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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Howson for Norwich tonight GOTS for me.
  2. Three weeks later and after 9 goals in his last 9 games, the second half one tonight being awesome, Giroud may finally be producing the results he should be capable of. Another observation from tonight's 3-3 is that Cech may be as finished as I suspected. He's never been the same with the hat. He was world class before the head injury but never the same since, neither for Chelski nor now at Arsenal.
  3. My daughter saw it with subtitles in France on Monday and really liked it, 8/10. My mate who I agree with on most things gave it 7/10 so as I said, definitely worth seeing. We discussed a couple of the scenes which were indeed quality and pretty hilarious but overall, I'm still not enthused. May have been expecting and looking forward to it too much.
  4. If only it were that simple. Sky's anchor prick - they're all bastards there - was arguing the case AGAINST the junior doctors today. Exactly like their deliberate canvassing of Cameron on Bowie, these sick fuckers always like to influence the thick cunts towards favouring the government. Even that's not as sick as their owners fiancée. I am reminded of Mrs Merton's outstanding question to Debbie.
  5. The chairman knows that the "patience" of the fans is there. In fact he banks on it and has banked on it. Nobody has the stomach to challenge the chairman. Irrespective of whether action is mounted or not, what's incredible to me is that some actually believe that Milne is "a fan" and has genuine intentions for our club. Like the foreign policies that are pursued in our name and the gross extortion of public funds by corrupt governments through the corporotocracy and the industrial war complex, people's incredulity (and stupidity) is masking the big picture. It was Hitler who said that, although he expressed it differently i.e. small lies, big lies.
  6. I agree that celtic were there to be taken under the boring Norwegian cunt this year. But AFC haven't shown any ambition for a period extending well into last century that I can't believe anyone can genuinely think that they're going to start showing some now. There's been no change of the personnel in charge of the club ergo it is madness to expect a change in objectives now.
  7. I've listened to a lot of Bowie these last 24 hours (plus seen a lot of his interviews) but thanks for the reminder of Wild is the Wind, a song I had not heard for a good few years... until just now. It is indeed another very special work which once again proves the genius of the man. It was the earlier Hunky Dory when the star man first blew my mind. There is one thing that David Cameron and I agree on. He described Bowie as a genius yesterday. The irony in that lizard serpent cunt declaring admiration for Bowie is heavy. There is a heavy odds-against chance that Cameron genuinely meant it whereas there is such a heavily odds-on chance that Bowie would have hated Cameron that the book may not even have been open to punters. If the bookies were right, and they usually are, then the question that needs to be explored is why Cameron said it? That leads to such an obvious possibility that that book would have been closed too. Bowie's über-fans are singing all his songs in the street at Brixton. That bugs me. Not as much as Cameron's insincerity but it bugs me more than anything I consider a tolerable level. Faux grief comes in different ways and for different purposes. Look how much I loved Bowie, they say, but the PM does it to get down with the electorate and the vigil mentality folk do it to tell others that they were there, although some will be so obsessed that it masks the inadequacy of their own sad lives. Seeing some of his interviews, I loved how nervous Chris Evans and Jonathan Ross were with Bowie. They were shitting themselves. Those two don't have any artistic talent of course but have managed to persuade TV executives to give them a career based only on their personalities. Hey, I quite like Evans and I think he is genuine at what he does and can be funny but he's a lightweight if we're talking art or anything of substance. In fact he's not even on the scale when it comes to artistic endeavour but watching how they felt so inadequate in front of a genuinely gifted human being, one who represented danger because of his nihilism and his antipathy towards them was beauty in essence. Ross is, of course, the king of twats but it's all about them, Ross and Evans. Their ego's have run unchecked for so long, fuelled by grossly-negotiated packages that they believe that they are their show, unlike Norton actually and unlike the great interviewers of yesteryear. It was only his last 25 years when Bowie found himself as a person, well into his 40's. He was always highly intelligent but it was the coherence within him that didn't exist before. His ability to relate and discuss ideas in his latter years, particularly on Parkinson and with Paxman became razor sharp thanks to the simplicity and clarity of his faultless critical thinking. EDIT: Bowie turned down a CBE and a knighthood. Imagine even offering a knighthood after he turned down the CBE? They just don't get it. Politicians aren't of the people and haven't been for decades leading to centuries.
