Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Everything posted by rocket_scientist
Finished it on Thursday. That's 30 hours of my life I won't get back. Regretted it. Gripping was all it was but suspense without nuance, credibility or substance isn't worth the effort.
One of the best series I've ever seen. Loving it. And I know zero about basketball.
You got the job. Will come past when you're open again ??
Genuine question dd. Can you put new lenses into existing frames? Is that easy enough aye? Like my Rayban specs but will need a new prescription soon I reckon.
Two fatal flaws in the NHSX initiative. Firstly, it needs more than 50% of the population to download it. That ain't happening. This requires the majority to trust the government and given the lack of transparency, the lies and the spin they have subjected us to for many months now, there's not going to be even 10 million phones who download this App. It isn't even NHS anyway, having been farmed out at exorbitant cost - it's theft of our money again if we're honest about it - to Cummings' mate and his brother. Predictably, it's going horribly wrong already. I built an App WAY more complex than a simple self-diagnose and contact-trace one for a fraction of the cost, less than 0.0005% to be precise. Of course we're not comparing like with like but the only cost implications between my App (getting done by real-world experts) and this one is the data hosting and the employment of tracers, which I'm pretty certain was NOT counted in the original £250m figure. The data hosting won't cost £50k p.a. I'm building another App at present which IS complex, will take at least ten or twenty times the programming hours than this NHSX one and I'm budgeting less than 20k. Secondly, the yahoo ned culture ingrained into the UK from years of austerity and neglect of social services, particularly education means that many will download the App just to put shit into it, pretending to be infected when they're not. They should've gone to Asia and bought/borrowed their technology. Inventing from scratch with non-experts who have no experience in this field was insanity but fits the same old pattern of handing out public funds amongst themselves.
Not my take. Globally deaths are slowing, as percentages of the days before. For reasons I don't know. The economy needs to move again but with proper risk-mitigation which means intelligent planning and social distancing. I wouldn't be so free about the USA however. Much as this disease is invidious, it can be managed past... if we had developed a decent test system, when we needed to, beginning three and a half months ago, which we didn't so fuck knows really.
Aye they just open their mouths and shit pours out. Every time. Boris was appallingly inept at PMQ's, which was no surprise given his empty soul and his blusterful nature. As good as Starmer was at framing precise questions to expose the bullshit and lies the government spin, he's not got enough cunt about him for me. When you've got someone on the ropes, change direction and knock him out. Then again, as it is politics rather than real life (unfortunately), if he consistently asks the right questions and frames them properly, a TKO every week should be enough to expose their true nature and ensure their unelectability next time. I am reminded of "if you're not angry you're not paying attention". I want Starmer to be raging but I concede that his strategy is probably best.
As the UK becomes the second worst death count in the world and will break through the 30,000 official deaths barrier tomorrow, the tragic truth is that there are STILL many more deaths from the community and nursing homes and care homes yet to be counted. The fucking tone of these cabinet clowns is unbelievable. Our "apparent success" BlowJob said last week. They think we are all going to download their App? No fucking chance.
There are 47 or 48 countries in the world who have tested a bigger proportion of their populations than the UK, even including the lies. This proves that others value data more than we do. Our government has been reacting the whole time and is playing catch up at every turn. The biggest U-turn (on lockdown) was forced by public opinion and Scotland going first and the EPL shutting down Arsenal v. Man C and numerous other acts to reduce social interaction.
The most galling thing about this is money. It would've cost five figures to send out kits which were effectively useless, having been rushed out to meet a self-imposed target that they didn't need to say. It's going to cost another @£50k to re-send them, or probably much more than that as that's at just over £1 per test including postage, personnel, logistics etc. What civil servant thinks it's ok to burn a fiver of our money, let alone 5 or 6 figures? Let alone 6,000,000 on an unnecessary letter to households? Let alone hundreds of millions on data systems that don't work? Let alone billions to quangos, big pharma, "friendly" corporates, bailing out the corrupt banks etc. etc.? All for vanity and lying and pissing money away in the process.
Normal People. Fantastic. On BBC iPlayer.
Aye it's incredible, literally. 42,000 test kits were posted out yesterday to get included in that figure. Weasels. They are a bunch of weaseley arse-bandits, having been interfered with during puberty at their public schools*. * Can't find the data for that een. Must've misplaced or lost it. Call it a hunch then.
You're looking at deaths as a proportion of reported cases. The mortality you quote is a proportion of those who have tested positive. In that stat, the number of cases drives the mortality rate rather than the population. The number of tests determines the number to have been found positive. The UK are behind many other countries in terms of testing. We are fourth worst in the world in terms of real mortality currently, and this assumes all countries are reporting the same way, which we're not. Even here, England are VASTLY underreporting the deaths in care homes and the community so fuck knows what the true position is. The only certainty is that it's bad and that the "apparent success" that BlowJob spoke about on Monday was spin and bollocks.
