Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Everything posted by rocket_scientist
The Cure on Channel 4 just now exposes the culture that has infected the NHS since Blair started the ball rolling towards privatisation by stealth. Our NHS includes some of the best people in the country, people who genuinely care about people. Our NHS is very expensive of course and where there is a lot of money, there are big opportunities for "profit", or just old-fashioned theft in reality. If the thick and the self-centered cunts who voted Tory were exposed to the truths that this programme and John Pilger's documentary revealed, this subject alone disqualifies any reasonable person to vote conservative. And that's just the NHS. It's just one more symptom of the systemic corruption that our media conveniently ignores.
Boris didn't take long to say no. The key question that no journalist dare ask is "why are you, like your predecessors May and Cameron so desperate that Scotland does not become independent?" They've already tried creative accounting and revisions to the Barnett formula etc. etc. to convince everyone that we are better off as part of the UK. They will cite the oil downturn as further "evidence" that we can't go it alone, should they ever allow the debate to take place. But strong leadership requires decisive action and until nippie sweetie gets off her useless fucking arse and put forward a fully-costed case for independence, the majority of people living here won't vote for it. She needs to think through ALL the implications that independence would bring which means "divorce terms" and the logistics for the public and private concerns including the NHS, Bank of Scotland etc. etc. It also includes the "marriage terms" between an independent Scotland and the EU she's so desperate to rejoin. Almost 4 out of 10 of us voted to leave the EU. We are as invisible to "Queen Nicola" as the more than 11 out of 20 Scots who voted against independence. Salmond failed cos he was an unconvincing slippery pig. Sturgeon will fail unless she directs her attentions away from the process (of how to get Indyref 2 to happen) and turns to the substance that will make or break our decision. Their poor record of government for the whole of this decade isn't helping. Boris could be right that she would be better advised to do her fucking day job better. They're not even getting the basics right.
I said his awful appearance was NOT a problem if you re-read what I wrote. I was very surprised however that someone welcoming a new member, or evaluating a new application or whatever the fuck he was doing would be such an appalling specimen of a human being. I have always voted SNP so his being had no effect on my decisions on how to vote. He did cost the party my annual subscription and membership however (plus the fact I never heard anything from them the whole year).
Having now read every word of the first 27 pages - I didn't plough through Annex B (draft legislation) and only skimmed the end notes - it's a cleverly articulated and coherent case. However, the TIMING of holding the referendum is absolutely key, as TC correctly says. I agree with him that now is NOT the right time. The biggest thing I took from it was that the Yes vote in 2014 never got close. Page 22 presents the facts: - 2,001,926 votes were cast for ‘No’, and 1,617,989 votes were cast for ‘Yes’. Only 44.7% of us voted for independence. The gulf between us and those who rejected independence was huge and given that there was an excellent 85% turnout, it was a clear vote to remain in the UK. One of the biggest arguments in the document was material change (since 2014). Yes there have been seismic political changes since then but the ONLY material change that matters is that more Scots will vote Yes to independence than No and for that to happen, a majority of people living here need to believe it's best for our country. And that won't happen until somebody, anybody does the hard work and present a convincing case for it. Nicola is arguing heavily on the right to choose without understanding that we will not choose Yes. At this point in time.
True but the effects, the result is the same. We still need Westminster to agree (to devolved power rather than the holding of the referendum). All 39 pages available here: -
I hope you're right but I fear that you're wrong.
I joined a political party once. In 1998. It was the SNP. I think it cost me £20. I didn't rejoin the following year. I can't remember if they even invited me to but even if they did post me a subs renewal, I would never have given those useless fuckers another penny. All I got for my membership was to meet with somebody they said I had to meet (before I could join). It barely lasted 5 minutes but given the impression he made on me, I wanted out of there quicker than I wanted in. His cheap clothes and his unkempt appearance weren't the problem more than he was a loser, a small man who's face had never cracked a smile. The sickly hue and pallor of his face reminded us all that death was coming. The political parties should think about the type of people they allow to represent them. Simple tasks like beating Bowie and the Tories in Scotland would be easier if they picked better canvassers and political representatives.
Nippie sweetie Sturgeon - "Queen Nicola" as she's called by the fools - has just made an arse of herself. At Bute House she's just gone full tilt for Indyref 2. If Boris was clever, and Cummings IS, they should grant us it. Then when it fails, the SNP will have put back this country for 50 years. All because they didn't do their fucking job properly. It's all shite.
There was a note that said no money left. It was a sick thing to do but as most politicians are sick, not surprising.
