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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Well that was shit. Season over already. But some "optimistic" feel cunts will fail to see the reality. It's staring every cunt in the face. Last year I did a paper on "Mirrors and the Great Pretenders". This was about performers. "Fans" are worse, because most have never won fuck all and don't understand.
  2. It was Alex Ferguson who failed to see his potential and/or failed to create the relationship. Expensive error.
  3. I was initially impressed with his stop in the first half. It came through a crowd and he reacted real quick to get solid hands behind it. When it parried off one of their players and behind, I was reminded that somebody was quick to criticise Ward for his parries, his argument being that this was a supposed weakness of his. After a decade of Langfield, tolerated by too many for too long, we know not to expect that knowledge of goalkeeping is a given. Christ we had four successive managers who didn't instantly sack the blundering fool. When your reactions are good enough to even get to a ball like that, there's no time to direct the parry. With some saves certainly but not these instant reaction stops.
  4. Adam Peaty swam the 3 fastest ever times in 100m breaststroke, saving the best until last. There's a limit to how quick a human can go through water. That must be it surely. Stunning achievement by a superb young champion. That's what pure sport is all about.
  5. Where's the love? This guy looks very good. Tall, powerful, agile, what's not to love?
  6. 'Twas a marvellous opener. Pity they equalised but great that they didn't go on to win. A hun I hadn't seen for half a decade said yesterday that the rangers would finish in the top 2. He was also looking forward to Joey Barton breaking Scott Brown's leg. Given this attitude and the song sung at Ibrox before ko, isn't it marvellous to have these scum fucks back?
  7. Some facts gentlemen. Rooney is an excellent practitioner. But he's not a winner. He will never win a Premier League title with AFC. Just like he's never won fuck all. He's a journeyman. That's fact, whether you like it or not.
  8. I thought we were going to win before the penalty was given. We had started great. No advantage played for the goal was inexplicable as was Rooney failing to bury it. He never dinks pens. He always picks a side and strikes it with authority. What the fuck was he thinking? Note to him: the best penalties are putting the keeper the wrong way. This is achieved by body language disguise in the approach and/or opening or closing the striking foot momentarily before impact, the shorter the moment the better. It was a pathetic penalty and an inexplicable decision to give it.
  9. It feels more shite for me with the guilt and all. Last night I said "Rooney doesn't miss penalties" and some random wifie in the pub said "don't say that". A feeling of queasiness hit me instantly. It takes a robust imagination to consider that 7 words uttered in NE Scotland can influence an event in Slovenia moments later but was I to blame for expressing optimism or was she to blame for expressing pessimism? Maybe she's a witch who knows stuff? It's not even real guilt like when you killed someone who really only deserved a battering or when you steal money from a beggar when nobody's around. It's faux guilt, a queasy guilt, wondering if you had anything to do with it. It's a shite state of affairs Tommy and all the speculating and wondering in the world won't make any fucking difference.
  10. 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 - MBT 80 79 78 77 - Tyrant 76 75 74 - Nellie The Don 73 - BigAl 72 - Edinburghdon 71 70 69 68 67 - Jute 66 - Manc 65 - rocket 64 63 - Tom_Widdows 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 Having gone close with 77 points the last two seasons, I'm going low this time. Edit: your lack of hyphen was bugging me MBT. It was visually disturbing. Plus the scale from 20 points was insulting, now amended.
  11. Has anyone ever said fuck all better? All credit to me. Darth Rocket
  12. I'm all for exploring and going beyond the boundaries and the use of theoretical questions in the pursuit thereof. However this is a step too far in the list of credible possibilities, much as my imagination would love to embrace the prospects of them finishing bottom. My imagination is certainly capable but it's just not going to happen. The reason why they won't finish last is simple mathematics. They've got tens of thousands of baying bigots paying in their ill-gotten gains, their giros and presumably even some legally-acquired monies into the horrible institution that is sevco. It's not just the much bigger budget that they will have, it's the expectation levels of the said bigots that demands a showing that is not a complete embarrassment. Much as I could contribute to the debate, if indeed there was any to be had regarding the total incompetence of football administration in this country, it having been proven beyond all reasonable doubt that Doncaster, Regan et al are of the worst charlatan quango types imaginable with zero redeeming features, neither personally nor professionally, I think it best to keep the powder dry for another day.
