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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Not quite. Merely opinion. Not provable by scientific data. But it becomes fun when some point or other gets disputed by a fan of the golfer character assassinee, often through blindness to his charms or otherwise. On the yank crop, David Love III and Phil Mickelson attract my ire. I remember when the latter was top amateur at the Masters and his fawning sycophancy to Jim Nonce in the Buttlick cabin was revoltingly establishment. His wife gets a littler bit of cancer and so everybody feels sorry for him and loves him even more but surely it's the wife that deserves any sympathy, not him. He has/had a severe gambling problem. His forced crowd-acknowledgement tip of the caps and subdued humility is a sham. He's not the perfect nice guy he makes himself out to be. He's the white picket fence exterior to the demons behind closed doors, to use a David Lynchism. I'm not saying he's raping his daughters here a la twin peaks but anyone trying this hard to portray such establishment niceism is a fucking twat by nature and I for one, wouldn't want to see what's going on in his insides. Bubba Watson is an interesting one. Greeting like a bairn when he won last year and greeting like a bairn in France two weeks ago, he's obviously nae the full shilling. That awful music vid he made with Fowler, Mahan etc. was cringeworthy but I find him impossible to detest. I love his golf shot making imagination and he breathes new air into the game. What you see with Blubber is what you get. Nae the brightest but nae a bad bone in his body - other than the aforesaid stupidity which manifested itself uglily in Paris, blaming the crowd and "security" for his bad game that week.
  2. Ach let's go the whole hog and get the negative golfers slaughtered first, before turning attention to the positive ones. I'm a big fan of Simon Dyson, the straight-talking Yorkshireman who's just started with 3 birdies to lead the open and the amateur Tom Lewis is a great looking young kid. Cigar-man Jimenez, dog-eater YE Yang and bible-thumping Langer are other favourites of mine but there's one golfer who needs taking down a peg or three. Graeme McDowell last year was exceptional, winning at Pebble Beach, then Valderrama and ultimately taking out Woods with an amazing putt at the 72nd before repeating his birdie at the first extra hole. But I'm sorry, I know you went to the states for college Graeme, but your accent SINCE you won a major has totally changed. For sure. Is this a deliberately engineered prawcess or is this a subconscious thing going on? Whatever the reason, you sound like a contrived fud these days. I reckon you should get a woman or just come out of the closet at least to say that you have a zero sex drive if you're not actually gay.
  3. Lee Westwood is another I can't warm to. A brilliant golfer for sure but too sour and negative, particularly towards reporters whenever he gets interviewed puts me right off him. He looks like he's going to be missing this cut unless he can pull out some birdies in his last five holes but why would a multi-millionaire with seemingly everything going for him be such an arse when he's being called upon to do what people in his position have to do by talking to people. It must be a total of 5 or 10 minutes a day x 4 days x however many weeks he's playing so it's a total time investment of what, 30 hours a year? He can barely disguise the distaste that he has for being interviewed which suggests to me that he's not a nice person overall. In fact, I think he's an arse and I think the golfing gods will end up rewarding his career with a zero majors haul, which will haunt him for the rest of his days and turn him into a bitter old man. He and Monty can quaff brandies in the Gleneagles Hotel in fifteen years time and tell each other how good they really were whilst the guys who are five, six and seven years old today start bursting on the scene, completely oblivious to the golf that these two fat old men produced in the decades before and after the millennium. I love the fact that Monty never won a major and as time goes on, it looks like Lee can join him in this unwanted record. I love the fact Rory did win the last major and Westwood's barely contained lack of enthusiasm for it was a further illustration of the utter gracelessness of the man. It's burning him up bad and it's eating him up from the inside. English fud.
  4. Tom Watson hole in one at 6 today, -3 today and -1 for the tournament. Some people are naturally popular. Seve and Tom probably the best examples where they caught the public's imagination not just for their supreme ability but also for their natures. Contrast this with Tiger Woods and Colon Montgomerie. It doesn't matter how good they are/were, nae cunt likes them. Their persona's are not ones one can warm to. They're a pair o cunts, basically and in my opinion, both utterly fucked up by weirdo parents. Don't know anything about Monty's mum and dad but I reckon it's a safe bet that they're shit people otherwise they wouldn't have bred such a cantankerously disgusting fat pig.
  5. In or Oot: Still undecided. Probably. Pre-matcher: BAGC, if I get parked in time. Location: Main Stand, front row, if I make the phone call in the next hour. Only got into the Main Stand earlier this year. Great view. Half-timer: Pisch and a blether. Post-matcher: Pitt for a couple, then home.
  6. If you're referring to me, you are graetly mistaken. I love Stewart Milne. I don't have a son. Now who be the fantasist?
  7. I take it you are trying to express your comedic appreciation of the highlighted parts of the post you refer to? What makes you think anyone else is interested, or even quite interested, in what your opinion is about this? Do your appreciation privately and stop shoving it down our throats, rude pig.
