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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Learn to do it properly and you won't get lockjaw. They'll be grateful that you made them come.
  2. Not true. The occasional lassie with good personal hygiene will always have a rotten fud. Fortunately they aren't too common.
  3. Yes Al, bet365. That's who got my money. First football bet I've put on for ages, certainly this season. Use the betrescue or oddschecker websites to get the best odds on anything.
  4. Common misconception. You need to do your research. Your wife must be a minger. Less than 10% are "disgusting" and more than 10% are sweet which leaves the majority as, well, just fanny-smelling. Which can only be a good thing, a pussy being a heavenly orifice.
  5. Motherwell 15/2 is very generous.
  6. I don't think a well run football club should be basing its key appointment strategy on where it finishes the season relative to another. That's just unintelligent. As I've said recently about McInnes - in my opinion, any discussion is void. Until the manager gets binned, it's all academic ? horseshit. And as I've said over many, many years, the principal problem at AFC is the chairman. Until this cancer is excised, things can never improve. For reasons most can't understand.
  7. In my opinion, this discussion is void. Until the manager gets binned, it's all academic ? horseshit.
  8. In my opinion, this discussion is void. Until the manager gets binned, it's all academic ? horseshit.
  9. In my opinion, this discussion is void. Until the manager gets binned, it's all academic ? horseshit.
  10. In my opinion, this discussion is void. Until the manager gets binned, it's all academic ? horseshit.
  11. In my opinion, this discussion is void. Until the manager gets binned, it's all academic ? horseshit.
  12. Fuck off McInnes. You're a fucking parasite waste of space.
  13. On the Ides of March 2017, I will be 4 years fagless after a third of a century on Regal king size. But I'm still addicted to nicotine. I use that nicotine spray and have done every day for 1,350 days ish. It's a cunt but it's ALL mental if you want to stay stopped. I've been weak by not ditching the spray. My advice is to give up the vaping and go cold turkey when you're ready. I KNOW I'll never smoke a cigarette again but fuck I still need nicotine and it's shite that I do.
  14. In/out? Undecided. Still sulking. To be decided the morn. Depends how much work comes in overnight. Not looking forward to the prospect but would feel awful if we won big twice in 4 days and I stayed away for both so probably a yes. Pretty much on top of things that I could go no problem, just struggling with the desire to. And at my old age, pre 3 o'clock drinking isn't as attractive as it always has been previously.
  15. If I didn't know who her husband was, I would walk from Holburn junction to Balmedie for a shottie. But the fact she is so sad to have picked that fud, I'd only walk the length of Union Street.
  16. https://youtu.be/vagfTO36LBk
  17. I am reminded of the great Wilco Johnson and what he said about the music scene in the mid 70's, specifically the genre that became known as prog rock. It was inaccessible to most and was never of the people nor for the people. We have those type of "musicians" to thank for creating the vacuum that punk blew apart. Even today, some of the innovative music being produced has the second half of the 70's to thank for showing what was possible.
  18. I agree that McInnes has bought very well in Logan, Shinnie and McLean* and if he took in Rooney, then him too. He's also had some howlers, Calvin Zola making George Weah's cousin look competent. He's also taken in a couple of excellent loanee keepers and as I saw after 15 minutes in his debut and posted on here, Maddison is an excellent footballer. His recruitment record is therefore mixed but definitely in credit, one positive aspect of his tenure. But recruitment is only one part of the job. I consider Arsene Wenger as having one of the best recruitment records in football management history, Henry and Bergkamp being the pinnacles of very many exceptionally gifted footballers that he took in and revitalising Thierry's career in the process. But he's a shit manager. He doesn't have enough cunt about him. No successful operator didn't have a degree of cunt about them and Arsene's schoolteacher cerebral approach works great in talent identification but doesn't work to inspire and motivate a collective bunch of superb talents to win. Ranieri and Leicester had a freak 2015/16 season obviously but they played with a passion and belief and with total teamwork and with a freedom the likes of which we never see in a Wenger side. McInnes might have had some successes in recruitment but he's got more negatives and debits in his overall management performance record. Another manager who will never go on to bigger and better things after AFC and even if he fluked the Rangers job - and the bread man is a worse manager than him - then he won't create a record in history as being a good manager. He's reached his limit. * He's another one who has regressed big time after a hugely promising first few months at AFC.