Euroscepticism has been there since day one but given the ideal was indisputably a great one, it was a marginalised minority view through the 70's and 80's. The sheer cost of EU membership had escalated to a level where it had to be questioned. Indeed the costs and benefits of every arrangement should continuously be looked at. It's folly to not consider the pros and cons and in the modern era, the Rees Mogg's and the Gove's and the Johnson's et al became so numerically vociferous that the ERG became a credible voice. The mantra "taking back control" when regurgitated by Maybot and her administration so frequently made it impossible for them to not carry through with because the stupid illiterate racist electorate took this to mean immigration above all else, not being able to see the many benefits of the UK having migrants. As Parliament didn't have a majority and most importantly the deal being offered was such a bad one - "one that only a losing country in a war would accept" (as Yanis said on QT) - it became a stalemate whereupon they couldn't "respect the will of the people". It was this alone that gave Cummings and the Tories the opportunity to seize control by calling a winter GE, 3 years before they had to. Hindsight is a great thing but they knew how stupid we, the electorate are and that we would vote ONLY on Brexit. It's all shite. Some folk think it's possible for a political party to chap every door in every constituency. They can't accept that the most targeted constituency (apparently) would not be hit. Simple mathematics gets sacrificed by some sense of civic duty. Some folk believe in Santa Claus too. A well brought up child* instinctively knows that one man can't visit every household in the world in one night. Putting aside the fact that more than three quarters of the world is non Christian, one man couldn't even visit every house in Kincorth, or Great Western Road. The child sees through the logistical nonsense of this fairytale. * Good parenting includes: - 1. Love them 2. Encourage them to think for themselves 3. Teach them to question everything, particularly "conventional wisdom". The world we live in includes billions who are unable to think for themselves and who are vulnerable to disinformation, which the presstitute media are happy to give them. The region of Scotland that we live in, the North East (including the very constituency I voted in) is an embarrassment to Scotland. Only us and the Tory borders voted conservative. We are out of kilter with our country. Bowie is a nauseating toadying arselicker of the establishment and the SNP still couldn't displace him. It's all shite.
If you "stand by every word" TC, explain why you described Foot as "a nice man" and Corbyn as a cunt? Also, you should actually read the manifesto and the detail before making big pronouncements. Otherwise it's not going to be a surprise that you come across as getting your information elsewhere rather than thinking for yourself.
Tony Blair yesterday was putting nails in the Corbyn coffin. He's got some gall but he knows he's protected by the deep state. Had he not been and if "our values" did indeed include the rule of law, that cunt would've been in jail. How does a PM become a multi millionaire so soon after leaving a £120k p.a. (as it was back then) job, the highest civil service job in the UK? Do we not have investigative journalism any more asking these type of questions?
This was tweeted by someone called "Lisa Avenging Angel Tucker-Clemens": - I'm trying to get my head around why anyone would turn down what Labour and Corbyn were offering? I want to know why Brexit was more important in your minds than all Labour offered? I want to know what you think Brexit will bring that is so good? What made Brexit override all?
Let me get this straight; you're saying that I'm lying about who chapped our doors? I'm not in Mearns or Stoney. When the first Tories came to our door, I posted it up on here! The SNP were conspicuous by their absence and EVERYONE we've spoken to confirms that you fucking didn't come here. You must be sick and twisted, as well as granite thick. Who else on this planet would use a hung parliament prediction - which was heavily odds on at the time I made it - as some sort of oneupmanship? What sort of retard uses the Tory landslide (a disastrous day for us all) as something to use and attempt to hit another over the head with? If you had been better at your job, the Tories wouldn't have done so well as they did in the NE in 2019 and particularly in 2017. You failed because you're not credible. Go fuck yourself you useless fat cunt. And get over yourself. You spoke shite once. I pointed it out once. Now you seek disputes for EVERY little thing. Grow up.
