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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Not exactly managers IN England but talking of managers OF England... Gary Neville is going to fail at Valencia. Of this there is zero doubt. The interesting thing is to know WHY he is going to fail. Very few people have the gift to understand this. I feel blessed to be in the fractional minority. Often, I waste my breath arguing with those who don't know what day of the week it is. Therefore, with greater experience, I desist.
  2. Trump is certainly paving the way in the U.S. Fox wouldn't report it but I guess there will be rednecks all over the country targeting mosques and muslims, empowered by Trump's rhetoric. It's no coincidence that the strongest racists are always the intellectually most retarded, or in his case, spiritually voided.
  3. Watching Buffalo Soldiers. It's good. EDIT: Can't have been that good. Forgotten everything about it already! No idea what it was about and couldn't be arsed wasting energy trying to remember.
  4. I watched it. Great persistence from the guy. Unbelievable how they got away with it for so long. I wonder if the fall out with Warner was the camel that strawed the raspberry's armpit?
  5. That's a point, how it's us oldies that doth protest. However, it's the lack of quality in these "songs" and utterances. Those who spout them are mostly shit people. When we were young, there were particularly offensive and incendiary songs. "Bobby McKean, superstar, left his engine running on his motor car" was a particularly nasty thing to sing at Ibrox, the week after the Rangers player committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. But back then it was hilarious, a sick sense of humour being quite common amongst many of us. I'm not sure that our universal hatred of all things Rangers justifies that song. It was a one-off, funny as fuck at the time and in the days pre everything having to be politically correct, not even reported on by the press. Similarly when the Celtic player Johnny Doyle electrocuted himself at home and died "Tommy Burns, so does Doyle, Tommy Burns" was an equally sick and opportunistic song sung by AFC at Parkhead. The morons these days don't even have the ability to properly offend. At least the sickness on our day was in the humour, not from the soul.
  6. So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern...Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult. George Orwell, 1984
  7. I just didn't think anybody was exceptional, brilliant, world class. Or even international class. Kenny M was excellent right enough so yes, maybe I was harsh. I thought there were many good performances but overall, against a shite opposition, we were competent, not excellent.
  8. There are a ton of scum within the class that are regular football supporters. This includes our own. I can't remember them being so numerous in the 60's, 70's and 80's. I think it's more to do with the dumbing down of society generally and declining education standards but there's no doubt that tribalism and the feeling of belonging to something, anything is a driver for these morons. On the day of the Scotland Croatia game at Hampden, the same day that England beat Germany 5-1 incredulously, I first noticed how appalling the average football fan was/is. The jimmy-hatted, kilt wearing throng were an embarrassing collection of humanity. So many shite human beings in the AFC support these days.
  9. They describe the incident at Leytonstone as a "TERROR STABBING". It was a nutter with a knife. That he shouted "This is for Syria" doesn't make him an imaginary opponent in an imaginary war. He was a disaffected British man. What's worrying for the kleptocracy is that their "war on terror" is so see-through, a self-licking ice cream as described in the Keiser Report, that even the disaffected hopeless underclass can see it. The spree in California and last night will be the first of many. Not that the suits give a fuck. Random killings of citizens don't affect them.
  10. Good competent comfortable professional performance. Not spectacular. Just a good enough win, the least we should expect. No downsides in terms of individual displays. No brilliant ones either. Good day. Enjoyed it.
  11. Oldham West had a great candidate, a genuine man with a strong history of local council work. It was mostly about him and his total suitability for the role much more about party politics. 62% Labour, 23% to UKIP and 9% Tory. Nuttall and Farage making an issue about the size of the postal vote have a point however.
  12. I'm sure that others have been bombing infrastructure. But as I'm sure you know, there has been much debate in the last couple of weeks about oil in particular. Many commentators have wondered why oil convoys were left alone, knowing that IS were getting paid for them. As far as is reported, these RAF strikes were the first on Omar, fields that contribute > 10% to the IS oil revenues.
  13. The by election in Oldham today will be revealing. A safe Labour seat forever, watch the gap shrink or even move over to UKIP.
