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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Quite. Utterly predictable home win. Really? WE are happy? I know what you mean and I reckon we would agree. It is Milne and McInnes who are happy. Milne's focus isn't football. McInnes is just happy to get a wage. Any Aberdeen fan with an ounce of self respect and a dusting of alpha male winning mentality wouldn't be happy. Any decent, ambitious AFC footballer wouldn't be happy. But we're not in charge, our opinions don't count and there are more losers than winners in life, considerably more.
  2. We can get Chrome on a Mac. A Mac is not a barrier to the internet.
  3. England, a country I've never lived in. Going to Harrogate and York to check out Yorkshire next in March. The two eldest daughters will probably be the biggest influence in where we end up, particularly when the first grandchild comes, hopefully not for a few years though. Aberdeen is dying and I don't want to be around to hear the death gasps. Lived overseas for 15 years but won't be leaving this island again - to live. Will continue to go abroad regularly but at our age, don't want to put down roots there.
  4. Nope. Nothing I can think of. Jack dull boy and all that. Still intolerant of arseholes and still loving life. Must go to see T2. Thinking of emigrating away from Abz when the youngest permits. Couple of years away minimum. Travelling to do market research than pure holiday just now.
  5. Eh? I've got nothing to do with the Simmie thing. I very rarely use it and if I do, I declare that I did. Been very busy and been doing some travel so not had much time to post much. Not that I've got anything to say. The window was shite. Costa missing a pen cost me a 2/1 away win. No new sex partners to brag about. No new illnesses either. Still very low carb diet. Oh, part of a tooth fell out, gloriously fixed by the best dentist on earth. The WYOWYN's are not very interesting. Milne is still a cunt and Derek McInnes still shits the bed. Recent form proves how insane he was at Hampden and Ibrox. Will miss the game tonight but he better not fuck up again. Bought my first pair of DM's for almost 40 years. Black shoe. Been thinking about them for ages. Bought the wife an eternity ring. Well, she did. Have to work harder to pay for it. Bitch.
  6. With the exception of Engineered Garments, New York, KMFG and Alden. Agree on food. No fucking way should we import their GM-poisoned shite.
  7. Yes they did but saturation coverage, the rewards available in the league and some managers not seeming to give a fuck has devalued it for the fans. The main reason might be found in the alphabet: - Apathy is Blanket Coverage Derived in England. Fucking Guffies.
  8. San Pietro Chianti Classico by any chance? I'm on my last glass of the bottle masel. Only got it cos it was half price at Coop. Very palatable.
  9. Of course he's a corrupt fuck. That wasn't the debate. Presstitute media was the debate. It opened. It's now closed.
  10. Perhaps your judgement is being clouded by your opinion of the man? Perhaps you don't understand his criticism of the press? Perhaps the corruption of the media is invisible to you? The latest example was today. I saw PMQ today. May opened with a welcome to some foreign visitors and condolences to the family and friends of the NI policeman. Corbyn opened with supporting May's sentiments in adding his condolences and then after his questions, a NI MP pointed out that the policeman wasn't actually dead! On BBC Radio Scotland, it was reported that Corbyn made a huge gaffe, he doesn't know what's going on etc. and they're all totally slating him. The PM opened with it but she escapes the criticism?
  11. His modus operandi was quite inventive. Jesus juice. What a creep. Dead creep. White creep. Black creep.
  12. I agree that intra-club lending within the same league is nonsense but on the tweet, do we realise just how despised AFC are in some quarters? After all, his words didn't miss. There's no ambiguity there. Our biggest anti-fan is Tam Cowan of course. Have we ever considered quite why Aberdeen is hated so much?
  13. It is indeed chicken and egg with regards to the revenue v. football quality, or it should be ("more likely") as you say. More of one should mean more of the other, whichever comes first. They should be mutually-dependent but as we've seen in our own history, money was much less influential on our past success than good product management. Have a shite fitba team in a shiny new stadium and nae cunt will be there to see it. Our football team hasn't been able to challenge for the major honours for the whole time Milne has been involved. The only reason our turnover spikes happened - including one of the Calderwood years, £12.2m if I recall) - was European football. Not doing anything in Europe of course, just simply being in it, due to the disproportionate rewards available.
  14. You seem determined to ignore my main point? All you're spelling out is what everybody knows. Where does the quality of the football fit in your view?
  15. On the main topic, I fully concede that continuing at Pittodrie may now be an obsolete prospect. Regulation will have overtaken us but the continuing neglect, not just stadium-maintenance but in failing to have a developmemt plan which would have had us objecting to the proximate residential flats and even competing for the adjacent land (or not selling whatever we had once upon a time or failing to secure options) is systematic of a one-man agenda. What sticks in the craw the most is two things: - 1. That we were never consulted. 2. That the paint was barely dry on the brand new RDS when he started his shite.
  16. I can assure you that it is as simple as more customers = more revenue. You took one line from my post. I also said that it wasn't PRIMARILY stadium-dependent. Of course improved facilities will attract more customers and everything i.e. commercial sponsorship that goes with this. But the product is all important, which was the main thrust of my post.