Season 2019/2020 Rebuilding
rocket_scientist replied to KennyFuckinPowers's topic in Aberdeen Football Club
Theo going to Rangers for 2, 3 or 4 times his wages doesn't invalidate that he was genuinely fond of his time in Aberdeen. McInnes not going to Rangers was a bullet dodged by them, as EVERY hun knows. The reasons that he did not go to Ibrox were various including Tony Docherty, the basket case uncertainty of their finances and most of all, Milne threw the chequebook at him. What exactly are you disputing? What's your point? Do you have the intelligence to use the English language to say what you mean? I suspect not given your lack of imagination to say anything interesting or worthwhile, ever. -
Season 2019/2020 Rebuilding
rocket_scientist replied to KennyFuckinPowers's topic in Aberdeen Football Club
Much as I and the majority of my family loved Red Parkhead, I've never gushed over McInnes. I might have praised him over the grit, determination and work rate the team showed very occasionally over the years to grind out an unexpected win but you're misrepresenting the truth here. So go fuck yourself. -
The world according to TRUTH, not western lies
rocket_scientist replied to rocket_scientist's topic in Off Topic
John Pilger's The Dirty War on the NHS tonight was the best documentary I've ever seen. My wife works in the NHS and has almost 40 years healthcare experience, the vast majority of that in the NHS. Even though what the documentary was revealing wasn't new to me/us, the way in which he presents the truth makes Pilger one of the best commentators and human beings on the planet. The severity of the healthcare system in the US is well on the way to Britain, thanks to Tony Blair and every successive government since. For all Corbyn's faults, at least he would have halted the disgusting theft that our corrupt mainstream media ignores. Catch it on STV player. -
Why has Corbyn not fucked off yet? The stupid cunt can't even get his resignation right. Useless twat.
Either of those cretins should've been invited to the backies at Union Street where hopefully the settee would've landed on them instead of that peer lassie. The cunts who lobbed it have been charged I see. Fucking arseholes. Very hunnish behaviour.
I really like Jess Phillips. But I'm Scottish and can't vote Labour as our country is ruled by a foreign power.
Season 2019/2020 Rebuilding
rocket_scientist replied to KennyFuckinPowers's topic in Aberdeen Football Club
I don't know about the family issues but I saw an interview this morning with Theo Snelders which a mate of mine put up on Twitter. He was attending a club dinner - maybe for "Legends" - and he was standing with Willem van der Ark. What struck me was his fondness for our city. It was where he and his wife's children were born, he proudly said to Richard Gordon. It reminded me that McInnes made a big mistake not relocating his family seven years ago. Not only must it be exhausting living apart from his wife and kids, both physically and mentally, by choosing to not induct himself into our region and way of life, he's created a division or at the very least a handicap to his own integration. Of course we all know why he chose not to move his family here. He wasn't expecting to be here this long. He thought he was bigger and better than us. Time has since proved that he's not as good as he thought he was and some of us recognised him for what he is from day one, a loser midget charlatan. Because he was at least was semi-coherent in the media and won the diddy cup (in the worst final ever seen in Scotland, having beaten nobody to get there) our former chairman wanted him for the duration in order to have some stability on the "football side" and pursue his own interests. -
The media being owned by only 5 or 6 complicit establishment people is one problem but I wonder how ALL their employees manage to toe the party line? Surely there would be ONE journalist of integrity who would want to reveal the truth? The Sky and BBC anchors and hacks turn my stomach. I also wonder how Zuckerberg got turned? Did federal agents visit him at night and deliver the agenda that he must follow? I'm pretty sure that when he was at Harvard and stealing the idea for Facebook, he didn't have social oppression and disinformation as his priorities. The likes of Cambridge Analytica got caught (by Channel 4) but the likes of them still operate in the background and are used and abused by the likes of Cummings. Seedy and corrupt and all shite.
The world according to TRUTH, not western lies
rocket_scientist replied to rocket_scientist's topic in Off Topic
Nick Hilton tweeted this: - Zac Goldsmith, what a story. Son of humble billionaire, at 23 made editor of a magazine (owned by his uncle), gets Tory nom for leafy London seat at 32, loses the seat twice in 3 years, (also losing London mayoral race). Elevated to the House of Lords. Truly, the British dream. -
Malcolm X warned us fifty years ago: - "This is the media, an irresponsible media. It will make the criminal look like he's the victim and make the victim look like he's the criminal. If you aren't careful, the media will have you hating the people who are oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. This is the sort of propaganda tactic that I would call psychological warfare".
It is but there are many undecideds who get influenced by the campaigns and who focus on style rather than substance. Blair and Boris succeeded because the complicit media have made it all about personality politics. In Blair's case, the country took the right decision (at the time) but he took "New Labour" down an old establishment path. Boris's landslide was made possible by the consistent demonisation of Corbyn (since day one, simply because he was a threat to the deep state) and Brexit. Corbyn fucked up catastrophically and couldn't make a decision so the thick racists in middle England thought lending the Tories their vote was the clever thing to do this time. I don't think there were many who could've predicted such a resounding Boris win. The Tories certainly didn't anticipate that the UK would vote Leave in 2016. It's all shite.