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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. That is one interpretation. Another is that it's quite intriguing and certainly very interesting. Portugal sans Ronaldo have good skill. Their ability to touch and release is strong. Strength however, resides in Pogba and the French. Strong loons. Quite magnificently poised for a piece of magic to win it.
  2. Goodness me. Not arguing. Just find it sad that anyone would think it let alone say it. About him.
  3. Corbyn's speech just now signifies the beginning of the end. Fantastic. Integrity has been missing for too long. Not only should Bush and Blair hang, so should Rupert Murdoch and many, many others. The politicians and media knew all along and they chose to ride roughshod over the truth. Blair's voice is full of panic and it's beautiful to hear. I knew from the beginning that Corbyn was going to be important. I couldn't anticipate how important. Fucking brilliant. The end of public schoolboy wankers running the country imminent.
  4. Anyone voting for "Jeremy, Hamster and May" might as well rip his pants down to his ankles and implore everyone to fill him up. Is it their upbringing? Rhetorical. Amazing how stupid cunts swallowed how "good" and "decent" "Britishness" was meant to be. These cunts make me vomit.
  5. I mind a solitary Norwegian enter the train 2 hours north of Bordeaux in 98. His jaw dropped when he seen a carriage full of tartan, not in fear or panic necessarily but not knowing what to expect. The immediate cry went up "whale-eating bastard, you're just a whale-eating bastard..." whilst someone gave him a can of Tennents. The Icelanders might eat more whale per capita but it doesn't make them bad people. Perhaps whale ingestion helps their cause. Not sure if a study has been done to examine the correlation. There's a task for an enterprising individual. You might have got EU funding for it in the old days.
  6. Buffon the defining clown tonight.
  7. Well well, Henry, Shearer and Vialli all go for Italy! Fucking clowns.
  8. Having predicted the correct score last night, let me have another go; Germany 1, Italy 0.
  9. Ken Macintosh's opening speech before the Queens statement was a perfect example of why Scotland should be independent. We are different from any other nation. We share the same values as 99%+ of the world's population but being a small nation, we aren't able to rule with anything other than openness and integrity. Our political classes can't get off with pulling the wool over our eyes. Our people are too principled and aware. The Jock Tamson's bairns connotations are both negative and positive. Negative in being anti-entrepreneurship, innovation and individuality. Positive in that it demands equality, at least of treatment and opportunity. When was the last politician speech that resonated? Hillary Benn's re bombing Syria was passionate and well delivered, for sure, but it was evil in content and would have made his late great father turn in his grave. Ken MacIntosh, take a bow, son. We may have seen the birth of a leader today. Brilliant speech. The fucking trumpeters and other musicians are fucking bowf though. We Scots are really awful at putting on a show. We should just stick to substance. Our stylistic fripperies are fucking shite.
  10. Having lost two key players for the semi, due to that insane rule about two bookings accumulating, and with Bale having done nothing tonight, it's time for Gareth to help pull them through to the final. Best man-management display I've ever seen in a tournament. Coleman and Wales, you're a beautiful collective and a wonderful country. Congratulations for your success and thank you for giving us the most spirited performance we've ever seen. Hope you fuck Portugal.
  11. I told my wife 3-1 before KO. What a fucking game. And Bale has NOT dragged Wales through this tournament. This is awesome.
  12. If McInnes was good at his job, no, if he was competent at his job then he would be able to watch this game tonight and understand what's lacking both in him and the vast majority of players he manages. There's very few competent managers in Scottish and English football and even fewer good ones. And if these useless intellectually-retarded cunts who have worked in football their whole lives can't see it then chances are the vast majority of football fans are unable to understand. Rhys Ifans said it beautifully. If you care about football, you would have been watching him in the minutes before KO during the build up. Winners are rare, the exception. Most are losers, in everything.
