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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Jim White's tie matching Natalie's dress is one contrivance beyond the pale. Jim White is beyond the pale. The pale is beyond the pale. These cunts should all fuck off my telly but I'm the most stupid cunt for watching it. Utter tripe, garbage and rambunctious bottom-ramming.
  2. Great rant maverick min. Couldn't agree more and couldn't care less.
  3. I've never warmed to Moyes. I don't really give a fuck how good or bad a manager he is, da like the cunt. Time will tell but I just can't see it working out there for him. The cantankerous old cunt above him, our greatest ever manager, probably the greatest manager of all time will probably love it when Moyes falls flat on his arse. Me me me is all that he has ever been. Fuck Yoonited, fuck SAF, fuck the Glazer rat jews and fuck the plastic wannabe fans including those with turbans on their heads. Not sure I'm allowed to say all that. I'm not even allowed to think it. Like I give a fuck.
  4. What big brain put this one together? Like we can afford to lose money staging a meaningless contest. Might as well use the exercise for maximum productivity. Like NOT playing donkeys such as Zola and Vernon and learning what the rest are capable of. Like using this thread to learn how to get single line spaces between paragraphs like you lot and not ending up with double line spaces between paragraphs like I've been getting every time on here. Any advice?
  5. Yes really. United are going to be a very poor team this year. They can't rely on one man on the field again this season and they don't have the one man off the field who can make a massive difference. Moyes is going to win fuck all with those ageing has-beens.
  6. The boy Kerry is mad. The further proof, beyond the shite that comes oot his moo, is to be seen by examining his eyes. Many utterly insane people, in common with some who have taken too many illegal drugs and who's brains weren't robust enough to cope (or they got unlucky) exhibit the schizophrenic imbalance in their minds by having two faces. Look at one eye and you see one personality and look at the other and you see a completely different persona. Gordon Brown is a pronounced example too but that Kerry is fucked. Always, one eye of the mad depicts the devil and usually, the other can be soft and benign. I've seen it most in the self made rich, those who have come from nothing, who are ill-educated and who have stomped on heads all their lives and gorged themselves on their own greed. That in itself is insane of course, to pursue money at the expense of one's own humanity. Pursue mad goals often enough and you will inevitably become mad. It's a legal madness of course. one that is encouraged by our institutions.
  7. I have no idea about the truth of this and whether it actually appeared in that rag in January or whether it's a photoshopped fake but it smacks not only of being a possibility, but the probable origin of this chemical attack may have had US fingerprints all over it. http://web.archive.org/web/20130130091742/http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2270219/U-S-planned-launch-chemical-weapon-attack-Syria-blame-Assad.html This is all too predictable. Western militaries getting ready to respond for humanitarian reasons? Fuck off.
  8. I think all of us would agree that we give folk a chance. Those who do not will deny them for one of two reasons. Most commonly, it's bigotry or prejudice. I'm reminded of Mo Johnston the kafflick going to Rangers. The other possibility is that the denier has conviction that the move is fundamentally wrong. I was wrong when I said that Zola was the quickest I'd ever written off a new person coming to AFC. I just remembered a couple of people who I wrote off before they'd even started and who I never warmed to because they did exactly as I expected them to, and failed at AFC. In this regard, there is a school of thought that we do NOT have to give any cunt a chance. They have to earn respect not get given it as right. It's not like the cunt's performance is being adversely affected by constant booing during a debut. If someone's opinion is that the newbie is shit, they leave themselves open to being exposed as knowing nothing about the game if the newbie in question turns into a legend. Not everyone has the knowledge and experience of the game to instantly see any given situation and few have the courage of their convictions to say it. Snap judgements aren't always wrong because of their snapness. It's the eyes of the snap judger that matters, not the timing of it. Time will tell with this donkey cunt.