  19. Totally agree. Markus Heikkinen was a proper footballer, without being spectacular. I have never rated Shinnie in midfield. He's too small and lightweight in there whereas his pace and his speed of thought makes him an excellent Left Back. Not to mention the immeasurable comfort factor. He's comfortable at LB because he knows what he's doing there whereas I see him as a headless chicken in the middle of the park. It's not just the fact that McInnes doesn't play him in his best position that is criminal. It's also the fact that he doesn't add much in midfield and is papering over the cracks of McInnes's failings in recruitment, our midfield being our biggest weakness by far. We will never be successful football team - however you want to define success - with such incompetent and ridiculously stupid management mistakes being made. Ripping Shinnie out of his best position to shove him into a shirt-filling make-do midfield role whilst at the same time shoving a good and improving CB into a make-do LB and thereby accommodating one of the weakest of the 4 CB options in Taylor or Reynolds is madness. Face up to facts Derek. Play Considine at CB and Shinnie at LB then we only have one gap to worry about (in midfield) and we don't have to play a 3rd or 4th option as one of the two CB's. I still want to know why Reynolds, McGinn and Jack have gone backwards under this present manager and if he was any good at his job, he would be asking himself these same questions.
  20. All these nonces LOOK like nonces, unsurprisingly, since they are nonces. Which goes back to the definition - what does a nonce look like? That's a difficult one but one's instinct can usually tell. And yet the politically-correct education chiefs ignore instinct to the extent that they almost deny it exists. Yesterday, either Scotland or the UK were reported to be falling down the global education achievement ladder, unsurprisingly, with Singapore being top, unsurprisingly. Wherever kids are, nonces will gravitate thereto. When I was 10 and 11, we had a nonce in charge of our fitba team. I despised him from day one but he never tried it on with me. He sat at the back of the bus with us on our way to an away game once and tried to take the piss out of me in front of my mates, knowing full well that he would never have got in my punts. He was an unsuccessful nonce. I remember that act alone was counterproductive for him as we all thought he was a dick. We knew he was weird - he never had a wife and looking at the cunt he never was going to - but he was a "nonce in waiting", always looking for opportunities that never came. David Emery his name was. Total freak.
  21. The BBC are reporting today that more than 300 police officers have been accused of using their position to sexually exploit people, including victims of crime. This one footballer "coming out" is blowing the lid right off. Whilst that's good and proper, it's the police themselves who are covering up "the big one", the institutional abuse of children by government ministers and the political classes over many decades. And I hardly see the BBC wanting to dig into it, their own investigative journalistic motivations being compromised by agendas and nepotism. It wasn't like the BBC are the source of this story, simply reporting news that fell into the public domain and their lap when "Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary said abuse of authority for sexual gain was now the "most serious" form of corruption facing police in England and Wales". They ignored the many kids who sat on the laps of their "talents" after all.
  22. I'm staggered and highly impressed at the vast knowledge being displayed in this forum of other teams' footballers. Other than most of the OF and a handful of others in the SPFL, I don't know specifics about very many at all. I tend to study only AFC players and unless someone in the opposition does something special or something like a bad challenge, I tend not to notice opposition individuals, only how the team is set up and tries to play v. us tactically.
  23. Before we can agree or disagree, sort of or otherwise, we would have to define what I posted! I'm no oil industry expert but when I say "the bubble has burst", it surely has? Aberdeen had enjoyed "a bubble" for a very long time. Where else in the U.K. had unemployment been so low and so many thick cunts earning big dough? That's changed in the last 18 months. So many redundancies and contractors and employees having to take sizeable pay reductions. My accountant was telling me last month that he's never seen anything like it. It's being reflected in the housing market and on the streets. My favourite local retailer is sinking more into his worldwide online sales and the shop, impressive as it is, isn't turning over nearly the same volumes and thus would be a city-wide trend. And if there's no ongoing exploration then there's a known and finite amount of oil. The fact that so much of the remainder has become so expensive to access will indeed have a massive effect on jobs as does the lack of drilling and exploration. The R & D for new technologies and innovations will only get funded if it's economic and with such oversupply of easy oil coming out of the Middle East, particularly since Saudi influence has waned over the region then a lot of people have to wake up to the fact that things change. The biggest thing that's changed is that the North Sea isn't nearly as fruitful as it once was and given the future global political and economic climate, its role can only reduce further, not increase. Everything comes to an end. It's not dead of course, just that the good easy times have gone and so has "the bubble" with it. Some big shit has already hit the fan. That fan ain't getting cleaned any decade soon.
  24. Is it true that Embra Uni has a particularly large proportion of odious wankers or is that just a rumour put about by persons of more real locations in Scotland? Unless you went to Napier or Herriot Watt or some equally irrelevant educational establishment to earn the job security you have now? Edit: Mon min, ye got the have a laff in life. Humour doesn't always carry of course. Especially mine.
  25. Aberdeen's bubble has burst. This isn't an informed opinion of an oil industry insider nor a typically cynical observation from this particular observer but rather the opinions of many of those locally who need to know. I think the recently highlighted future opportunities in decommissioning are telling.
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