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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Instead of concerning yourself with the locus of the critic, consider the verity of the criticism. As a NE born Scot of NE parents and NE ancestry who has spent 15 years outwith Scorland and 9 years in Scotland outwith the NE, I reckon I am fairly qualified to know the difference between steak pies and bridies. There's never been a smokie or haddock crossed my threshold without my express permission. Control freakery this ain't. Divine knowledge this be. God wuz a dandie but he hates Stewrat Milne. He'll not be back till we bring him back. I want God on my side. What a team I'll have, Buddha and Allah already in da bag.
  2. Which suggests that you don't recognise or that you disagree with what he was saying? If you fail to understand what he was saying, you need to study this country a bit more. The tall poppy syndrome is as rife in Scotland as what made fleet street fleet street. The Aussies are the worst. Success, eh? We're ALL Jock Tamson's Bairns.
  3. The club is dying and it is very, very rotten. Given that the reason for it's stink, it's incompetence and it's inevitable failure is a continuing constant given the continuing constant, surely it's obvious now what the constant actually is. Which begs the question - why were you all so vociferous against critics of the continuing constant before? Or are you so fucking thick, you need it spelled out again? Great thread and respect to the OP. Nails it totally.
  4. No way I'm giving the old radge the benefit of the doubt. There's no doubt to be given. Pretty sure he was too old to still swing a club let alone be competing with the guys chasing for their European Tour cards at Q School stage 1. He was just a mean-spirited horrible self-centered old cunt who's pinched face provided the external manifestation of his inner disgustingness. He was like a naughty schoolboy when I started lecturing him though. To be fair, he knew he was in the wrong and took it on the chin. At least he knew what manners were, despite not exercising any himself.
  5. I didna want to start a new thread called Bad Manners or Weegies are Shit but as it happened today in Dundonald Links Clubhouse, thought I would add it here. Old cunt, like really old, +25 years on me asks barmaid where the phone was. If you ask in the pro shop, I'm sure they'll let you use their phone she says. Bewildered old dude seems a bit non-plussed, like total inertia and non-activity has set in. Being a fucking brilliant rocket, like a human with the very best qualities of humanity and compassion inter alia, I hands him my iPhone and says Here you go mate, just dial the number and press the green call button. The fact that his instinct did not see fit to say Thank You was noted. When his limited intelligence proved incapable of following my instructions, or working out the simplicity of usage of the tool given to him, ho hum, he's just an auld cunt. I retrieved the phone from the bar and put it in my pocket. He then said "Diz it no work for you, no"? which, my having not attempted to use the mobile in his presence, must have been insulting to me at worst and ignorance at best. Blanking him for a split second produced some pleading from him, whereupon he asked me directly to help him. A please would be nice, says I, grateful to John Travolta's use of said line - albeit in slightly less appropriate circumstances - and the old gadgie finally showed some recognition. A Thank You when I first gave you the phone wouldn't have gone amiss either, I followed, before sticking the boot in with Your manners are apalling by their non-existence. I then helped the wos cunt to call home to arrange a lift. Even that was a pallaver as they'd just moved house and couldn't remember the number. Cunts like that should be shot.
  6. Must have been an oldie since Andersen's went bust over Enron, assuming Anderson was spelt wrong. The "consulting" division turned into Accenture who sponsored a mixed race golfer with a penchant for purely white trash poontang. No wonder they missed the corporate shenanigans in the biggest (yet exposed) corporate fraud in history, inventing silly questions about animals, conferences and fridges instead of auditing the more far-fetched goings on by the Texan cheats. Bastards.
  7. I meant anywhere along the North Sea COAST. Obvious increased cost implications if further out. Donald Trump is a prick right enough. Saw that Sarah Malone on Saturday at the Walker Cup. Wonder what the principal reasons behind her hiring were? Was the Donald behind it? Is she really from Peterheid?
  8. This got sent to me by e-mail today. Pity if the cute lickle animal pics don't come out but it's a good un nevertheless: - There are 4 questions. Don’t miss one. 1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? Stop and think about it and decide on your answer before you scroll down. The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way. 2 How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator? Did you say: Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and close the refrigerator? Wrong answer. Correct answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions. 3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend . . . except one. Which animal does not attend? Correct answer: The elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator. You just put him in there. This tests your memory. Okay, even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your true abilities. 4. There is a river you must cross but it is used by crocodiles and you do not have a boat. How do you manage it? Correct Answer: You jump into the river and swim across. Have you not been listening? All the crocodiles are attending the Animal Meeting. This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes. According to Anderson Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the Professionals they tested got all questions wrong but many pre-schoolers got several correct answers. Send this out to frustrate all of your smart friends.
