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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. I was a steward there in 1989. Been at the vast majority of Opens since 1977, my first and still the best. Got pissed with Wayne Grady in Sydney in 1991 before he went and won the Aussie PGA. I would caution you against volunteering as a steward. See nothing and get paid nothing but I guess you get your entry for free. Will be in touch.
  2. You're on BigAl. Will PM you before I'm next in your area and we can chat on the phone. Depending on which pro client I give your house to, I may ask to camp with you and we can have a blast. But I don't do camping or even glamping so unlikely. Plus it'll be 2024 now and I'll be an old mannie.
  3. If it's a nice hoose, do you want to do a deal? £2,500 now and £7,500 at the start of the week? How many does it sleep? You would have to fuck off and stay with a mate and not walk to the Open of course.
  4. I predict that this major at TPC Harding Park will go down in history as one of the best. Don't have any concrete reasons to predict this, just got a feeling. Love the course but I'm probably biased because I'm doing some remote work this week, successfully so far ?? If you like golf, tune into it. Fascinating events unfolding and a track that can bite you on the arse. Someone will come a cropper on Sunday's back 9 and as usual with PGA set-ups, it rewards the cream of the crop.
  5. Like you did with your first post addressed to me, where you pretended we knew each other and you made references to my wife? Given that 10 of your total 14 posts have been addressed to one poster (me) without any semblance of topic-keeping, you got some real serious creepery about ye. Weirdo.
  6. That's unusual, I would've thought. Not that I've canvassed dumping patterns of old cunts like us. Aye we're all full of it from time to time. The catharsis of ridding ourselves of waste and not hanging around with wasters - the continuously negative fuckers and professional complainers are the saddest in my opinion - is a beautiful thing
  7. Aye we ken that but you don't bullshit, neither in what you post nor having great bullshit within your person. Usually. First time for everything ?
  8. Great question. I would be surprised if he wasn't right on this. Golf - PGA and European Tours - has been really strict on testing and it's common sense really, for the protection both of the athletes and the reputation of the professional sport. He might be too important to respond to your question though, being "in the know" and we minions having to just be grateful for the titbits that he feeds us.
  9. Them going out on the town after performing like shite has been going on since Calderwood's days, at least. My son used to bump into them all the time and most of them were dicks. I don't think that it's the clubs jurisdiction to tell them NOT to go out and socialise. Normally. I think as part of the discipline and the culture however, the manager should reserve the right to tell them not to go out after a particularly bad performance. They quite obviously don't get any help to deal with how to interact with us natives, which has led to many altercations and problems over the years. Humility and intelligence, these can be taught, although certain retards aren't capable of learning.
  10. On another AFC forum, run by a wank, they tolerate posters with mental health issues. Personally I think it's mentally ill to use "teasers", to throw out something that says nothing, to withhold the meat, to expect that others will revert to them to say "ooo, what have you heard, what's going on?" Often, they haven't heard anything at all but by pretending that they are "ITK", it makes them feel important. By having others begging at their feet, it validates their existence. I suspect these types have very sad dysfunctional lives in the real world. It would be sad if some of the mentally ill come over to this site. There are many different types of sickness of course, from the dropping a bomb on a thread and failing to back it up (but loving the asking and the attention they get) to the referring to wives, daughters, family etc. in highly disturbing terms. These latter types often pretend to know the poster in real life and others go to extreme lengths to find and "out" other posters by posting pictures and/or personal information about them.
  11. Ayrshire, now that I've looked it up - great word - I reckon the simpering apologists can come under "the obsequious narcissist paradox syndrome". Narcissism cos of me me me but when it comes to AFC, pathetically servile to the degree that they park their narcissism to their higher cause. Religions make money out of shit like this. And so did Milne, in various ways.
  12. I don't know what obsequious means but your "simpering" rang a bell. I totally agree with your post but the reasons why some seek to give a pass is interesting and worthy of examination, even if it comes over as quite tragic. Mediocrity and non-achievement has become the new acceptable in society. Apparently a mad head teacher here in Aberdeen, at Summerhill 40+ years ago insisted that there should be no winners at school sports day and that they were all "winners" for taking part. You know the culture shift I'm referring to. In the case of football fans, certainly on AFC forums, there is a class of poster who consistently come across as apologists for the club. I'm certain that Rico doesn't fall into that category generally but over the last 20 years we've even seen some being accused of being employees or stooges for the club, and even bots in some cases. The truth as I see it is that some fans can't accept heavy criticism of the cause that they support. It's tantamount (to them) that all the money and time they've spent has been wasted. Perhaps they can't see how useless things are but they definitely can't see that criticism and agitating can get things done. It's an interesting breed, delusional definitely but failing to accept the truth because they feel personally that it reflects on them. Munchhausen by proxy is an interesting psychological condition. They should have a name for these cunts; it can't be as bad as you say because I support them. Tangential narcissism, possibly. Or Inverted narcissism. Summats nae right.
