Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Everything posted by rocket_scientist
Cairo wasn't the place to be today for champions of humanity and peace. The state that can murder its own people in cold blood is a sick and corrupt regime. Let's not kid ourselves that this is something happening somewhere else, like we're not involved and it's nothing to do with us. Egypt isn't quite as clear-cut, potent and dangerous as elsewhere in the Arabian world such as Syria, Iran and Israel/Palestine but people being slaughtered by persons acting under government mandates is another sad day for all of us. You don't get the full picture from the BBC or Sky. Al Jazeera, France 24 and Russia Today are far superior news reporting channels. Religion is a smokescreen. Human atrocities come from human atrociousness. There's much of it. The arabs and the jews are the oldest warring factions. They will be responsible for the fate of the world.
Thanks anyway. The moment has passed. The 3rd English goal kinda killed it. Cracking game on TV here, Germany 3-3 v. Paraguay.
Any online streams for this, guys?
No naming and shaming required. It is all there on another AFC webchatspeaksite, a couple of posters who post more hours per week than I sleep, giving it McHunnes this or disastrous appointment that. He impressed me with his signings. His team have impressed me with their hunger and desire. It's looking good thus far, very early days of course but teams with the right attitudes don't suddenly develop the wrong attitudes, unless the manager loses the dressing room. It's looking like he's doing a great job and I for one, am very grateful and optimistic for the future.
London is full of men in kilts apparently. How appalling. The "famous" tartan army. They would embarrass me but for the fact jingoism left my body many moons ago.
My recollection too. Scotland beat England in the last game to be played at the old Wembley so they held another last game at Wembley and the Germans beat them too. I'm certain it was 1-0 Germany. No idea of the Scotland result nor the occasion nor the scorers. Weirdly fallen into reality oblivion for me like it obviously has into cyber oblivion if google can't find the bastard.
Westwood's meltdown on twitter was funny and a reminder why I don't do facebook and twitter. I get in to enough trouble spikkin shite as I do to a dozen hapenny AFC cunts on online forums let alone dealing with the world. You don't have to be famous to make an arse of yourself but the amount of times I could make an arse of myself if the media was wide enough, I don't need the additional exposure.
It was a fucking good post, you're right. Not nearly as good as the massive dump I'll be taking on top of the heads of two posters, one of whom I detest with passion, for their pre-negativity. That will be a post worth reading. None of your guys by the way. Or should I say byraway, since you're all weegie minks. Literate weegie cunts right enuf. Cognisant, comprehending weegie cunts but still weegies nevertheless. Apart from those of you who are not weegies. And those of you who are weegies but who are not minks. I'm neither weegie nor minker. I'm a NE bigot and proud. Actually, I'm not. Scotland is shit. We went in to that joint in South Queensfeery for a bite as we were in good time for our flight out of Embra, Abz being so backward you don't get enough flights oot o it. The service was notable by its apathy. Here in Bavaria, every cunt is so positive and helpful, it puts Scotland to shame. I hate my country, but I'll never leave it. Actually, I might one day, when I'm old enough. McInnes has done a great job in my book. We're not writing his fucking biography here. Just saying. Yet some fuckers had written him off the day he was appointed. I wrote off the fat orange balloon fuck the day he got appointed but that was wisdom, not wanton negativity.
One of the side effects of Aberdeen starting this season so well - and being obviously in far better shape than for many a year - is looking forward to the day when the McInnes haters can be made to eat humble pie. There is a difference between doubt and cynicism on one hand and outright rejection on the other, before the first decision had been made, before the first ball had been kicked.
I thought very early last week that Zola was not, had never been, will never be a footballer. Nothing he did in the Killie game convinced me otherwise. Any feedback about him today?
This is the first major I've missed watching on TV for ages. A mate sent me video of Lee Westwood missing from 2 feet a short while ago. I'm in Germany and they're not showing it, the schweinhunds.
I'm looking forward to next week more than I've ever looked forward to an AFC game for well over a decade. This positive vibes is brilliant, like stoking up reminders of how it used to be before the embers looked like they were all but out.