  9. I doubt we will ever know the real reason. The reason we may not get the reason is that the investigators will not be truly independent and impartial, despite seeming to be. A helicopter working all day every day is pushing the boundaries, surely? I'm amazed an easyjet doesn't fall out of the sky. They land for barely half an hour, re-fuel and go again. Boeing and them are obviously very good at their job - making planes - where I'm not sure that the safety record of THIS PARTICULAR MAKE OF HELICOPTER is anything other than diabolical.
  10. The Enterprise advert. The brash yank and stiff Brit. Tight arse says "it's got a u in it" when correcting the yank's pronunciation. But he said aluminum. He should have said "it's got an i in it". Truth is, it has two of each. The copywriter fucked up but not one person twigged. And no one cared. Including me. Interesting how dumbed down and stupid the world has become though.
  11. I hope you're right but I suspect that I'm not wrong unfortunately. Too many jump to conclusions too soon, this is known, but this is not something I'm guilty of. Normally. It is remarkably quick for me to write him off, probably the quickest I've ever denounced a new player at AFC. But I see donkeyesque-isms on a gross scale in Zola and in my experience, those who are capable of such ineptitude and who clearly lack basic skills can not possibly come good. I've not seen the youtube stuff about him that suggests that there is a footballer in there so my judgement may well be premature. I hope I am wrong but by fuck he looks absolutely horrendous to me, utterly horrific.
  12. I'm not assuming that this accident was as a result of inadequate maintenance. Not at all. What I did do was on one hand, identify possible reasons and secondly, provoking a response. Given the nature of the site, there may be a good chance that a poster, or his or her brother/sister/spouse/father etc. worked for the chopper companies or knew someone who did. The inquest/investigations will no doubt come to a conclusion but whatever transpires, the persons involved will be given money and asked to sign away their rights for any further action. Even though I didn't assume it, I did suggest that it was the most probable of the options. I discounted human operator error and extreme weather conditions but you obviously have something to say on the subject? I would be intrigued to learn your view? If it is manufacturer defect and the Super Puma has again been found unfit for service, this again points to management negligence, which a cynical observer like me with no specific industry knowledge gravitates towards as a default position. If my default is "so wide of the mark", I would be interested in learning where the mark actually is? Please enlighten and thanks in advance. Hope I didn't offend.
  13. Cynical me thinks that when choppers fall out of the sky, it's negligent management. The chopper operators have a duty of care. It's so obvious that they do that it's enshrined in law. When these things start falling, it's either manufacturer defect or negligent maintenance. Given the frequency of their usage, and the profits available for their frequent utilisation, if I was a betting man then I would guess that it is more likely to be negligent maintenance rather than manufacturer defect. Another example of corporate greed costing human lives in all probability. Nothing new there then.
  14. whassup tf? Bone break/accident or viral/illness? Whatever the fuck, we need more dandies not less so get well soon.
  15. Vernon's legs were gone by March/April 2012. He's a yesterday man I'm afraid. Did an adequate job in a woeful team but he's part of history and can have no part in our future. Agree that we need another striker. In fact we need A principal striker. Zola will never come good in my opinion as he simply doesn't have anything about him. Terrible, terrible footballer.
  16. What I don't get is Hague's rhetoric about al-Assad. Since when did he turn into this evil monster and why? This tall educated former ally with the English wife has turned into persona non grata and I never saw it. Don't tell me the west are hanging him out to dry for aims that they consider justifiable. The propaganda is notable for its vehemence and its incredulity.
