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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Wow. Forgot all about that. The regular Sat p.m. venue for my brother and his mates.
  2. We were regulars in the Earls Court before it became the Egg and Dart. Shagged a barmaid there who was double my age. It was educational but not good enough to go back a third time.
  3. Here's one. On my birthday, we were scooping upstairs in the Blue Lamp. They had a DJ playing all the excellent stuff of the day and it was chilled out. We were literally having one of everything on the gantry, Campari, Southern Comfort, Rum, Gin, Benedictine, Vodka, Creme de Menthe, a'hin. That's when you could get blootered for less than a fiver. Sandy says - you guys are hitting it hard tonight. Yeah it's my birthday, says I. Oh congratulations he said, putting out his hand, 21? Nah, 18 I said whilst shaking his hand. The look on his face was priceless. We had been regulars for two years!
  4. Stories from the old days? Fuck, where do we start? In 1980, my mate and I were in the Blue Lamp one Friday afternoon and decided to go somewhere different. We couldn't think where to go so got the yellow pages fae Ma Broon and were astonished to find that there were 23 pubs in the city that neither of us had ever been in. Using Aberdeen's finest transport service, we bussed all over and by Sunday night, the double 2 at Balnagask being our last, we could safely say we had drunk in every bar in Aberdeen. It was a half pint in most and move on, not only just to tick the boxes but cos they were shit. Most of the the ones we'd not been to were Dyce and Bucksburn, which kind of explains the need to get the fuck out of there sharpish. Never liked that part of the city, nor the Bridge of Don. Torry pubs were excellent and we'd ticked off Northfield and George Street and Hilton by then, easy underage drinking venues as was Mastrick, all down to earth. West End for a trap. Plus Gabriels and Champers.
  5. You obviously take no interest in politics and switch off when it comes on TV. And who can blame you? But just to put you in the picture, indyref2 is happening in 18/24 months time. Please remember these words of yours come that glorious day... Don't listen to the fuckers around you. East, North and South Ayrshire all voted No, like the fucking idiots up here. Trust me, it will be good for you
  6. She's always intrigued me. A fresh and attractive addition to the political scene but some days, probably when she's overexposed (and she hates an opportunity to appear before the cameras) she comes across as naive and weak. What the fuck all that's got to do with the price of her fish, fuck knows. Yeah I'd walk round the block a couple of times for a shottie.
  7. Our Micra born in 2010 is still going strong, now with daughter no. 1. We got a new Micra last year - aye, new as in 11 miles on the clock but pre-registered 3 mths earlier at a 40%-ish discount against list price (which John Clark in Abz couldn't get within a grand of, I would have shopped locally for a couple of hundred quid but not that big a diff) - and given that it has Bluetooth and cruise control, what more do you need? I love it (when I get the chance to drive it), a totally different shape from the 2 x "bubble" Micras and it's just perfect. I stupidly said that the beauty of them is they're so cheap that who gives a fuck if someone bangs a door into it at a supermarket - which is valid when they're 4 or 5 years old - but within 3 days of getting this one, a wifie drove into ours in a supermarket car park and she was busy writing out an apology and her details when my wife returned. No problem. Paint Tecnic in Altens - best bodyshop on the planet - took the wifies credit card over the phone and fixed ours for a couple of hundred quid or so.
  8. Morrisey saw the future. This is what he wrote: - Irish blood, English heart this I'm made of There is no one on earth I'm afraid of And I will die with both of my hands untied I've been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour, and Tories and spit upon the name Oliver Cromwell and denounce this royal line that still salute him and will salute him Forever...
  9. I dunno how often you've seen AFC in recent years but I can assure you that nobody in our team has been good enough to play for Scotland... since the last time, whenever the fuck that was.
  10. I'm sorry but there's no excuse for owning a Lexus. Yes they are faultless, feats of exceptional engineering, quiet as fuck, efficient as possible. But so boring to be in, so boring to drive. I've been Mercedes for 20 years but wouldn't rule out a change. But not for my main car. Nissan Micra still my fav car on the planet. On my third.
  11. Why should there be? Our footballers aren't near international class. McGinn was once, Hayes is arguably but Rooney or any of our Scots? No chance. Just cos Chesney chooses Grant Donkey et al doesn't mean Reynolds and Considine are good enough. They're not.
  12. Sorry mate but for every door opening, another shuts. When we take devolution to the extreme, here's how it works. Aberdeen is the capital. And I'm the fucking president. Elgin and Buckie and Lossie etc. are great assets, part of the plan but we're nae giein you cunts a say. You're too close to Nairn, a border yet to be negotiated but hopefully we won't include them. They can float off to Inverness and the Highlands or whatever the fuck they are. I recommend a circle around Inverurie and making them an island within our Republic. These cunts love Rugby. Banff another territory vulnerable for exclusion. Wankers.
