Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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Everything posted by rocket_scientist
If you like cheese, we discovered a Farm Shop yesterday just inland from Portlethen towards the bypass. Devenick Dairy was what I think was written on the packaging. They're building a big facility which opens in April so you'll hear about them soon. I bought a "granite" cheese and a blue cheese. Freshly made on the premises. Very good. It's so free range, this calf was wandering about the car park. They come back when they're hungry was their attitude. Best cheeses I've discovered recently to be found at Graingers in Stonehaven.
I hate that fucking cunt so no chance.
The problems with Trump are numerous in my view. I appreciate that I'm in the minority here. Before my first visit I found it interesting that 80% said best course ever and 20% said couldn't care if I see it ever again. Nobody sat on the fence. I thought the 20% were right miserable cunts because I'd heard the gushings of the 80%. Now I'm the king of the 20%. Specifically, there are two major defects for me. The greens are trumped up and in amongst the dunes is relentlessly boring for many of the holes. My first putt at the 1st hole was 8 feet for birdie... with a 12 inch step to come over. That's not right. I slightly heavied my 4 iron approach at the 8th and had no shot despite being within a foot of the front of the green. The dead elephant in front of the front pin made it impossible. If I'd blocked it or hooked it, no problem but the place is a fucking lottery. The 10th green is the best example, a collection of tabletops and pure fortune if you find a decent putt, if you're anywhere close to the right level. And that's following a blind 3 wood! Mark Parsinen designed Castle Stuart and Kingsbarns. He took me round CS in preview mode, 6 weeks before it opened. His use of architectural techniques - including compress and release which he borrowed from Frank Lloyd Wright - were amazingly intelligent innovations and the whole experience of playing on his designs is joyous. I hate Trump International and whilst I can't stand the club, Royal Aberdeen is a great test of golfing ability without the random luck you get at Balmedie. Moray is a better course. Fraserburgh is more fun. As a purist - Carnoustie best in Scotland, Lytham best in England, Portrush best in Ireland, I just can't stand it. Although my English fav might change next month as seeing Birkdale for the first time in advance of the Open in July.
War was the method by which the rulers stole money from the sheeple. Their acts of enriching themselves came at the cost of many millions of lives including "on their own side", assuming that they had a side, which they don't, it all being about maintaining power and syphoning off billions. It wasn't just dead people that they cost. The "austerity" and bank bailouts etc. etc. cost many people a reasonable standard of living too. Trump is at least less likely to engage in contrived conflicts although the golden shower shenanigans - which would not surprise me - may be a contributing factor. Capitalism as a concept isn't necessarily the problem. It's the management of it that went tits up.
Trump's gaffe re "Sweden last night" was farcical. I would've assumed that he's not mad enough to just make shit up but now I'm not so sure. After all, if that was an aide briefing, that person is unemployed by now. Totally bizarre from the most bizarre freak show in history.
Tom Waits documentary on BBC4. Tales from a cracked jukebox. He's one of my fav artists ever. Got into him with Swordfishtrombones a very long time ago.
Beautiful beautiful day. Thank you Hartley and Dundee. Just a wonderful way to complete a day starting with an improbable 3 points with 10 minutes to go.
Just watched Requiem for a Dream. The most powerful film I've ever seen. Genius in its construction.
I'd never been fat my whole life despite eating tons of rubbish and drinking loads of beer and coke etc. although after I gave up fags 4 years ago, I was getting heavier and the trousers were getting tighter. I'm not sure I was eating more, just the usual shite but I definitely noticed that the metabolism slows down in your 50's so not burning it off as I once did. I actually enjoy food more than I've ever done now. They say it's quite common for ex-smokers to regain a heightened sense of taste but where 3 courses was standard on a meal out before, I can rarely manage it now unless the portions are smaller. You younger loons can get off with more than us ageing bastards. It's just not a bad idea to be aware of what's good for us and what's not and that can be different for different folk of course. We're closer to death too so if we want more of life, we start to get more aware of these things.
Here's another way of looking at it. Veg (and fruit) doesn't "compensate" for eating too much sugar and carbs, it's all food. So it's all additional stuff to be eating, good foods don't negate bad foods. If there was such a thing as bad foods. It's ALL about striking a balance. It's ok to eat anything you like. Obese people in supermarkets buying 6 packs of 2 litre coke or Irn Bru etc. and packets of biscuits aren't going to get slim by any amount of fruit and veg they don't eat anyway. Substitution worked for my wife. Instead of rice with a meal or tatties with a stew, she'll have red cabbage or other veg. She had some nan bread and some rice at the Indian last week. She ate her chips last night. But the amount of carbs she has now is much less than a third of what she used to eat. Nobody's denying us anything. It's easy to change habits, that's all.
