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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Shame. Sign O the times one of my favourite albums back in the day. Gifted genius. But flu? Da hink so.
  2. If ra sellic are so shite not to beat the cheating cunts on Sunday, and the tax dodging cunts are lucky to be 2-1 down at HT just now, how shite are we? All ifs and buts and maybes to stupid cunts. The only certainty right now is that Scottish fitba is shite and AFC are garbage.
  3. I'm afraid that 62 is 62 whatever the era. Yes it's very young these days. She had a short battle with the big C apparently. Great artist. Lovely nature.
  4. Second best tabloid headline ever was:- David takes Elton up the aisle Best was:- Shoots You Sir (the day after Versace got gunned down) Edit: Doh, it was Elton taking David up the aisle. I beg to differ! That was the Sun. We have the Daily Sport, now defunct to thank for the Gianni brilliance.
  5. Objection your honour. I feel that it is imperative to leap to the defence of the cunt description. Tonight I sent a text to a coach and asked him if one of his charges "has enough cunt about him"? Over 20 years ago in Melbourne, possibly nearly 25 years ago, we had the pleasure of a young New Zealander join us for a couple of weeks on the golf course. He was different league from us. He played for his country at Boys level and was +2. We were all hacking about at 3 and 4 handicap. Johnny, one of our regular four asked me what I thought of Dave. I was gushing in my response and somewhat puzzled and deflated when Johnny said "yeah yeah but he's not got enough cunt about him". It took more than ten years later to recognise the truth of his assessment. To be a winner, to achieve in anything, you need a LOT of cunt about you. Winners are ruthless. Doesn't make them nice people necessarily. Only a small minority of high achievers are well balanced, rounded individuals. Johnny was totally correct. I was just too young in my late 20's to recognise it.
  6. I agree. Big time. But not according to some dickhead who got it into his thick head that he wasn't very good for us. He cited parrying the ball into opposition attackers as his rationale. Ward has been the best keeper at AFC this century. By miles. Only a fool couldn't see this. He only took his premier league debut to prove how ignorant this critic was. He was brilliant today.
  7. Why is Arsene still employed at Arsenal? The man is a schoolteacher, not a manager of men. Useless bastard. Great talent spotter though. He's in the wrong role. Pay him £7,500 a week for talent identification but get him to fuck out of the dressing room.
  8. I'm not singling him out. I already said I would only keep six. He's one of many that isn't good enough. I was seeking to bring an ongoing debate to some sort of progression, if not conclusion. We already agree that he has talent and I've already said that McInnes has failed McGinn. He needed a kick up the arse and being benched for a while, that time being in McInnes's first half season. The fact he stuck by him might have been admirable and good man-management if it worked. But it didn't. McGinn is still incapable of delivering desire and commitment on a consistent basis. That's still no excuse for any major abuse he may receive. Not that I've heard this from the terraces.
  9. Let's forget about what other people think. Let's summarise what we think. I say that McGinn doesn't possess a winner mentality. The talent v. work ethic debate has already been won. He needs to be punted if we have any ambition to win the league. McInnes should have benched him around the time of the 1-0 away win at St Mirren. Part of McGinn's problem is poor management.
  10. Given that I'm sure we can agree that there are many stupid people on the planet, and a slightly higher proportion within the ranks of football supporters, I don't think we need to regress to the lowest denominators and consider what and how the retards think about anything, let alone how they view any footballer, let alone Bett and McGinn. Beckenbauer was the king of stressless composure. Nobody made the mistake of misinterpreting his value.
  11. You guys are harsh. That Rotherham Finn was amazing today. His very first save was a sign. He rode a bubble of confidence all the way through to saving the first two pens and he never made a mistake all day. Fantastic goalkeeping performance. The last time I saw an excellent AFC GK performance at Pittodrie was a VERY long time ago.
  12. I'll ignore the implied insult that I'm so stupid not to recognise his "playing style" and ask you simply to look at results. To consider the failed Irishman in the same breath is a huge insult to Bett.
  13. However, you missed the application-observation. McGinn has never tried enough often enough.
  14. That's a very good post bb and I enjoyed reading it, thank you. I'm not sure that you and I will disagree of the meat of this matter. Not sure I can accept the Bett correlation however. Jazzer was class and did it much more consistently. But a very good argument notwithstanding.
  15. Not directed at anyone in particular but you either understand what separates winners from losers or you don't. It's attitude. It's desire. It's work ethic. It doesn't matter the discipline, whether football, tennis, academia, business etc. etc. As the vast majority aren't winners nor ever have been winners nor do they work with winners nor have they ever studied or examined the differences, they are not qualified to comment and their opinions are worthless. For such ignorants, I recommend Bounce by Matthew Syed, a far superior read than Daniel Coyle's The Talent Code. It's not a heavy read and contains many excellent anecdotal examples. This deals with work ethic primarily but to understand the attitude and burning desire and determination to win, you have to have it, be born with it, live and breathe it every second of every day. You won't recognise it from a book. Losers don't know why they lose and they don't really care. Bounce is so simple in fact, that even retards might get something out of it. Although given the "news" today that phones should be allowed in cinemas and the tragedy of the reasons being debated, reading a whole book might just be way beyond their attention spans, which is exactly what our governments engineered of course.