  8. I would like to think there were, although 4.5 years later, we're still waiting for one positive sign. The training ground issue and lack of young talent coming through are constant reminders that nothing seems to be getting done. I wonder if they're all biding time until 2011 and boring us to death in the process.
  9. Don't get obsessed with what I say. My bipolarity often manifests itself in arguments. I always win and I always lose. Didn't realise they were still active. Did have 17% of the total shareholding at one time. I gave up after the farcical set-questions AGM
  10. Pity the subsequent dozen posts were deleted after this one, eh, Boabster? You were getting a bit exasperated and were oozing frustration. Here's that Phil Spector 50 year old track again, to soothe your furrowing, knotted brow: - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DCnUsInBQws Anyway, back on topic. No, you are wrong about being proved right being the top priority. It's just that some of us know he can't take us any further. Well, we think we know. Time will tell, or perhaps it won't. You are wasting your love by saying you would love the fat orange idiot to succeed? He doesn't have it in him. Watch the games. Listen to him speak. It isn't even a deep football understanding or even a basic knowledge of amateur psychology you require to know this. I trust your instinct still functions? The tide turning towards upwards towards mediocrity again, is not a measure of the potential of Aberdeen FC. We will be no more than 3 points off 3rd place after a win this Saturday. Brian Irvine said that the one win in eight UEFA run papered over the cracks. I think the cracks are still there.
  11. Aberdeen FC said there were almost 11,000 at the Hibs game and almost 11,000 at the Celtic QF 12.30 Sunday game. Were you at both? Did you not see a difference? Do not believe everything you read. Counting non-attending ST holders does not disguise the reality.
  12. Clearly. Compared to your minority view of what our expectations should be. For a club that can justify spending £600K on a feasibility study when the simple finances don't stack up, even if we did get more than double the mooted £8m potential from the public sector, then getting rid of JC is a far less risky proposition. He would walk for £100k/£150k if forced to. This represents an extra 2,000/3,000 fans for 2 home games only. You do the maths.
  13. Yes, but the Alex Miller, Ebbe and Paterson era's were so bad, such poor Milne appointments, that comparison with them fails to see our potential. If you do not think that JC should go now, then you see sufficient positive attributes in the man to justify any further delay in his disposal. Time will tell if you are right. I think it's been long enough, and I think we are best placed ripping it up and starting again. The man is a complete arse.
  14. Intelligent post, in keeping with the most intelligent posters are on this site line, which I was fed when I first discovered DT. Jager, speaking of tragic, who's the one getting all het up with a stranger on tinternet? You're a fucking beaut. Boaby, you are the dead fingernail on the shirt-tail under the coat of action.
  15. Although he doesn't criticise the players as often as he used to. This much must have been pointed out to him. It's never him to blame though.
  16. I respect that you have a different opinion but I don't understand what you see in Calderwood that justifies your position. But after that other twat's equally supportive position towards our inept manager, I despair of your collective inability to see the reality. What the fuck have you cunts been watching these last 4.5 and last dozen years? Me no understandy. Me no longer carey. You no real.
  17. From a known hater of North East people, as evidenced by your posts depicting us as apes, I find this tragically comic.
  18. Yes there must be. I blame the fans for not turning out and getting passionately behind the team. I particularly blame the fans that have given up under Milne's 12 years and who don't bother any more. It has nothing to do with the fact that EVERY person he has recruited to be in charge of "football affairs" has been a complete and utter waste of space, with varying degrees of ineffectiveness.
  19. This is an oft-trotted out argument, the comparison between JC and the previously under-performing managers. I don't think it's relevant. Of course JC's top 6 record is better than Alex Miller, Ebbe and Paterson - all Milne appointments. This is obvious. But do you really think Calderwood is the limit of our recruitment capability? I don't. Strachan and McLeish were unemployed during the period we've been labouring with this bumbling idiot, both of whom I think would have taken us further than where we are now, or likely to ever get to under this inept fool. On the qualification point TF raises, we are allowed to have impressions and opinions on people, when we read and hear what they say surely? My impressions on Calderwood the man are inclined towards the negative, not the positive. My impressions on his football management ability are also inclined to the wrong side of neutral based on many years now. Am I qualified to have an opinion? Based on my experience, I think I am. Whether my opinion is right or wrong, only time will tell, but my opinion is shared by the majority of Dons fans in the real world, and on the supposedly racist site. Do any of you see anything in my posts to agree with? Or are you more interested in other dynamics on here?
