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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Can't argue with the points about the trophyless bastards but "succeeding" needs to be defined. If Jack Ross gets Hibs playing good football and their gate receipts and overall revenue go up and they get 3rd in the league (let alone the possibility of a day out in a cup final which they might even win, because they'll not be going into it trying not to get hammered), I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that this was a successful year.
  2. Hang on, Calderwood was popular. He got a contract extension from Milne and Miller. The board thought he was a good manager. Much as you make some very good points about the business management and the need to define the functions, the roles and the responsibilities, which isn't exactly anything new and good common practise in most healthy businesses - which did NOT include AFC under Milne, which WAS how AFC was managed in Dick Donald's days and which MIGHT include how the club gets managed under the yanks - there is nothing in the business manuals and the management consultancy mantras that can substitute the need for picking the right people in the right places and creating the right culture for success. Actually, that's not strictly true either (as the management gurus already know and write about this) so let me re-phrase... picking the right personality, with the right experience and background of course (or potential in the case of an inexperienced manager). On every front, McInnes - like EVERY SINGLE MANAGER appointed in the last THIRTY YEARS (Smiffy and Jocky were appointed before 1990) - was never the right person to lead Aberdeen to success... whatever "success" actually meant over the years, coming 7th in the league was the plan not too long ago (simply to break even from a P & L point of view). He had no track record of achievement in his career to suggest that he would be a successful manager at this level, the third biggest club in Scotland (once upon a time, and probably still a good shout for that with the potential of the club, the missing thousands being dormant if not some of them being extinct. He has no aspects of personality that might turn him into a winner. He is a charlatan who never committed to AFC and who will be deeply regretting not leaving for bigger money when he had the chance. He was always going to be found out one day. Unfortunately it's going to be at Aberdeen and like Calderwood, will never go on to a bigger and better job because they were and are not actually any good at their jobs.
  3. Turnover was over £12m in one of Calderwood's years. This is the value of European football to the top line. But as a self-appointed finance expert, you'll already know that volume = vanity and profit = sanity. What did I make up?
  4. I love this term, "financial vandalism". Nice one AD and you're spot on with the OP. The manager's continuing incompetence is hurting the club's finances every year. The biggest financial vandal in the last 30 years was Milne of course, who's extraordinary offer to McInnes was a disgrace and as TC rightly says, makes it almost impossible to undo right now. In due course, we will learn if the "gift" from Mr & Mrs Wm. Donald was a further act of financial vandalism but that will need to wait until we see what Donald gets out of our future building and what happens to Pittodrie. I first mentioned succession planning on these forums 25 years ago when Milne kept on picking duffers. There was none. I made the point that R. Donald and C. Anderson were always looking ahead in this regard. Milne has gone (or has he, again this will come out in the wash with future capital spends and the disposal of our biggest fixed asset) and as I say, time will tell where Cormack Inc. and his septic tanks are at.
  5. I think you'll find that it is, particularly if you are seeking to give credit to the current manager for "the state of the finances". The Wm. Donald "gift" of £10m is the difference between now and the day McInnes joined AFC. As Rico just said, attributing the manager with any brownie points for today's balance sheet is folly.
  6. Can you not remember the state of the finances before Milne got involved? Can you not remember being in the black for every one of ninety years? Can you not remember the specific financial transaction that took us into the red for the first time? Can you not remember how the contractor manipulated Baby Donald to convert part of the "debt" into shares? Can you not remember the lies he gave us in 1996 at the Capitol? Can you not remember what happened to the balance sheet from the 90's onwards? Escalating debt, with Milne as guarantor was always going to secure his position, detract any investors and give him time to fulfil his agenda. The "product" suffered and the fans couldn't see the truth, obscured as it was by incredulity. They couldn't believe he wasn't working with the best interests of the club in his heart.
  7. John Stephen and the now-defunct AFCST were right about Milne. He never forgave the fans for the night of the Blunt Knives where we all voted against him. That was what, over 15 years ago? He never had more than 29% of the club but his "institutional investors" came to his aid and he survived. The "fans" couldn't believe that Milne was not a knight in shining armour. They swallowed his shite, ignored the reality and dismissed his critics. This is why AFC got the manager and club it deserved. Time will tell if the new board of AFC America Inc. are pursuing an agenda for the good of the football club or for the good of themselves.
  8. Thank you for your apology, a rare thing for you I would imagine. I'm a tolerant man but three strikes and I usually bite back like a total cunt. You spoke to me like I was a fucking idiot there, twice, but I guess we can mark one down after that so two lives left. Remember this; if two people do not understand each other it's not always the fault of the listener. The speaker should not be so arrogant to assume that how he communicates is universal language and should engage humility and self-awareness, particularly before hurling insults. And never use a broken bottle with which to wipe your arse. Not that you would but now that I've mentioned it, you'll not make that mistake, I'm sure.
  9. I've no doubt that some of his detractors would've been the woke brigade, if that's even the right term but I thought the timing of his flippancy, coming immediately before the disaster that befell his constituents was more a karma indicator of his horrible being. Three dead being reported now. Just a tragic thing to have happened. I'm not sure that Bowie's "thoughts and prayers" as he uttered more than once on the telly would bring any comfort or solace. I'm astounded people in the NE voted for a little shit like him, an Etonian cunt who showed his true colours when arselicking Boris in PMQ's last month.