  9. With the whole of the North Sea in which to place them, I can't help thinking that the choice of location is unfortunate. They don't bother me at all but it's possibly a bit of a coincidence that some small minded Scot is cocking a snoop at the big flash yank.
  10. My first for ages on here. Cheers bb and sorry kow! There's no "facts" about who's "a nice lady" or who's "a sexless bitch". It's all purely subjectively hypoglyseptical, particularly given the remote location and forthright rationale.
  11. You need to wash your keyboard out with barley sugar.
  12. Your failure to recognise my utter precision and economy with language reflects poorly on you. Attempted insult noted.
  13. Since when has arrogance become a matter of fact? How do you measure "extreme" arrogance? Where's the line? If the boy had written "in my opinion" or "imo" or "imho", would this have made it acceptable to the opinion-police on here? I've not met Judy Murray either but I can tell that she is extremely fucked up. Do I need to put a 12,000 word dissertation together to justify this? Will you take a contrary position because you hate someone expressing opinion forcefully? Is it passion that you fear? Is it absent in your own heart and minds by any chance? Perhaps instinct and imagination are qualities that you've neglected since birth? It could be plain old judgement and critical thinking defects but before pedanticising and making a tit of yourselves, ask yourself WHY you waste breath and time? Is it internet contrariness, picking arguments for the sake of it? Does this make you feel less small? Read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell.
  14. Some people on here would be best advised to read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. Unfortunately when words such as "supposition" get used in an attempt to discredit the "basis" of an opinion or impression, then the philosophy contained within the said book would undoubtedly be unattainable. Damn fine read though, highly unusual in that it articulates and explores subject matters rarely acknowledged to exist despite massively overwhelming evidence that they do. Instinct and wisdom, gentlemen. Get yourselves out of the sticks, you literal liberals.
  15. And yet "the basis" for this is what? I suspect that I actually agree with you both in the main but on the mummy point, it's fucking obvious that she's got mental health issues and that he would have been better served striking out on his own a long time ago. The coaching inconsistency may well be because of mumsy. Her obsession is counter-productive.
  16. Why would your opinion prevail over Boris Becker's, when there is an obvious straightforward conflict here? Surely you concede his greater qualification in this field?
  17. Sorry, what exactly are you trying to say? Are you clarifying something that I said? Which words did I use could possibly lead you to believe that I was saying that "it was in fact a great game to watch"?
  18. I don't have the stats but I would imagine that the vastly bigger proportion of the thousands of stay-away's would read the P & J on a Monday than would read AFC webschatspeaksites.
  19. Naturally but surely a portion of the missing multiple thousands aren't bothering because of CC's reporting? When the stay-away's keep reading about how bad it all is, ALL the time, it hardly encourages them to return.
  20. Chris Crighton's weekly reporting honesty is having an adverse effect on Pittodrie crowds. Willie Miller's dishonesty is having an adverse effect on Pittodrie crowds. As for Milne, he's the one who's mismanagement and karma is killing our club.
  21. Article in the Sunday Times on 3rd July by Barry Flatman with the title "Winning Grand Slam is all in the mind for despondent Scot". Quote by Boris Becker splashed across the top - "Murray is more fragile between the ears than the big three". Much as it is sad to see a Scot try so hard and come up short EVERY time, what's really tragic is that he, his entourage and his "fans" fail to see, let alone understand what the problem actually is. The dog died.
  22. Nice teeth. C'est tous. Anyone recognise who quoteth thus? “The trouble with keeping your thoughts secret, though, is that you lose the advantages of discussion. Talking about an idea leads to more ideas. So the optimal plan, if you can manage it, is to have a few trusted friends you can speak openly to. This is not just a way to develop ideas; it's also a good rule of thumb for choosing friends. The people you can say heretical things to without getting jumped on are also the most interesting to know.” When I read this quote just now it reminded of this thread.
  23. Surely you defend my right to not like him? Is your love for him so great you won't even accept that a contrary view might exist, far less tolerate it? Didn't you see "the dog died" parody of Murray on national TV? You do understand that your own enthusiasm for the most joyless man in Dunblane isn't a universal view? Should I consult you about every opinion I have before posting anything, to make sure it's acceptable to you?
  24. No. 1. If Andy Murray is Scottish, I don't want to be. No. 2. His mummy is a scary creature with an unhealthy obsession. No. 3. Andy's blonde left him citing damn reasonable reasons, only to return for some reason, speculatable on. No. 4. The boy's won fuck all. No. 5. Boy's a fuckin fruit.
  25. I must admit that this deadline window concept is a winner. We get Jim White saying "busy busy" and the village idiot, Ian Dowie, gets wheeled out to offer his expert insightfulnessicessity. This is entertainment of a very high level. One day, you small cunts will appreciate this.
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