  8. Bowie lived as art. He didn't always hit. He missed big too - Murrayfield in 83 wasn't a great gig - but when he hit, it was uniquely compelling. There will never be another because he was the living embodiment of individuality and originality. Some of his music will last forever, it's that good. I loved his continuous challenges to convention. He was wise beyond not just his years but beyond collective "wisdom". He saw things that even seriously talented musicians couldn't grasp until the masterpiece was complete. Tarantino's use of Cat People, putting out fire in Inglourious B was one of the best uses of music in cinematography.
  9. In life, football being no exception, there are, and were, things, people, places and organisations that were once great. Will Aberdeen be remembered like that? Both the football club and the city? Or maybe it was never a great city? Only liked by some of us who grew up in it? There are always reasons for the slump or the demise. The late great Gore Vidal considered "I told you so" as the greatest words in English language. He was dealing in far more serious subject matters than a wee northern city with a shite fitba team. But someone somewhere will have seen it coming and will have a robustly functioning instinct. To believe in the concept of seeing the future, you need a healthy and robustly functioning imagination. Even though common sense is not too common, the empirical evidence is and has been bountiful.
  10. With such a pathetic limping out of the Scottish Cup tonight, I want to know what the fuck they do in training? How obvious has it been for such a long time that our squad isn't very good at the basics. If a professional footballer can't trap, control and pass a ball, they're not fit for purpose. Our lot couldn't even kick it cleanly when clearing our back lines tonight. These are skills that should be ingrained on the training pitch. The fact that it's not is a very poor reflection on the manager's ability and competence.
  11. Not true. His points were spot on. To elaborate on the strength he spoke of, it's not just physical. Winners are mentally tough. They are hard as nails and WANT it more.
  12. Considine contender for worst ever performance.
  13. The question is why, if this was our only chance of a trophy - and it is - did we come out as such a fucking shambles?
  14. EXACTLY my reasoning Tom. Shinnie is a class Left Back. That cunt should've made it two. Thruppeny-bit heid.
  15. I'm not taking the blame for the maroon cunts scoring after I posted that! Ironically the last game here was the best performance I've ever seen from us this century.
  16. All these win predictions. I predict the opposite.
  17. I agree. Django was well behind his best work. If any of you are big into QT films and are planning to go real soon, look away now. >>> I mean it, I'm going to give an opinion on his new film and you won't want to hear any prejudgements. >>> So take a hike, for your own sake. >>> In my opinion, he has three masterpieces, Pulp Fiction being the best and either Inglourious Basterds or Jackie Brown being his next best (depending on my mood), these three being streets ahead of anything else. Django was enjoyable at the cinema when it came out but tellingly, I've never bothered to watch it since. I've even got it on the skybox but never got round to it yet. I probably preferred Kill Bill to Django, although Waltz is so damn good, he ups the ante. Reservoir Dogs is pretty enthralling too. Now to the latest release. Look away now I said... >>> Worst Tarantino movie of any of the above mentioned, by miles. And this in my opinion was why. Nothing happened. There was no plot, not even the hint of a decent story, neither a plotline on it's own merit or a series of themes being intermeshed and entwined together. It was a massive disappointment, we thought. Tarantino threw together some outstanding actors including some of his big gun favourites but not even they could save a weak, weak script. There was the expected clever dialogue with pinpoint accuracy but without a half decent storyline or even a theme or themes (connected or otherwise) to follow, however tenuous or abstract, the whole thing was hugely underwhelming. I'm glad I went because QT delivers a genre and a style that nobody else does so it was interesting and has a few laffs and some good acting - how could it not with some of that cast? 5.5 out of 10 for me where Pulp was a 10 and Jackie Brown and Inglourious was a 9.8 or a 9.75. Django would have got a 7.5 to 7.75 on my first and only viewing, possibly 8 thinking about it but nothing special. What bugs me about QT is his overuse of gratuitous violence and fantasy fight sequences. Kill Bill was cheapened by that ridiculous, incredible and preposterous bloodbath that lasted way too long, and the great film that Bill was shaping up to be was therefore killed by this aspect although I thought the cartoon horror sequence with the kid under the bed worked well and was totally in context despite it being very extreme. Reservoir Dogs had some great severe violence as well but just too much of it just for the sake of it. The Hateful 8 has an overdose of shite like that, which in my view is designed to "be zany and graphically offend the squares" but completely fails. There wasn't one scene of violence out of place in his best 3 films. Even the shooting by Bob de Niro in the car park worked because the fucking bitch deserved it - LOOOO ISSS. I know already I will NEVER watch The Hateful 8 ever again.
