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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. I'm not angry. Passionate, yes but never ever been described as angry in my life. You're not very good at reading people, are you, to go with your list of contradictory thinking and making shit up? Saying somebody isn't good enough to do something is one philosophy and one point of view. Succession planning is another discipline, another argument and another debate entirely. Critical thinking, the clarity thereof and communication not on your list of strengths either? To go with the arsey attitude. Where did that come from? You got frustrations in life? * You should have heard Radio Scotland an hour or so ago, talking about exactly this subject re Lawwell. There is none of that going on at Pittodrie because there is no plan and no ambition. Milne got lucky with McInnes. Edit: * And if you are a teacher in real life, you don't have to explain. We understand.
  2. I said he wouldn't win the league. That's all. He's not good enough in my opinion. You seem to think there isn't a level playing field and we CAN'T win the league. To include the media, refs, the arrangement of games etc. as potential excuses is pathetic in my opinion. I've never slagged off Aberdeen as a place to live. You're fabricating shite. I wouldn't have chosen to return here if I felt like that, having enjoyed 15 years abroad enjoying a fantastic standard of living. I CHOOSE to live here and I can live anywhere I fucking want. Get your facts right.
  3. I've already said he's the best manager since 1986. What do you want? My first game at Pittodrie was in the 60's. I've been supporting AFC for nearly 50 years. I was there before during and after the golden era, one that I knew was a one-off. During the final at Gothenburg, with a tear running down my face, I turned to my mate and said this is the pinnacle, this will never be repeated. I'm not jealous of you or anyone, about anything. I'm not "berating" the best manager we've had since 1986. I'm simply stating that he isn't going to win the league for us because of his very obvious limitations. He makes too many mistakes. Do you agree? You contradict yourself. A huge change in Scottish football you say is required before anyone other than Celtic win the league and then you say you're NOT being defeatist. What's the fucking point of playing, spectating, supporting WITHOUT the possibility of winning the league? Your tone may or not have been arsey but if you want an argument, be more specific in articulating the point of contention and try not to confuse yourself with contradictions.
  4. You think it's an "overreaction". I know I'm speaking truth. I know why McInnes makes selection mistakes. His is a very easy mind to read. He's not a rocket scientist. We need an exceptional manager to overcome the huge financial disadvantage we have v. Celtic. We also need a chairman committed to success on the field. We have neither of these things. McInnes has reached his limit.
  5. The best manager we've had since 1986 but that's not a good way of looking at it. In the years since 1986, we have had particularly inept cunts in charge. McInnes will never win a league title, with anyone. Certainly not at this level, with us. He's cut from a superior cloth compared to others in football but let's face it, when Allardyce and McGhee walk back into the top flights of their respective countries, it's a very shit gene pool. Derek's weaknesses are horribly obvious. He's making too many mistakes and his teams aren't good enough, neither in organisation nor commitment. His selection decisions would be baffling but for the fact they can be easily explained. The boy's not good enough to win anything and we are stuck with him and his cheap wage because we don't want anything better. RIP AFC. Shite chairman. Shite football team. Embarrassing.
  6. Some managers are good. Others are bad. A manager is defined by his results. Very few managers are good enough to win league titles. McInnes isn't one of them. Fucking shambles.
  7. How many more Palestinians need to die? The recent spontaneous outburst by individuals, many of whom are highly functional intelligent individuals is tragic. Injustice is injustice. The constitution, the expansion, the enforcement and the inhumanity of Israel can't go on. Innocent people have been dying for fifty years. It's happening this week. Innocent Jews are dying too. Does nobody ever ask why?
  8. Much as I believe in the integrity of Corbyn, it's never going to happen. He's not the man to break the mould. A good heart only goes so far. This McDonnell cunt is indeed embarrassing. Integrity without nous is unenforceable. This is a golden fart happening. Corbyn hasn't got support from any do-ers. Only idealists. Any cunt can think. It takes balls to change stuff. He's fucked already. Unfortunately.
  9. I see no difference between the Tories and Blair, Brown, the Milibands, Andy Burnham, Harman et al. It's the institutionalised cuntishness that's wrong, not the one or the other.
  10. That's a good argument. I also regret the weakness of the SNP's presentation but I wasn't voting for them. New currency and EEC-free was what I wanted, issues that were far too radical for the electorate to consider. I wanted independence to mean truly independent. I don't buy the "scottish establishment" line. There isn't one. There's nothing near the same extent as the aristocratic, public-school, London club culture that has bred a self-serving elite political ruling class in Engerlund. We don't have neither the same institutions nor the history to breed a new corruption post-independence. Plus, being a smaller country, any self-serving would be easily exposed. That alone was a big factor in my support for home-rule. Not just the transparency of a smaller company/ organisation/ nation being easier to run than a larger one but the inherent integrity of the Scottish people, weegies, fifers, neds and work-shy welfare-state institutionalised scum aside. And boy do we have a load of them! Again though, easier to tackle - i.e. sterilise or clandestinely exterminate - when the population is a tenth the size. How else can we get a Republic of Aberdonia? Got to get Scottish Independence first. Then we can arm ourselves with Nukes and tell the rest of the fuckers to dee fit they're telt.
