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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Let's see if any of us have the same preferences. Starting from the bottom: - What's your favourite Boots - Viberg Shoes - Alden Trainers - Merrell (Gore Tex) Troosers - Incotex & Kuhl Shirts - Savoy Tailors Guild & M&S Collezione T-shirt/Polo - Rohan & Fred Perry Jumper/Top - Arc'Teryx Softshell & Peter Millar Jacket (casual) - Kuhl Jacket (waterproof) - Arc'Teryx Hat - don't wear them so no fav
  2. I think you'll find that there is no law that applies to corporate governance. Once you get to age enough to understand. Nae slagging you loon. Ye're a good cunt. Just that you're young. Or at least, younger than me.
  3. Milne with Tyrone yesterday. The fucking front of the man. The reason maintenance at Pittodrie is increasing year-on-year is because of deliberately-engineered neglect starting over 20 years ago. I wonder who might benefit from HIS decision to relocate? Soulless runt.
  4. Eh? His responsibility is to the whole club, of which the customers, the fans are the most important. I'm comfortable with change and progress. I'm comfortable with knowing how the world works. When it comes to my club though, a club I put money into through the original shares issue, I'm not comfortable with people stealing from us, something that Dick Donald and his son would never have sanctioned. We have no proof there's any impropriety going on but given his previous, I don't trust the rat cunt.
  5. Westhill Kingswells is a terrible location for so many reasons. There must be a reason why Milne chose it, just like there were reasons why he proposed a.n.other location and spent good money on consultants and feasibility studies and wasted all our time on a site that was never going to happen. Examining those reasons bring understanding. How disgusting that twenty years after he first proposed it, Milne is getting his way. There were reasons why he agitated for a new stadium immediately after taking our money and putting us into the red for the first time in our 90 year history with the building of the RDS. Having just built that, you might have thought that redevelopment of the rest of Pittodrie might have been better than relocation, unless a builder/developer might have made money out of our existing site? Who owns the land we're buying to site this new complex? When did they buy it and for how much? And what are we paying for it? What is the realistically attainable selling price for our current site in today's market and who are the potential buyers? To understand and learn what's going on, it's not a question of asking too many questions but asking the right questions that reveals truth. This may now reveal the real motives of the Donald's "gift", cleverly presented and packaged as from Mr and Mrs. Firstly no woman tells a multi millionaire what to do with their cash and no man ever got rich by philanthropy on that scale. The truth will out. Milne and Donald. Their agendas is where the truth lies
  6. I bid you both good day. I don't see this as a productive use of my time. It is good advice to avoid persons like you rather than engage with them. Your resentment has it's true origins towards yourselves.
  7. In the politically correct culture that you two have been brought up in, you can't even recognise what a "meltdown" is. Neither of the two of you are man enough to ever say anything contentious let alone of interest. Funny coincidence it's only ever you two, isn't it? The one without a sense of humour and the one who is so cowardly he hides behind others? Actually scrap that, not just one, neither the two of you have ever posted anything remotely amusing. I would pity you but for the fact I don't waste love on those beyond help.
  8. I can't apologise for calling you a boring knob. I can't retract it. It's already been written. But you should get over it. Maybe go and hold the jerseys of people who actually play the game and then you can pretend you've got mates. Then go find real love if you can. It might dull the pain of the job and the life that you hate.
  9. It took me half a dozen references last night to realise what the hell they were talking about. I kept hearing "bowling" and didn't know what the fuck was going on until a caption came up with Boleyn. At least it's better than a stadium named after the sponsor, which really grinds my goat. They're still stealing tax payers money the cunts, enabled by the corrupt politicians. And Call Me Dave had the audacity yesterday to claim that Nigeria or some fucking where was riddled with corruption. Blair gets paid whatever a PM gets paid and one year out of office is worth £50m? It would have taken him 8 or 9 years on a PM salary back then to earn £1m. I wonder how that happened? And who NEEDS £50m? Imagine the negligible difference to his standard of living if he had half of that? And what might have been done with the other half?
  10. You give me advice, twice now. You pick a fight, you jump to erroneous conclusions, you insult me and yet ignore any attempt at reasoned debate... on a fucking internet forum and it's ME that's taking it too seriously? Fucking hell mate, get a life.
  11. Forget it. Your attitude stinks.
  12. I had never heard Upton Park described as that my whole life until last night. It was like they were all on a mission to rename it after the event, which I don't understand. Fuck West Ham. Horrible club, stealing from the tax payer and throwing bottles at the bus. I can't stand Man U either but I wouldn't turn into an uncivilised criminal about it. Souness was right. Imprison the cunts.
