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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Stunning prediction. What odds did you get?
  2. Extremely unlikely we had a Kelvin clause in the contract but if the lawyers done their job properly and put in a river annulment term, we will get fully compensated. Then again, what the fuck was the "football side of the business" doing by signing him in the first place? Hope he didn't try to top himself cos of all the comments on AFC webchatspeak sites? He's nae that weak a character is he?
  3. Masterful performance and a foolproof strategy. Mayweather is much more intelligent than McGregor. Ok it was always going to be a very extreme long shot for the Dubliner but the lighter, older man dominated it and was never in trouble.
  4. After that woeful performance at Anfield, Arsene has to go. If the Gooners don't demand his head, they only have themselves to blame. Not even Thierry Henry tried to defend the abjectness of their failings.
  5. If you say he's going to be an automatic pick next year, why would you only give him one start a month this season, and only against "lesser" teams? What have you seen about him to suggest he's not good enough yet and why would you not play him against the better teams? I've only been asking why McInnes hasn't been playing him? Since you are in accord with the manager - and let's face it, he sees him every day and is paid to make these decisions, being the football professional that he is so chances are that you're both right - I'm just interested to know the reason (why he's never been given a run)? If you were at the Hamilton game, what did he do wrong to get dropped v. Ross County and Dundee? He set up the winner and the only goal of the game at Hamilton in the cup 4 days later. Why did McInnes even recruit journeymen footballers for the role that Scott Wright seems natural for? Why has he not been playing Wright? Edit: just looked it up. His first appearance was as a sub in the 2014/15 season. One start 2015/16 and only one last year. Grand total of 4 league starts in 3 seasons, inc. yesterday!
  6. Wow. You think Wright may be good enough for Scotland. McInnes hasn't considered him good enough for AFC. I hope you're right and let's face it, GMS and GS aren't ever going to be international class for the rest of their careers. I don't even consider these two good enough for Aberdeen. Which begs the original question - WHY has McInnes not been playing him? I don't buy the youth argument and it's hardly going to prove to be a management masterstroke of holding him back "until he's ready". One of our managers weaknesses is never putting faith in youngsters. The best manager ever was the opposite. You shouldn't listen to Alan Hansen, Derek!
  7. You obviously think the potential of Wright isn't as good as GMS or GS. I disagree. We don't know how good this "kid" (now 20 years old) might be yet but until the manager starts playing him - as he did for a very rare start yesterday - we will never know. He's only been at the club his whole life.
  8. Excellent result. Wasn't there but very encouraging to come back twice to grab the 3 points. It was a discouraging performance last week so great character being shown to grind out wins. Delighted to see Wright get a start. After his hat trick here last year, would have been mad not to. Also pleased to hear that Shinnie started at LB. It's his best position in my opinion and he's been filling in the gaping weaknesses in midfield. Interesting that Patrick and ICT, two consecutive away wins last season were the last time he was deployed at LB. This alone may be a sign from above, although giving up 3 to that lot isn't usual. So chuffed for Rooney. He's a slowing-down carthorse really but he's got a great goal-instinct and has been a damn good servant. All in all, brilliant day for AFC. Well done McInnes and the squad. Milne can still fuck off.
  9. The winner of the best "joke"at the Edinburgh Festival this year was this: - I'm not a fan of the new pound coin but then again I hate all change. Ken Cheng was the "comedian" but it's not even funny. Mildly clever yes, but hardly jokeworthy.
  10. It would be living on La La land - Lie Lie land, as banksy says - to think the government would invest properly, rather than tokenly in pursuing something of benefit to humankind. Not to mention that the science community has been bought and paid for and are working for the same agenda. There's no profit in utilitarianism and being kind. Selfish exploitation of the masses is the game and in war and waste, that's where the politicians do their stealing.
  11. What's wrong with mentoring and/or good advice from those more experienced than us? Is your issue obstinance or an incapacity to trust?
  12. Maybe if there wasn't so much blind optimism and silly folk doing accumulators, the bookies wouldn't win every year. Accas are poison to the punter and meat and drink for the bookie. Depends why you bet. If the objective is to make money, different strategies required. Never see professional gamblers do accas.