  13. Why would anyone trust Milne let alone give him the benefit of doubt? George Yule is a different animal but he's not got any power. This decision to relocate is an agenda pursued over 3 decades. It was a decision made by one man. We weren't consulted. Is it because he knows best and knows what's better for us than we know ourselves? Is this sole operator some kind of visionary? Did he not neglect maintenance at Pittodrie in furtherance of his agenda? In a week where Sir Philip Green's professional reputation has been brutalised and the truth finally exposed, I would've thought that the balance of doubt would have been against the sole operator with all the power? Interesting that he said he would make good on reparation to the pensioners. What businessman would take responsibility for the affairs of a company he no longer has anything to do with, an institution he sold already, for a quid? A guilty one, that's who. One who's been caught stealing, and rewarded for it with a knighthood from the Westminster establishment, the same organisation that 55% of Scots voted not to leave, the same systemic corruption that grinds the gears of the EU, another vote where Scotland fucked up. Man we have some real fuck ups amongst us.
  14. It does indeed transpire that Munich McDonalds was a mental defect, operating under whatever sick delusion inhabited his head. Why was he shouting that he's German though and what was the "hatred of foreigners" stuff all about? Just a random tragedy. Kabul though, that's more archetypal Arab sickness. It's not just that they reckon divisions in their interpretation of Islam merit killing each other, it's more base and fundamental than that. Christ the proddies and kafflicks would kill each other in this country if they could get off with it so the Sunnis and Shias etc. are the same sickness. The real underlying issue is intolerance and the suppression of women. In a culture where they can fuck and marry 12 year old girls and the female is a chattel, a possession, one to be covered up at all times and kept for ones exclusive use, or traded between families in arranged marriages and murdered to protect "honour" if they ever dared to show signs of independent free spirit, the concept of free speech isn't tolerated far less protests. Our interest in Arab affairs was never to promote "democracy" and to liberate the suppressed. That was western hypocrisy to mask the real intent, which has always been land grabs and theft of resources for the enrichment of a few.
  15. In the heart of Europe, something has broken down. Random killings in France and Germany are happening for a reason. It's not just nutters copycatting each other. This never happened before. A responsible government (or EU) would ask why. But the European governments, all puppets to the US world hegemony project don't want to admit why. The corruption of the west is now so exposed (by the internet) that the disenfranchised feel they have nothing left to lose. This is protest. And from initial indications, it looks like it's not just Muslims turning on innocent people now. Thank goodness we had Blair and Cameron to make Britain safer. Although hang on, didn't they say we would be safer in the EU? Do they even believe the shit they say? How can these fuckers sleep at night? Merkel is another who should be on the list, with Rupert being top of it.
  16. Finally got round to The Big Short. Outstanding. As truth always is.
  17. I have too many reasons to articulate why I've never voted Labour. And they're mostly the same reasons why I've never voted Tory Whilst I like the sentiments expressed by George Carlin, I just can't bring myself to fully accept his persuasive argument not to vote at all. I may vote Corbyn next GE however, forgetting Scotland for one vote only. Much as I will feel dirty voting the same way as the weegie and Kirkcaldy scum who don't have the capacity to think, in my case it would be a vote for the man rather than the party and a faint hope that he can revolutionise the political system. Always the optimist, even when the realistic odds scream no.
  18. Of course you know who profits the most from us voting for Trident. That's right, Uncle Samuel. We've got a great company in Cambridge (now sold to the Japs) but we still pay excessive disproportional amounts to the yoo ess of ay for computer functionality on obsolete technology on WMD. How many of those billions are kicked back to private individuals in London, further monies stolen from the public purse?
  19. Jez would win the General Election v. that mad cow, all day every day. The people are sick of establishment politics. We're screaming for change. Their attempts to undermine Corbyn are so see through even the Sun readers are catching on. Goanyerselmin Jeremiah. He's a fuck up really in terms of leadership credentials but at least he has integrity. Substance was always more important than style.
  20. Good post Tom. He was quite obviously not detainable, in that he'd not done anything previously for which he could be incarcerated. He was a volatile nutter who flipped. And boy did he maximise the damage. The key question is WHY did he flip? Unfortunately this is where the west is in total denial. US foreign interventions, their actual actions rather than the declared foreign policy - wholly supported by NATO of which the French have been highly active both historically and recently in the Middle East - has provoked and bred widescale hatred from Arabic peoples. It is these corrupt and hypocritical interventions that gives the nutter the excuse and the concept of martyrdom within their sick religion encourages them to sacrifice their own useless sad lives. All religions are sick of course. We just gave them the opportunity to hate us.
  21. What happened in Nice was not nice. But not totally surprising. What happened in Ankara wasn't nice on a humanitarian level, innocent lives being lost. But in the bigger picture, Erdogan, his son and their arrogance being challenged is overdue. Once again, this is a fight against Amerikuh. The worst empire of them all. And the British and French were evil.
  22. Very true. It's a mismanagement of our national game on a monumental scale.
  23. Relativity? Or are you solid thick? Or you speak shite for a living?
  24. Perhaps because like Souness and George Weah's "cousin", our manager never seen him play.
  25. And there it is. Sheer magic.
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