  13. Lol. The irony. Soon to be exposed... You didn't imply it, you're right. You expressed that I was an idiot. Specifically, you wrote that I was prejudgemental and unable to see an alternative view. You concluded that I would have slated the player whatever he had done. Are you going to answer my question? Would you like me to give you some advice?
  14. You don't think your comment was insulting? You implied that I was an idiot. You don't agree that "you would slate him for that too" is superior moral high ground? Wouldn't you have to actually enter a debate first before claiming victory in it? Would you like me to give you some advice?
  15. Why would I "slate him for that too"? Do you even understand my opinion about him? I have expressed it in English. Who is the more valuable, a Brian Grant/Simmie/Cooper type or a Niall McGinn. Those three would have got less "assists" combined than McGinn. Are goalkeepers and defenders less worthy footballers than "assist-makers". I fear that you, fuelled by a lapdog with no balls to confront anything directly, are to be indicted with a lack of debating integrity. Which may or may not be sourced by pride prickling, inexperience or an intellect not quite as robust as first thought.
  16. Anybody quoting stats like assists in debates of a players strengths and weaknesses, considering a long free kick into the box which Considine got his big (physical rather than mental) head on the end of as a meaningful stat over and above watching and understanding games knows fuck all about football. Assists are like clean sheets, almost meaningless metrics.
  17. That's a world first, the first time any AFC manager has challenged the chairman. Well done Derek. Stewrat Milne is, will be and always has been the heart of the problem. Not that most of the clowns in our support can see this, even though it's staring us all in the face in bright neon. As the manager has expressed, our squad isn't good enough to win the league. For a club of our resources - actual and potential - and history, not to even try to win it is completely unacceptable. I didn't see the meaningless fixture yesterday with its predictable result, preferring to enjoy the sunshine on the links of Royal Dublin instead. I didn't even get the wife to record it. So I'm guessing McGinn had a great game? Nobody's ever denied his quality but there have been debates about his consistency and application. Perfectly reasonable subjects for discussion I would have thought, for any interested party. Then on Mad they flew a kite and posted that only six of this current squad were good enough to keep if we were to ever mount a serious challenge and that six didn't include McGinn. This was a view I agree with 100%. In the real world, everybody knows that we won't get rid of all but six this summer and given that I don't expect anyone to come in and offer us decent dough and offer McGinn more than we pay him, it's odds on that one of our most talented footballers will still be here, the most talented arguably, an argument I wouldn't contest. But rhetoric like we've only got him cos nae other cunt wants him and excusing his failings by somehow saying that he wouldn't be with us if he was the complete article, whilst obviously true, is hugely ironic and misses the whole point of those debates. The ironical danger is that Milne has won. The unreasonable expectations strategy deployed against us was no accident. It was designed to minimise our expectations and was an insult to the ethos of sport and also to our intelligence. The fact that McGinn had a good game and worked hard in that game yesterday - assuming that was his contribution in the defeat, as I say I never saw it - is no surprise but doesn't change my opinion about him. I've seen him for years, I remember when Langfield was screaming at him at St Mirren and as I've said repeatedly (so don't need to say it again), it's been a failure by McInnes mainly. It depends what you want. In a theoretical debate about whether he's consistent enough to earn a place in a title-winning team, something would have to change. What's so frustrating in the form he showed for two months a very long time ago and what he should be capable of doing. If you think his attitude and consistency is good enough (based on many years watching him in a red shirt) to contribute to a winning team then perhaps you don't know what a winning team looks like. McGinn's consistent inconsistency is a constant. He's one of if not the best footballer in this squad and given Milne's history, there will be no clear out coming. We can forget about the possibility of winning the league. That ship has sailed and this season was our best opportunity. McGinn is not the problem. He's a symptom of questionable (yet to be proven) man management ability and a chairman who doesn't even want to win the league. The fans sang Gibson's name at the end of the last game I watched. Unlike Boro, our fans will never sing for Milne. I'll sing when we see the back of the cunt but until then, we get the club we deserve. Fans trying to point score over other fans on an Internet forum over this particular footballer won't help anything. It's a pathetic illustration of how absurdly low we have fallen both in competitiveness and realistic expectations and totally ignores the biggest issue which is why we have many missing thousands.