  17. This man found dead last week, aged 56. They call it "conspiracy theories". The BBC and Sky are bought. Trump knows it.
  18. Great post. I've not read the book but the unprecedented demonisation of the man first alerted me to something important. The status quo - Blair, Cameron, May, EU, ECB, IMF, Clinton, Bush, Obama - needs to be smashed and it's not currencies or political parties that matter here. Andy Burnham and Ed Milliband were more of the same but as with many things (not political), the USA are leading the way. Trump is the antithesis of Corbyn but they have one crucial vision in common. Whether Trump will be allowed to deliver is one thing. Whether Corbyn gets the opportunity is the other. As usual, PCR nailed it: - http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/01/20/trumps-declaration-war/
  19. The thing that generates additional revenue is additional customers, more fans. What attracts more fans is a good product. Over 20 years ago, as 2IC to then chairman Ian Donald, Stewrat Milne promised that the product should always be the priority. This is how you get a good product: - 1. Recruit a good manager 2. He recruits good players 3. Players and manager work towards success Milne has never recruited a good manager and football was never his priority. So it's no surprise that we've never been close to realising potential let alone being successful for over two whole decades now. It's like his long term agenda for relocation means he can put the product on hold and this is a lie. Delayed gratification and deferring anything resembling success on the field is not dependent primarily on the stadium. It comes with focusing on the football. We have been sold lies for a very long time and whilst it's always been the case that more people watch what's going on rather than make something happen (without having the ability to see), the most unforgivable portion are those who trust anyone and anything in authority, by virtue of them having authority. The day after POTUS and the global protests that went with it, some of those placards held sentiments that can also be applied to Milne and AFC. Einstein said "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything". Martin Luther King said "We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people". 3 kinds of people; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, those who go - shit, what happened? The reason there are fewer bosses than workers is that most workers don't have the imagination to see opportunities or the bigger picture. They can't operate beyond doing what they're told to do. It was ever thus and I don't blame them for that. But those evil worker spineless bastards who add zero value and at the same time endorse and support authority, they're blind pigs. In the middle of the last century, the generation before mine were taught to respect lawyers, teachers and bank managers. Politicians were invisible in their communities but known to exist in Westminster so they read their papers and voted the way they were conditioned to. Fast forward 50 or 60 years and we have Blair, Cameron (and irrelevantly, May) running the country. And talk of the next "rising star", Boris Johnson running it in the future. These ingrained ruling classes are so evil, and so detached on a huminatarian level, it takes a special kind of fuckwit not to see it. The Bullingdon club members - of which Cameron and Johnson took part - found it funny to light cigars in front of beggars using £50 notes. Think about that. They could light a cigar from the lighter directly but chose to light the note first, therefore deliberately ridiculing one less fortunate in material wealth terms, as if money was the only thing that mattered. And we voted these sick cunts in. Collectively. Not Scotland. But we are so weak, so silent, so stupid, we continue to trust cunts in suits with posh accents or almost anyone in charge. Milne's in charge of AFC and he's getting off with murder. We weren't consulted on the options. We have been fed lies. We have seen him wreck the balance sheet and preside over a shite football team which doesn't attract anything like the potential fan base it should attract. His murder was AFC and most of you fucking muppets can't see it.
  20. Like you (presumably), like me, like everyone, we all know shit. If I say something you have an issue with, challenge it. Or you can sit with your thumb up your arse and say fuck all?
  21. Garlogie min. I've never had a problem with you before. As you know. Nor will I ever have a problem with you in the future, if we both want the best for AFC. Which I know you want as much as I do. It's ok if we have different experiences and opinions. I just HATE the false rhetoric that surrounds Milne. False shite that nothing human beings buy into.
  22. What money has he "ploughed" in? How much did he pay for his 28%? Shut the fuck up when you know fuck all.
  23. I saw them both last night. Panorama was better than Dispatches. This C4 Meet the Trumps is shaping up to really interesting.
  24. Excellent article. Like the best ones, it provides the detail of a big picture we suspected we knew but without this accuracy of analysis, we never really saw it at all. Superb interpretation by obviously highly qualified people.
  25. It's not as simple as "we are where we are", as if it were fate or circumstance. Our balance sheet has been deliberately engineered and our only asset targeted. The reason we haven't been an attractive investment proposition over the last 15-20 years is obvious, although we were an attractive enough investment 20 years ago for 3,000 of us to sink in millions. Did the alarm bells not ring when he proposed relocation almost immediately after the RDS was built? The man has been pursuing a single agenda from day one. The paying customers, the blind loyal might have been ostriches to the off-field mismanagement but even if they were looking only at the product on the pitch, there's been continuous failure which should have more than suggested that something wasn't right. We got the club we deserved because most were too stupid to see what's going on and those who did see have been shouted down by the pack and don't give enough of a fuck to continue a losing battle. AFC has been made into a shit football club and one who's soul is getting ripped out and sold to the devil. Di Stefano's words were right at the time. They are the antithesis of the present day now.
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