Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Everything posted by rocket_scientist
I don't think it's possible for it to learn anything personally. If a grown man wants to waste his time confronting people he doesn't know, but considers the posters he is trying to provoke as "balloons" or other disparaging terms, he's not all there.
Sorry, Torvaig. I don't know! Never bin there masel
Good riddance to it. Best of intentions? Targeting a poster and doing it consistently and relentlessly for the sole aim of provoking confrontations? Waste of time debating? Since when does making shit up, being insulting and being childish qualify as "debate"? I swear that they are all highly disturbed with entrenched madness. I will work out a strategy to deal with them and any more mutants who may appear. It won't be difficult given their modus operandi.
Oh dear, it's turning on you now I fear tup. Instead of getting all upset and he called me names boo hoo, why don't you answer the question of WHY you seek confrontation?
Wow, honestly, they consider themselves an organised "gang"? I never knew this and I've never come across any of them on the hat that I can remember, certainly not with these usernames. The level of pathos has just deepened. I banned myself from AFC Chat because of the amount of total mutants on there. I will happily take a ban from here if my conduct in self-defence was considered too robust. The world is too pussy and I would rather have no part of a PC - or woke or whatever the term is - forum.
Lol. You don't need to defend me. I just find their incapacity to post anything other than destructive quite astonishing. I am genuinely intrigued by how they turned out like this, grown fucking men too?
Is this like golf and football in your opinion in that we don't have as many youngsters playing snooker as we did?
Ok then, a race against the clock here... Since our cosy chats this month look like they've come to the end, I really want to learn something, from the three of you who I termed mutant migrants. That's not very nice is it? It's a nasty thing to say. I don't deny a capacity for gross coorseness but I would argue that it was a term invoked in defence, when it became obvious to that your sole reason for posting was to target me, relentlessly and (I would argue) with great childishness and immaturity, with no end goal in mind and nothing positive achieved. As a keen student of the human condition, what I want to know is why? With everything going on in the world right now, who has the energy and the will to seek out confrontation on an online forum for seemingly no good purpose and zero discernible gain? I know that I should have ignored all three of you, instead of only one of you for most of the time, but irrespective of my actions in self-defence, what drives and motivates you lot? I really want my impressions of you to be wrong or mistaken.
You invested your time in editing my words. For what aim? Now that your sidekick is here, why don't you call up your third and we can have a cosy foursome? What is your problem?
You couldn't quite manage it eh? You couldn't last one day. Your obsessional behaviour is tragic to witness. Your mates will be along to back you up soon, just like you back them up in similar ad hominem attacks. And then you'll all get banned. And possibly me too for responding. Fucking sick and twisted boy.
You (and I these days) may be playing a greater number of positional and/or recovery shots but I can assure you that however we hit it, it's one of only seven shot type possibilities e.g. Drive, Approach, Putt etc. Chemical fine tuning etc. which I appreciate is rife in cycling, athletics and gymnastics etc. doesn't really affect me given that our software only measures performance specifics on the course. My roles in the planning and preparation phase involve the scheduling and composition of practise, game, personal and course management and mental coaching (and within that including one specific and crucial skill) but that's only for a fraction of our online users who have become personal clients. I've never come across situations in golf where the line gets blurred but I fully understand your point in other sports. Parents however, your point nails it. They are the biggest handicap to all of us engaged in helping golfers improve. Specifically they know their son (or daughter, dads of girls got banned from caddying by the R & A!) better than we do but they don't work in golf, a sport where everyone has an opinion and many parents think they know best. The Leadbetter fall out with Lydia Ko was a high-profile public case but we face the same shit every week of our lives. Or I don't. Any more. I've worked out how to close them down and shut them up very efficiently although it took some trial and error and if they don't like it, see ya later, I don't care. The golfer often comes back themselves, sometimes when it's too late unfortunately. My client who scratched this week and is driving home as we speak doesn't like living in the bubbles, neither on the PGA Tour nor European Tour. My words to him to conclude our first text chat this morning were: - Valderrama a superb test and perfect prep for a US Open. Tough course, will blow away any cobwebs in your mental examination. Demanding greens for putting too, but the confident putters thrive on them. Fuck Birmingham but missing Spain would be a bad mistake in my opinion. He became a multi millionaire in his rookie year. He doesn't need to play this week for the money and it's not a big purse anyway. It's more important for him to be happy and well prepared for the bigger events and a week off just now fits perfectly, for other reasons too. So he's not an example to fit your debate either really. Some have to play and take every opportunity they get, others feel pressured to play for reasons which tragically includes OPE - Other People's Expectations but always, without passion and desire, they're never gonna make it, in anything.