The real killer is sugar. The amount of sugar consumed is why we have an obesity epidemic. Bread and carbs are broken down to sugar when eaten. Once you limit your sugar intake, your body adjusts and you can't eat shit. The thought of a Mars bar is horrific. It's just pure sugar garbage. I used to like the occasional Boost. I'll never eat a chocolate bar or chocolate biscuit for the rest of my life. The idea of it just disgusts me.
I think you're missing the point. I'm not saying life without bread. I'm just pointing out that moderation is good and how easy it is to re-adjust. Everything is a habit after all. A 10 pint a night habit however is fucking ridiculous so that's obviously had to be your priority. We've not "heard it all before". We've been given shit. They said fat was bad in our diets. They said butter and dairy was bad. They sold us the supposed benefits of margarine. They sold us shit to make money out of us and if we really want to get cynical, for more sinister reasons too. And the Italian diet is pretty high in carbs - bread, pasta, pizza etc. There's no excuse for fat bastards. They're lazy over-indulgent weak as piss people who's greed reflects other deficiencies in their self discipline and their lives. And they're fucking ugly too.
It's a free world and you and I can eat what we like but you did say on the other thread that "the belly has to go". Denying yourself beer is tough. Limiting your bread intake is a much easier remedy. What happens is that your body re-adjusts when it comes to changes in carbohydrate intake and I couldn't now eat the quantities that I had been doing for decades. The result has been dramatic in just a few months. The belt I've had for 25+ years has gone from the outermost to the innermost (having started somewhere in the middle) and I've lost a stone and a half. It's the belly and waist which has reduced the most although people are noticing it in my face too. The wife has lost even more and is also feeling so much better and almost everyone at her work has been noticing and commenting. We've never been on diets or fads in our lives. All we did was limit and reduce our carbs intake and whilst a quality bread can be a nice treat occasionally, even then if I eat too much I feel bloated and awful afterwards. The body trains itself to whatever we put in it and moderation is better than overindulgence. Sourdough bread much more tasty to me now. Crusty loaves and ciabattas and baguettes and rustic rolls etc. that I once loved, I couldn't physically eat much of these days.
Carbs are bad. Good to limit them. I'll go 2 or 3 days a week eating none at all and my wife is carb-free 5+ days a week. Even today where I knew I was having fish and chips at our local (freshly bought from Gourdon and only available on the menu 2 or 3 days a week) tonight, I ate zero carbs beforehand. Watermelon and a blueberry actimel in the morning. Two different cheeses (very small portions) and a slice of neopolitan salami for lunch, finished with a small stem ginger in dark chocolate confection the size of your thumbnail and I never felt hungry all day. Half the week, I do feel hungry in the late afternoons and the feeling of hunger is a fantastic feeling. It's purifying to feel your stomach grumble. For half a century, I just ate when I felt like it and whilst we can get off with that sub 30 or 40, there's no excuse for eating junk food or in my case, loving sandwiches for lunch on an almost daily basis. Bread is the worst.
I can think of a lot more scenarios why he might get impeached. Which its a shame because the conundrum of the man is that his heart is in both the right place and in the wrong place. He genuinely does want to do a great job for the American people but he's so inherently corrupt he won't be able to help himself from using whatever power he's got to enrich himself through his family. He's also the only chance the world has got of getting rid of the real cunts in charge although that was always a very long shot given his nature and his deficiencies. Speaking of which, is he actually a good businessman? I've never believed that he's "worth billions". How could he possibly be if, as he claims to be so smart that he's not paid tax for 19 years? He's been bankrupted, he's been minutes away from being completed finished, he's managed to persuade others to fund him but is he actually making serious money? We have always known that Balmedie was a white elephant and his claim that it would be the greatest course in the world was always completely laffable. It's not even the best course within 5 miles of there and there are numerous better in the NE let alone Scotland let alone the UK let alone Europe let alone the world. What he didn't factor in and we all knew was that you can't sell tickets for a minimum of 5 months out of 12. The haar comes in during peak times, July & August to wipe out some days and it's way too cold for tourists in the winter. Plus the price was so ridiculous he was never going to get locals to play it more than once, or occasionally twice or more if a freebie. And between that and Turnberry, one of the best and most established courses, he's losing a million a month. It takes a special kind of spesh to piss away that much money on a simple business proposition. The man is a major NPD case and as mad as a box of marmosets. Great businessman? Debatable. The best president ever, as he claimed? He won't be allowed to even try, I fear. He could explode in frustration real soon and if he does, his years of dishonesty and misogyny and racism will have caught up with him and he may be the saddest man on the planet. The biggest hero or the biggest villain is what his destiny is and normally an optimist, I reckon the odds are heavily stacked against him.