  13. One of the best half hours of the tournament. Mon Wales. Thoroughly deserved equaliser. Great spirit.
  14. Been drinking again? A drunk man never lies. A sober man however has better manners and might wish to expand on it. Then we can discuss and agree that you were right all along.
  15. Theresa is married to Philip May, the man who allegedly benefitted when G4 got awarded the biggest public sector security contract. His other "banking" appointments have had public sector connections. Does anyone care? Has there been an abuse of power, a conflict of interest? Or is it sheer coincidence? The same type of coincidence that led to Cameron's father-in-law being the biggest beneficiary of EU subsidies for wind farm technologies. Does anyone look at the timings of when these familial connections became multi millionaires and check it back to when the monies starting getting dished out? We know Blair got his multi millions after he left office, due rewards for making his bosses get even richer but these two establishment bastard puppets, the outgoing PM and more than likely the next one are getting mega rich DURING office, through the other sides of their families and both through public money. Where have the investigative journalists been? Rupert has been too busy with the used-up Texan, I fear.
  16. Ronaldo has been so bad that it's now scripted for him. Free kick into the wall. Missed a couple of great chances by fluffing them, getting easily dispossessed, passes going astray, he's bound to miss the defining penalty or score a screamer of a winner.
  17. Ed Milliband showed his true cuntish colours today. Each and every one of them, bought.
  18. I know fuck all about Eagle. Never noticed the cow until she ingratiated herself to Corbyn, picking him up from his hoose, sitting next to him on the front bench. She is a Brutus, a Judas, a self-serving cow. Wouldn't surprise me if she's a dyke. Now in this pc world, we're not allowed to comment on sexuality. Well sue me. Dykes are bitter in my experience. Very bitter people, mostly maladjusted. Even if her maladjustment is not related to her sexuality, she's one twisted bitch. The way she sat through her "support" of her leader without expressing emotion, the way she sat through her resignation without expressing emotion, working SO HARD to expressly eliminate expression is a manifestation of the coldest hearted cunt that even the staunchest man-hating lesbian would have been proud. Labour are fucked. Politics is fucked. The whole thing is crashing down. Indict Blair. Then the party can begin. You couldn't lead fuck all Jeremy but you can bring down Blair and the whole shabang. Blair killed Kelly.
  19. Listen up you thick cunts. And anyone who doesn't see what's going on and gets offended by a generic opening line IS a VERY thick cunt. The PLP like the Eton fagboys and like Clinton-Bush-Obama are instruments of the ruling evil. Corbyn has integrity and carries no dirt. This is a dangerous combination. It means they can't control him. These last seven days have been a golden opportunity for Labour to win ground over the Tories. Diversionary tactics that are so obvious to any reasonable man prove that there is no democratic "opposition" It's them against us. You fuckers don't even know who "they" are.
  20. Brilliant. More proof of FA quango-like incompetence. They appointed that Fud n a!!!
  21. Woy's loyalty to Rooney was all too predictable. They failed together. They're losers. The World Cup was embarrassing enough for them. Failing to start Vardy was unfathomable in the first game. Not having the balls to start Rashford was predictably weak. But sticking with Rooney given so much history of failure was always going to be a sticky end. The only thing they missed was Sturridge. In all their miserable self loathing, they failed to see his positive contributions. But one or two men don't make a team. A good manager makes the team tick. Woy's team talk couldn't make any team tick. Useless thick bastard.
  22. Hodgson resigning just now, even though it was immediately after Iceland, was too late. For them, who I don't want to see succeed. He's a fucking useless man. Always has been. Always will be. The FA are like those who represent us, Regan and Doncaster, totally unfit for purpose.
  23. Disgusting nation. Disgusting manager. Disgusting commentators. FANTASTIC RESULT. Bjork 2, Elton John 1. Or possibly Cliff Richard.
  24. Agreed, and it's getting progressively better. Like a quality wine. Ageing with dignity.
  25. Hodgson the only man with a coherent plan to leave Europe. Tweeted just now apparently
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