  18. That is indeed a brilliant scene, as was the exchange with Von Hammersmark at the cinema. Where's your commitment? My son has the same Cineworld card but he's still coming tonight. Oh yeah, I'm paying. For dinner too. Scrub that.
  19. It's here. NO MORE SLEEPS. The Hateful 8 is in town. For those of you who don't go tonight, you've got motivation and enthusiasm difficulties. Don't give me the line about art appealing to some tastes and not others. Tarantino has genius that most don't recognise. Cos most are stupid. It's in his dialogue. It is such a peculiar and rare talent that he has and beautiful in its simplicity. The rat catcher was amazing in his diction. QT's engagement of cold hard logic, coupled with the delivery style of highly motivated actors is phenomenal. "Oblige him" was memorable but from his best movie, there were hundreds. The Wolf (and Waltz) were the best at it. Are they millionaires? If self preservation is an instinct you possess... pretty please, with sugar on top... All I need to hear from your black ass... get back in there, chill them niggers out and wait for the cavalry who will be coming directly. This is America baby, names don't mean shit. ... and I don't want to get divorced, all right... Does Marcellus Wallace look like a bitch? I know how good my coffee is. I didn't know that. Why would you? There is no me and you. ... soon-to-be-living-the-rest-of-his-short-assed-life-in-agonising-pain rapist here
  20. This is the last time you and I will ever communicate. If you think I'm as sick as I think you're sick, why do you even communicate with me, let alone continuously harass me? Can I say it in a NE manner? Get fucked you knob.
  21. Let me stop you right there. As I said, I don't think it's possible that we could agree. Based on that first statement alone - let alone the rest of the rant - it's not possible for you and I to even understand each other. I'm not running away here. I genuinely don't want to waste any more time.
  22. MBT, It's cool to disagree. It's cool to have a different view. I'm somewhat surprised that we disagree on something so basic and simple however, something that I consider so absolute that I can't even imagine it being contentious and worthy of discussion. The "pyramid" model of corporate governance is well enshrined, applying equally to the public sector of course. In fact, I can't even imagine an alternative.
  23. Why would you not take my word for it? I have no history of making up shit. You on the other hand have a history of provoking confrontation. And now you reckon it's so much fun? Is this because you are totally unable to post anything that anyone finds interesting, merely agreeing or disagreeing with those of us who do have opinions, perspectives and experiences of subject matters on the forum? What's wrong with you? Do you gravitate towards ugliness in your non-virtual life too? You should try love. There's something seriously wrong with you, I feel. That's what the evidence of you says to me.
  24. I don't really think you and I can agree about anything as we can't get past a very simple point. Which is this. Ultimate responsibility for everything that happens at any organisation rests with the man in charge. I'm not advocating a chairman gets involved in team selections or tells the manager what he should or should not be doing. That's just stupid. But as evidence of how badly we have been managed for a very long time, we've not had a decent goalkeeper before this season for well over a decade and it's ONLY because we got Ward in on loan that we've been able to compete. THIS IS SIMPLE AND COMMON KNOWLEDGE IN FOOTBALL. You can not win anything without a solid goalkeeper AND defence. A shite goalkeeper and you're fucked. That one position will fuck you, having an incompetent fool between the sticks. If we all know this, why don't and why didn't the many professional football men at AFC know this too?
  25. It was the reason that David himself gave to the reporter in the Sunday Times late 2007 or early 2008. Thanks for yet another insult. You can't help yourself, can you? Is it because your own life is so sad that you do it? Or do you really hate people who you perceive as confident, intelligent, successful etc., everything you're not? It's becoming a habit of yours, attacking a poster totally unprovoked. You fucking knob. EDIT: In the interests of pedantry, I was a year out with the date. This was the game where I saw the young DT: - http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/scot_div_1/4652402.stm
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