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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. The quality of golf was outstanding. Mickleson made 10 birdies and yet only good enough for a half v. Garcia. Reed and McIlroy were on fire on the front 9. Congratulations to Love and the US team. Good for the competition that they won.
  2. For any budding entrepreneurs out there, let me tell you how important integrity is. I stopped working for the man aged 32 and have earned on my own steam for a long time. In my early days, a Finance Director offered for me to take back my invoice I was presenting him with and to more than double it. Before we even got to the discussion of what he wanted as a cut, my instinct took over. "No, I'll tell you what instead. You pay that invoice and you pay it fucking quick or your boss is going to learn of this conversation". As I left the premises and with a two hour drive home, that was plenty opportunity to toss and turn. It was a lot of money he was offering, I could have used it at the time and nobody need have known and nobody would have died. It's not like he even had anything on me because he would've been in it deeper than me. I could have claimed inexperienced new self-employed dude doing what he was told by a big wig in an important big client who was almost double my age, not that it would ever have been traced. But you make your own luck in this world and that one day has gifted me fortune since. I kept that firm as a client and they kept on paying me quick. I must admit I charged an extra 10 or 20% to them after that but it was all in writing in advance of doing the work, something I've always done, however big or small the consideration. Go down the slippery road once and you'll always be a thief. It's not "God" as we know it but life karma and yin or yang will strike down the wrongdoer at some point. Fat corroupt Sam's demise is nothing compared to the inevitable catalogue of disgrace heading towards Sir Alex, hopefully in his lifetime rather than posthumously. I want to see his face when he gets nailed.
  3. I feel sorry for him. He works in an environment that is totally corrupt. His best boss, SAF, was the greediest of them all. It's not like he took any bungs. He just told the entrappers how the system works. When big governments are so corrupt that money is being stolen from the people by the billions, most notably through the industrial war machine, banks, pharmas and civil engineering/building let alone directly from the public sector via contracts, grants and quangos, it is no surprise that the prevailing culture is similarly corrupt and dominated by greed. It's human nature, to get off with whatever we can. Trump thinks it's "smart" but credit to Chris Coleman, a last bastion of integrity and a blower of the whistle for saying it how it is. It is tantamount to stealing. They're all thiefs, or at least those of them in a position of influence to be offered the bribes and corrupt enough by nature to take them.
  4. All 3 equalisers from Citey have come 8 minutes after Celtic took the lead. This is only going to end up one way. 13/10 for the away win just now. I'm jumping on at 6/4.
  5. Thanks computer. Good job I didn't put "everything" on it
  6. I just did. Thanks for the insight.
  7. It's not as simple and black and white as TW suggests. You can't copy copy here. You have to watch it. It's like - you have to be there. Trump came over as a cretinous tax-dodger when there was no need for him to say anything at that precise time. The American people all saw it. That's his death knell.
  8. Nellie the Penis. Did you think the world revolved around you? Note this past tense here. Did you think we were here to inform and entertain you? Let me guess. You're an only child?
  9. Hostility? Where do you think it may have come from? Are you mad, or in denial? Unlike Westminster and Brussels and Jurusalem and Washington, I always considered the NE as capable of recognising truth. I thought that we, Aberdeen fans, were capable of interchanging with truth between us being a given? It's what happens on the streets and in the pubs where I live and come from. Who the fuck are you? Integrity is unique to some peoples of the world. The NE of Scotland is one of them.
  10. If you ever find the balls to say anything, you might be worth conversing with. Otherwise, get fucked. Knob.
  11. * internet *
  12. Think about it. There are ZERO other Engerlish candidates. That's how pish they are. The beauty is, corroupt Sam might have been successful. He's got cunt about him, an essential ingredient. You couldn't make this up. Beautiful aesthetics beyond perfection.
  13. Corroupt fat Sam has gone. Hahahahahahaha... Go on you useless muppets. Appoint Southgate. I dare ye. I double dare ye. Fuck England.
  14. "That makes me smart" uttered by The Donald during the first debate whilst Hitlery was speaking has killed the contest. He doesn't know this yet. Neither does she nor any of the political commentators, either side of the Atlantic. Trump is totally unelectable. Neither is Clinton obviously but Trump is embarrassingly short on intellect. What a joke. He had a great chance to win the high office. He blew it, big time and the world is going to suffer hugely because of it.
  15. The BBC nailed Fat Sam in the same programme that they nailed SAF, revealing the precise role of his son Jason in his capacity in Elite Sports Agency. Not that we didn't know about Fergie anyway when the Irish billionaires started to fry him gently and publicly. Like everything, people shy away from inconvenient truths and would bury their heads in the sand than confront them. But as the FA, they have no excuse for not pursuing and exhausting the allegations exposed in that programme which again involved the son formula of stealing from the manager's employer.
  16. How about this then? The soup on offer today was tomato and coconut. If I didn't know that the Spanish board would have been filling enough, I might have been tempted. Went to Rishi's for the first time a few months back. I'm terribly addicted to Light of Bengal so didn't rate it that much but appreciate that this may well have included some bigotry and prejudice on my part. I must be Indianist. Not being sexist or racist, I was bound to have a major ist of some sort.
  17. It feels even better the day after. Especially as there are a couple of huns I've yet to meet and mak greet.
  18. Buchanans Bistro at Banchory for lunch today. Second time I've been and had the same thing as last time early summer - the Spanish Board. It's just excellent. Don't overdo the sourdough bread though. It's gorgeous but for someone like me who doesn't eat much bread these days, very easy to over-indulge. The wife said her dish was superb too. A must-visit for any NE enthusiast.
  19. If you had lived in the NE Scotland for any length of time and if you followed football all your life, you could believe it.
  20. What a goal. The fact it was never a free kick made it sweeter. Downsides in the second half was how much they wanted it more than us. And Rooney was so slow it was embarrassing. You're a lucky manager tonight McInnes. They were there to be destroyed and but for the young kid who you inexplicably didn't start, that would've been two points lost. Fucking awesome result and absolutely delighted to beat the shite that is hun.
  21. Totally agree. Far too much respect given, from the very first minute. Logan and McGinn have been worryingly shit. Need someone of Maddison's quality desperately. Playing Hayes at the back makes zero sense. Shambles first half McInnes. If they couldn't score with that much possession, the only way they will is if we keep on giving them chances. They're shit and we should be making them suffer. Pathetic display so far.
  22. Our manager is a professional in football so there must be a rationale for this. Maybe he thinks PP will rattle them with pace, get scythed down once too often, red card for der hun, Maddison on for the injured Peepaw, game on.
  23. Pawlett in for Maddison? McInnes, words fail me. That is insane. It's a good job Rangurs are absolutely shite but there is no excuse for NOT playing our best team.
  24. I must be missing something. I know West Am have had a poor start this season but they played some great fitba last year. It's not like Southampton are great shakes and like WHU have only won 1 out of 5 this year. Odds at better than 2/1 for the home win was too good to refuse. A draw is probably the most likely outcome but in terms of value, I went for West Ham.
  25. When a mong in blue loses the plot and gets sent off within the first half, I think 5-0 @ 200/1 might not be good enough so 6-0 @ 750's would be a great return!
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