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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. The BBC are a shocking organisation. Not that anyone needed these reports from the EU to prove this Laura's prominence through the ranks has nothing to do with her ancestry. And the sheeple watch and swallow it wholesale. Cameron is a cunt. And so are the complicit BBC bastards.
  2. As I stated above on 10th November, the charade is now being played out. Whereas corrupt leaders following sham strategies and lying to the people is cause for offence, the spirit was lifted (once again) by the truth that comes out in Question Time, often in surprising ways and from unexpected parties. Piers Morgan was right to criticise Cameron's "negotiating skills" and correctly identified that the "four baskets" are nothing but it was Jacob Rees Mogg who created the opportunity for him to criticise and it was he who absolutely nailed Cameron the best. The sham of the press conference right now and Cameron speaking shite about working hard for Britain is tantamount to criminal liability in my opinion. It's deliberately deceit and fraudulent, pretending like he is, lying in pursuit of an agenda which many of us all saw through before this process even started. Well done Jacob last night. I never expected a Tory to speak truth and be disloyal to his leader. Then again, it's Eurosceptics like you and the millions of us that has forced the need for the referendum. And as he correctly identified when asking the SNP lass, it is a massive contradiction for us to want independence from Westminster and yet stay in the EU. This is another massive mistake that Salmond left us, one that Nicola is using to play politics with, not having the balls nor the foresight to see the reality. The EU is a drain, a strictly unrequired £55,000,000 per day expense we can't afford. And another Euro Bank president gets indicted. You can't make it up but like Trump in the US, like Putin every time he speaks and like Farage has so consistently been on Europe, when the uncomfortable truth is spoken, the speaker is demonised by the ruling kleptocracy. Thanks also to JRM last night for the hilarious Hilary Dimbleby quip. Absolutely brilliant ripping of a man I don't like.
  3. I didn't bother the first time round and I won't be going to this. Am I the only one who has never seen a Star wars film? Am I missing much, or is the excellent 95% principle (Roger Anthony, Melbourne) at play here? "Find out what 95% of people do and think then do and think the complete opposite".
  4. His terrible treatment of the female physio may have been the start of him losing the dressing room. That's Real Madrid and now Chelsea that he's lost the respect of the players. It won't affect his future employment opportunities but he does have to learn from his mistakes if he wants future success. If I were Man U, I would bin LvG and take Mourinho right now, as long as during the interview chat he demonstrates the requisite humility and admits to his big ego getting in the way and ultimately alienating the very people he can't afford to alienate, his performers, the players.
  5. Dear Alec Salmond, You're a fucking disgrace. You're calling Trump a "three time loser" today. He's calling you "irrelevant", which you undoubtedly are. Facts aren't bad in situations like this. As they are most of the time. You were best pals once upon a time. When you were wearing the black kilt in NY and sucking his cock. You made him a "Scottish Ambassador", whatever the fuck that means. Then you asked him to support your position on Al Megrahi. Which was a totally inappropriate thing to do, a complete abuse of whatever relationship you once had. He told you to fuck off. Quite rightly. And you spat the dummy. Kiardly, you decided to position the offshore wind farm right opposite Trump International. What an arsehole thing to do. Now that Trump spouts his rhetoric that YOU think is unpalatable, you think it's time to wade in. Mate, you blew it. You've been stealing a wage for your whole life and you delivered fuck all. You didn't even have the intelligence to run the (true) independent card. How ironic that "call me Dave" might deliver EU divorce when this was the key card you never had the balls to play. Your legacy is zero, you fat joke cunt. Go home and look after your elderly wife before she expires of boredom, living with you. Cunt. And check out Trump on Alex Jones. infowars have been years ahead of the times. You've always been years behind. Charlatan cunt. Fat charlatan cunt. Disgrace to the NE. Banff & Buchan parochial penis.
  6. I think there's a danger of mixing perspectives here. Actually, I'm being kind. I don't think. I know. AFC is one thing. Rangers is another. They're shit people. Always have been. Probably always will be. But their inclusion in the top flight benefits us.
  7. I do recommend Black Mass. The acting is awesome and it's a powerful film. If you're like me and despise paying money to watch mediocre or slightly good, you will not be disappointed. This is gripping stuff and a dramatisation of a true story. Quentin Tarantino will inevitably not disappoint but whilst Django was good, nowhere near as good as Inglorious. I hope this one is better than Django because it would be sad to see a great career going out losing steam, although for what he gave us already - Pulp Fiction being the best - he gets a lifelong pass. Jackie Brown very underrated if you've not seen it, an absolutely fantastic film.
  8. I rarely go the cinema. It has to be highly recommended by a trusted source for me to go but that's twice in a month. Black Mass was excellent and The Hateful 8 will also be excellent when I go for the second time in ages in early January. The cast was superb and Johnny Depp is utterly compelling, an outstanding acting performance.
  9. I agree with Milne. Much as I despise them and everything they stand for - bigoted sectarianism being the bond that binds them the most - Scottish football benefits when the biggest teams are in the top flight. I also couldn't give a fuck about the titles being stripped. It was a different company that won them and we all know they cheated with the EBT's so these are great put-downs, factually-based as they are to be used whenever a hun cunt gets uppity.
  10. Why do I get the feeling that the LA schools thing is another false flag? And if it was a real threat, does anyone ever stop to ask why? Like cause and effect? Merkel said yesterday that "multi-culturalism has been a disaster for Germany". The Boston Marathon explosion was farcical in its orchestration. But anyone who believes in false flags and fails to trust the government is a loony conspiracy theorist. Apparently.
