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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. A much more fundamental issue (than the method - whether phone call or letter - of up-sizing the NHS front line) is getting the right people into the right places. Just like any profession, there are pieces of shit in every one of them. At ARI, a consultant is off on the sick again this week and the staff know that he'll not be seen again for a while. His wife is also a consultant, they have a young family but with combined earnings of a quarter of a million p.a. (of our tax-payers money), it's a fucking disgrace that he's been allowed to get off with it for so long. He was a weegie, the first to go to uni from his scum background but his scum behaviour won't show up in the stats. Liverpool and Glasgow are the biggest claimants per capita of invalidity benefit in the UK. In other words, they're on the sick considerably more than the third highest region for this. The majority are not on the sick obviously but these two regions have a considerably bigger minority percentage-wise than the North and East of Scotland for example. There are scum everywhere, including right here.
  2. The government made a call to the nation, not individually of course but they said that they would need to consider asking the recently-retired to come back. 4,500 responded already.
  3. 4,000 retired nurses and 500 retired doctors have already answered the call to get back to the front line within the first 48 hours. Because they want to. They entered the caring profession with the sole aim to help others. Meanwhile our resident racist pig sits on his arse hoping and praying that the mandatory letter doesn't come. Don't worry TC, they'll not want you back. You're free to fester.
  4. Two days in a row, we've got a massive aeroplane coming into Abz at just before 3 a.m. Anyone know why?
  5. No they haven't tested. The front line NHS staff, doctors as well as nurses may be spreaders. Many retired staff have volunteered already without waiting to be asked. Given the immediate need, not to mention the retraining and training required for working with oxygen and ventilators, the sooner we get all hands on deck the better and it still won't be enough. It will at least save some lives.
  6. I deleted my reference to you, as you asked for. But I'm not convinced that you're not the recently retired Nurse manager with an appalling attendance record so I'm not apologising. Your nastiness, towards humanity on this thread, taking glee in the elderly dying, finding entertainment in people losing their jobs and previous overt racism towards Muslims in the Balkans leads me to conclude that you're a fucking horrible specimen.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/20/boris-johnson-covid-19-prime-minister-brexit
  8. We are going to have more time on our hands as the world enters lockdown. This is an opportunity to get shit done. What are you planning to do? My first objective is to read more (for leisure) so hope to write a review or two in the Donstalk Book thread. If you articulate and write down your goals, that alone gives an incentive to do it.
  9. It's hard to take something seriously when it's invisible and we don't know anyone who's been infected by it. Orkney had zero cases last I heard so I can imagine it's going to be harder for them (to not be casual). It's London and the biggest populations that are suffering the most. We suspect that our second daughter may already have had it. She was at some medical conference in Lisbon before Xmas and when she visited us for a few days after, had this really bad cough that her mother and I were pretty concerned about. She was fine after a couple of weeks but given that there were international delegates including Chinese, she may well have picked up the virus that had no name then. Now if we only had access to tests - including the simple one that recognises the antibodies - data is essential in tracking a pandemic.
  10. Now now. Being "bored shitless" is an attitude. It's the social interaction you're missing but with phone calls and social media, this can be mitigated. This can be a highly constructive time for reflection and personal development. It just needs a mission. I went to the library yesterday before it shut and took out 11 books. I was allowed 20 so in hindsight I fucked up there but unlike my wife who reads on her iPad, I prefer paper. I've got a dozen or so on my bookshelves that I could read and scores I could re-read but I guess I'll do the Kindle thing for the first time and hey, I might even like it. Reading more isn't the only focus. There are tons of things I can get round to doing online, some of which being business-related so a constructive use of time preparing for the virus-free future and I'm sure most of you have stuff around the house that needs improving. Reach out to your neighbours and make it a project to help a couple of them. The chances of us sub 60 or 70 year olds kicking the bucket are slim so it's going to be a big change but it doesn't have to be an endurance. I'm going to miss the pubs, badly but I've accepted that and we move on. Or move not a lot really. I'll be taking fresh air every day but taking the most razor-sharp flick knife with me. I would take a hammer too but being in a village with few people, I'm sure I won't need it as any strangers would stand out. Just got to get the mind active. Being bored is a state of mind, one easily avoidable. I've not been bored for forty years but I do remember periods of boredom as a teenager. It's something we grow out of with good thinking, purpose and discipline. Best of luck to all.
  11. Instead of speculating, shouldn't you be acting on the call for the national interest?
  12. The Coylumbridge Hotel committed suicide and the Britannia Group as a whole will die as a result. Fuck them. If they'd waited 24 hours, they would not be dead. Never liked the vibe in Aviemore. I'm there for a few days every summer but never stayed at that place, nor will any ither cunt after the news today. Edit: Aberdeen Royal Infirmity is empty. With all elective surgery having been cancelled, the expected rush of respiratory cases has yet to materialise. What this means is that patients are going to be shipped here. If they're weegies, the biggest challenge will be the behaviour of their relatives. Glasgow is the hot spot for Covid-19 in Scotland. Just wait to get the feedback from the NHS front line!