  13. Ahhhh... the Republic of Aberdonia. A grand vision. But never going to happen. For reasons too obvious.
  14. Interesting. I've never had that. Not since I started growing pubes anyway. Always wanted Aberdeen to fuck the OF more than I cared about Scoatland, from 1978 at the latest onwards and probably a couple of years or more before. Football banks on tribalism. My "loyalties" to the Scottish national team are well extinct. But dormant. I'll still watch them on the telly, every time.
  15. That's a worry that I understand the origin of but I don't share. That's assuming the worst. That's saying that Sturgeon is unethical and unfair. There's no evidence for that.
  16. Hinna heard at een fur years. Next week, I will be attending Salts Mill which houses a lot of the work of David Hockney, who was light on his loafers. He's one of the best artists on the planet. On topic, I would walk the length of Union Street to pump her. And I hope to be more effective than Gervaise in doing so. Oh go on then, the length of Union Street and the length of King Street. Wouldn't walk to Peterheid or the Broch though. Actually, I would, just to boast to you cunts about it.
  17. Well please allow me... in my best-mustered Samuel L J accent... But from Eberdeen, not from Blantyre. Theresa May, the Tory party unelected prime minister, ought to be beheaded.
  18. My daughter works in England. The amount of times she's been accosted this week and asked for her opinion has shocked her. She has correctly been playing it down, saying she wouldn't get a vote anyway and feigning disinterest but what's really disturbed her is the hostility towards the idea. Sturgeon should be shot was the most frightening and extreme. These are highly paid scientists and engineers, not your neanderthal tabloid reading classes.
  19. Holy fuck. Never heard of it but just googled it and watched an episode on iPlayer. Way heavy on the pathos and darkness and not much light or joy, once the whole context was revealed. It was the dead waitress scam one. Heavy as fuck. Not sure if I'll go back for another episode. Need to recover from that one. The acting was exceptionally good though so probably will. Anyway, Imagine starts in 5 minutes. Bette Midler. Always liked that mad bitch genius. Should be good.
  20. Ok, I get where you'e coming from. The Euro is the tool but it is the deliberate exploitation of the greek people by the system that is the bigger subject, not just of that article of course. I agree that the Swiss did the right thing and I have found the possible area of contention. He wrote that it was "unfair". It was unfair on the eurozone I guess and everyone who was tied to it. At least our eurosceptic British empire establishment had the sense not to go that deep into the US hegemony project. These were the key words in that article for me: - I note the author writes in Paul Craig Roberts terms too: - This was also revealing: - The use of this term alone revealed to me that the author is on our side and sees the truth: - The number of enlightened people is growing. I look forward to seeing the effects one day, when that growth becomes exponential.
  21. That article wasn't about the Euro. It was about how the US, its puppets and its bankers work. The currency itself is irrelevant. Excellent article though. I would like to learn what you don't agree with?
  22. They've been brainwashed, that's what they are. Ruth Davidson and Kezia Dugdale the worst. It's not our fault that their chromosomes came out wrong. Just because they got bullied at school and were resentful at being left on the sidelines, of being made to feel that they aren't "normal people", ignored because of the ugliness of their minds and their souls, they shouldn't try and find normalcy by towing the establishment line, believing everything that their useless parents told them, the only people who could possibly love such horrible humans, if even they do.
  23. It's started already. The BBC are appalling. They just wheeled out a Spanish dude who spoke about Catalonia and how Scotland will have to join the Euro and Shengen etc. and the ticker tape said "Spain says..." Like one dude, not even a politician, a member of some fucking "European think tank", just because he's Spanish represents the whole of a big European country? One that's been totally fucked over by the EU actually, even though unlike the French, they're fucking slow to wake up to this fact. Now they have a professor from Glasgow Uni, some beardie weirdie wanker - bet he loves rugby - in a tie who is saying how "barking" it all is and how it will only divide the country further. Listen up you No voting cunts. We're going independent of Westminster. Get used to it and try starting to understand why we are.
  24. The timing of the vote is perfect for us. It's going to be a couple of years at least before we can consider relocating, after our youngest flies the nest. We were seriously considering northern England... until Sunday. It's a country we've never lived in although we have spent time away from Scotland. There was a news piece on Sunday which the wife saw and there was some giant turtle splashing about, getting released after undergoing repairs or a service or whatever. The newsreader said - in the manner that ONLY the guffies can, smug in their sense of superiority even though the evidence proves otherwise - "just like the Scotland rugby team", referring to its ungainliness and helplessness. I couldn't live with those people, the wife said. And neither could I. I always threatened to leave Scotland if we didn't have the balls to go independent. Now I'm sure I'll be able to fulfil my original desire. Born here, will die here.
  25. The vote by demographic analysis was interesting. All these old cunts in Scotland, fixed mindset pieces of shit.
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