I'm away to bin Sky so looking into alternatives. The wife bought Now TV for the bedroom but don't think she's bought anything off it. I need to find out how that works.
It was a business expense for me but I also can't stand the thought of paying Rupert and also contributing to Wayne Rooney's absurdly large pay packet.
In preparation for getting rid of Sky, I cancelled the Sky Protect Direct Debit. Someone was saying that it's actually a good thing to have, for less than a tenner a month?
Weird occurrence today. Last minute decision to dive into Currys at the Bridge of Dee to look at new TV's. This Pakistani gentleman was looking at the Sony Bravia 55 inch and started talking to me. I said I was just browsing and hadn't done my homework yet but would not be going for Samsung ever again. He then recommended a different model/series of the Sony Bravia, one that John Lewis had. He knew his stuff about HDR and all that so I thanked him for his recommendation, jumped in the car and £1275 later, including some box that records 500 hours of stuff, bought it. He said he had decided that's the one he was going for too. I was never going to deal with Currys anyway. Their Carphone Warehouse people lied to me when I got my phone. And John Lewis have a price guarantee and have a good reputation for customer service.