  11. Such hostility towards the concept of home rule. To see bleakness in a possibility is a Scottish trait, undoubtedly. But to openly declare support for No is to declare trust, if not support for Westminster. That's what I don't get. I knew most people are thick and so the 55% is no surprise. But rather than hearing the same old politician lies, I'm genuinely intrigued to hear from one of the 55% why they trust the establishment? Is it the media? Is it their Eton accents? Was it their parents conditioning? How on earth in this day and age an intelligent Scotsman can vote No is beyond me. What did they miss? What do they think, if indeed they are capable of critical thinking. How can anybody NOT see through our history and the corruption of the political establishment? Amazing.
  12. That didn't work. Imitation is flattery etc. but you should try and find your own voice. Or maybe go back to Aberdeen Mad and tell everyone what a cunt I am. Like you did before.
  13. When I hear of an Israeli rocket killing a Palestinian mother and her two year old child, as today, I feel disgust. The same disgust I feel every time I hear of the Israelis killing arabs. And yet, these days, when I hear of arabs killing jews, such as the indiscriminate knife attack by the Palestinian law student, I feel less disgust. I'm not exactly celebrating the murder of the jews but an Israeli life feels less than a Palestinian life to me right now, which I know is not correct. How has it come to this, I ask myself? Maybe my instinct has sided with justice? Not that there appears to be ANY justice happening anywhere in that stolen land.
  14. Aye, whichever way we look at it, "it's shite being Scottish". This is the yin and the yang at play here. We have so many natural advantages. Topography. Geography. Minerals. Wealth. Passion. Integrity. Ethics. The downside was always going to be heavy. Our neds are idiosyncratically our own. Our nepotism unfortunately, and our loyalty to uselessness is all too human.
  15. Howe a wank obviously but Howe took down Thatcher. So he's not all bad. And neither was Maggie, mad cow that she was. But that's a different story. Howe's resignation speech killed the mad bitch. For that, he gets my respect. Overall though, fuck him. Tory cunt. Who probably liked dildos up his arse.
  16. http://bellacaledonia.org.uk/2015/10/09/wide-boy-attitude-kills-scotland/
  17. That's as good an example of the case being stated so accurately that it isn't just closed, it's been shut so emphatically that not even one of the 55% can respond to that. Excellent critical thinking and fine wordsmithery sir ??
  18. I failed to give a fuck about Scoatland after the ArenA 6-0, although my distaste towards my own nation was cemented at Dam square in the hours before, the racist weegies in the taxi en route to the game being the dramatic denouement. But let's get some perspective here. The real jokers are the ones who spend their savings following this continuous supply of guaranteed disappointment. There's something Edgar Allan Poe in this. Kafka did it better but we Scots live and breathe it. Pathos masters. The dragonhide Alasdair Gray expressed in Lanark. You can blame Strachan all you like. All the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference. It's certainly NOT great being Scottish. Irvine Welsh is a very intelligent, perceptive and brilliant man. It takes rock bottom to see the top. At least in this country. Having been shat on by effete arseholes for 300 years. Our "bad luck" is of our own making, specifically our failure to organise ourselves with integrity and intelligence.
  19. One would be disadvantaged by failing to heed good advice. Try Ogilvy vodka. The equivalent of a double pub measure over two cubes of ice. Sip gently over 20 minutes or so. Fucking sublime. Only an idiot over-indulges and abuses alcohol. Taking good quality in decent measures is the only way. Edit: ok already, it was maybe a triple. Fucking fine though.
  20. Class. ??
  21. Tonight would be an appropriate time to try a new drink. A vodka from Scotland - Glamis, near Forfar, "potato vodka" it says on the bottle - on the night Scotland drew with Poland, a nation that can't get enough tattie juice. I've never been a voddie drinker but bought a bottle last week recommended by my vintner. Ogilvy it is, £35 a pop. Interesting how we all eat more rice and pasta so our local farmers turn their oversupply into bevvy. Don't try Valt vodka. It's really shite. Got into this with Grey Goose from the freezer. One or two at the end of the night gives a good dunt. This is recommended to be served at room temp over ice.
  22. You have to admire the innovative, unique and original manners in which Scottish football delivers "glorious" failures. Not that failure is ever glorious. A national definition of winning might be required. This has been going on for decades.
  23. When Marshall made that good save 15 seconds into this half, I half wondered if that was a good omen. A karma piece from above sending a sign. I still blame him for not being excellent at Lewandowski's goal - notice correct spelling this time - but it was a very good save at a pivotal time.
  24. Unbefuckinglievable. As the commentator said - typical Scotland.
  25. I'll give Strachan this. He never gives up. That was an amazing goal out of nothing. So frustrating watching technical incompetence though.
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