As I said, I know nothing of snooker but you are raising a whole bunch of different points so I need to deal with them separately; I was talking about UK amateur golf and Scottish football being in decline. This is demonstrable and provable by any and every measurement criteria that we care to throw at it. Yes the technological improvements (and strength and conditioning and other factors) make the ball go further in golf, progressively so over the last 30 years (whereupon this remains the biggest issue facing the R & A today) but I'm not looking at whether sports are, or should, improve in future years, I'm only talking about the declining standards that we are getting in UK amateur golf - which will inevitably come through to UK professional golf - and in Scottish football in general. This is wholly down to having less participants at school-age level, not just what the authorities might spin but on the street, in the parks, on the golf courses. Without a healthy grass roots feeding in, there is always going to be less quality coming out. I don't think anybody should be "pushing sports people to perform better" other than dedicated coaching teams working with the consent of the individual, who must be motivated to want to succeed. It's just that there are less of them around in football (Scotland) and golf (UK) these days. And performing "for us", I don't get. We are paying customers in football and if the product isn't good enough, less of us will go. I have no idea what you mean by cycling being able to answer that, not because you're wrong, simply because I have no idea (it, like snooker, not being an area of interest for me). My "level of analysis" wasn't available 15 years ago but it can't possibly "take things too far". It is a very simple tool that is now used in 98 countries and the only thing that we do is measure performance in golf. Well, it's a very complicated bit of software engineering - being able to capture the infinite possibilities that can, and do, occur in the game into a use-able, user-friendly format with maximum mathematical click economy built in, on both web and App functions - but to the golfer, it performs a very simple set of tasks and produces uncomplicated data output that fits our core objective, albeit it takes a wee bit of effort to understand the full power of the information capability, this being a game where our pros produce over 5,000 individual pieces of data every year, and often considerably more than that. There are some things in golf that do go too far in my opinion, where over-use of science blinds the user to the reality and obfuscates the simplicity of the objectives of the game (and of its seven different shot types) but performance measurement in the way that we do it does not do this. It only takes 5.5 minutes online and less than 5 minutes on the App to capture the total shots played in a round, helped by certain defaults, both of clubs used by distances from and all putts less than 6 feet being holed, unless we miss them where two additional clicks are required. As for 14 hours a day etc., different golfers do very different things in practise and it is important to tailor each preparation and planning structure for the individual. One size does not fit all in golf, despite some over the years trying to impose this. It's not a game for the professional athlete, it's a business and like every business, they get managed differently. In golf however, it's important to empower the golfer to own their own ambitions and their planning and preparation etc., before reflecting and measuring on what they can do better next time. Golf being a game of "never-perfect", there is ALWAYS something that can improve.
I don't know the reasons why the standard in snooker is on the decline, if indeed R O'S is correct on this but the reason for amateur golf going backwards is very simple. Unfortunately the governing bodies were in denial about this over 10 years ago and I suspect that the reason why Scottish football has gone backwards too may be exactly the same. If you put shit in (to anything), you get shit out. If you don't put enough in in the first place, you will get more shit, not less.
Conspiracy theory was cited above, 16 hours ago. It was used not to discuss but to dismiss. The testing fiasco being reported now is incompetent management. Some/many will not consider the litany of incompetent governance over half a year now as anything other than "mistakes". Others amongst us wonder as to what is really going on?
Reporting that people in Midlothian are being asked to go to Cumbria for a test. Is this simple incompetence or indicative of something more sinister? That is a valid question, particularly this deep into it. The WHO said "test, test, test" so Boris and the brains he appointed to surround him decided to do the complete opposite, abandoning the first test and track system only to do yet another U-turn and fucking up the latest incarnation as well. "Conspiracy theory" is a term that should not be used lightly. It is used not only to discredit dissent (to the official establishment propaganda) but also to dismiss discussion. Where any view (not just the established one) is not robust enough to withstand examination and discussion, the chances are that it is fundamentally flawed. Private citizens using conspiracy theory against other private citizens don't want to believe that the establishment aren't there to protect them. It's the same need that the weak and the stupid have when they allowed "The Lord is my Shepherd" and "Long to reign over us" to take hold in populist culture.
Van the Man coming out against the "pseudoscience" now ??? Got to love the anti-establishment view and must always celebrate the right of individual free expression. If SAGE were sagely and the government weren't corrupt and useless, we might be further down the road of pandemic management. It's all getting farcical now, leadership at its worst, scientists arguing with each other and zero intelligence and common sense coming out at the "business end", where the best decisions need to be made for everyone.
The cricketer who broke the bubble cos he diverted home for a shag was getting slated for his "recklessness" and "irresponsibility", despite not being infected, not picking up the virus and not infecting anyone. A simple apology got him off the hook. What did Ronnie O'Sullivan do? I can't watch snooker but I did love his comments about how bad the emerging young players are. Funny as fuck. Golf in the UK has a similar issue coming up as the standard of amateur golf has never been lower.
Daughter asked me last night what my best ever gig was. Thought long and hard about it, quoted some great gigs and then it came to me, absolutely and indisputably; Motörhead at the Capitol, Bomber tour about that era. Girl School were the support act. I remember this cos Lemmy had been quoted in Sounds about them, which I asked him about in the Capitol bar. We arrived when the support act were on, went straight to the bar - more interested in getting bevvy than watching them - and here was Lemmy on his own at the bar. We went straight up, said that we loved them at Reading and he asked "what you drinking lads?" For some dumbass reason I said "whatever you're having Lemmy" and he orders "three Special Brews love". The big Motörhead fan in our local (34 yrs old so he missed those days) says that they played the Capitol twice around that time, which will be right cos he's a tax specialist accountant but I'm surprised I didn't go to both. The one I did see was awesome and like you, ears ringing for days, loudest gig ever. They were the highlight of the Reading Rock festival, the 2nd headline act and blew away Police who were headlining.
A client has withdrawn this week because he's not enjoying the "bubble" on tour. With them being allowed apartments for Valderrama and with the major at Winged Foot next month, it's the right decision I reckon. I would hate that level of social control too and even if my job required me to endure it, you can't perform well if you're not 100% happy or comfortable, not in this game which is so mental, particularly at the top level.
Radical idea. Test folk. En masse i.e. at scale, quickly and efficiently. Isolate the infected. No need to trace. Monitor data, repeat testing at scale. Where are the home test kits they said? They've only been aware of this virus for 8 months. Masks not required where there is no infected. Test to see who is.
If something bad happens to Trump in the days ahead, ask me who or where the premonition came from.
That's the Old Man of Storr to the North
Tarvaig, Isle of Skye