In my opinion, we do need to care who ALL the intelligence agencies work for. Even the German intelligence people were intervening with journalists to ensure pro-US propaganda. I thought it was the FBI who brought the e-mails to light, whoever and wherever they were sourced? This suggests pro-Trump and anti-Clinton. As for the line that Russia intervened in the election, how weak would a nation be to be affected by another? Whether the hackers were Russian or Montenegroan, the discovery of the e-mails doesn't influence anything. It's what's in them and who put them out in the mainstream that matters, and why.
Wow. Trump engaged hackers from Russia? To do what? Expose the opposition's e-mails? How did Trump know what Hitlery wrote? Why does that even matter, the method and the parties involved in exposing truth? Unlike you, I don't have any facts on who, why or how. I thought it was Wikileaks who revealed the e-mails and I think they did say Russian sources. But this doesn't harm Trump? As for Trump pissing off the intelligence community, isn't this not a good thing? Did we vote for the intelligence operatives, the ones with all the tools to make or break people, the ones in bed with the presstitute media? Do we know who the intelligence agencies work for? Do we know the agenda they're working to? Is all the evidence that we do know about surrounding 21st century dealings in Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Syria etc. etc. fabricated too? The same evidence that proves that the truth has been deliberately concealed from the people?
It's not me you can agree or disagree with. I'm only presenting facts. Flynn lost his job already. Trump is not the man with power. The president isn't in charge. This is another problem for the people. They can't revolt because they can't see who the enemy is. You can't have a revolution and change things if you can't see what's going on. The intelligence community - CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6 - don't work for the people. Neither do they work for the government. It didn't take long but Flynn's dismissal was a major victory for those in power and a major defeat for Trump. The pressure on him now is accelerating and he's going to implode, spectacularly and soon would be my prediction, and disastrously for us all as the swamp will be undrained. That's the thing about the swamp, it's all-pervasive. You can't drain it unless you see it and Trump is surrounded on all sides, by many who he wrongly assumes are working for him.
It's quite obvious what he did. He decided to come out and punch the ball clear. Given that the scorer was totally unmarked, it was the only attempt at a defensive challenge but it didn't work because Lewis got it wrong. As for this error, whether it was mistimed or hesitancy, I hardly think it represents a weakness. When else did he fuck up and cost us goals? If someone in one of the most important positions on the pitch has a weakness, it gets exposed early and frequently.
I fear for Trump. His lack of political experience and his intellectual defects will mean he is unable to do anything. He is being set up and the presstitute media are going to turn the people against him with lies. Eisenhower warned of all this. These were his words: - “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” The problem is that the people are neither alert nor knowledgeable. The role of the media in this has been crucial and the continuing fake news is continuing to be swallowed.
The eyes are a big indicator of the whole but it is the whole that disturbs, not one physical manifestation.
Female? With a pulse? STD-free? Aye she probably ticks all the boxes. But fucked if I'm fucking it. Something disturbingly bunny boiler about that one. Scary cold cow.
My wife got given an Akubra from her mates in Melbourne as a goodbye present (nae cunt bought me fuck all so I got masel a Drizabone and some Blundstones). In coming up for two dozen years since we left, I've worn the jacket as often as she's worn the hat, which is never. Which is a shame as I think it really suits her and is obviously excellent quality, very well made. Your post has made me decide. Going to offer it to daughter 2 when she visits this weekend. Hats just don't come into the equation for some people. You're either a hat person or yer no.
Utterly genius find. Many thanks. +1
Flat caps were the only thing back in the day. Every cunt wore them and I mean every cunt. The baseball cap hadn't even been invented and took its time to enter the leisure wear market, only then being adopted by certain groups, outwith Amerikuh of course. Whenever I see a flat cap on someone younger than 70, I think arse. That's a terrible stereotypical generalisation I know but it's what my instinct screams. It's like they're not comfortable in their own skin, like they're hankering for something past, like they've yet to find their own individual expression, like they've got fucking nothing original to say. And if said flat cap wearer also has a beard then sorry, I can't deal with the cunt. Actually, the cap alone would be enough to write him off.