Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Everything posted by rocket_scientist
You never thought it was possible to get found out by words on a forum. You thought you were smarter than that. You're a phony and you stink. Even if you were for real, and that's not possible, we just don't meet AFC fans in the real world who have such a consistently supportive view of Milne and McInnes.
Ah ok, so his main point was wrong? That it didn't go tits up under Skovdahl, the man with a high reputation? So desperate to side with the disastrous Milne, you're using pedantry this time to attack a poster who dared to attack AFC. Who the fuck are you? Endangered species indeed.
Interesting Slim. I know nothing of the guy but he's obviously one for the future... for people who's job it is to monitor potential future employees like chairmen of football clubs, where succession planning is an ongoing process, or at least it should be, tracking the game at all levels. I know nothing of Huddersfield either but having seen them get beat by Chelsea 5-0 on 2nd Feb last year - my first and last visit to "the Bridge", wankers - I've had a soft spot for them since and have been surprised how much they've struggled this year. They may well have had to ditch a lot of players in the summer after relegation but despite their thrashing that day, I was impressed with some very good technical footballers playing with great attitude. Even when they went behind early, they stuck to their game plan and the final score flattered the home team. That must have been one of the boy's very first games in charge but sacking him in the middle of August is nuts and may be an indication that the board at Huddersfield is as inept as so many others in football. That'a a decision that should've been made in May. The highlight of that game for me (other than seeing Hudson-Odoi in the flesh) were the away fans. 3-0 down, they sang "this place is like a fucking library" and it was.
Went to the Pier at the beach for lunch. It's more "upmarket" than Snecky, Promenade and Pavilion and like Sand Dollar charges a wee bit more. I liked it. Went first about 8/9 months ago and it was good then but perhaps because it wasn't as busy, it's actually a nice space too, to go with good munch. It wasn't as busy as my last visit because we got there early, before any normal rush hour at lunchtimes and plus it's January, the month after the saddos and the minks overspend on Xmas to spoil their kids - out of guilt for being shit parents and also to keep up with the Joneses - and need to eat bread and drink water until their monthly pay cheque comes in. Still love the normal grub you get at the cheaper places there but can't have pie with gravy beans and chips more than a couple of times a year.
I'm not waiting that long. 26 days without is enough for me. Only ever done 31 days without alcohol once this century, last year actually just the way the calendar month worked out. I'm looking forward to Friday 31st, plus I need to ca canny on the Saturday as flying to Lisbon from Embra at silly o'clock on Sunday 2nd meaning getting up at 3 a.m. Rules are there to be broken. We're past the middle of the month now, where we wondered if we would ever want to drink again. Only 8 sleeps for me now although having just stepped on the scales for the first time in months and seeing the lowest I've been for 20/25 years, that's a big incentive. Pints are my downfall.
From the Motherwell game thread, this was a very good post, particularly in relation to club management and accountability, which is basic management really, the measurement of the effectiveness or otherwise of business functions including of personnel, especially those in positions of influence: - However, whilst I agree that he makes mistakes (obviously) and also that he does come across as much more articulate than the average intellectual-retard in football management - and I agree with your earlier point about him being infinitely more intelligent than Calderwood, who dwelt at the very bottom of the barrel in this regard - what do we mean by "bullshitting"? I think he IS a bullshitter because he bullshits himself. Specifially, he tries too hard to come across as coherent in interviews and to be media-friendly. He is more concerned with how he comes across more than how he performs. He's done a very good job in this regard in that the wos media give him a very easy ride, although there will be elements of them not wanting another strong AFC, the memories of the 80's sticking in their craw big time and so a McInnes-led Aberdeen will never be a threat to them, as they all know (and WE should have all known but for a cunt of a chairman who fucked us up the arse in many and various different ways). He also bullshits himself also because he thinks - or at least he used to think - that he was bigger and better than AFC and that this was a stepping stone to a bigger and better position. This will be one of the reasons why he never committed to relocating his family to the NE, he never planned to be here that long. As a "rangers man" - as our outgoing chairman described him during his exit interview with Richard Gordon - I'm sure that McInnes will be regretting not going to the club that he loves. And "rangers men" DO love their club and everything that goes with it *, the sectarianism, bigotry and prejudice being the foundations for differentiating themselves and not caring that "no-one likes us". It was an easy decision at the time not to go to Dave King's basket case when we had Milne throwing bigger money at him to stay but that was McInnes's last chance ever to go to a bigger club. Ironically, such as I'm sure McInnes is regretting it, every single hun knows that they dodged a bullet by NOT getting the midget charlatan cunt. But where Gerrard is a man and after one year of learning on the job, has turned them into genuine title challengers with strict discipline and excellent man-management, McInnes doesn't even have the same qualities in his locker, being pussy and political rather than 100% focused on results and determined to get them. * You may have seen the pic this week of the question cards being made out at the "Rangers brunch", the one for Gerrard that asked "who was the better striker, Alfredo Morelos or Bobby Sands?" Even in "humour" they can't help themselves. Edit: It's also totally obvious that he's not enjoying it at AFC. Not only is he remarkably unable to produce a smile, let alone a genuine one, the likes which we see from confident managers who ARE loving their jobs, he knows that there is a growing number of fans who he will never win back after seven years of evidence to reflect on. Apparently "fuck off" was his reactions to the boos last night. He hates us almost as much as I hate him, but not as much obviously as this is impossible but it's heading for a very sad and ugly end, all because he isn't actually any good at his job, unlike the unrealistic impression of himself he holds in that narcissistic bearded skull of his.
