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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. This cover of a familiar old classic highlights her great range and natural talent: -
  2. Why will it be abandoned? Why should it be abandoned? We should "chase Sky" for what purpose? Never have so few words meant so little to me. Hope this isn't my comprehension faculties failing.
  3. Being "vociferous" and vigilant in enforcing the system of pandemic management is a good thing... as long as the system itself is a good thing. When the NZ outbreak got reported this week, my wife wondered whether a further lockdown was going to be counterproductive, as a whole, to the country. As someone newly-retired after 40 years of healthcare and deployed to the Covid front line during March and April, she's been seeing the national panic and trying to balance it with the medical reality. I've no doubt that the opposition in NZ will be seeing opportunities for political mud-slinging over this but the issue now is whether the tools with which the management of the virus was managed at the height of the outbreak 4 and 5 months ago are still the same tools we need now. Given that zero hospital admissions in Grampian have happened following the Hawthorn Soul situation, perhaps the strain of this virus has changed. She argues that further lockdowns the same as the one we all suffered won't necessarily do much good and will continue to wreck the country with more devastating consequences.
  4. The storm that is generating unbelievable volumes of rain just now has flooded the Bridge of Dee roundabout. Edinburgh and Fife had unprecedented thunder and lightning. On the day that the UK has officially entered a massive recession, it's a metaphor. The planet is taking a dump and relieving itself of stress, discharging huge amounts of electrical tension whilst the economy swims in shite and ratchets up great strain on the people. This is when we need good management. This is why we don't have it: -
  5. Not sure witch hunt is a fair description. Managing the situation involves testing, identifying, isolating and contact tracing, exactly as was required 100 years ago with the Spanish flu, the same as that doctor famously followed up on from the outbreak emanating from a London water pump. It's logical common sense management. NZ understand the need to be vigilant on this simple premise. The UK don't, despite the lies about world-best system and see the opportunity for further corruption, stealing more and more from the public purse e.g. Truss mate masks, Cummings' mate brother NHSX, Serco etc.
  6. I recall, although it may well have been a hallucination that AFC started a season 24/24. And within recent years too. I don't recall that perfect start raising any expectations, justifiably as it tuned out.
  7. My wife found a very interesting programme on Ch. 4 just now - How to beat pain. Dealing in concepts that requires a minimum of imagination, it will be beyond many but some wonderfully simple experiments illustrating the power of the mind.
  8. Pretty sure Jack Ross hasn't ruled out that possibility. Whatever the bookies say, their odds will have come in dramatically in the last 10 days since the start of the season. Leicester were 5,000/1 when they won it. These Cinderella stories are rare but never impossible... and only with the right culture, attitude and mentality which means it's totally impossible for AFC under the bearded midget charlatan.
  9. I thought your surprise surprise was going to be outing me and/or my business like roberto got up to on the hat? Instead, was the plan to get your muckers to offer me these valuable nuggets and pearls of wisdom to help my mental health and make me a better person and a more valuable member of society?
  10. Once again, I find myself confused. The "status quo on my terms" doesn't register as a thing, on a fitba forum, where words is the only currency and they get exchanged. But don't bother wasting your time explaining. It's just another example of a disconnect between us, much as your psychological counselling is touching. As is your interpretation of "jocular fashion". The other two also thought making a sick reference to my wife and fabricating that we were personally known to each other was ok, and presumably thought that this was provocation and would offend. As is the evidence. There was no "predictable boorish aggression" in response. I just told him goodbye and have not addressed him since. I don't mix with these types of creeps in the real world and until a week and a half ago, I didn't deal with these sick fucks online either. I'm interested to hear your views on why the hat will "decline rapidly and inevitably" however? This is new to me.
  11. Saw her live in Glasgow about 25 years ago, the Wrecking Ball tour. She has indeed a great voice although that gig and album was a bit out of her usual and not her best.
  12. You don't say? I would ask for examples (of selective abstraction) or I would wish to explore where my intolerance comes from (of racists and others I consider "beyond the pale") but as the third of you says, "what's the point", without the requisite question mark.
  13. Did you guys post here for the sole purpose of baiting me? Rhetorical. The evidence is clear. And then ask yourself why? We can all learn from understanding WHY we do stuff. Just read an article about Morikawa and his very beautiful girlfriend, herself an excellent golfer. As Raheem says in Do the Right Thing, hate ko'ed by love. I reckon he will become the best golfer in the world very soon and will win at least three times as many majors this decade as the next best. The fact he has the capacity for love - something that most sane people possess - and an admirable incapacity to hate is going to take him far in life, not just golf. I hate too much, not just the politicians but I despise people too, particularly the sick cunts who excel in ignorance and nastiness. The internet gives a platform to everyone, a good thing, but it showcases much ugliness too. It's easy to rid ourselves of negative sad cunts in the real world. I don't like sharing a forum with these cunts though.
