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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. I like that image. It should get some No voters to think. The independence referendum will not be, is not, and has never been about the SNP. The biggest handicap to our self-determination and fulfilling our potential as a country has been England. For over 300 years. Westminster and the establishment begged us to stay. I wonder why that was? They love us? Or we benefit them? Are we really that stupid that we believed "stronger together" benefits us as well as the UK? In what way? Show us the data. Blair carved up the map of the North Sea before he went, in case independence came to pass. Cameron reneged on almost every promise that he made in 2014. They are a bunch of fucking wankers, evil self-interested bastards. They hate "common people", whatever their nationality, wherever they are, including those in the areas that they live. The "northern powerhouse" was a piss take. You think any of those public school cunts can have a pint in any pub, speak to people and get respect? And they're our leaders and running our country? Let's get the keys to our future. Then the internal structuring can take shape. We can't do anything without independence.
  2. Me love. Great posts lads.
  3. I know that's what he was referring to. It couldn't be anything else. But right now in the House of Commons, they're talking in circles about "the deal". They don't actually know what they're talking about, there are no specifics, they haven't even articulated the headings. We are still going to trade with Europe. Being in or out of the EU won't affect my European customers. I won't stop drinking European wine or stop driving European cars. Whisky will be sold to every part of Europe, as will Brewdog beer actually. They're not going to slap on unfair tariffs on imports and exports. It's all hot air. It's the European Parliament and it's corrupt institutions that the people voted against. Alex Salmond on the floor just now. He just nailed it re the European citizens living here. He's still a great speaker. Now he just nailed it re WTO terms as default. He's just said what some of us knew all along. This talk about "a deal" with the EU is just a smokescreen and yet another political tool of a PM and a government that doesn't have a clue what it's doing.
  4. This is the biggest fallacy that we've been spun by the Tories. Cameron pretended to go to Brussels to "negotiate" and came back with nothing. There is no deal to be had. We are leaving the EU and we're not paying for the unelected tertiary level of government any more. Love him or hate him, Nigel Farage has been right on this all along.
  5. Cat already out the bag. Excellent performance by Sturgeon. This is pure political opportunism and taking advantage of the sickness within, and the incompetence of the UK government. We should not allow the media to ruin it this time. Time to take a lesson from Trump.
  6. And thoroughly deserved. Anyone that stupid to openly stand there slagging the opposition and not expect a consequence doesn't understand the real world. The fact he never saw it coming despite it being telegraphed was more evidence of his stupidity.
  7. The reason why Murrayfield is full each game (I presume - I've never been and don't care) is simple. It's tribalism, the feeling of belonging to something. For the middle classes. They love "the atmosphere". What they mean is they love being part of a big crowd, particularly when it's safe and nobody gets their head kicked in. Banter for the boring.
  8. I don't care about these games. I despise Strachan and McGoo. For many decades, I did care about the national team. 6-0 at the Dam ArenA changed all that. It wasn't even the result, following the usual formula of hopes being built (after the excellent performance at Hampden) only to be extinguished big time, something Scotland has been consistent in. In fact, it's the only formula we've followed. It's amazing how we keep on failing. These days, any chance or hope of qualifying has gone. I loved the experience of France 98 but the reason the 6-0 was the final straw was the "famous tartan army". I was embarrassed to be Scottish. The "fans" were the biggest collection of classless Neanderthals I've ever come across, just scum humans. From the racism towards the taxi driver going to the game, the collective urinating on the war memorial at Dam square, the harassment of local women, the petty thefts and the all round behaviour, it was appalling. I'll never go back to see my country. I don't want to be part of the major shit show, both on and off the pitch.
  9. Celtic didn't deserve the 3 points despite a phenomenal performance by Scott Brown and what should have been a pen for Griffiths. Sinclair was fucking shite today and Dembele didn't offer anything either. The champions were poor today but it took the Filth to show how to keep on fighting against them.
  10. Great post. Spot on. Not only is it extremely gay to want to grapple men's flesh and stick their noses up the arse of their mate in a scrum or whatever, any Scotsman wanting to partake in "rugby" or show enthusiasm for the "sport" is neither a real man nor a true Scot. Boarding schools (and Edinburgh and the borders) have a lot to answer for.
  11. Yes but it's not normal to add milk to another's cereal. In fact, I don't know anyone who does that. Those who dump in unconventional places and on unconventional things are more interesting people, I would hazard.
  12. You ask who. I ask why? Why would someone choose to take a dump on breakfast cereal? Sounds like a messy and imprecise business to me. And what did the cereal eater do to incur such wrath?
  13. That Cotter, and the England coach are the two biggest abominations in the 6 nations. I detest them both with a passion that surprises even me. Even if I didn't know they were egg-chasers, I couldn't tolerate being in the same room as either. If they were both in the same room and I was unfortunate enough to also be in it, I think I would explode with emotional distress and severe anguish. Horrible horrible cunts. Probably sexual deviants - closet arse-lickers of men of mysogynistic vilifiers of women.