Forum dynamics; interesting how there are certain posters conspicuous by their absence on this aftermath. Maybe they're like me and didn't attend or watch it so are unqualified to comment directly on the match? But when the record shows that they always attack the attackers (of the manager, of the club), have much to say in their consistent support of AFC and NEVER offer any criticism - even their "negative" comments and observations are couched duplicitously and unconvincingly, perhaps as an attempt to try to "blend in" - then it's possible that they're not genuinely stupid happy clappers but something more sinister. It sounds like many genuine fans are starting to see that we can't defend the indefensible. That no action has ever been taken to address it was an indictment of the rat that was Milne. That certain posters don't even try to defend the club immediately after yet more evidence that's it's not working - and hasn't for decades - preferring to wait until the dust settles and then gently ease back in with their platitudes, isn't genuinely truthful commentary.
OGS has no experience and zero management ability, a rigidly boring uninspiring Norwegian. He got lucky that the players hated Mourinho so much that they decided to perform immediately after he got binned. That he employs Carrick as his right hand man is unsurprising, himself a boring bastard of even less dynamic and inspirational characteristics. There's a curse over that club. Until Old Whisky Nose fucks off, it won't change.
Terry Jones 77, part of the funniest stuff I'd ever seen in my life... when I was 12. Monty Python appealed because it was infantile humour. It didn't stand the test of time but it was radically brilliant in the early 70's.
This made me chortle. You're locationist, or siteist. But I'm not a fan of Westhill either. A soulless dormitory.
You misinterpret. You're part of the problem, not the stadium build. You are consistent in your posts. The record doesn't lie. It's not born from natural optimism nor are you one of the blind fools. Your agenda is see through.
No it's not "almost" anything. The plan to build for less capacity than current is the most revealing part of this whole sham. Nice use of the word "they're" by the way, like you're not part of it ?? Ambition is necessary to create good things. Milne never had any ambition for "the product". Even when 43,000 of us turned up at red Parkhead, it never occurred to him that a good manager picking and motivating a good team could really compete, particularly against the dross that pollutes the SPFL these days and get 25,000 of us supporting a worthwhile cause. The cause has never been worthwhile under Milne because football was never his focus far less his principal objective.
30 years ago, the previous chairman planned to redevelop Pittodrie and paid for the RDS, the first stage of that modernisation plan. That wasn't a small shit basic structure and there was room around the stadium to complete his vision. The man he paid to build the RDS saw the weakness of the Gordons-educated, silver-spooned, chairman-by-succession and wormed his way onto the board. The original vision was ripped up and the new chairman proposed relocation to Kingswells within 5 years of the RDS being opened. A quarter of a century will have elapsed between Milne's radical proposal in the second half of the 90's and the new stadium being built but from a cost basis alone, from common sense even, there was no logical reason to acquire new land and build new when we already had a spiritual home and the opportunity to modernise the rest of it, having already completed one end. When you support Kingsford and you use phrases like you would have preferred another location and "my fear is..." then you are trying too hard to not come across as the stooge and the apologist that you are. Yes the ship has sailed with regard to the original redevelopment vision of over THIRTY YEARS AGO. The worm saw to that by not objecting to/ facilitating the building around Pittodrie but history cannot be revised. Some posters aren't old enough to know the history. Posters like you leave a bad smell because you continuously ignore and/or revise history to support the current manager and the newly-departed chairman without knowing or anticipating the future. Yes we must always make the best of a bad situation. Being blind to how the situation got bad however is to deny truth and the path Aberdeen America FC is on is a poisoned one and it can't possibly work without customer-approval. Since the majority of the old customers are against the agenda-that-Milne-built, the club needs to find brand new customers for it to be viable and they don't exist.
