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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Harper and Miller are as real as legends get. Simmie was there too, plus at least half a dozen other former players.
  2. For anyone who "supports" AFC in a virtual sense, a non-real sense if you will, take some comfort pills. See they individuals in the non-virtual world who wear the badge on their heart and who actually CARE? They raised some money tonight. The Dons players who attended were all magic and contributed some amazing anecdotes, mostly original. Wonderful night. Wonderful people.
  3. Hemmin. 15 minutes and 55 seconds passed between our posts, scotfree. The talk I recommended was an hour and a half on YouTube. Get into it my man. Let the skwabberling and the bickering people define themselves in their own ways.
  4. To my knowledge, nobody on here ever got banned for simply having an opinion or wanting to debate. Quantity does not equal quality. In fact, less quantity provides greater clarity. Hat is shite for a number of reasons. Quality is self regulating. The hat hothouses hellish infantile retards with nothing interesting to say. Ploughing through 189.7 posts to find a fractionally interesting word or sentiment isn't a productive use of time. Whereas you log on to DT and you can come across the most interesting talk on a subject that is revolutionising science, totally at random.
  5. I have no idea as regards the precise spend and how this works. All I know is that the people in charge of this will pass 100% of the proceeds raised to the stipulated cause, not 99.5% nor 99.1%. How the recipients - AFC plc - spend it is something none of us can anticipate because this incremental revenue stream is brand new.
  6. Naismith didn't try to injure Milsom. Milsom maiming was not his aim. He was going for the ball and missed, injuring himself in the process. Nasty one for Rob but he'll make a full recovery in a few weeks. Naismith on the other hand is fucked. This makes me happy. Me not like that dirty little fucker.
  7. Didn't see this today as was battling the elements on a fine East Lothian golf course but I did see the deliberate destruction of Durrant live. I absolve Simmy of any blame. Neale Cooper started it. Simmy finished it. That cunt Naismith has a couple of things in common with Durrant. They were both playing for Scotland. They both love the institution of hunnery. If I see on the telly intent from that little dirty mink to Milsom anywhere near the level when it was properly executed back in the 80's, Naismith will get a smack in the mouth when he least expects it fifteen years hence from a otherwise disturbed individual who found this post on the interweb by accident in 2026. He will be wearing striped pyjamas when he hits the hun cunt. It will be a beauty.
  8. The same as what? Who are you debating with or arguing against? What point or points are you discussing or contesting?
  9. Jamie's Great Britain, Ch4 right now. I don't get the criticism of Jamie Oliver. His enthusiasm is beautiful. The pie just now was incredible, as was the sandwich and the burger. He's superb. He knows his shizz. He's put in the hours. Love a winner.
  10. Wow. I started a post but abandoned it for reason that I didn't think the majority of you would appreciate it and it would almost certainly have been misinterpreted and have led to a futile and childish spat between me and persons unknown (or predictably so in one case). I've never done that before. You cunts had better man the fuck up to allow me to speak with the freedom of expression that the NE is famous for. At the Battle of Bervie in 1703, the Rammy of Old Rayne in 1706 and more famously the Massacre at Midmar in 1705, good men died for this right. Terry is white trash and a grade A cunt. This is the equal of what he said of Anton but the minute you involve pigmentation of a darker hue, it all goes pear-shaped. Cunts. The fucking lot of em.
  11. No, you neither quoted nor misquoted me.
  12. No, nor can that be reasonably deduced from all the wordz wot I wroted on this thread.
  13. Not relevant whether he is or isn't. Ian Orr is clearly not. EDIT: Ok I see. I meant he is being misquoted by Orr, clearly, and Calderwood is so thick not to see what is happening here. Orr is taking Cooney's interview and using it to stir shit. McGhee would have been quoted fine by Cooney but I didn't see McGhee say "AFC is rotten to the core" as Orr imputed to him.
  14. The clearest words to me were "black" and finishing it off with "fahcking nob ed". I don't see the big deal over this. Nanny state. Insult all ye want. Just be prepared for a raking studs showing tackle in recrimination.
  15. Whoa people. McGhee made himself look like a twat in the interview but he is being misquoted by the stirring wos media and a thick inept ex-manager is fuelling this non-story grow legs by responding to it and thick readers are in danger of getting it all out of kilter, including believing the unbelievable. If you don't know why he was sacked, then you're not AFC but don't for fucks sake come out with the just tell him shite. Just because the fat cunt wanted to take wages at our expense for as long as he could when it's clear nae other cunt wants him and never did, don't start believing the shite he speaks. He got sacked, He got telt why at the time. He didn't agree with it. Maybe he didn't see it coming because of his delusions of self but I aint having this.