  13. Neale Cooper once got fined because SAF asked him what's in that drink? Neale said coke. Fergie grabbed the glass out of his hand, sniffed it, tasted it and sent him home. Apparently he turned up at a party (at Ryan Giggs place possibly) and nailed Lee Sharpe, who was similarly in breach of his rules. In a culture where Aberdeen players are allowed to go on the piss after getting embarrassed, in the middle of a pandemic, it's possible that there are no rules. The value of discipline and attitude isn't known by this AFC manager and that's one of many reasons why he and his squad are a bunch of losers.
  14. 1. Laughs at the misfortune of another 2. Drinks excessively 3. in a shit "boozer" (which tried and failed to be a "gastro pub") where no real men would be seen dead. 1. Nice guy 2. gets the most out of life 3. makes great judgements
  15. For all the supposed science and professionalism that McInnes has supposedly brought to the club, perhaps he should have focused on the basics and recruited footballers who weren't fucked. Medicals were being used in the Turnbull and Bonthrone eras. I'm sure they've come a long way in the half a century since.
  16. There are going to be hundreds if not thousands dead from this. There are numerous videos online and the force of the blast was unreal. Trump of course said it was a bomb, after speaking to his generals. How the fuck this mad cunt can say this so quickly is unfathomable, when the official line is that it's a confiscated bunch of 2,750 tons of whatever that went up, not that I can imagine how big that quantity would actually look like.
  17. Good find. Don't know if I understand it yet but good and innovative stuff. Hope they're getting paid for it. I assume they must be if they're doing every game.
  18. The Fulham LB has put them in the Premiership next year. He needs a header now for the perfect hat-trick in Extra Time. Scott Parker looks like someone from Thunderbirds. Are Go.
  19. Some explosion in Bay Root the day. Bodies everywhere. Wonder how long it will take for the truth to out? Sick world.
  20. I think I heard the commentators say that it was only his 3rd start in god knows how many years so given his previous, there's no doubt McInnes will bench Anderson. What is the bearded midget's problem with youth I wonder? Does it stem from how he was treated as a young man?
  21. And Kennedy was so ineffective I forgot he was playing.
  22. Stats are like miniskirts. I thought he, Ferguson and Ojo were so bad on Saturday and without any quality in the middle of the park, it's impossible to win a game... unless there is zero quality in the oppositions midfield too, which we often get in the SPFL. Hayes had a disappointing game too, although unsurprisingly given that he was surrounded by donkeys. It was a terrible performance to start a new season and given that there was very little quality on the bench and in the squad, this is going to be another bad season for AFC. It only took one half of football to kill the usual start-of-season optimism/hope that always accompanies this time of year.
  23. Nobody is interested. Take your infantile posting to a more appropriate place. If you have nothing worthwhile to say, shut the fuck up. Since you've signed up, you are exclusively baiting me and that will now be met with zero response. For the record, I've met many who are intellectually superior to me and I don't believe that being "shown up" is a valid concept unless there has been a declaration of competition between the consenting parties, and such "competitions" aren't generally entered into from properly-functioning thinkers. Your "wife" references and "19th century art decor" gave you away. The former was indicative of a sickness that you will find in common with the modern keyboard warrior types and the latter isn't even a thing, I would imagine, just some words you strung together in a pathetic attempt to look clever or funny. Goodbye.
  24. McGintys ? A soulless corporate chain shitfest. Drinking all day and night is the preserve of the young and stupid or the rig pig types and stupid. Fuck you arsehole, whoever you are.
  25. Soul and Hawthorn have announced they are closing. Apparently it was one guy in Aberdeen for a couple of days before going offshore who spread the infection in the Hawthorn. Shit boozer anyway, overpriced and judging by the bearded fud who was interviewed there on the telly (the owner or manager), I'm pleased I've only spent money in there once in the last 20/25 years.
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