Never understood teetotal. One of my mates says "never trust a man who doesn't drink. He doesn't trust himself". As him and I will be drinking too much alcohol in Lisbon together the first week of February, I'll need to remember to start a conversation on the subject in front of the rest, some of whom won't be drinking. Moderation in most things is best. But not in competition environments. Must destroy but some folk get too competitive over the wrong things.
As I've obviously completed misinterpreted your post, perhaps you might explain it? Liverpool have done something no team in Europe has ever done, in the history of the game. Eventually, the commentators and even their opposition's managers are describing them as the best team in the world, including the most successful manager in the league (although his success was in the past and came to an abrupt halt after he abused a pretty young Spanish physio, karma following its true and natural path as always). What's your point?
Dry January again this year. We started doing this in 2000, long before it became a "thing". It's the same every year. By the middle of the month, I'm like "I'm never going to drink alcohol ever again" but come the 26th/27th onwards, I'll be choking for a pint. I was tempted for one glass of red wine in our favourite Italian in Glasgow yesterday. That would've gone down well but as I was driving anyway, easy to stick to the month-long plan. 2019 was my first 31 days in January without but this month will only be 26 days as the 31st is a Friday and that's a habit day for a drink and as we had a birthday party for one of my best mates on the 3rd, I had to go to the pub on the 4th to top up the 20 units I had the night before, with 22 units! The Drink Tracker App is brilliant. It saves wealth and health and informs us of our own habits and tendencies. Been doing it every day since September 2018 and if I'd discovered it 10 years sooner, I'd have an extra £20 or £30k in my pocket. Alcoholics are weak and ill-disciplined. I don't buy their many excuses.
Dons - Dumbarton - cup - Red Shed
rocket_scientist replied to manc_don's topic in Aberdeen Football Club
Cultural divide. You're right but your detractor cannot imagine the possibility of positivity ergo stalemate. -
I'm not "bitter" towards Milne. I detest him for who he is and what he's done. The way he abused his contractors doesn't bother me. Nor how he used inducements to influence public sector workers. I don't even care that he doesn't care about his customers. That's life. But when his actions affected AFC plc, it affected me and that's unacceptable. The key is to understand what the truth was. Fools can't see truth.
I have no idea what this post is trying to say but I know where the poster is coming from. The world includes many who are full of resentment. The success of others is unpalatable to them as it reinforces how spectacularly unsuccessful and sad their shit lives are. They miss the beauty of the overachievers and they deny facts in their desperation not to face their own personal truths. Tragic really.
Yes it is. We're just back and I'm pretty certain we will order Miso every time from now on. "Bottomless" means you could have as much as you want but two of the wee bowls was sufficient for me. Flying fish caviar Guncan still my fav but the Uramakis are amazing. Didn't have one the first couple of times but order one every visit now.
Said goodbye to Carmine yesterday, an institution in Aberdeen for 34 years. He's 80 now and retiring next week. Was one of his first customers as I worked in an office in Union Terrace for a year in the 80's. The food was as good as always and as he single-handedly prepared all the meals, that's been some shift. Won't see value like that again any decade soon.
I couldn't get past a couple of episodes. Not my bag of capers.
Two Popes is good. Watched it last week. Very enjoyable.
To lose over £2m a week would be almost impossible but for two reasons; gross incompetence or financial engineering. The latter takes many forms including a long term asset control plan, money laundering, tax avoidance, tax evasion and the legitimisation of ill gotten gains (also a longer term plan). Abramovich at Chelsea was the latter. Milne at AFC was the first mentioned. Donald Trump has spent the last 20 years evading tax posting losses in every venture he's been involved in. It doesn't come out of his pocket, nor the select few he greases.
My Top Thirty Aberdeen Players
rocket_scientist replied to SeeBass's topic in Aberdeen Football Club
Eoin, Theo and Hicham. I didn't use their first names from any sense of familiarity. Not met any of them. Just thought they would be instantly recognisable from their first names. Plus shorter and less typing. And then I followed it by scribing all this shite. Doh ?