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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Just booked tickets for next month for Ai Weiwei's exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts. His first major exhibition in the UK. A man whom I admire for many reasons.
  2. That's not a very valuable contribution. Don't you ever think about the consequences of your actions? How fucking interesting was that? Would you not even be interested in the Steve Jobs quote I'm referring to?
  3. Your thinking is less than good, in my observation. Maybe you're a highly functioning successful human being? Perhaps you use the debate here benefactorially to give of yourself and to share your greater knowledge? On the other hand, you might be like every single one of us, with an infinite capacity to learn. It is sickening to hear someone as stupid as you post the shite that you do. It's not what you say that is so sad. It's how you say it. And typically, not even being aware of what I was alluding to, you never asked. Steve Jobs done a job. He knew better than me and you. Your curiosity levels being so defunct, you didn't even compute.
  4. In answer to your question, no. Wise up, or areyewise, as we say in the North East. A strategy to "remove fear" about knives? Where's the logic there? People actively going about minimising the dangers? Your thinking ain't right mate. You can learn from Steve Jobs in this regard. The confusion in your head is utterly disgusting to witness.
  5. http://youtu.be/GbJp8zxduWk I was referring to another speech by him. I didn't know about this one from a couple of weeks ago.
  6. I'm out. Europe is just an additional layer of government that costs a hell of a lot of money, our money. It has grown arms and legs and has never been anything other than a net drain. The corruption is institutionalised and it is completely unfit for purpose. People will continue to trade cross-border and people will choose to holiday, live and work in other countries. That's what happens naturally. Fuck paying for suits with self-interest in their black hearts. Farage is a total Nigel, naturally, but he was right about the EEC. He appeals to the racist pigs unfortunately but his speech in the EEC a few years ago was phenomenal in it's guts, honesty and delivery.
  7. We got mice and sheep in the NE too ?
  8. I promised myself I wouldn't get involved with people like you. But hey, promises get broken. You don't have the self confidence to use words in debate so you cast a smart-arse video instead. Maybe one day you'll say something? Or perhaps you got fuck all to say. No way you're North East.
  9. Exaggerate to illustrate is a common education strategy. Using a sledgehammer to crack a nut is a humour technique, particularly prevalent in the NE. As these truths will be unknown to an unintelligent human being, especially one without the imagination to appreciate their application in the proximate circumstances, the retard will read literally, swallow without tasting, fail to engage lateral, if indeed any critical thinking, confuse the virtual with the real, see his self-centeredness being pricked and take personal offence. And in some instances, even predicting it won't mitigate the chances of it happening.
  10. Your nothingness on this thread is exceeded only by your rudeness. Actually your stupidity pushes your bad manners too. Instead of satiating your own confused curiosity, you were invited to explain it. You didn't have the intelligence to understand. You were invited to put forward an argument. It reminds me of a serial killer or a porn addicted narcissist. Perhaps you are both? And even if you are, it's none of my business and you're not debarred from posting by reason of your sickness.
  11. Only for you. You should try and make a contribution rather than sitting there like a fucking idiot. Give more than you take and you will be enriched forever. Only a creep seeks to amalgamate the virtual with the real and only a retarded closed mind with an unhealthy trend towards being heavily influenced by generalisations seeks to judge a man by his vocation. Not to mention the complete lack of imagination in embracing diversity. There are some nice teachers too. They are few but they do exist.
  12. On the big questions, of which this is the biggest, siding with No might put you with the majority but it doesn't mean it's right.
  13. Of course it was ridiculous. As the boy Tyrant said, it was a reaction thread to a completely unprovoked ad hominem attack by a poster with the word teacher in his nom de plume. Tyrant made some great points with which I totally agree. Teachers aren't valued, firstly by central government. They are underpaid for the role that they are meant to perform in society and paying peanuts, we're going to get monkeys. Education is such an important issue for society, let alone the individual that it is criminal - like nurses, as Tyrant also correctly stated - the way they have been treated by successive governments. I relocated my whole family when my eldest was in second year secondary. I don't believe it paying for private education - not that I could afford it then - and having concerns about the school (which supposedly had a great reputation) we moved and it was the best decision of my life. Our eldest two girls got first class honours from Strathclyde and Glasgow having got an excellent education in the state sector in the North East. A St Andrews professor I know said that when Blair came into power and decided to swell the numbers going into tertiary education in the 90's, this coincided with a remarkable and noticeable downturn in the basic literacy and numeracy skills of students. The truth is, Britain is getting thicker and thicker. The neglect of education, including in Scotland has been yet another tragedy of a political agenda that was nothing to do with community and everything to do with other things, as the boy Rico with some numbers at the end and other posters know, as we can see from their posts on here. Blair was the first with the gall to do it openly and yet Cameron is exceeding that war criminal, unbelievably. As stated on Question Time by that wifie almost two years ago* and ignored by the "mainstream" media, the biggest beneficiary of wind farm technology in the whole of the UK is Sandra Cameron's father. What a coincidence? Time to leave the EEC now I guess, having trousered the incentives? Even today, the "trade deals" with China make absolutely no sense. Politically it makes much sense to forge closer ties but at what price? It's the very few that benefit and we, the people of the United Westminster of ungreat Britannia are getting fucked over. Use the internet people and stop drinking Coke. Jamie Oliver has a good case. It's not just making people fat, it's rotting their brains. *Edit: And you can bet your bottom dollar it was true because she would have had the arse sued off of her and we WOULD have heard about it if it was a lie, the only defence to Libel (in Scotland, Slander in England) being veritas i.e. that it is true.