  17. There aren't too many debates and arguments where we hope that the other side has got it right and that we have got it wrong but this is one of the rare examples. Your greater optimism that WWIII is less likely in the modern era contrasts with the way I was trained to think, always having to identify and anticipate the worst case scenario. For clarification, my rationale for possible kick off was not just that they are engaged in covert operations - as they always have been - but because "they are precariously positioned just now", exactly as I said. The nature of the covert, invisible wars between the US and Russia include known hotpsots in Pakistan, Afghanastan, Palestine/Israel, Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq, even the Ukranian pipeline stand-off but the difference nowadays is that the muslim peoples have been fuelled with hatred towards the US that is manifesting itself in an intensity that the world has never experienced before. This is where the precariousness comes in. It only takes one gross act of terror against the jews in Israel by an organisation or militia that US intelligence knows has been Russian-financed for the roof to cave in on any possible diplomatic or rational solution. The blind hatred that the US and the west has rightfully earned for many decades of hypocrisy and exploitative, disgraceful actions towards the arab peoples will be mirrored by a blind need to retaliate, perhaps with shock and awe again. If the Aipac-infuenced USA take the wrong turn at the wrong time, it could prove fatal to world peace. I see no possibility of the Russians or Chinese starting a war. Any possibility of such, I see as a reaction to an over-reaction.
  18. Not sure about your concluding conclusion but with this bit, I totally agree. I also wonder if it's going to be the old enemies USA v Russia that kick it all off, Russia having Chinese and Asian support, the US sucking in NATO. The reason why the old enemies might take the kick off is because they are precariousy positioned just now, funding covert operations in opposition to each other in many corners of the globe currently. Ironic that the old enemies might start it, but the oldest enemies, the arabs and the jews made it happen, creating the climate of suppression, injustice and intolerance from which the civil unrest sprang. That Saddam had a lid on the arab differences, enforcing with discrimination and his own brand of genocide and injustice but once you take the lid off and give the oppressed a sniff of freedom, all hell breaks loose. This is not to justify the original oppression. It's obvious that the agitators for change in that part of the world - the US and the jews - never thought it all through. The fact that they acted in bad faith, for reasons that included (or were wholly motivated by) exploitation of resources for commercial gain was short-termism beyond belief. Even the contractors they poured public money towards were all part of it. Stealing from your own to make others of your same nation fat is madness in its own but the price that we all may have to pay for it could be a price that we can ill afford.
  19. They've arrested the leader of the Muslim brotherhood now, apparently. Let's think about that for a moment. A guy who is opposed to whoever is in charge of the army, and therefore whoever is in charge of the country if it's not already in army rule, stands under the banner of religion. This is 2013. Religion, any religion, does not provide all the answers. It provides none of the answers quite frankly in my opinion but does have value as it provides a crude spiritual framework and alludes to the questions that science can't even recognise, far less examine. The fact that he stands under one religion - in this case, Islam - suggests that he has rejected all other religions and therefore he smacks of fundamentalism and the associated intolerance that comes with this. What a fucking mess. All caused by thickness and sickness. Meantime, innocent people continue to get slaughtered.
  20. I've watched fuck all on TV for longer than I care to remember. Strangely I'm in the mood to watch TV just now. What should I watch? I don't even know where to start.
  21. Pellegrini. Boy disna convince me. Summat boot that cunt I dinna like. Citeh were good though. Very good. Newcastle were shite, like their manager.
  22. If you see this black thing being walked by a woman or a girl, punch it in the face then steal it and run away. That'll teach the bitches not to recruit a bitch to the family behind my back. Thanks in advance.
  23. Disappointing to hear but unsurprising. Many sad acts get attracted to positions like stewards and bouncers with the mistaken self-image of their adequacy in the physical confrontation department. It's like golf club captains and moderators on certain (other) forums. People who are fuck all in real life gravitate to positions which are fuck all in real life but which, in their sad heads, provide "status" or "importance".
  24. Solheim Cup two years ago was awesome viewing. This year equally fantastic. Get on it folks.
  25. Russell was shite today, shockingly exposed for the goal. He's a man with dead legs. Langfield getting a red was yet another example of how shite that rule is but he was also exposed, in his case for being the thick cunt that he is, never being able to anticipate anything, far less the obvious. Disappointing result but a game killed by stupidity on the parts of Anderson and Langfield and a bad rule most of all. Zola yet again exposed for what he is. No idea what he actually is bit footballer he aint. Did we not watch the cunt before agreeing to pay him a wage? Is this another George Weah's cousin type phone call that suckered us in?
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