  11. I just inquired about getting a sign made up EDIT: Great service too. All ordered Thanks for the link.
  12. These were some of the other cards I got: -
  13. What a fabulous website. Good luck to them. I bought the same Seasons Greetings card with the pepper pots from the Saatchi Gallery 3 weeks ago. Love the retro street signs.
  14. It's not "embarrassing" to Milne. It's about agendas and priorities. In the 90's, he agitated to build a new stadium at Kingswells. It was to be on land that he owned/had a preference on. It didn't matter that the paint on the new RDS was barely dry. If ever there were alarm bells ringing, our new chairman didn't wait very long after assuming the chair to show his true colours. He didn't even pay the equivalent for his shares like we all had to and has never owned 30% of the club! Then followed 20 years of neglect, financial mismanagement and shocking results on the park as well as off it. And the sheep never saw it happening right under their fucking stupid noses.
  15. Superb. I bought flights last week to Toulouse in Feb for four days. I desperately checked their website and hoped that they would have been within striking distance at that time but I think we'll get tickets for Zurich and catch them there. Or somewhere else. I can't wait a whole 12 months to see them again. They loved it last night and WILL be back to Scotland as soon as they can. The weegies did our country proud last night. Techno electro swing head cunts that they are! That's the thing. This band are uncategorisable. They produce sound and vibe that has never been done before. Truly pioneering. And never has a WHOLE crowd walked out of a place with such broad smiles and a max feelgood factor. Beautiful, beautiful people producing beautiful noise and beautiful feel. Powerful too. This has everything. Especially that Zoe is so gorgeous, in spirit as well as looks.
  16. Trust me you cunts. This has the ability to be a great thread. Even though it's not existed before. The question is this... What has been your best 24 hours of your life so far? How interesting might this be? Falling in love, winning in something, acts of passion and kindness, anything is possible. For me, if anyone was to ask my wife - what is your husband's favourite day? - she knows the answer. I have six favourite days. The birth of my four kids and the day I married the bitch are five of them in ascending order but topping anything to do with family was the 11th May 1983. What made it so special was that I couldn't afford to be there, being a student with a £600 overdraft. My mate talked me into it on Monday, I talked my bank manager into it on Tuesday and the first flight out of ABZ on the Wednesday to Goteborg included us, me now being £900 in debt to the Clydesdale at Queens Cross. Beating Real Madrid that night will never be exceeded, I think. Obviously not in football terms but in life terms, I doubt anything will get close to this. What inspired me to start asking you cunts about your best ever day was my last 24 hours, which included one of the best meals I've ever had (Opium, Glasgow) followed by the best ever gig I've ever been to, Caravan Palace last night. My first gig was 10CC at the Capitol in 1976 so I've seen a LOT of gigs over five decades! Gaga in November 2014 was up there as one of the best gigs by the way. It's all going to come crashing down now that I'm home and Strictly Pish will be stuck on the telly by wife no. 1 of almost 30 years acquaintance and best day no. 2... previously, but the decision I now need to consider is whether these last 24 hours - bolstered by some excellent work stuff before and after - was better than the day I got married, previously my second best 24 hours and better than the days the kids got born. For the record, I'm not a soppy cunt that thinks getting married was a big deal. It's just that six voddies before the ceremony (St. Machar Bar), tons of drink the whole day, an AFC legend attending the reception, every cunt having a great time and me not getting pished enough (despite drinking the North Sea) to not be able to perform (excellently, twice!) that night - even though we watched Sportscene first (1-1 v DUFC) - made it a better day that I thought possible. I can't help thinking that sharing your experiences of your best days will be revealing and interesting. Spew your guts, boys. Let it flow.
  17. You must have got the very last tickets then! Sold out for tonight about 3/3.30 ish today!
  18. Caravan Palace at O2 ABC last night, best gig I have ever attended. And I mean ever. Never have I seen a band get a WHOLE crowd moving and bouncing like that. Utterly brilliant. It was their first gig in Scotland. I won't miss their second, wherever and whenever it is. If I didn't have stuff to do today, I would have got on a train to Manchester to see them tonight.
  19. We've decided on Opium. Had lunch there once a long time ago. Always wanted to go for dinner.
  20. Ate there the day of the red Parkhead final. Very good.
  21. Ha! Just checked that menu. Looks good. Thanks.
  22. Can anyone recommend a great restaurant city centre Glasgow? Me and two student daughters. Not fussed on food type. Just something of reliably excellent quality. Had thought of Amber Regent (which never disappoints) but looking for a change. Not Chinese this time though, nor Indian. Cheers.
  23. On the subject of managers IN England, I laff at LvG. It's pretty sick to laff at another's misfortune. Normally. But as anyone who has worked in the North Sea for any length of time can tell you - which I haven't but its not the exclusive method by which this can be learned of course - the Dutch can be hard work. Obstinance and rigidity is a national trait and in van Gaal, he is so full of it that he's bursting hard, it's in his very essence and it appears to come through his pores. An arsehole in other words. Perfect fit. I don't like MU.
  24. Being human, I can make a mistake. Forecasting is extremely uncertain. In this instance, I would be shocked if he succeeded in football management. Agree that's he's an excellent pundit and I also like him. He's just not got the personality to inspire and is not a natural leader of men.
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