  14. Funny that. I was thinking exactly the same thing. The absence of spontaneity and imagination in particular being key drivers.
  15. BBC4 right now. Rich Hall.
  16. In our case with so few good or very good footballers, the team should almost pick itself. This is what Ferguson did week in, week out. Even Smiffy picked the winning combination week after week until... that dreadful day in May 1991 when 3200 of us all looked at each other in horror and disbelief at 14.50/14.55 hrs. We never used to get many big surprises with team selections until the buffoon rolled into town with his tombola. It's either ego or stubbornness in Derek's case. It's a complete shambles.
  17. Not necessarily. I just don't see why it's relevant. Convince me why it might be?
  18. I'm not into egg chasing usually but this has been a fantastic game whatever happens.
  19. I think it's fairly clear that you were the one spoiling for a confrontation: - This was completely unprovoked. So don't go acting like a bairn when you get called up. I was very restrained in the face of your provocation. The bitter and anti-social were the first comments I made against you, and they are quite obviously truths as you now prove. Go fuck yourself.
  20. I agree. Unless there are reasons of which we are unaware, leaving Rooney on the bench as often as he has this season is nuts. He looked slow against DUFC the first game of the season but nobody's going to be fully match sharp that early in August. Some have a better pre season than others. But he showed tremendous hunger in front of goal and has been highly effective in the games since, which makes leaving him out even more absurd.
  21. Correction. It was not an attack on the profession but rather the type of people that make up the majority of it. I have teachers in my family. I know their ilk. Yes it was the arsey tone and the insulting words in his personal attack plus the arrogance of presuming to know stuff about me - deriving completely from his imagination and made up - that reminded me of the ilk. I don't even know if he is a teacher, despite it being in his username. It certainly would not surprise me however, given his antisocial and bitter behaviour.
  22. Thinking about it, I've never had a mate who's joined or been in the police. These aren't coincidences. It's not strictly valid to generalise of course and there are exceptions to most rules but the personality traits that attract some to certain roles, or traits that are formed, developed or entrenched by environmental influences will have commonalities. The teachers I've come across have two aspects I find unattractive. They think they're right all the time and yet have nothing interesting to say. And why would they, spending five days a week trying to control neds who don't want to listen, pushing a syllabus, a formula of scripted learning that the target audience don't want to hear. Given that they're "in charge" all the time and they don't experience challenges to their authority, the concept of equality doesn't compute. Police also have distorted control requirements, officiousness being built into their psyche. But the main reason I don't like them is that they're pigs. That one was easier to explain.
  23. Your post has only two motives. A contribution born of knowledge or one intended to be funny. Did it fail on both counts, or am I missing a 3rd possible objective?
  24. Why do you ask?
  25. In a city where plumbers, mechanics and similarly uneducated personnel have gone to oil to earn 8 or 10k a month, isn't there something wrong when our schoolteachers get paid a quarter of this? It's like education doesn't matter in today's society? Or is there another interpretation? I never got inspired by one teacher at school. I loved the French teacher cos she was good looking and just a lovely attitude but the cunts we got for Maths, English and the sciences were total wankers. They were sad people. I've never ever had a mate who is a teacher. They're a particularly sad subset of society in my experience, frustrated by their role with an increasingly unruly audience, tied by a culture of political correctness and having to live in shit houses, drive shit cars, have cheap holidays and put up with a pretty awful standard of living because their income is so poor. Teachers never went into it to make money, obviously, but why are they all such torn-faced arseholes? Same as it ever was, I guess. Horrible human beings.
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