  13. Maybe if there wasn't so much blind loyalty and sad, thick neanderthals wearing their tartan army endurance as a badge of honour, this would force the hand of change.
  14. I don't think it's cool or the in thing to not give a fuck and it's certainly not exclusive to AFC fans. More likely to be a defence mechanism. Having been let down so often over every decade in all our lifetimes, and having to endure ongoing mismanagement on industrial scales from Ernie Walker through Farry and now the guffy cunt, it's hard to show passion for a predictably lost cause. But you're right. We are Scottish. And as Chris Eubank spoke of about McGregor and the fact that he's Irish, we have fight in our souls. The game v. England was amazing and unfortunately, the same old so close but no cigar outcome. It had me screaming at the telly in a packed pub 100 miles from home so deep down many of us do care but we can't show support to shit management who are destined to fail. We're just dormant, not dead.
  15. He's a businessman. One of the best. Last time I looked, the name of the game was making money.
  16. Fit is wrang? Quite simple. His agenda differs. He's not interested in fitba. He just doles out neutral platitudes designed not to offend anyone so that he can pursue his real motive. He even pretends to care. A charlatan in other words. A complete and utter scheister.
  17. Some commentator yesterday pointed out that Trump doesn't read, uses TV as his information source and believes whatever the last adviser tells him. He's basically another very stupid American but in that position, a very dangerous one. My wife reckons the even bigger danger is Mike Pence. Just like Islam has its fanatic nutjobs, so does Christianity.
  18. Did I imagine that he scored a hat trick at Patrick? Did this actually happen? How many of those have we seen under McInnes? Consi at Dens is one I recall off the top of my head. So why is he not getting a game? Lazy in training? Other technical reason? Or is it something else? I wouldn't rule out SMS. I remember Prick Advocado dropping Kenny Miller the week after he stuck five past St Mirren. It surely can't be his youth. A manager with a proven record, the best ever in football management played them at 16 and 17.
  19. McLean started pretty promising for a handful of games, then went anonymous for ages but surprisingly came good - or at least nae bad - and sustained it for a couple of months or so. He's been very shite for a very long time now. But if the goal is to win stuff - and for the benefit of our younger members, the point of being a professional in football IS to succeed and win stuff, not just turning up to pick up a wage - there is no room at AFC for the likes of him. Nor GS, nor GMS. At least half our team basically and definitely more than half our squad. A winning team is capable of being consistent in its performances. The consistency of most of ours is more skittery than solid and once again, it's going to be a barren year. Don't let the shiteness of the rest of the SPFL fool us that were half decent. We have glaring weaknesses both on and off the field.
  20. During the game on the match thread I posted my disgust of the performances by GMS, Kenny Mc and Greg S. I couldn't believe the support for GS. As you say, time will tell. I have no idea why McLean has gone seriously off the boil. At least there was a suggestion of a footballer in there, occasionally. But GS and GMS, they're fucking shite.
  21. I would also like to see Floyd get beat but it ain't gonna happen. The only chance of that is if Mayweather got lazy in his preparation. Otherwise, experts in their craft don't lose to people with no experience in their craft. And Mayweather was one of the best experts in the history of his craft.
  22. That made me laff. Like you, I didn't wish it on him either but he's fucked. There's no coming back. Fluoride is a good shout but it's definitely something environmental that's causing it, and Parkinson's. My guess is processed food or aspartame or something in the food chain. Obesity is becoming ridiculously epidemic but instances of neurological degeneration are happening too often too. Blue peel. That's exactly fit my ma said. Wonder why blue? Must have been in an old film or documentary.
  23. Great question. Rooney, fuck off. You're useless.
  24. Thank you Kenny for the balls for expressing an opinion. Time will tell. I hope I'm totally wrong aboot the boy. He disgusted me yesterday. Footballers who hide generally make me sick. That cunt made me seriously sick yesterday. Hate the cunt already.
  25. Edit: Christie was surprisingly shit yesterday.
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