Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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Everything posted by rocket_scientist
Catch 22 is a great book. Ewan McGregor on Norton just now. He directed American Pastoral, the book by Philip Roth. Norton showed his ignorance by sarcastically saying "everyone will have read it". Well I have and Roth is one of the best American authors, very funny at times. Recommend this writer to anyone who doesn't know him.
Me old enough too. French and Italian my favourites. Was sitting next to a girl from Burgundy at Abz airport departure gate early this a.m., waiting for a flight that ultimately never happened and one of the subjects we discussed was wine. The variety is so vast, even in one region that you can't write off all the Bordeauxs, the Burgundys, the Chiantis, Sangioveses and Brunellos without at least trying them. For something different, try Barolo or something really different, Amarone.
I went to the Opera once. It was shite. Won't go to another. I can tar ony cunt wi the same brush.
Tonight I shall be mainly drinking... water. We're having a teetotal month (well, since Sunday), which is quite hard the first week but by the middle of next week I'll be saying that I'll never drink alcohol again. Then come the 26th and 27th, I'll be choking for a pint and for some red wine. That's a good choice manc. Pinot Noir my recent fav. Not heavy and delightfully easy to imbibe. NZ overlooked for their reds because the whites from there are so superb. Get the Vivino App. You can take a picture of any bottle and it tells you all about it including where to get it and average prices. Very useful when preparing to buy a case of your favourite stuff before negotiating with your vintner.
Did you see Buffon's buffoonery last night. One of the worst keeper errors in international history!
Read his biography. The one that was unauthorised. SAF is extremely litigious but his lawyers told him there was nothing they could do. The only defence to libel or slander is veritas i.e. it's true. As for the documentary, that was 2006 Panorama. May be on YouTube? Or just google SAF dirt or corruption allegations. Or Rock of Gibraltar. That was the reason he fell out with Coolmore. He got greedy alleging he was entitled to breeding rights. I reckon the Irish mafia may well have been behind the timing of the Panorama as the timing was too sweet, coming as it was with the drip feeding to the tabloids.
Sorry but the recommendation I've got is one to avoid. Started Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut. After 82 pages and almost half way through, I've failed to pick it up again one week later. He's a brilliant and clever writer but his "black satire" doesn't do it for me any more. I think I'm Vonnegutted out. Hadn't read him for a long while and may have read the last of him despite really enjoying some of his books 20-30 years ago.
No reason not to. Bridge of Don to Kincorth for me.
Italy v Spain ITV 4 ch 120 just now. Very interesting game. Spain looking good.
note: Hampsters welcome though
Being at Gothenburg was the best 24 hours of my life. Better than the day I married this woman I've been with for over 30 years. Better than the birthdays of our four kids. So I am extremely grateful that SAF hit our club. I've read his unauthorised biography. I've heard what he got up to in Aberdeen. I have mates who have told me how he was in their company. I've been told by a source I would trust with my life what happened at St Mirren. I've seen what happened when Coolmore upped their stake to nearly 30% of the shares of Man U. I watched the BBC documentary 10 years ago. I don't have a problem with his ability. He was the best manager ever. I value integrity over ability, that's all. And when there are question-marks over his honesty and integrity, should this prove to be founded, I would loov it if justice comes out. Way too many smokestacks over many decades for there not to be a fire.
Thursday Borderline Boiler WYOWYN
rocket_scientist replied to Gervaise_Brookhampster's topic in Off Topic
I've NEVER been to bed with an ugly woman but woken up with a few. Old one, I know, I know... but I'm old. -
Wouldn't choose to listen to the vast majority of Heavy Metal these days. Loved Led Zeppelin in the 70's and saw Motorhead at Reading 79 and at the Capitol in the year and two after. Probably haven't seen a Heavy Metal gig for 30 years. Motorhead were utterly awesome live.