You could be right on the default bit. I just couldn't back a Swede myself to win a major. They just can't cross the line. Then again, records are there to be broken and in the history of the game, Stenson is for me the best Scandinavian golfer. Bjorn has a class record but Henrik is a sublime ball striker. Would be good if a non yank won.
What if they failed to do background checks on him and he was a known psycho? Of course they are responsible for every one of their employees actions whilst at work.
Henrik is impersonating being the first Scandy to win a major. Two back from Dufner who himself has a history of not crossing the line when it matters. Could be Furyk. The boring cunt.
Agreed. It appears we finally have got real grounds for optimism. Then along comes some morons to go with it. No excuse for wanton vandalism. Embarrassing.
I'm actually in Glasgow on Saturday, again overnight on the 1st and would easily travel down again to watch you in action. I wouldn't dream of heckling as I'm very shy. I'm actually a bit of a woose in the real world but I vent my spleen on online forums to pretend - to myself mostly - that I'm 6 foot tall and a clever tough guy. I would say hi I'm rocket to you in the bar afterwards and I would definitely say that I enjoyed your show. Even if you get booed off, I would say that I enjoyed it. I would even buy you a drink, as long as it's not too expensive. I couldn't afford to buy you a gin and tonic for example.
What new stadium? You can't buy a pint with tuppence hapenny in yer pooch. You can't build a stadium without money either.
Can I come? I'm not a weegie faker but I do harbour weegie faker wannabe moments. Pease don't tell anyone though.
I would agree with your final statement. I love the rowing personally but can't watch the sailing and I can't stand F1. This is nothing to do with how they got there. It's my opinion only on the sport itself. That I added an observation about the scary older wifie who got silver yesterday, born from my own prejudices (as acknowledged and expressly stipulated), does not qualify me for the 25 million man GB team for the dourness olympic event soon to be introduced. Good luck to those of you who do go to Rio though.
Stunning by Stanning. Lovely by Glover. First GB gold in women's rowing ever and first GB gold in 2012. Hard not to be moved by their joy. Superb effort.
Sailing and horses are things I can't watch either. Yet. There is a 15 year old in the North East of Scotland who may well appear in the next Olympics. She's been brought up on the back of a horse since before she could walk and has already achieved victories all over Europe and the UK in showjumping and stuff. The fact that she, nor her family are "toffs" nor could they ever be described as such might make it particularly interesting if she can beat the blue bloods in their own backyard. I found the older woman in the silver-winning horsey team yesterday more than disturbing. She was naturally ecstatic with joy and full of appreciation for her team-mates and for the support that they got from the home crowd and it's great to see such positive energy but my old prejudice kicked in when her grating, contrived ruling-class accent revealed itself. The vacancy of facial expression that couples the tones of her verbal expression just screams unnatural and inbred to me. I would love to see a North East lassie whip these aristocratically accented freaks in Rio 2016.
The negativity towards the Olympics, now that it has started, is surprising. I could understand not looking forward to it or not giving a toss that it was imminent but the competition and the spectacle has been excellent. There has been so much tremendous drama already. Highlights for me so far include Ye, GB gymnasts nailing the three last floor exercises and getting bronze, no, silver, no, bronze, China's synchronised diving win (where Daley and the boy were leading after 3 Rds until the massive fuck up) and the head-to-head archery from 70m. The boy getting his 19th medal last night was pretty outstanding. People invest thousands of hours over many years to train for sports that some people have no interest in yet these people complain? Can they not change the channel? Do they object to the athletes participating at all? What? Ye on the other hand, performed so well that the fingers of suspicion are upon her. Not content with her clean doping tests, some are suggesting her masking agents are beating the system. It appears that not only are we unable to enjoy excellence in sporting achievement for what it is, some would rather they weren't competing at all despite having zero appreciation or experience of the minority sport in question. Same old, same old...
Sickening end to what should have been a great championship. Unlike the frog in the burn in 99, this was slow drawn out torture. 3 putt fae nowhere at 16. Shocking iron at 17 and schoolboy error with drive at 18. Els. Nae happy. Racist pig.
What do you make of Lawrie's 4 putt at 18? Golfing gods punishing him for something?