  18. All of the shite promoted by Cameron and his counterpart bastards in the EU about free trade and tariff reduction is mere cover for the only purpose of TTIP, which is to establish American economic imperialism over the peoples whose governments sold them out for money. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/ttip-leaks-shocking-what-are-they-eu-us-deal-a7010121.html http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/ttip-could-cause-an-nhs-sell-off-and-parliament-would-be-powerless-to-stop-it-says-leading-union-a7006471.html (sourced by the irrepressible bastion of truth, Mr Paul Craig Roberts)
  19. What a fantastic idea. In fact, if they didn't do it, the club are a shower of shite managed by inhumane arseholes. Even if they did, we are still managed by an inhumane arsehole. RIP NG. He was a very shy or private man was my impression. I saw him all the time over many decades but never knew anything about him and wherever he was sitting was never near me. Only ever saw him on the way to or from games. Does anyone know anything about him? Has he family? My first impression was how did we hear he was even deid? Whoever he was and whatever his story, he loved the Dons and that alone is why I loved seeing him.
  20. Poldinos opposite Ma Camerons. Never again. My son and I went there before we beat Celtic 2-1 and it was excellent. So with daughter visiting from France this week, we decided to go there tonight. Great meal. Good wine. Delighted. Service non-descript but hey, it's Aberdeen. Then the bill came. It was wrong. It was an overcharge by 2 or 3%. I have no problem with genuine mistakes. It's human to err. So I take the bill to the counter where the grey haired grey beard was punching icons on the computer and handed over my card with the bill. Are you the owner I asked. Yes I am said he. I waited till he put my card in and handed me the terminal before I fully responded to his question if everything was all right. I said yes excellent and when he handed me the terminal I said apart from the bill being wrong. He gave faux pretence for caring and I said no it's fine. Must have been in your favour then, he had the audacity to utter. No I insisted, £136.40 it says here, that's what I'm going to pay. What a fucking balloon. I would have tipped him £20 if he hadn't tried, and succeeded in stealing £3. Worse for him, we will never go back and every one of our friends will learn of this experience. The shame is their pasta is outstanding. I don't give a fuck. It's hardly London or Roma standard. Hate people like that. So small minded they can't see the big picture. Cunts like him don't deserve to succeed. Utter scummy slime ball. Hope he fails.
  21. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/may/27/heysel-stadium-disaster-30th-anniversary Football fans can be scum and Liverpool fans can be the worst. I saw a Liverpool fan in his 40's or 50's stabbing a lit cigarette into the face of an Arsenal boy of 13 or 14 outside the Emirates. I was with my own son of similar age and couldn't do anything, or chose not to given hundreds of them storming a police horse against the wall behind him at the time and not enough police presence. Rangers and Celtic contain much vile scum too. Liverpool killed their own. They're wallowing again tonight but they'll not remember Heysel, conveniently forgotten. Compo will be their next objective and should be rightly given but whatever they get offered, it won't be enough for them. Innocents died but there are many guilty cunts in that city. http://wosland.podgamer.com/no-justice-for-the-96/
  22. After Heysel, the Belgian chief of police got jailed and 14 LFC fans convicted of manslaughter. The 14 didn't try to kill anybody. They couldn't have anticipated that a wall would collapse. They were just xenophobic boozed-up tragic scum who got their kicks from tribal fighting as a pack. Manslaughter is reduced from murder because of the mental intent, their recklessness being considered less culpable than actual intent to kill. I wonder if charging into the back of an already compressed crowd is more reckless? It's certainly no less anticipatable that it could lead to harm for others than the 14 anticipating a wall would collapse.
  23. The other tragedy was the cover up, changing witness statements, lying and being selective with the evidence. From a profession who's raison d'etre demands honesty and integrity. Pigs and scum all getting it very wrong and all too thick to anticipate what the consequence might have been. And innocent people losing their lives as a result.
  24. The 96 were not killed by the police. They were killed by fellow fans. This does not excuse or mitigate the unlawful killing verdict. It's just a fact. It was the shockingly incompetent crowd control that gave rise to the circumstances that caused fans to kill fans. I wonder if there are dozens if not hundreds of scousers who have felt guilt since that day? If it was a rugby crowd, nobody would have died. Those individuals so desperate not to miss any of the action who pushed and shoved into the back of the throng would not have done so if they could have anticipated the consequences, but it was the police's job to anticipate the possibilities and manage the crowd. The fact that the venue was unfit and unsafe was a huge contributor. But the real tragedy is that uncontrolled greed killed their own kind.
  25. Very relevant and very true. A systemic cover up from the police all the way up to Westminster.
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