  16. I wonder who you might be referring to as the best examples of this? For me it's McGinn. Goodwillie was another highly infuriating footballer. The reason why these two stand at the top of the pile is that they have obvious talent. Fools within our ranks will continue to think that they will come good one day without even seeing that it's their lack of desire and application that is dreadfully handicapping their performance potential. When one of our fools is the manager, who's very function is to get the most out of them, then we've no chance. McGinn failed at his beloved Celtic and ends up with us at significantly less income. In a two month spell, a long time ago, well before McInnes, he produced magic and he did it consistently. He's never shown consistency-capability since, only flashes of his patent genius. Winners produce consistently. Generally. Gordon Strachan was an exception, infuriating in that his exceptional skill was in evidence a lot of the time but even he - someone good enough to play at the highest level, unlike McGinn - punctuated his season at AFC with many off days where he put in substantially less than 100%. Which is why SAF couldn't wait to get rid of him. He saw it coming and started the process of jumping ship, signing a pre-contract behind the manager's back. McGinn doesn't have that issue. Nobody better than us wants him and he's been supported by poor management. Anyone who thinks he needs backing to come good knows fuck all. I played with amateurs who gave 100% every week. Whatever they have in potential, not trying hard enough is unacceptable, shortchanging their team-mates, their manager and in the case of professional performers, their fans.
  17. Hayes v. Celtic and McGinn taking it from the corner flag at Tynecastle. Joint winners. Enjoyed them both equally.
  18. Shinnie is player of the season. One of only six I'd keep. McGinn and obviously Taylor would be gone. But our board won't show ambition and we won't get close to winning the league again until they do. And whilst Milne is there, we never will. Meanwhile the missing thousands stay away and the stupid bastards within our ranks - not just the thick idiots who abuse our own players - don't know what day of the week it is. Three types of people. Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and - like many of our hardcore support - those who go "shit, what happened?" Remember we are the club who believed in Calderwood and Langfield. That's how inept we are.
  19. I'm not amazed. I already know that there are multiple fools in society and AFC fans are not immune. He's also not been convincing enough often enough. Undoubtedly talented, I get the feeling he's shortchanging us with his prolonged periods of insufficient desire and application. I detest laziness. In his case, his apologetic reaction when scoring at Celtic and rumours of him inappropriately attending a Celtic match, he's not doing enough to suppress his known love and support for them and this is being highly insensitive to his employers, us. The sad thing is that his love of Celtic will have been born from the same religious bigotry that infects most OF followers, sectarian divisions being their biggest identifier. The sense of belonging and native tribalism is a big driver in football supporters. It's just got that sick twist in it when it comes to the OF.
  20. David Guest, 62, in the Four Seasons, Canary Wharf. A tragic man. Bereft of love. My bet is suicide. No loss. Impossible to love a man who doesn't love himself.
  21. The lies coming out of the IMF now. And no wonder. We give £50m a day, £1bn every 3 weeks to the EU. Yes, that's £1,000,000,000 every 20 days! No wonder the ruling classes don't want Brexit. And the ruled classes are so stupid, the sheeple trust anyone in a suit. It was ever thus. Half a century ago, they trusted lawyers, accountants, bankers, doctors and teachers. By virtue of their vocation, not their humanity.
  22. I never said that their motives were entirely philanthropic. I also share your healthy sense of cynicism. Whatever they're getting out of it, they rescued our balance sheet. This makes it impossible for our creditors to move on our only fixed asset. That alone guarantees financial survival, not that we the fans wouldn't step in. Their investment was huge, more in shifting the dynamics and posting a message than the cash amount. Where it goes next, fuck knows. But some of us will be watching and we won't miss a thing.
  23. For the record, the first time the club ever encountered debt was due to the final instalments due to Milne for the RDS. The debt was small enough that it could have been paid off within a year. Milne leveraged himself into the boardroom using the monies owed to him. He promised corporate expertise and attractive plans of shares issues, injecting cash into the club. We all paid our money and watched it disappear in alarmingly incompetent financial management. And as the number of staff grew, and many incompetent footballers taken in at ridiculous wages, the debt grew and grew. We can blame the managers all we want - and it's true that Milne employed total shite before McInnes, who's legacy is still to be determined - but Milne has been the cause of the initial debt (not Donald) and it was squarely down to him alone that the debt grew to well over £10m. I agree he will get out now. The investment from the Donald's can't be emphasised enough as the most important reason why the process has been halted. We didn't do any harm highlighting his unpopularity along the way. This is Aberdeen. We're too small a community to pull off stunts like that. But we did, and we continue to get hoodwinked by this greedy corrupt small cunt of a man.
  24. The football budget is commensurate with our position, I agree but it hardly represents ambition. What about the missing thousands? What about the latent potential of this club? If we were to add only 1,000 to our average home gate, that's what, half a million extra revenue? What would a quarter of that buy us in today's transfer market? A better footballer than the majority we have. And given that the football budget includes scouts and formerly a useless goalkeeping coach and a striker specialist coach, are we even spending that right? How much more could we divert to football if we didn't have over 100 staff on the books? The amount of waste at AFC is incredible. £600,000 for a feasibility study? Who might we have bought with that? There are reasons why we got to debt levels of more than £10 million and they were NOTHING to do with Paul Bernard. The corporate strategy Milne employed was exactly the same as we see every day in many fields, including our own elected Conservative government, who nobody in Scotland voted for. 99% of Patient Assessments go to appeal because the decisions are always stacked to be wrong. And the legal aid for these appeals go to specialist lawyers who, coincidentally went to the same schools as the system abusers. Milne has been trying to run us into the ground for over 20 years. Once the debt reaches a level that it can't be served, the banks foreclose and the only fixed asset we have needs to be liquidated. Now THAT would be a VERY big deal for any interested property developer.
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