  14. Did it rain heavily or were you drinking heavily?
  15. Al, what is the child wittering on about now? Is it really this thick or is it trying to be cryptic? It could be me undergoing a massive whoosh moment right enough but does this cunt EVER post anything worth reading? Take a referendum and vote to bin the piglet fuck.
  16. Nobody can convince me that Cosgrove is a footballer either. He should've been convinced to piss off when Lille can calling, with a heavy stack of bank notes in his hipper to get him to fuck. That would've been a magic bit of business, a very rare time that AFC lucked out. His value is only go to plummet as he plays more games.
  17. I don't understand, what games? Certainly not predictions. And if your attention span can handle one more simple question, how old are you?
  18. To be disregarded by the standard of poster that has polluted that forum, standards that you have maintained so sublimely in the last week, is a compliment indeed. We feel and see your resentment in the real world as well as online, every single day of our lives. It was ever thus.
  19. I heard this archetypal Alpha male might be available: - Unhappy in his current role, the fans don't like him, could get him on a free!
  20. Good question. Thank you for raising it. When we have migrants from the hat visiting, inevitably they take their habits and their histories with them. Specifically they make shit up and repeat their shit. Within a week, one of you fabricated personal acquaintance with myself and my wife including references which wouldn't pass any taste or decency measure. Why would one do this, an inquiring mind might ask? To offend? Why would he want to offend a total stranger? And why would a patent untruth offend anyone? Only this morning - presumably annoyed at pissing good money away like all fools do and resentful for my getting lucky - he made up that my picks before the final round were "clueless" and yet, much as he would've liked this to be true, I didn't make any picks as everyone with half an ounce of attention-to-detail can see. Is he so stupid that he thinks what he says can negate the facts? Evidently, as one week of posting has proved beyond any reasonable doubt. And you? You ask questions and as you find common courtesy and debating integrity on here, they get answered but ask you a question - or two very short ones as above - and you ignore it, like it will go away. We all see what you're made of. The written record doesn't lie. There are two posters on the hat who I know personally, or should I say, former posters. They were former sponsors too but I see their banner ad has disappeared and presumably their cash. They've been my accountants since two decades ago and I know what they think of the declining standards of poster and posting over there. I'm amazed they kept on supporting you so long. Cunts like you need to accept your limitations in life and work hard to do something about it. I personally can't see a use for shit-heads with such poor attitudes but where Koepka has made money with a complete humility-bypass, you useless fuckers don't have that luxury, having been blessed with zero talent. Don't sit there in resentment for the talents of others. Get off your fat arses and do something productive. Maybe your mate drinks to forget but unlike the hat where one sad cunt posts pics of his "craft beers" every day and is celebrated as a functioning (soon not to be) alcoholic, the more discerning poster sees you thick cunts for what you are, losers.
  21. In amongst the 14 hours of golf yesterday, I understand that a couple of football matches were played. Very disappointing to see ra Sellic two points behind the bigots-who-must-remain-trophyless. Did anyone watch any of it?
  22. Unlucky Don. Hope you didn't put too much on. You couldn't see anyone beating him but 29 golfers did. Do you feel like a piglet being spit-roasted by the bookie often? If I was your bookie I would snap the head off a driver and stick the jagged edges of the broken graphite shaft right up your arse and through the vitreous humour of one of your eyes, which at least I would find humour in. You and your mates need to learn not to make a cunt of yourselves on here. You'll get off with it with your fellow mutants, just making shit up to suit your sick selves. I didn't even make a prediction, unlike you. But any gluepot picking Scheffler given the data and evidence today is one stupid cunt. At least your pick had previous in this event but as I said to you, his disparaging words to his fellow competitors came back to bite his arse and the world of golf is delighted with how the golfing gods punished him, even though your imagination can't understand this concept. Sleep well brothers.
  23. Cashed out Morikawa at 4.62. Rude not to. Awesome performance. He's too good to blow it now. The best young golfer for many years. Class act.
  24. Scheffler short of the hole today with every approach and par 3 tee shot bar one. Pussy play like that doesn't win fuck all.
  25. Cashed out Casey at 1.5
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