  14. Unfortunately Corbyn is proving to be unelectable. He's a piss weak man. A leader has to have leadership qualities. He has none. Hilary Benn's speech yesterday was paradoxical in that the (correct) decision to allow a free vote on this serious matter blew up in Corbyn's face. Knifed by the man sitting next to him at the death. I can't believe that Tony Benn would have approved of his son's behaviour. They would have surely disagreed on the substance of the debate and the Brutus-like disloyalty, waiting until the end to deliver the hammer blow was disloyalty to the party and support for the Tories that would have been disgusting for him to witness. It appears clapping and applause is allowed in the House of Commons despite Bercow's reprimands to the new SNP members. Hammond struck the final nail in Corbyn. He won't be strong enough to come back from that yesterday. Shame. Man of principle, uncorrupted and outwith the modern class of self-serving political wankers but not even a man of the people neither. Just a wanker who has wasted his life at our expense, paying for him as we have for decades. Surprised that establishment-Burnham voted against. Then again, he's an arselicker of zero integrity and he would just go like a sheep with whatever the majority in his party were doing.
  15. Got to give credit where it's due. Bombing the IS controlled oil fields in Eastern Syria is good strategy, as the RAF did in their first sorties. Which begs the question, why hasn't this been done before? The US, French and Russians have all been bombing in Syria. We know that the Turks aren't to be trusted and have been buying the IS oil but how much rocket science needs to be engaged to understand that cutting revenue streams hurts and weakens? Which banks are involved in transferring the funds between buyers and sellers? One of many questions left unanswered and in the "debate" yesterday, unasked.
  16. The question that has been ignored is why she was with him at all? He's a particularly ugly man who's pissy face could rarely crack a smile. His ugliness was total, coming from deep within his soul. Self-loathing and resentment at his condition may or may not have been a factor but as was obvious, he was a deeply disturbed man. I don't recall volumes of testimony that this was a relationship that she felt trapped in, fearful of his psychosis and what he was capable of. So what was her motivation? She wouldn't be the first to use people to help their careers and digging for gold is a common driver for many women but it wasn't healthy, that relationship, as evidenced by the dramatic ending of it.
  17. In a house containing two persons, one shoots the other through a locked door. The shooter claims that he thought it was a burglar. Which would have made three people in the house. This was either a genuine claim or it was a lie, an excuse for his murder. Leaving aside the further excuse that he thought she was in bed, the same bed that he had alighted from to get his gun, think about his intelligence in tackling the supposed intruder. We don't have the data on how many thieves enter houses and ignore the sleeping occupants because their need for a shite is so overwhelming but we can't imagine too many break in whilst desperately in need of emptying their bowels. But even if this one had, shooting blind through a locked door was no guarantee of hitting them. Who wouldn't have waited outside, quietly, listening, waiting for the door to open with the gun pointing at the door, ready to confront this stupid amateur who didn't have the intelligence to defecate before breaking and entering? Valentine's Day. An ugly man with a beautiful girlfriend shoots her dead. An insecure man who has learned that he has zero prospect of keeping her. If I can't have you, nobody else is going to. Bang x 4. Fuck you Pistorius. Rot in hell you Seth Efrican abomination.
  18. I've seen a lot of the debate today. Gerald Kaufman, Alec Salmond and particularly Angus Robertson being the highlights. Corbyn is an unfortunate man, unfortunately. Cameron and Hammond et al are batshit insane. There's no middle ground in evidence here. There is sense and there is nonsense. Most MP's are just plain mad. Let's be honest here. Many arabic people are neanderthal savages. Their mistreatment of their own citizens are acts of gross barbarism that no civilised race can condone. That they do it under a banner of supposed religion is hypocrisy in the extreme. This is principally the work of Bush and Bliar but it goes back way further than this. Their mistake was to remove a man who had a lid on the tribal ethnic divides which, like the kafflicks and proddies in Glasgow, will never find common ideological ground. Every warring faction under a pretext of religion are as sick as each other. Cameron supporting Hollande and Obama is madness. That the majority of MP's can't see this says much about how twisted our own society has become. There is no military strategy nor is there any political plan whatsoever. We don't even know who the enemies are. It's not as simple as labelling one group. It's a whole culture who we have marginalised, exploited and persecuted for decades and centuries. On one hand, justice will prevail in the end. Unfortunately before it gets there, the U.S. NEED an imminent war to save their financial hopelessness and Russia is their primary target. This theatre gives them the opportunity to provoke Putin into full-scale conflict but with the internet age, too many of us now know that the west is hopelessly corrupt. This is a disaster coming up, the worst case scenario being the oblivion we thought we left behind post the cold war.