  14. Dealing with the public is tough. Dealing with any people can be. I'm getting better at it though. Bin years since I went fuck off ye wank when they are being a wank. They pay for our lifestyles so the least we can do for the public is not to tell them what we think of them. They don't know they're wanks and our telling them isn't going to change anything. It's great when we get good folk, genuinely appreciative. They get a better service although even the wanks get what they pay for, even though it's absolute bare minimum from me.
  15. The particular NE trait here is honesty and integrity. We aren't comfortable pretending to be nice to people we don't like. It's false, it's dishonest of us and it grates the soul. Much as we'd love to say fuck you so they ignore us the next time, this isn't satisfactory either. The only solution is to run your own company and do it your way. It's not like you're going to recruit people you can't stand. Moving to another company won't solve anything. Most people aren't loveworthy.
  16. Excellent post bb. Spot on. In everything. Only comment I would make is that other than the penalty conceded, I think it's harsh to say he had a mare the whole game although I couldn't blame him if he did given the absurd reintroduction of Taylor after more than one month out. McInnes cost us the final. Also, Shinnie had been LB in the two games immediately preceding, two good away wins. McInnes obviously blames AOC but the truth is, the game was well and truly sunk by the time AOC conceded the penalty in the most one-sided and sickening final I've had the displeasure to witness. The treatment of AOC since the final one of the worst scapegoating I've ever seen and yet another reason I think McInnes is a total dick. Incidentally, all the staff at Aberdeen Sports Village think DM is a total penis and they all love Jonny Hayes. Unlike McInnes, he introduces himself at the desk and asks for permission to get through. McInnes is so fucking important in this city he grunts at them and expects everything.
  17. It would be more socially awkward to not acknowledge that colleagues exist.
  18. PP had excellent potential once upon a time. If he had ever had a decent manager, he coulda bin a contender.
  19. George Osbourne has earned £800,000 since leaving office for doing speeches to banks. He is now set to earn £650,000 for 48 days p.a. advising US fund manager Blackrock. He joins his former chief of staff, Rupert Harrison, who is a senior strategist there. Former foreign secretary William Hague joined Citigroup as an adviser earlier this year. Former prime minister Gordon Brown sits on the global advisory board at investment manager Pimco. His predecessor Tony Blair joined JP Morgan in 2008 shortly after leaving office. There are numerous other examples proving the nexus between politicians and the financial services industry. The money they earned in politics was nothing compared to what they get from the bankers. Where are the investigative journalists when you need them? It's not difficult to see the collaborative efforts that steal from the public purse. And if it's this easy to see, it shouldn't be very difficult to prove. It's the will to investigate that's missing. The media are complicit and the turkeys involved aren't going to vote for Xmas by cooperating with honesty and integrity.
  20. It's a shame when people get fucked over by other people. It was ever thus. But what you gonna do? Moan about it? The people fucking over people have more power/authority/status than the people they fuck. Doesn't make them better or cleverer. Most of the middle managers are useless arse-lickers who's only apparent skill is to suck cock. I would re-evaluate your own life if a total arse can impact on your bottom line.
  21. Haha. I never saw the cock. I was getting a semi at the big giant fud to consider diving in to. But the wife was with me.
  22. The EU funding that anyone in the UK got was only getting our own UK money back less interest and less the absurd costs of having an EU system. The EU was never a wealth-making institution. It was always a drain. It may have been more equitably disbursed but the sad reality is that this horrible insane government will punish the areas of the country that don't toe their corrupt party line. They punish the poor and the weak, as Loach depicted brilliantly in I, Daniel Blake. They don't invest in mental health nor social care. They prop up the banks and their stealing. They turn a blind eye to tax evasion by their mates and by big corporations. They're privatising the NHS by stealth, by deliberately factoring in efficiencies and adding ridiculously needless costs. They allow the pharmas to steal from the public purse. They even pretend to care about the food chain although we're still waiting for the heralded sugar tax. The vote for Brexit was a vote against modern political systems. What we forgot was how divisive and sick Westminster actually is, ably supported by the presstitute media who should all be shot.
  23. Why would anyone want to use a flare? I just don't get it. Wooo? Whee? What the fuck? I reckon these cunts should read more and expand their horizons sufficiently that a bright light doesn't float their boats.
  24. Walking in the woods near Drum Castle last week, took this photo: - Isn't it beautiful how the bough broke to create a literal clitoral image?
  25. Great post Kenny. Right form the start Jayden was excellent at killing fast balls and directing them to team-mates. He was so good at it that it was almost like EVERY time, freaky good either with his head or more often, a beautiful cushioned touch. Unfortunately and like Rooney, he's not the most athletic and both of them are slow and on the wrong side of the pace average. This is why I don't think we can have them both up front. I agree we need to drop Adam and play Stockley from the start. At the very least it's going to get Rooney to work harder in training as he's getting slower and lacking in any sharpness he did have towards the end of 2016.
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