Nothing is not-knowable when it comes to the daily response from the regimes in the US and UK. The only thing that may be able to be disputed is whether their actions have been good, bad or incompetent. In my view, there's zero debate to be had about that either.
It will be considerably more than 10 times once the UK government stop ignoring the true extent. What I'm finding is a rage towards Tory voters. We already knew what BlowJob was like. He was sacked twice for dishonesty and fired from the foreign office for incompetence, the worst incumbent of that office ever. The picaninnies would not have been queuing up at the letterboxes to send their condolences if he had kicked the bucket. Neither would his children, estranged to the point of zero contact. The fact that he procured public money for his whore Arcuri seems to have been forgotten about but we all knew what he was like. It's therefore no surprise that his cabinet is full of similar incompetents and that his party is also bursting with similar arselicking sycophants. What is unforgivable is that Raab (in the headlights) and Atkins today had no knowledge of Cygnus. What is also unforgivable is what Panorama exposed last night, not that it wasn't already news to any keen observer. John Ashton was marginalised and vilified on Question Time six weeks ago and yet he has been speaking the truth for THREE MONTHS and is still speaking it.
Unsurprisingly even though I voted for Clough.
As today will represent a grim milestone of 200,000 dead, it's a strange set of figures. The UK will become the fifth country to join the 20,000 club - and undoubtedly is already in an unassailable silver medal position once the inept government admit the true extent and include the care home and community deaths - and yet sixth in the table isn't close to 10,000, with Belgium odds on favourites to hit that number first, possibly some time in May. Given that we can't trust the figures coming out of China (and possibly other countries), I find it odd that the fatalities per country rates are so all over the place. Pretty sure the virus has the same effect on humans irrespective of nationalities.
- On this "gesture", I wrote these words on the family group chat last night: - Just a true portrait of reality. Two otherworldly people trying to be part of the real world. We find them, and the environmental factors that created them, disgusting but they are oblivious to their unreality. It's like Dunning Kruger but with a heavy aristocratic bent contributing. The sickest fallacy is the real world "thing" that they were trying to associate with is not real. Handcock and BlowJob and Rishi etc.'s clapping is over-exuberant. They voted against the nurses. They are privatising the NHS by stealth, wasting billions of our money in the process, not in pursuit of any sick ideology but in the pursuit of selves. As this pandemic has proved, it's Mar and {daughter 3} and bus drivers and food workers etc. who make the world turn. The rest of the most of us aren't critical to day to day needs, the politicians being not only the least important but actively deconstructing it.
It's really not worrying at all. I agree that his unintended consequence will be death to some (mostly his supporters) just like the guy in Arizona who unintentionally killed himself the day after Trump went big on Hydroxychloroquine. But it's really not a worry. Anyone who unilaterally acts on his advice and dies, that is a really great thing for humanity. The world could do with less terminally stupid fucks.
Hydroxychloroquine was bad enough but last night was stunning. As I said, the man is clinically insane. His narcissism leads him to believe that he knows better than the doctors. He's the ultimate Dunning-Kruger in a country full of them. Politics can't get worse than this and the rest of the world (Boris excluded) are going to rape him. Joe Biden isn't electable either, another horrible old thick fuck with inappropriate touchy feely shit going on.
12 episodes (of 30) in of Ozark on Netflix. Done it in three sittings so far and will have it finished in the next week. Some preposterous plot lines but very gripping.
What's wrong "with a bit of positivity" is that when it is baseless spin, it is a lie. Over 92% of the reported deaths have occurred since then and given the horror that we will eventually get out of their impending admission re deaths in the community and the care homes, it's going to be a whole lot worse. When they were speaking about green shoots of recovery, as they have at least twice, they were hoping they were going to be right. When Hancock promised 100,000 tests per day, he was hoping he was going to be right. When Jenrick said that a plane would arrive from Turkey on Sunday, he was hoping to be right. You either smell shite or you don't. We are going to be WAY worse than Italy by next month, if we aren't already given their "creative accounting" and their inhumane counting incompetence.
PMQ's today confirms that I'm all Tory-ed out. Just can't listen to Raab and Hancock any more. They're fucking disgusting specimens. I understand why some US news channels are no longer broadcasting Trump's daily briefings. There's a limit to how much bullshit one can take. I've watched my last Downing Street briefing now. Will get any "highlights" from Twitter anyway. Starmer unimpressive for me. This was the perfect opportunity to stick the knife in and demand change and action and he wasn't up to the task. Another total wanker.
The least interesting of the three but still a worthwhile exercise. Mason's stalling and stuttering is really annoying and quite unforgivable given the role of the chair.