit like that. It gets 10/10 from me in terms of subject matter and 7.5 or 8/10 as a film. Good movie.
  22. Just played Cruisers Creek on 6. I got into The Fall quite late. That was one of the key tracks that swung it from being an interested observer who quite liked them to a big fan. Always loved Mark's voice.
  23. Al, to be fair to the cunt, it's not his fault. He doesn't behave like that to any other poster and I enjoy his rants so it's not me you're protecting. Ach let him be. The truth is that him and I couldn't be more polar opposite. It's quite a beautiful dichotomy really, the Aussie prison warden and the long term Scottish prisoner in an English HMP. I've been incarcerated for a total of 24 years of my life, am coming up soon for half my total life inside and have zero chance of parole this time, having done 14 straight. I'll die here. He has everything to live for in a wonderful country surrounded by beautiful people. There's nothing more different than us. Even the reverse transference was beautiful. It's not us inmates who are hated but we all hate the screws. Apart from Jim (who's a Scot), he's a decent man.
  24. Do I like being hated? That's actually thought provoking. I don't know if you intended it to be, or whether it was given as another infantile insult but it is. I'm not sure it's possible for a sane human being to like being hated. However I made no claim to sanity and therefore I would be thoroughly upset if people like you didn't hate people like me.
  25. You're the one who starts with the infantile confrontation, now you're apologising and want to end it? Like McInnes, you need to make better decisions and stick with it. I advocated AFC chat to you before. I strongly recommend that you try it. You will find like-minded posters who also don't like reading books. Nobody there will rip the piss out of you. You'll fit in.
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