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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Spag bol I think, with copious lashings of red wine. Think I'll put some tartare sauce on too. Thanks. It does sound nice. Deep fat? No, No, No...
  2. TF, where has the tic baiting thread gone? Y'know the one where they came on to bait us but they left with their heads buried up their arse. I wanted to read it again. I'm sure there is a lot more gratuitously offensive stuff on here than asking two fuds why they weren't celebrating, and their classic Irish connotations and six figure salaries and ruling Scotland lines were classic, and should be preserved for all to see/
  3. As much pain as it brings me to agree with the schizoid dual characters as gasbag man and his alter ego, serenity-personified with attitude, I have to this once. My feet are bleeding heavily as I stick knitting needles through the flesh one half inch below my toeline. Its helping to dullen the pain and nausea. An even better example of the Miller Mackie combo was the winner at the piggery. Miller's touch through to both JDV and Mackie in both the QF games v. celtic were examples of not just skilful feet, but a skilful mind. The weight on both passes was perfect, as was the vision to completely open them up. deftness, defterity, deftable, deftextery, deftishness
  4. Seve strolled through the game. Great to see. Defensively solid. Zander made only one mistake, a howler, but we expect that from him, one. He was excellent too. So commanding in the air, and one tough, getting stronger all the time muthafucka. And on other forums, I was staggered at how much stick Duff got, before he'd even had a couple of hours under his belt. Always looking to play the simple ball, back to Foster mostly, and good ball control. They all played well but special mention to Lee Miller. I credited him for both goals v. Celtic in the QF. He has superb and sublime touch. Been brilliant in 2008. EDIT: You should have seen us when Cousin cowardly elbowed Maybury off the ball. But Nacho kissing the badge and shit in front of us was too much. We had good crack with the copper in front of us, giving us free licence if any shit like Nacho's sending off would occur.
  5. None that I saw in the Main Stand. If you saw that mentalist 2 people to the right of the tunnel giving New Crisp (Novo) heaps, that was me. What a fantastic night.
  6. I didn't offer. It was a commercial transaction. I'll have to get some other bastard to help get this shit out of my head. Enjoy the game. I am almost certain we will not see the hordes of darkness win the SPL tonight.
  7. minijc, I'll buy you a pint int Pitt if you help remove the rum bottle shards fae ma heid? In less than 3 lines please...
  8. Do you only do insults, or have you a broader repertoire?
  9. Is this because your sole objective when playing football is to prevent others from nutmegging you?
  10. Fucking Hell. I'm not typing all that, and I type quick. Next guy, add my name to the list.
  11. No, not specific to the NE, but particularly prevalent i.e. especially in the NE compared to the major conurbations, where the bulk of Scots live. It's probably even more pronounced in lesser populated areas again, but I haven't lived in lesser populated areas than the NE, only more populated. fatjim is right, as I'm sure you are alluding to, that the whole country is parochial. It is probably a common human condition, worldwide.
  12. Especially in the NE. They resent incomers. They (we) even have names for them. Inabootcomers and White Settlers. Concrete evidence of narrow minds.
  13. The P & J in particular is very representative of the views of North East people. NE people are parochial. The bigotry of the wos is sectarian, the bigotry of the NE is parochialism. Our ancestors, even one generation up, hated Celtic and Rangers equally, and everything central belt was regarded with suspicion and distaste. Whilst this may have changed slightly, as any person with a west coast accent will tell you, there is still a huge narrow minded contingent in the NE. The same bigoted, anti-anything that isn't NE, is still prevalent. The P & J, with sublime subtlety on occasion, often panders to this narrow mind. Many people in the NE have not lived elsewhere in Scotland, let alone the world. Insularity breeds suspicion and contempt. The really vociferous objectors to the P & J do not understand it, but by screaming about it, reveal their true origins.
  14. Quote the decision to print the letter at all was either because a) the editorial team of the P&J agrees with its sentiments, or b) they want to wind up a storm ahead of the Aberdeen-Rangers game in order to give them plenty of juicy scandal to report on next week. Neither is appropriate for a local broadsheet in my opinion, and both show a dearth of journalistic integrity. a) Wrong b) Wrong You have your own reasons for wanting to have a go at Aberdeen Journals. You're talking shite.
  15. Yes, true, but where's the problem? He knew what he was doing. He was airing and exposing a bitter twisted view with a contextual irrelevance. It stimulated response, as it was designed to do. How has the P & J done anything wrong? They haven't. To suggest that they have, and start a "campaign", is just bullshit.
  16. They don't have to. It's only thicko's that feel they have to defend themselves where no accusation from any sane person has been made. Just because some fruit in Alford speaks shite, doesn't mean we have to defend ourselves. How about the objective of extracting some smart put down's of the fruit? Neither of those letters are principally defending Aberdeen fans. They are mainly concerned with pointing out the shite that the fruit spoke, so a debate has been started.
  17. Agree. A letter is a letter, not editorial, so whether or not it contains opinions that are ridiculous, or contains material inaccuracies, is not the point. The point is that it was sent to the paper, and if it may be of interest to the circulation - this is the only criteria - then they can decide to publish. Some of the mad people try so hard to be uber fans, that they initiate a "campaign" that has a fundamental flaw in its complaint, and will inevitably prove fruitless.
  18. If he does start him, and he fails to reappear for the 2nd half, and more likely has to come off in the first, that would just taking the piss.
  19. It would sound more sincere if you actually were one, instead of having the principal objective of making money from us.
  20. After last week, I'm being a real killjoy and insisting my son and his mates get a lift in with me on Thursday rather than taking the train. I'm all for try and find out for yersel, the hard way, but mouthy teenage AFC loons and a bunch of hun scum? Nah, not happening. I could go with them on the train but the thought of listening to their weegie accents and their smell just makes me want to puke.
  21. I don't get the EE but get the P & J. Still waiting for a credible argument from the Mad lovers. So they printed a letter from a fuckwit? So? They're all going on about how the paper should check the factual content of a letter. Eh? Think it's meglomaniacal masel fae Ed.
  22. As if the 20 or so that may buy the P & J from Mad are going to make a difference to circulation?
  23. Once you're got rid of 50 T shirts and have a cool G in yer pocket, can I buy you a pint? There's a new pub on the 1st green at the links. Meet there?
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