Thursday Borderline Boiler WYOWYN
rocket_scientist replied to Gervaise_Brookhampster's topic in Off Topic
"ashamed to say"... Yeah so would I. I would walk from Cove to Westhill for most. As long as there's not another available closer of course and wouldn't want to, nor need to, walk that far too often. But fresh meat is the greatest driver known to man or to men like you and me at least. I was pretending to have standards. -
Thursday Borderline Boiler WYOWYN
rocket_scientist replied to Gervaise_Brookhampster's topic in Off Topic
Jeez what we talking about here? I wouldn't pay money to see her talk. I would imagine she wouldn't be funny too. I wouldn't be seen with it in public. It is not date material but would you or would you not have sex with it? Most certainly, although I wouldn't walk from Northfield to Torry to fuck her. That's many steps too far. It's not worth that much effort. It's female, it's got a pulse and as long as it harbours no STD's, no brainer. -
Thursday Borderline Boiler WYOWYN
rocket_scientist replied to Gervaise_Brookhampster's topic in Off Topic
No reason not too. Ticks the boxes. Would walk from Hazlehead to Mannofield to get in about it. -
Ach these wood nymphs are too easy. We need borderline cases, not girls that everyone would. Then it gets interesting. Actually, these are worth looking at in their own right but there's just no question about their fuckability. Newsreaders. They're dodgy, especially the BBC. Yes they're female, with a pulse and presumably free from disease so they tick all the boxes. But there's something about them on the Beeb that is deeply offensive. Sky too. That woman on the afternoons (Kay or Kate Burley?) would be a "only if forced to" for me. Andrea Brymer on the other hand. I'd walk to Chipping Norton to get in aboot her. From Caithness if need be.
- Man loves man and man who love woman condemn them for it. Discuss. Why A Decadent, Corrupt Elite Attracts So Many Gay Men Reader whorefinder zeroes in on the reason why late-stage ruling elites mired in corruption and decadence are coincidentally so freaking gay. Gays are defective men, and their effeminacy leads them to value and excel in very female traits. What’s more, gays excel past women in these traits because their retained testosterone naturally makes them more competitive than women. Gays like careers where licentiousness, flashiness, graft, catfighitng and backroom politics rule the day, and not ones where team work, tangible-goal meeting, merit-based advancement and self-sacrifice are valued. Politics in decadent cultures is all about social manipulation and not about accomplishment. In non-decadent cultures, politicians assess which general conquered effectively; whether the police are keeping crime down. In decadent cultures, politicians assess whether they will get a payoff for favoring a certain bill; whether they can make another rival look bad; and whether they can get away with it. Hence gays will excel in a decadent political climate. Hence why D.C.’s politicians and power players are very fag-heavy. Hadrian was the exception rape! A great insight to which I would only add that low T heterosexual men also excel in decadent political climates marked by constant elite infighting. The same female instincts that motivate gay men appear in abundance in the low T man as well. The solution to American decline is…. more T. Higher testosterone, whether exogenously administered or included as an intrinsic part of the shitlord package. Trump is a virile man with the visage and slash and burn rhetorical skillset of a shitlord. If anyone can un-gay DC, and America at large, it’s Trump. *** Related, a study of people’s natural feelings of “homophobia” — or what should more precisely be termed homoaedia (“disgust for homosexuals”) — found that it’s an emotional immune system response to the often-correct presumption that gay men are untrustworthy, disloyal, and unreliable when the group needs to be defended against outside threats. Perception of Gay Men as Defectors and Commitment to Group Defense Predict Aggressive Homophobia Homophobia encompasses a variety of attitudes and behaviors with distinct causal paths. We focus on aggressive homophobia, a propensity to feel anger and express aggression toward gay men. We investigated the conjecture that homosexual males might be seen, in recent Western cultures, as defectors from collective group defense. We predicted that consistent with a functional motive to punish and deter free riding, the perception of gay men as defectors would motivate aggression toward gay men. We also predicted that individuals with greater commitment to group defense might show more aggressive homophobia (as these individuals have more to lose from the defection than individuals who are not committed to group defense). Study 1 showed that aggressive homophobia correlated positively with the tendency to implicitly associate gay men with defection from group defense. Study 2 showed that a tendency to punish homosexual males for a theft correlated positively with commitment to group defense. The findings suggest that coalitional psychology might contribute to explaining the existence and quality of certain kinds of social stigma. The part I bolded is interesting from a post-America vantage point. Very homophilic urban shitlibs — masculine careerist shrikes and low T effete hipster men — have, to borrow a Sailer phrase, leap-frogging loyalties to people and races far beyond their neighbors and racial kin. This remote defense of genetically distant groups is perfect for liberals who