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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Twin Peaks. David Lynch has outlynched himself here. Intriguingly bizarre and very dark but some great beauty too.
  2. The green wifie was the best of them all. I want to hear from someone who will vote conservative as to why they will be doing so?
  3. I hope he plays every game. Cos he's shit.
  4. The dashcam of Tiger Woods DUI arrest has been made public. I presume some cop got money for releasing it. What a tragic showing of a poor man in deep trouble. How he became so fucked up can be sourced back to the shocking parenting he suffered at the hands of that total pig of a father. Because Tiger is so extraordinarily rich in financial terms, his suffering will only bring ridicule from many, unwilling to see the tragedy and unable to have compassion.
  5. If ever there was a man screaming to be put out of his misery, it was Arsene. A thoroughly bizarre decision. It's obvious to everyone that Wenger can't win the league.
  6. I didn't want him sacked a year ago. I did want our club to be engaged in succession planning however. If you read what I wrote, I said it would be a dilemma and a disaster... IF. He's been our best manager for 25 years.
  7. Taken as fact by who?
  8. If true, that McInnes has resigned after hearing that the budget will not be increased then assuming he hasn't got another job lined up, he is walking because of the club's lack of ambition. That would be an honourable thing to do. If true that McInnes has resigned and it comes out that he does have another job, it would have been dishonourable of him not to say. If true that McInnes has resigned, whatever the reason, then we have a dilemma. The merry go round of managers includes a bunch of shit. McInnes has been our best manager for 25 years but that doesn't mean that he's not without major faults and in my book, a fatal flaw. This is because my book says that AFC should be striving to win stuff and I don't think McInnes will ever win fuck all. We've never had, in Milne, a chairman who shares my book. He's only interested in his personal agenda, not what is in the best interests of the club. Of course we need to balance the books but he lied to us in 1996 when he said that "the product would always be his priority". He's just had a "gift" of £10m from the Donalds, allegedly a strings-free donation and yet still he doesn't understand the correlation between success on the pitch and the commercial revenue potential. The chairman's role includes putting the right people in the right places and as far as "the product" is concerned, a good manager is the most important appointment he can make. Milne got lucky that McInnes could at least beat the rest of the shit in the SPFL with some excellent recruitment given the limited funds but look at the shite he appointed before him and how he stuck with Calderwood so far past his sell-by date, which is my opinion had expired the minute he decided to be a football manager. This could be a disaster but most of all, it exposes the one and only true problem at the club, a chairman who doesn't want what the fans want and who is responsible for the missing thousands at Pittodrie each week.
  9. I also use the self-protection strategy of feigning disinterest when I'm certain that the result will be averse. But I will be watching and hoping. The fact I despise Strachan, McGoo et al at the SFA invokes contradictory emotions.
  10. Perhaps you've never played the game at any decent level? Maybe you've been a fan all your life? And we know how fixated and opinionated they can be. There's no point debating further. We will never agree. One of us is right and one is wrong. Not sure how we're going to arbitrate. Nor do I really care.
  11. The reason we didn't go 2-1 up in that move was 100% down to McLean. What was he thinking? Did he want to knock it in from being even closer to the keeper? He forgot to stop running. He had already created enough space to be found and he was found, in the tolerance of space where he should have been. It was a bad error but let's face it, he's not a superstar and he's like every other footballer who gets paid a fraction of what the best footballers do, which is why he's at AFC. It was gut wrenching at the time but at least AFC proved that ra sellic aren't the invincibles that they were gloating about so disgustingly. The boys done well. The manager fucked it up. Again.
  12. If you would allow and acknowledge facts and data to make a contribution here, Lewis made zero saves in the first half. Nor did he need to. Gordon on the other hand, made a hatful. The "second goal for them was coming" attitude you expressed is why it did. Loser mentality never won fuck all. McInnes never won fuck all. And before any boring bastard points out that 43,000 of us at Red Parkhead saw a "win", get a fucking grip.
  13. Are you saying that we are physically less fit and inferior? Is this acceptable for a "professional" football team? Fitness is both physical and mental. On the latter, McInnes ALWAYS fails.
  14. Yes I agree, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I also agree that the options for his replacement are very grim right now. The gene pool is shit. But I can't endorse continuing with a man who isn't good enough to win anything. He always bottles it when it matters. It was perhaps "brave" to play Jayden instead of Adam but I saw the sense in that. Waiting that long to pull McGinn and not having a go by playing Wright was inexcusable. I know Jack and McLean were doing fuck all too but McGinn, he's got to be fucking history as well.
