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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. This will help you revert back to healthy hate. Think of the fans rather than the corporate entity. I assure you that nothing has changed. The vileness is consistent. The antithesis of the NE.
  2. WYOWYN's on a daily basis. Preferably on seven threads, one for each day of the week, adding to them appropriately.
  3. On top of. I'm drinking less beer this last month but still the same amount of tea. Don't really drink much else other than alcohol 3 or 4 times a week (wine, beer, whisky occasionally) and tea (maybe 4 mugs a day). Occasional glass of milk. Maybe a can of coke once a month, if that, or a can of something like it e.g. Lemonade or San Pellegrini or Ginger Beer. Actually, a can a month just now but a couple of cans a week in the summer months but not much. My water intake has increased 20 or 25 fold in the last couple of months to 2 or 3 pints per day, probably nearer 3 pints if I measured it. I just never drank water like everyone recommends we should. Edit 1: Come to think of it, I'm probably cutting back on a mug of tea a day, Never had one after tea tonight where I normally do. Had a pint of water over the last hour and going to get a refill because my body wants more. Edit 2: Christ you've got me thinking. I've just hoovered another 3/4 pint of water in the last half hour or so and I'm going for another refill soon. God knows why I only fill 70 to 80% of a pint glass! I maybe do drink 4 pints a day although tonight feels different. Probably you for getting me thinking about it! Fuck knows how much water I'm drinking but it's a hell of a lot more than it was and I'm enjoying drinking it.
  4. On reflection - and ever since I wrote that - I think I over-estimated. I reckon I drink up to 3 pints of water a day, certainly more than 2. I used to drink a glass of water only when I felt I needed to and wouldn't have drunk more than one pint per week, often much less. I like it now where I couldn't be bothered with it before.
  5. I don't think he will ever turn out to be a better-than-not-bad club manager and reckon he could do quite well in the national job. He's the ONLY semi-competed manager Milne has appointed of god knows how many ridiculously bad appointments over the last 20+ years.
  6. Karena Virginia's press conference with the Women's Right lawyer just now must surely spell the end for Trump. As if he wasn't finished already. But only in America... might they elect a thick pig for their high office.
  7. Yes this is true and like alcohol and red meat and carbs and everything, moderation is good. In my case, I've gone from a fraction of the recommended intake to closer to the recommended amount. Even my dreams are better and more frequent. My instinct is screaming that this new water intake is good for me.
  8. Trump has put his final nail in his own coffin. The Cat in the Hat came out with a cracker. I do not like you down my shirt, I do not like you up my skirt, I do not like you near my rump, I do not like you, Mr Trump!
  9. We've all been told for years that we don't drink enough water. Yeah yeah, whatever, we thought. I don't even like the stuff. It's nothing. Give me a bevvy/sugar/flavour instead. The French and the Italians serve water with wine. In the last two months, I've been drinking more water than I ever have... when I don't forget to! And the benefits are immense. The vast majority of these days, I drink 4 or 5 pints of water. I wouldn't drink that much in a month before. Just try it and report your findings. We have superb water quality in the NE. It's fucking good for us too. So just do it.
  10. White rioja is like white Chateauneuf de pape. Just a gimmick to my taste. I don't even like red Chateauneuf de pape so dunno why I agreed to the white.
  11. Alcohol tonight on a school day to welcome the wife home. She's been bevvying with a daughter anyway! First bottle of Riesling for 25+ years, as recommended to us: - Won't be 2.5 days before my second
  12. One of your hounds looks much like mine Three Crazz.. This is the same dog, two days apart in January in different environs... And it slept with me for two of the days my wife was away this last week. It's sleeping with her now.
  13. Arguing isn't a bad thing. It's how we both learn. It's how we all learn. Important to define the areas of contention however. Cameron and Blair weren't ever in power. You think it was Tony's idea to kill Dr Michael Kelly? He was the figurehead, the one who "pulled the trigger" but like "call me Dave" was never in charge. You think Hitlery Clinton would be in charge? You think Obama is? It's not the "right wing of the party ripping the Tories". I'll give you Corbyn being different and "traditional left wing" but look at who he's had to beat, Andy Burnham and Yvette Cooper being of the exact same stock as Blair and Cameron. The media (BBC & Sky) ongoing demolition job of Corbyn hasn't worked as they intended. I suggest you do more work to determine who "they" are because your traditional right and left model is decades out of date.
  14. What is known? What do you know about the consequences of leaving that we don't? A new "centre party"? This sounds like you still believe in right and left politics. There is NO right and left. The Tories under Cameron and Labour under Blair were exactly the same, pursuing the same agendas and serving the same masters. The Chilcott Report has ruined Blair's reputation for ever. He is soiled goods and much as they want him back, the people will never elect him. There is change afoot. The people are waking up.