prefer to signal their virtue rather than act according to their claimed virtues (by, say, raising their family in the ghetto). The shitlib thus lacks the instinct for in-group defense, and when he is roused to group-defense does so for the benefit of outgroups, and often for extremely antagonistic outgroups. This muted if not altogether missing disposition to ingroup defense is reflected in the typical shitlib’s nonchalance toward the disease and disloyalty threats that homosexuals present to the group. In other words, the same reason shitlibs don’t much get worked up over elite betrayals and the demographic destruction of White America explains why they don’t feel much concern about homosexual subversion and defection. It’s stunted shitlib amygdalas all the way down. On this topic of justifiable disgust, I frequently come across assertions by shitlib sociologists that disgust per se leads to the ostracism and “dehumanization” of homosexuals, minorities, women, etc ad nauseam, and that if people just stopped feeling disgusted the tikkun olam utopia would be achieved. But this claim always struck me as an ass-backwards rationalizing of a studiously manicured false leftoid equalist worldview. Disgust is not itself a stimulus; disgust is the emotional reaction to a negative stimulus. The leftoid inversion of this reality presents hilarious logic traps when examined critically by analogy. Dog shit serves as a useful mindgunk cleanser. Does our natural disgust at the sight of dog shit “dehumanize” and “other” the shit, or is our disgust a reasonable reaction to the smell and appearance and disease-carrying threat of dog shit? Naturally, the latter. We evolved the disgust response to protect against curious ingestion of dog shit or playfully smearing our faces with dog shit. The same is true of homosexuals. People, especially those enmeshed in strong local communities, know instinctively that homosexuals are disease and disloyalty vectors, and they react with the appropriate and natural feeling of disgust when flamboyant gay homosexuals attack their senses. It’s why Kaine has triggered so many disgust reflexes; physiognomy is real and gaypedoface physiognomy is about as disgusting to normal people as a toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce. Or Michelle Obama’s traps. *** The contrarian asks, “If disgust is so useful, why did evolution select for shitlibs with high disgust thresholds?” My answer is that disgust inhibition is probably associated with increased creativity. If there was an environment in the past that greatly rewarded creative people, then that could, generations later, result in a larger proportion of the population suffering from an underdeveloped insula region of the brain (where disgust is manufactured). But the pendulum always swings back; our current petri dish culture of shitty aesthetics and shitlib eagerness to wallow in filth long ago reached the point of diminishing creativity returns. Now that the leftoid filth is threatening to swallow us up and destroy everything our ancestors worked to create, evolution will strongly select for the re-emergence of a shitlord phenotype/genotype to bring balance to the force. But if the reproductive and cultural selection pressures for a Shitlord Ascendance are too slow or weak, then we will run out of time to wash away the grime. System failure will have to proceed if a truthnbeauty rebirth can happen.
Not possible to get banned. Fuck they even let me post shite when nae cunt else did. That stand free ed cunt was a cunt. Fit wiz his problem? Just one of life's wanks I guess. That wood nymph? If ony red-blooded man wid not, he's a poof. Simple.
Me not know no Buc. But if he is of the same mind as fuck them all (mostly), then he's a man of good taste.
WYOWYN would be an excellent contribution. My default answer to them all is yes. If it's got a pulse and is female and not diseased, why would you not? Some you would walk miles for, others you would only when it's laid down and spread out for a quick release. Not rocket science. Got to fuck and variety is the spice of life.
Instructions on how to have a shite properly must rank as the most important of all. You can master anything and everything once you know how to use a bog effectively. Nothing worse than not getting jets up yer arse when that option is available. I bet that would make you stand out from the crowd in downtown Tokyo, like anything much can given the extreme population, possibly the shape of your eyes right enough. It would be written on your face and etched in your body language. The nippon locals will be saying - "check out that clarty bastard. Must be a pervert, an anally-retentive foreigner, probably British. Fucking weirdo".
Brilliant. More people to argue with. All welcome.
Probably like the OP, I didn't know that there was a podcast App on my phone. Reminded by this thread, I noticed it, clicked on it and there is tons of good stuff. I recommend you get the podcast App. If you don't know about Ted Talks, I strongly recommend this source of amazingly diverse information. This one I watched last night was uplifting - It's available as a podcast I noticed but you can view the talks through the Ted Talk App, or simply online. Why that particular talk was so good was in a world where every government is corrupt and is monopolising knowledge and digitising libraries (the offence against humanity that Aaron Schwartz lost his life over, aged 26), it's fantastic to see some independent science bringing great progress for humankind. From an Israeli university ironically.