  10. I think Twitter is ace. I only discovered this despite being a "member" since 2009. I used to think it was shite, for more than 10 years. It was only during lockdown I discovered the range of information available and the immediacy of it. Some brilliant articles and commentary from all sources and as almost everybody is on it, it's hardly just a "shitfest of fucks".
  11. My daughter in Glasgow reported that there were pics on Facebook, a platform I've never been on so I asked her to share them. I got into trouble when I asked for the "most gory" which prompted her response of "Well you can’t see injured people if that is what you hoped for you ghoul". I'm hoping that this would not have been taken literally nor would the rebuke have been given in seriousness but in this day and age, every weak cunt wants to be offended. A picture of a tragic event appearing online before the fucking disgusting mainstream media get a hold of it isn't bad and I don't see anything in those pics to greet aboot. As for the tall poppy-cutting, phone-hacking, referendum and election-influencing scummy rags, I doubt they could spell decency and ethics.
  12. I doubt that the pictures would have been made up or photoshopped and passed off as being from this morning's crash.
  13. What seems harsh? That he thought Edinburgh people should be more focused on US politics than the unprecedented storm conditions? If it was that innocuous, why did he delete his own tweet? Him writing "where apparently it's raining" followed by an emoji like that is dismissive, and yet 6 hours later, the biggest town in his constituency was in crisis. He's a fucking disgrace of a human being and that was a good example of his cuntishness, that he brought upon himself. Somebody posts pictures of a train on fire and should get into trouble for doing so? This is also something I don't get. It's good that we don't all agree on everything. Makes it interesting.
  14. This is the tweet that the wank deleted just now. He was getting pelters.
  15. This happened six hours ago apparently and Ben Phillip on BBC is saying that it was reported at 9.40. I heard one dead but the women at the health centre that serves Cove and Torry have heard two dead but I can't imagine that this would be anything other than speculation just now. The cause has been reported as a landslide and given the rain up here at 5 a.m. onwards, that seems very plausible. Aberdeen and Stonehaven are flooded. I've never seen as much flooding as I'm seeing from the pics in my home city.
  16. I agree with you about Scottish football being not entertaining. I despise Sky too. I think I have now worked out that by "chase" you meant kick out, which was not clear to me. Nor do I necessarily agree with that too, if this is indeed what you meant. I don't see the SPFL taking money as a mistake. We disagree that it will be abandoned. Time will tell if your prediction comes true.
  17. I don't agree with your rationale and I think you are mistaken if you think it will be abandoned soon. My subscription is with Now TV, a business expense of around £400 p.a. Irrespective of who subscribes and who does not, and to which channel or channels they subscribe and whether or not the channel is Sky directly or an offshoot of Sky, you said that "we should chase Sky". I don't know what you mean by that. Maybe you don't know what you meant by that either or maybe you weren't thinking clearly - which is fine and not a crime - but if I ask you for a third time, will you please enlighten us?
  18. On the previous page, you asked it what it meant about its claim of having "superior sexuality". It ran away like a little girl then so I wouldn't expect a response on this either. You or I and indeed any normally-functioning mind might expect somebody to be able to understand what they post but this is not a normal situation. With the vast majority of its posts showing a clear obsession with me in the short time it's been here, I thought it might've taken the hint with my ignoring it. Then when it made a massive cunt of it on Sunday night - where after I put on a bet, it stuck a "pony" on a golfer with longer odds and never got close to getting a run for the money despite being so dumb it was bragging about how it would spend the winnings - I was sure it would finally fuck off. This creep is not capable of adult discussion. I'm surprised he hadn't been binned after his first post about my wife. He's just a sad fuck who drinks in a sad bar. Best ignored.
  19. Yes I do need you to explain. Do you think it should be abandoned because footballers are at huge risk of contracting a virus from each other? Why would this be exclusive to Scotland? Why should "we chase" Sky? For what?
  20. I should've put "invasion" in context. It's not an invasion at all. It's what they want us to believe, to appeal to the Farage-ness in middle England, the overt racists who gave UKIP 5m votes, the Great British exceptionalism that says we are better than others, that drove Brexit, the imperialist delusions and lies that they foster in a population so stupid it relies on newspapers for their world views.
  21. 1. I can read. I know what you were talking about and in what context you used the word. I just borrowed the word you used to make a point. You don't have to seek dispute and conflict ALL the time. 2. Agreed and further proof of the incompetence of the Westminster government. 3. You might not have seen it mentioned but you are like each and every one of us. We don't know everything. Many virologists and epidemiologists are working flat out on precisely this question and I can assure you that it's not just being "mentioned", it's being examined, studied, discussed and debated in the appropriate circles. Their findings will be used by SAGE and presented to the government at the appropriate time, whether or not they get listened to. The latter point reminds me of something I heard yesterday. The "great" British public are more concerned with the English channel invasion right now than they are about government corruption as they rely exclusively on the mainstream media, who make choices of what they want the people to think.
  22. Sustainability is required before profitability can happen. Short-term thinkers like Trump and Blowjob are too self-centered and blind to see something as simple as this. A new system is required.
  23. It's not just the economy swimming in shite. We are: - https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/aug/12/government-britains-rivers-uk-waterways-farming-water-companies?__twitter_impression=true
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