  19. Today is the day when any last remnant of hope will be extinguished. We don't want to believe that our rulers are mad, stupid and insane. But there's no doubting the evidence. Cameron selling the line about bombing Syria to make Britain safe is the worst in history. Corbyn gets slated by the presstitute media for daring to take a contrary view. They even used the fact that he refused, and was never going to use the whips to denigrate his leadership, the real insanity being that it would be wholly anti-democratic and dictatorship to enforce one view on a collective of individuals on a matter so grave and serious. Of course, the Liberals who opposed bombing Assad now support Cameron on this, weak sycophantic hearts that they are, useless cretins no use for man nor beast. I am at least proud of my country for voting against en block. And George Galloway may have a screw loose here or there but a lack of principle and integrity is a charge that can never stick against him. He is to be lauded for his campaigning in the #DontBombSyria rallies. The fact they reckon they have the law on their side is either twisted interpretation or insane law. The UN proves once again it's utter uselessness and fakery. Blair is overdue to face war crimes. Chilcott has granted him more life and credibility than he could possibly deserve but where a fucked up legless cunt gets nothing for killing a beautiful girl that he could never own, a mad mass genocidal cunt is going to avoid the rap, just like the most fucked up president of the US will be similarly immune. They bang on about it being "incredibly complex". No it's not. Critical thinking makes everything clear. This man said it best: - That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains. Steve Jobs The simple truth is that after 10.5 hours of "debate" - not the two days that Corbyn asked for, Cameron being so twisted he played politics on this too, sickly thinking it would be weak to grant a concession - the pretence of democracy in the west will have gone. They will vote to kill innocent people, a show of strength in their boys brigade. They are voting to receive a terrorist attack in the UK this Christmas. They are voting to attack an enemy that they can't see. They are voting to attack radicalised people who would already be in power if they had got their way two years ago. They're going for the other side now, such is their ignorance of what they do. There is no cause and effect here, when the prize is so big, the engagement of the industrial war machine. If ever there were quotes to sum up the complete abstinence of humanity, I leave it to the armed forces who rationalise their "collateral damage" when killing children thus: - They're "fun-sized terrorists" and it's good to "cut the grass before it grows too long". If their token payments of a few hundred quid to bereaved Afghan parents wasn't evidence enough of the west's total disregard for human life, the words that define their attitudes nail it. As Jim Morrison sang, this is the end. Or are we finally going to see this as the start? I have faith in humanity, just none in their lack of intelligence, deliberately socially engineered of course. The leaders are leading us to catastrophe and have the tools of state to suppress revolution. Weds 2nd December 2015, the blackest day in UK history.
  20. Cafe Royal was excellent for lunch too, but it's so old and famous you probably knew this already. Try the mulled wine with rum-soaked cherries. We love London. Best city on planet earth.
  21. Manc, La Famiglia is exceptional, one of the best restaurants we've ever been to. I tipped almost 50%! Bob Bob Ricard was overpriced and very disappointing. Ai Wei Wei was awesome. If you've not been to the Saatchi Gallery, I strongly suggest you do. Caffe Concerto on the Kings Road very close to it was excellent for lunch.
  22. 3 games in and he's going to be gone real soon. His debatable pedigree can't hide the fact he's an uninspiring boring cunt who is totally out of his depth.
  23. McLaren not been binned yet by Newcastle? If not, why not. Garde at Villa another bad appointment screaming to be put out of his misery.
  24. It takes ability to identify potential and it takes personality to develop young talent. These are essential attributes for a competent manager. A good manager can build success from working with youth, bringing them all the way through. This is what made Ferguson an exceptional manager. This is just one of many reasons that made Calderwood a disaster of a manager. I would be surprised if McInnes' legacy ever reaches competence.
  25. 3 x Centre Backs and no left back? 1-5-5? Milne's AFC couldn't even get this right. When they asked for "four defenders" and then they take the four that got the most votes, they end up with shit. That's embarrassing actually. And easily avoided, by asking for Right and Left backs. You can bet that 99% of entries included a RB and LB but because no one LB polled more than the 3 x CB's did, they publish "a team" that looks stupid, not even having the sense to pick the 2 x CB's with the most votes and the one LB that did. I'm pretty sure Milne himself would have had nothing to do with this fuck up. But he's in charge and I would be appalled if I were him. What an amateurish ham-fisted pile of shite.
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