  15. Why is leaving the EU "suicide"? The politicians do not "all know it". Haven't you ever seen BBC1 on a Sunday morning? And it was clearly the will of the people to leave. You're not denying the principle of democratic process surely? You must think that there is a net gain to the British people for remaining under a tertiary level of governance. Haven't you considered the financial spend whilst remaining in it? What about TTIP and other measures and the ease by which the EU can facilitate the US global hegemony project? The NHS and the raping by the pharmas is pan-European. Membership of the EU obfuscates the truth of public spending. Surely independence from the EU would help us?
  16. Can't remember when started playing fitba. Played every single day as a kid. Retired at 31 in Melbourne, playing in games that the Brits were doing their football pools coupons on. Was asked to go Highland League a couple of times and after one training session which took over 3 hours just travelling there and back, decided not worth it. Spartans the best team I played for, travelled from Glasgow to Edinburgh twice a week but favourite team was Walker Road. We had a great mix and even though we thought we were the best amateur team in the NE, the history books proves otherwise. We were a brilliant drinking and trapping team though. Played junior too but the standard not as good as expected (in the NE) and too many soft wankers who thought they were good but weren't, mostly forwards actually. Had some great defenders in the junior ranks was what I recall.
  17. Jacques Perreti's Who's Spending Britain's Billions is excellent. Available on BBC iplayer, essential viewing for all the stupid cunts who didn't vote for independence and Brexit. People who don't have a fucking clue what day of the week it is in other words, far less what's going on.
  18. Ha ha. I've always been a cat man. We have two male cats and a third turned up one day, a tail-less creature with a bad meow. I assumed it was a female for some reason and it was known as Tabitha. Then it needed a vet and the wife took it round and so it got registered to me and it turned out to be a male. I then turned it's name to Toby Arthur and it was inherited by friends of ours when we moved. They are now firm cat people and can put out fire with gasoline too. Our first cat is at least 12 and has become a basketball in shape. I think neighbours must be feeding the cunt. It reminds me of this card I got a year ago at the Saatchi gallery... Our second cat is maybe 8 and is ginger (pronounced Ging, not Ginge) and costs me far too much in vet bills due to its bad attitude and picking fights it can't win. I love the cunt. The wife got a dog behind my back just over 3 years ago. It's an Aberdeenshire Terrier and I love it, despite never being a dog man previously. I've had to walk the bitch and even pick up its shit as the wife and two of our daughters are enjoying sunshine in Spain without me just now. That's how much I love it. I wouldn't even pick up the wife's shit. Not that she clarts the road like the little black bitch does. EDIT: Found a photo, the only one on my Macbook... This was day one when I met it when it arrived as a pup. They had known it for a few weeks before.
  19. Despite it being a newsreader, I would. Hazlehead to Holburn junction.
  20. It was worth it to get reminded of this little nonsense... Hello Daddy, Hello Mom... Hello World...
  21. It's not just the BBC and Sky. The corporatocracy are in on it. In the last 24 hours, Natwest have frozen the RT bank accounts in the UK. So much for "our values" as espoused repeatedly by Obama and Cameron. Freedom of expression isn't allowed and when they dare to speak the truth, they get shut down. The ongoing incarceration of Julian Assange and the made-up Swedish sex crimes in order to get him extradited to the US is an affront to any common decency and a huge abuse of human rights. Snowden also can't return to his homeland for daring to expose the institutional corruption and yet the likely next president survives criminal behaviour which her opponent would have her jailed her for, if he wasn't such a pig that he killed his own chances for the job.
  22. Within 10 minutes at Dens, we knew we had a player. In the talent v. work debate, I would be very interested to learn of his background, his specifics since the age of 12 or so. Was he "hot-housed" in one of those academies or was he late on the scene? I saw an interesting documentary recently about the kids club in Middlesborough who had developed some great footballers and are still doing it. Why can't we develop talents like that, not just at Aberdeen but in Scotland generally? Back in the day, Kenny Miller was a tremendously exciting teenage talent. As was Charlie Nicholas. We had Jess, Booth, Neale Cooper, John Hewitt etc., even Andy Dornan was a very promising footballer aged 17/18. Is it as simple as less kids playing the game thus a much reduced pool to pull from?
  23. Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch Cherry Bomb - The Runaways.
  24. War doesn't "stir up" the economy. It drains the economy. The reasons they are contriving situations to make war is because that's in their plan. They even painted one of their jets in Russian colours last week. It is genocide they're planning for financial gain. It's the worst evil ever. And "we" are supporting it.
  25. How did you like Caravan Palace, Andrew?
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