  13. In the cold light of sobriety, I'll not do that again. That hour and three quarters was me saying goodbye to pubs before they get shut down anyway. Be kind to others and help the weak and vulnerable. I despise bad people, especially those with power. Love and peace.
  14. I have decided to ignore the government's advice. I took a train to visit a pub and took a train back again to go to another pub. Rail travel is free right now by the way as the conductor's are self-isolating. I've got hand gel to use now and as the pubs I'm going to are people I know, we are not coughing over each other and none of us have symptoms. If this was London or a big city I might listen to the government. But since it's not, I'm with the majority of my mates and we are telling the PM to fuck off. If he hasn't got the balls or the knowledge to tell us that it's mandatory, it can't be that serious. But most of all we love a bevvy more than we love an English Tory government so fuck you.
  15. I missed the BJ performance today but I caught a bit of Trump. His reiteration of the "Chinese" virus was obstinance following the excellent challenge he faced yesterday from that brave young lassie but his attempts to pronounce the scientists and vaccines today was utterly tragic. Everybody's doing a great job and they're going to fix this real soon apparently. In the old days, leaders were not intellectually subnormal. In the very old days, the leaders were the best fighters and minds. This cunt, like Boris, have no expertise in anything other than bullshit and bluster. And given the dumbed down populaces they front, they get off with it.
  16. And for all we know, it could have been a photoshopped pic or an old pic and the tanks might not have been today. When the people don't trust the leaders and fear and alarm is raging, all sorts of shit is going to be put out there and it catches fire when stupid people start regurgitating. The only thing I'm sure of is that shit's going to get real.
  17. At this rate, we will exceed 1,000 deaths before next weekend. One of the reasons that I'm confident about the maths is that we have tested so few people, we must have so many more spreaders than we know of. The amount of infected must be staggeringly underreported in the U.K. and without locking down early enough, there's been too much damage already done. The pictures of tanks being relocated to London and the army at Clapham Junction today is being interpreted as the imminent London lockdown resulting in inevitable looting. The genie is out of the bottle and shit's about to get real.
  18. 100%. Schools closed for everyone other than certain kids (of delivery drivers, NHS staff etc., with special needs) and exams cancelled (but "we will ensure they get the qualifications they deserve".) No definitions nor detail. They are making this up on the hoof and getting it spectacularly wrong. We all said 48 hours ago that the schools would have to close and that recommendations rather than directions that pubs etc. would need to close was absurd management. PMQ's today was embarrassing. For us, that we live in this circus and this is our elected government. Rosena Allin-Khan asked a tremendous question - which will undoubtedly be shown on Channel 4 and definitely ignored by the BBC - and once again, our PM blustered, waffled and bullshitted (as he did to EVERY question). I couldn't agree more. You can't make up leadership this bad. The constant reiterations of this being "unprecedented" isn't new to us. That they keep on repeating that they are "acting on the science" has been done to death and we don't believe their excuses (for their u-turns) when they go on about the crucial "timing" of their interventions. It's STILL an utter shitshow.
  19. 72 yesterday, 104 today. But today's not finished yet. ARI is eerily quiet, with no elective surgery scheduled and no virus rush yet.
  20. If there's no football, other clubs won't be bidding for their services. Whilst there is no football, clubs aren't making any money and you're right, some will go to the wall. Instead of coming out with we want the seasons ended by 30th June, which UEFA have, without possibly knowing if this is possible or not yet, they need to take the lead. The only proper position is that the current season needs to be completed and depending on when that might be, these are the possible implications for 20/21 and even 21/22 as well. Until they know when it's possible to restart, date-specificity is impossible.
  21. The government's utter incompetence has just resulted in the pound's lowest value v. the dollar for 25 years. Thanks Boris.
  22. What's the point of putting a definite time limit on it? Why? What's the rush? What do you know that we don't?
  23. The article published in Lancet plus the infected consultant's description that the UK's insane policy is one of surrender has nailed what many of us suspected. This ship is being run by fools. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30667-X/fulltext https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/17/there-is-a-policy-of-surrender-doctor-on-uks-covid-19-failures?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other&__twitter_impression=true
  24. Void = scrapping, like it never happened. Finishing the season = either playing out the remaining fixtures (which I advocate), or making the decision to terminate the remaining fixtures and handing out the prizes based on fixtures already played. So there's only three possible outcomes. Armed with these basic facts, we might want to use these to frame our position. Void can't happen for me because we are too far down the line. Handing out the prizes now can't happen now because the future is invisible i.e. we don't know when football will resume. If UEFA are professionally competent, they will take the lead on this, assuming they have persons in office capable of making good decisions based on critical thinking basics. Another big reason why I feel we have no option but to pick up this season and finish it are the various cup competitions, including the ones they administer, which includes arguably the biggest and most prestigious club cup competition in the world. The next season or two can make room for the conclusion of this one. It can't be any other way. Edit: and of course if it is determined that this season will be concluded, there is no transfer window before the end.
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