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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Lol. Sheeitt Negro, you got me down. I think the US do need war. They're fucked with no way back without it.
  2. Brilliant question. Good thread. Not actually applicable for me as it wasn't music that got me into girls. I was in love with girls in primary school. Can still remember my first loves and my early fantasies, mostly rescuing damsels in distress. I can't remember when I didn't love music either and Joni Mitchell one of my all time favs, although not necessarily that song. A Night at the Opera was my first LP. Led Zeppelin were the band I got heavily into in the 70's. Women are still the biggest driver for me. I fucking love women. More than anything else.
  3. I'm away to bin Sky so looking into alternatives. The wife bought Now TV for the bedroom but don't think she's bought anything off it. I need to find out how that works. It was a business expense for me but I also can't stand the thought of paying Rupert and also contributing to Wayne Rooney's absurdly large pay packet. In preparation for getting rid of Sky, I cancelled the Sky Protect Direct Debit. Someone was saying that it's actually a good thing to have, for less than a tenner a month? Weird occurrence today. Last minute decision to dive into Currys at the Bridge of Dee to look at new TV's. This Pakistani gentleman was looking at the Sony Bravia 55 inch and started talking to me. I said I was just browsing and hadn't done my homework yet but would not be going for Samsung ever again. He then recommended a different model/series of the Sony Bravia, one that John Lewis had. He knew his stuff about HDR and all that so I thanked him for his recommendation, jumped in the car and £1275 later, including some box that records 500 hours of stuff, bought it. He said he had decided that's the one he was going for too. I was never going to deal with Currys anyway. Their Carphone Warehouse people lied to me when I got my phone. And John Lewis have a price guarantee and have a good reputation for customer service.
  4. There will be world war in 2017 if Hitlery Clinton gets the presidency. The people she works for demand it. The US needs a war. They are already morally bankrupt and are financially catastrophic. Their ONLY hope of salvation is plundering and looting on a global scale and Russia is being lined up. Putin knows this and is getting ready to defend. If the US population weren't so insular and thick, only a full scale revolution at Washington can halt the inevitable. One of the best commentators on world affairs - Paul Craig Roberts - has been calling it for years. He calls it the US global hegemony project. The USA is the most corrupt organisation of them all and the individuals behind it continue to remain invisible to the vast majority. The UK and the EU are heading towards catastrophe by supporting the US.
  5. Aye from me... to Alice. Would walk from Queens Cross to Fittie to fit in her.
  6. Product provider. Invented niche software used in 90 countries by increasing numbers of clients. App developer on related product. Service provider. Consulting to individuals, universities, countries in same niche field. Not had a day off for 8 years. Don't want one either.
  7. Radio 6, as I usually do. That and Radio X are the only channels I don't switch away from within 10 minutes.
  8. My next gig is Caravan Palace next month at Brixton Academy. Managed to keep my promise to myself not to let 12 months pass before seeing them again.
  9. I said this two months ago. It was a thread with the same name.
  10. This could be a remarkably coincidental day. I may have just discovered that I know another poster and if your first name begins with G and is sometimes misspelled starting with a J and you grew up in the flats at Hazlehead, I may know you too!
  11. As a clerk of the court I'm surprised you come across Moorov that often. Then again, it's such a magically well thought out and simple principle of justice, it's encouraging to hear it gets used more than I imagined.
  12. I'm well aware that I didn't have to. It transpires that Inversneckie and I may share the same degree though. My interests are only AFC and deciding if I would or if I would not. Edit: if your son grew up in Fife and went to Uni in Glasgow and works in Aberdeen, then I think we know each other. Shit, we may even be related. Edit: ID doesn't share the same degree.
  13. You sound like an expert to me. How do you know all this about Moorov?
  14. Aw shucks. I'm not actually. Well I used to be until NEASA ceased to exist. We couldn't get the funding to get the North East Aeronautical and Space Association off the ground but boy we had some beaut space cadets lined up.
  15. I don't understand? What's an "evidential tool" and what is a "defence mechanism"? Are you saying that there is no requirement for corroboration in English criminal law?
  16. Would walk the distance from Baskin & Robbins to the Light of Bengal only to lie with it.
  17. What are these differences? Correct. Yes it is, in Scots law as per HMA v. Moorov, known as the Moorov doctrine.
  18. No then, not now, not ever. 2 x No's in a row. Didn't think that would've been possible.
  19. This is the saddest truth for me. There's NOBODY decent in the Scottish game who can step in. It's the whole culture that's rotten. Totally agree with Strachan and McGhee out for the exact same reason. Talk on the news that Strachan is considering his position. He must surely know that he's out of his depth.
  20. Brilliant post DL. Totally agree. It's never gonna happen unless and until Scotland get the right people in the right places. And the self-serving nature of people with power means it won't happen. There's nae cunt with any decency in the corridors of power and Ernie Walker set the culture way back then.
  21. That's a No. A first No. I don't do bunny boilers and other types of known madness.
  22. I wouldn't go out my way for it. Think she would be one of the shittest rides in history. A yes obviously but would only walk from the Bridge Bar to the Grill to fill her. Can't stand that bitch.
  23. Strachan in his interview "we had an extra player in midfield tonight and we think it worked". No point in listening to him anymore. He's clearly insane.
  24. We'll know after his interview the chances of that. I predict no chance.
  25. They won't sack him. They're fucking useless, not fit for purpose.
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