  16. This piece has "you fucking black cunt"? as it's title... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNG_GU4djxM&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsearch_query%3Djohn%2Bterry%26aq%3Df&has_verified=1
  17. Ifil's debut was impressive despite the fact we were 3-0 down at home at HT. I heard that he looked strong too against Hull (I think it was) in a pre-season game. He was hard in the tackle and committed, if quite obviously unable to pass. Then it all went downhill rapido. His first game was his best game, and we still got humped. He is a shocking footballer, as his current position might suggest. I didn't know he was a Christian but any half-competent manager - which McGhee was not, like EVERY other manager recruited by Milne - dealing with a religious freak should know that mentally, they are different by the very fact that they believe in that shit, the sheep looking for guidance from the shepherd, the weak needing a crutch. A good manager would not seek to take the self-righteous, up-his-own-arse expert position that McGhee obviously did. He would seek to understand what makes his players tick. Personally, I would be very wary of any religious type in the first place but these sensitive wee souls, these poor wee lambs need mollycoddled. Confidence player was right but it was also an admission of mental weakness. He was a bombscare disaster at AFC and he can fuck right off with his woe-is-me shite, stupid bible-bashing cunt. I do thank him for his present comments though. He's adding more hearsay and circumstantial evidence to the ever-growing enlightenment that McGhee was, and is by virtue of his Calderwoodesque whinging after the event, thick as fuck and a very shite man-manager. Another nail in the coffin lid of a former legend, a man on whom due diligence at the right time may have revealed that he was never the right man.
  18. Excellent post. Having lived 15 years overseas and 9 years elsewhere in Scotland outside the North East, I recognise the absolute truth of what you say. I call it parochialism but I would argue strongly that it is NOT unique to the North East but is, in fact, part of the human condition. I would also caution that within your post, "intelligence" is not a simple quality that can be singularly defined. Your inference is that to be tolerant is to be intelligent and that to be intolerant is to be unintelligent. Intellectual intelligence is totally different from emotional intelligence. The "intelligence" required to make money, the "intelligence" required to take control of an institution, the "intelligence" required to get others to follow you with unwavering loyalty, the "intelligence" to understand the system and make it work for your own objectives - these are all obviously qualities that Milne has in spades. Doesn't make him a nice person. These aspects contribute to his overall to make him a total cunt but the one thing he isn't is unintelligent, simply by virtue that he may be parochial.
  19. Yoo nigh ted were a shambles defensively, unable to hold up anything from the midfield and were delightfully destroyed. De Gea is looking like a shit keeper who's lost any confidence he came with, and that looked like a negligible amount from the start.
  20. Most qualified poster on this thread alert, with one qualification. If there is a cultural coldness and cliquiness, then this is directly because the chairman tolerates, accepts and/or promotes/does not puncture it. Mentality too north-eastern? You saying that fear of change and failure to embrace new thinking is a north-east phenomenon in particular rather than part of the overall human condition? Does this mean, say, Fife, Tayside, Glasgow and Edinburgh folk are more responsive to change and new ideas?
  21. Since someone has decided to agree with particularly this last paragraph, can I just ask the two of you, what do you both mean? Who's denying anything? The man was a disaster and like the one before him, is so thick he's making it worse with post-AFC drivel in the papers. I don't give a fuck about our ever-growing list of ex-managers, all of whom have been totally shite. I'm more interested in the now and the future and that article, for me, was most useful for learning about the past and in particular, how the prevailing culture was/is.
  22. Watched it online. Was impressed. Many positives. Slick passing, great determination and fight.
  23. I was slightly apprehensive about McGhee but I was totally spewing about Alex Miller and was spitting feathers about the fat orange cunt.
  24. We're still shy of 50 teams so more support is required from AFC fans in the real non-virtual world. Anybody on DT wanting to spend £12.50 a head for a good night at Pittodrie? The rocket will buy you a drink as a bonus incentive. You might even win one of the excellent auction prizes. Steal a credit card before you head up the road from Glasgow.
  25. Excellent post. Agree with everything you say but would comment on two points. Firstly, if this is a webchatspeaksite worthy of the AFC badge then you're right, there MUST be at least ONE or two who think like most of the AFC fans in the non-virtual world who I meet, and presumably yourself. If the site were inhabited by persons who feel obliged to agree with one another (and who may or may not reside outwith the NE and who may or may not know each other in the real world) and if those persons felt the need to confront any poster (on any and every issue) who doesn't form - nor expresses any wish to be - part of the clique-ish pathetic clan, then this tendency alone would disqualify it and it's regular posters from being taken seriously. Secondly, may I refute your observation? My "confrontational stuff" is never gratuitous, always in context, expressed articulately with great skill and awesome wordsmithery, illustrative of a supreme level of cognitive and critical thinking, belying a devilishly robust sense of humour and never fails to hit the spot, the weakness of the detractor's gratuitous conflicting argument. If some of these pussies get upset by it then they should man the fuck up. It's only words on tinternet.
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