  20. The facts are facts. It is my opinion that Calderwood should go. Of course I don't see the valuable, ingenious contributions he makes on the training ground, but I see the results of his labours on a Saturday and based on the alarming declining numbers of people coming through the gate, and his total inability to deliver anything better than entrenched mediocrity for over 4 years now, then you will not be surprised that my opinion is not exclusive - this is the opinion of many. Assuming we ae all Aberdeen fans all sharing the same objective, then do you agree? Perhaps Jimmy and Miller are right, eh? Maybe my expectations are too high? Maybe what you're watching is satisfactory, and I should be satisfied too? You try to make it a personal issue with smart ass comments and twists, yet you spectacularly ignore the debate. Does this reveal your priority, and your real objectives for posting on an internet forum that carries an AFC badge? Or, like many think, is the fortunes of AFC not the real priority?
  21. A well-timed fire, allegedly. The business was losing and had lost shed-loads of money before the fire.
  22. Yes, you are right. He got rid of a £37k debt or something, I believe. I read that this weekend for the first time. Not quite in the same league, but my point was that the building of the RDS put us £2m in debt, despite the grants we got. Milne used his creditor position to lever himself on to the board. The financial record since then speaks for itself.
  23. I note you haven't had the balls to agree or disagree with my overview, and just ask for solutions. What makes you think I would be qualified? As I said all along, there has to be a majority concensus on the problems before any discussion on the solutions. In this, your forum is unique in that a number of posters deny the reality of that problems exist. Whatever your reasons for denial, who knows and who cares? But unlike you, I won't run from the debate and sit on the fence. Levy had a problem with Ramos. Murray had a problem with PLG. We have a problem with Miller & Calderwood. What they did, was to identify the problem and act behind the scenes to line up a successor, get agreement in principle from that successor, then axe the problem. Milne has been inactive to date. For 4.5 years he has presided over this decline. If he shared the majority of fans view, that Calderwood is not the man to take us forward, then he should have resisted the 3 year contract extension. The club should be active lining up a better manager, like Rangers and Spurs did. That's if the club shares the same view of the problem as the fans do. The solution, for Milne personally, is to get a non-inept, non-fat bastard in charge of the football team, and revert to a traditional management style - like Levy said today - to repair the damage of the last x years. The crowds are disappearing, and by binning Miller and Calderwood, and getting someone competent in, will give us all a massive injection of fresh hope, and new-found respect for Milne. He is overdue keeping to his promise that the product/football will always be his priority. If you ask me to say who should be the next manager, I would say that none of us are qualified to say. We don't work in football. We don't know who might, or might not, be available. If we did work in football, in that capacity for AFC, we would have had the feelers out well before now though. It's not working, and needs surgery. Like Spurs fans today, and RFC fans when they took the Scotland manager back to Ibrox, we deserve to wake up one day and find the common problem has been removed, and a solution already in place. That day is well overdue. If the problem is agreed, then pressure can be brought to bear to force the chairman to exerise the solution, which is the replacement of our management team in charge of "football affairs". If he fails to act, again, then he becomes the principal problem requiring of a new solution but that is for another day. He has ignored us for 4.5 years and has left the failing management team of Miller and Calderwood in charge. It's high time he acted. The crowds and potential future income for this club are screaming for change.
  24. It appears that we agree on the whole. You are also right in that it doesn't matter what we think at present, although incredibly, some think everything in the garden is still rosy. I do not think telling Milne to GTF is a relevant discussion, because he has engineered himself into a position of dependence and has assumed total control. What is more relevant is getting him to understand that he can not continue to abdicate his responsibility by leaving Miller and Calderwood in charge of the football side of the business, because it won't get any better under their charge. We disagree on whether the manager is inept, yet you acknowledge the very poor nature of our squad, and share my concerns for any hope of progress in the near or mid term future. You also point out that our only asset, Pittodrie, is now part of TallTray, a commercial arrangement entered into for tax advantages presumably, although it is still counted in the fixed assets on the AFC plc balance sheet, therefore the shareholding of TallTray may be that it is a wholly owned subsidiary. I couldn't be arsed looking up the accounts from last year to know for sure, but it is not relevant to the point. In fact, by our only asset not being under AFC plc control, if this was the case, would actually make it worse, and gives further strength to the fans who are right to express concerns with the mismanagement at the club. As for labouring under the impression that supporters are customers or fans etc., I don't really understand your point, although I do agree with you that we desperately need to establish some sort of dialogue. Milne hasn't taken the opportunity to address fans once since Miller was appointed, and if he has, once, then I missed it. His conduct at the AGM's suggest he really doen't care or want to know what we think. The PR, you call spin. Exactly. They have often spun expectations as an excuse for non achievement.
  25. At the time he took Milne's offer as DoF, his business at Ramsdens was failing and subsequently failed, causing many unpaid creidtors. This was relevant, his failing business at that time, because it made Miller vulnerable to accepting the income on offer, and turning his own AFC-critic position inside out. Every healthy "democracy" acknowledges the role of an opposition. We've had none since Miller turned coats.
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