  15. I hope that's the last time we ever see McInnes. He is a disgrace of a manager. He refused to play Wright. He waited so long to get rid of McGinn... and he substituted him for... AOC? Let's face it, Sunderland aren't that stupid to go for DM. Anyone who knows anything about football wouldn't touch the bottling loser with a bargepole. He's won fuck all his whole life because he doesn't know how to win. He's an articulate weegie wannabe and like all of them in his genre, it's all about getting a wage. Fuck off McInnes. You're a fucking arse.
  16. McGinn is the biggest worry for me. He's not been played much recently but there's no doubt he's one of our best footballers so if fit, we need him to perform. I'm not sure that the inconsistency of his performances, particularly against the better teams isn't down to a character defect. It's the managers job to know how hungry he is and to anticipate if he's in the right frame of mind to be capable of making a difference. It's also his job to sub him off within the first 30 minutes if he does his usual against Celtic and not turn up at all. May be deployed from the bench.
  17. There's optimism and there's misguided optimism. Given the history of performances between the two clubs this last year, given the rest of the performances by both teams against the shite who finished 3rd to 12th in the SPFL, given the abject performances by McInnes's teams in the biggest games, something seismic would need to happen for us to not get humped. Picking the right team in the right formation with the right tactics would be a necessary start, something our manager has failed to do when it really matters. We will know before kick off if there's a chance or not.
  18. The Sunnis and the Shias are like the proddies and the kaffllicks, different interpretations of a religion. Religion is a vehicle for division and hatred but it is not the reason why the west interfere with other sovereign entities. I am astonished that you write that our presence in the middle east is to halt ISIS. Iraq preceded the very existence of ISIS which of itself was funded and trained by the west for reasons that also were not sectarian nor religious. Don't believe everything the mainstream media tell you. And if you do believe it, don't repeat it.
  19. I don't see why this tragedy should affect voting in the General Election but I suspect that it might for reasons I don't see yet. Every suicide bomber is a sick, desperate individual. Trump at least got that right, calling them losers. But the pattern of suicide bombers in western Europe (and other Nato "allies" e.g. Turkey) point to a concerted effort rather than individual acts of madmen. Well, of course they're all mad to commit what they did but I don't see any difference between Paris, Nice, Koln, Ankara and Manchester etc. etc. The scale of the atrocity - how many dead, age of victims etc. - only serves to stoke up the hatred and the need for revenge. It doesn't even touch the question. What I think we need to understand is what is driving these individual acts to target western Europe, other Nato countries and the ethnic peoples in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. etc. who have been supportive of the western interventions? There's too many of them for them to be random and nae cunt seems to be interested in learning why they happen.
  20. Away min? Wot I say? Far too early to know what? Who's making judgements? Before those can be made, we need to be asking the right questions.
  21. Why? This is the question the media never asks. Why are these atrocities happening? Koln was an Xmas market. Nice was Bastille Day. Paris was concert, restaurant and football. Manchester was kids concert. These are not necessarily individual acts of "Muslim terrorists". It's an orchestrated campaign. Given the suicide nature of them, the motivation is at the max. Nobody ever asks why? They try to pass them off as acts of the mad or the brainwashed. They tell us that they're attacking "our values". The real question is what have we in the west done to attract such horrific responses? Some of us know but we deliberately ignore it. They are to be found in the media and the corridors of power. And the sheeple are so stupid - satiated by soma, by football, by beer and shit food - their critical thinking capacity is so wrecked they don't even know the questions to ask let alone have the courage to ask them.
  22. Not sure there'll be a great deal of interest in this game where I'm at right now but there was at least one person in Corfu delighted to see the goal on the Sky fitba App. The 71% possession was rather encouraging too. ?
  23. Great post loon. He was an average servant in an average team, one that was never going to win fuck all, especially under the muppets of managers we've had the whole time he's been at AFC. He can fuck off. Mr nothing is how I'll remember him. Hope the huns give him a gig. Just proves how inept they are if they do. The boy's a total fud.
  24. Ha ha. Only on Saturday I was telling a young Swede and a Leeds fan - two different people - about the best day of my life. I have six fav days. Marrying her and birth of our four were my 5 other days but 34 years ago was no. 1.
  25. The reason why Scottish youngsters are shite is quite simple. The gene pool isn't big enough. The grass roots have never been weaker. It's easy to point the finger at the people who are in charge of the game - cos they're all useless fuds (and it takes a certain kind of wanker who wants to work in quangos) - but when the volume of kids playing football has contracted alarmingly, the quality coming through is bound to be worse. It's the same in golf.
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