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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. I know nothing of gin other than it gets you blootered if you drink enough of it. Quite liked the odd G & T sesh over the years but wasnt my cup of bananas generally. So the recent gin craze was interesting to me but nothing I thought I'd ever be interested in. Until tonight. It's fucking nectar and with 67 different choices available where we were eating tonight, I'm looking forward to revisiting their inventory without dining.
  2. I finally discovered the Gin enthusiasm trip. The one of the left is Eden Mill Love derivative, a Sloe Gin in the middle and a violet on the right. The mediterranean tonic bottle was dispersed roughly 60% to the Eden Mill and 20% to the other two, which was probably barely doubling the liquid content. They two were superb neat. It's the future folks
  3. You are determined to perpetuate this confrontation that you started. I tried to ignore you twice but you can't stop. For reasons only known to you. You lied about self proclaimed intellect. I called you out but you ignored that and introduce a new angle of attack. Since I've never been a "bully", never been described as one and never will be... in the real world... you must be speaking about on here. I don't get it. It's only words on an AFC internet forum. It's not possible to "bully" another on here. We all have the right to reply, or leave it, as I tried to do but for your persistence but I'll not be giving you the satisfaction a third time. You need to man up and wise up. In retaliation to your unprovoked personal attack I called you a pedant. You called me a pedant (and made some insulting cringy correlation between pedantry and sexual frustration). I then pointed out you were being a dick. You called me a dick. If I call you a flaming galah would you then call me that? The reality is that people and words get interpreted differently by different people. Self pity and woe is me turns the stomach just as blind love for a talented social inept does. Get over it. Murray isn't everyone's cup of tea.
  4. Self-proclaimed intellect? Who's twisting stuff? I've never ever said that. There wouldn't have been an argument if you hadn't been such a dick.
  5. I'm not purposely trying to make it seem like anything. Don't shoot the messenger. Look at your own inconsistency. It's what you wrote. Some might interpret the second one - where you declared your love for him - as a premise to launch a personal attack. The line about sexual frustration was as telling as it was pathetically juvenile.
  6. Ask yourself. You did and you're nae a fan?
  7. :laughing: You're not allowed to say that dd. They who get all precious about him didn't understand the dog died. I think I maybe passed your shop yesterday. The excellent cafe at the top of Esslemont avenue was closed on Wednesdays so I was hunting for an alternative. Ended up further down at the newish Gelateria place. Nice panini.
  8. I had one pair of DM beets in the 70's but forty years later, got my second pair of Docs. They were a standard pair of black shoes which I got earlier this year but I've since added to them with a pair of green (khaki) Docs crossed with Engineered Garments and last month, got this navy pair of the same.
  9. Maybe you misinterpret stuff and should refrain from using pedantry to pick arguments for the sake of it, handing out holier-than-thou advice and engaging the most patent example of transference ever seen. Your hypocrisy and inconsistency is staggering so perhaps you might be better off sticking to each topic and making your own mind up about any given subject: -
  10. It depends which meaning of nihilism we use but surely any nihilistic stance is a conscious decision, a philosophical choice whereas the pedant avoids engaging with anything substantive to merely pick at the form. Having read Plath's The Bell Jar many moons ago, I found that very nihilistic and deeply tragic. As a physical container for a vacuum, that angle doesn't interest me. A tweet yesterday from the only person I "follow" reminded me of pedants: - "Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours burn any brighter".
  11. Sleaford Mods at O2 Glasgow. Depeche Mode at O2 Arena.
  12. And anyway, the turnout is always over 50%. Where you getting your thinking from?
  13. Christ. You got nothing better to do you nothing's? The vast majority of seats in the NE went to conservatives. That was my point. That was a disgrace. And obviously I don't expect many of you to agree. You voted them in.
  14. Most of the people WHO VOTED then. Pedantry. The last bastion for nothingness.
  15. Anyone using the fact he got a knighthood to justify anything hasn't really got his eyes open. That's one of the stupidest comments ever posted.
  16. Talking about "blasts from the past", what about Depeche Mode? I was never into them back in the 80's but the 2017 model is the best new music I've heard for years.
  17. One example might do?
  18. Did you not see the major mistake in the one line I quoted? Or are you too blind to see? Given the fact that most in the NE voted Tory, I have zero faith in anything anymore. Apart from truth, invisible to most.
  19. Really can't understand how anyone can hate on Djokavic. The man is a class act. As a man, let alone his vastly superior tennis record. Oh I see, you're blinded by your love of the Scotsman? Is that patriotism? Rather than normally-functioning mental health?
  20. This was where you made a major mistake. Nobody's denying his work ethic. Nobody's denied his achievements. Venus and Mars mate.
  21. I bought 10 bottles of Davie Dodds cologne at the time. Nearly on to the last bottle now. Babe magnetiser.
  22. Not sure a 58/59 year old calling a 55 year old a loon is valid. Once you've done a certain amount of time, the crime has been spent. The quality of thinking determines maturation and mental health.
  23. The soul that AFC once had, recognised by di Stefano over 34 years ago, has been killed. It wiz Milne wot killed it.
  24. My Glasgow-based daughter was there too. I watched the performances of Radiohead and Kasabian on the telly these last couple of nights and on Friday, this was a text exchange with my mate: - "Radiohead. I'm sorry but I don't get it. They try too hard to be weird and different but they got lucky with a unique sound and a couple of great songs". "Even the couple of songs they did find luck with cannot be enjoyed past the stage of awkward maladjusted teenager, which should pass healthily by eighteen. Tiny window before the music gets depressing on every level".
  25. I find myself watching my first tennis match for years, possibly decades. Picked up the Murray match 20 or so minutes ago. My wife has had to vacate the room. I'm giving it large for Fognini, a gentleman I've never heard of before. What I don't get is the fawning and love for Sir Andy. That's what the wife said. He's a fucking sir!!! My argument is that you all love him because he's successful. Did we all forget the dog died? As for that disgusting wife and mother of his, good grief. Shit. The eyetie collapsed. Like they did in the war. Cretin.
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