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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. That was last summer. Second experience was last month (now we finally have the bypass so easier to access). Ordered a takeaway and as I was collecting at 6 pm on a Saturday, only one couple in the restaurant. We won't be back. Strictly average this time. Light of Bengal and Dil Se still the best.
  2. You commented on my wife. Someone I've been with for more than a third of a century. That ain't right. So fuck you and your faux offence. Learn some decency and integrity. Cunt.
  3. SooShe again tonight. Quite simply the best restaurant in the world. Any of you cunts been yet?
  4. If we get the announcement on Monday that we are led to believe might be true, I will go to every home game and most of the away games before the end of this season. That's how positive and optimistic I am. It won't make a blind bit of difference to my sex life however.
  5. You seem determined for conflict. That's a statement in itself. I've never been on Facebook but this doesn't mean I'm blind to what appears there. I've never followed anyone on Twitter (apart from the original banksy account, now defunct) but this similarly doesn't mean I'm oblivious to what's posted there. You and I have different ways of doing things, of gathering information, different values and different conclusions. That's ok. It's good that there is variety in life. If I ever thought, felt, breathed and existed like you however, I would want to kill myself.
  6. You're confused. Having sex and making love can be two separate things. Receiving good news is a totally different thing altogether. The fucking idiot who sees good news as a foundation for orgasms is a VERY twisted and confused individual.
  7. I didn't say that I don't source from social media. I get stuff from it every day. The difference is how we access it, how we process it and what we do with it.
  8. Interesting first news conference (to Spurs TV) from Jose. He said that he will continue to make mistakes but that they will be "new mistakes" as he isn't going to be making the same mistakes as he made before. A rare show of humility and admission that he did make mistakes previously, not that this wasn't obvious to everyone although possibly except him at the time, when he was at Chelsea and Man U. By the time he was shouting "Respect Respect Respect" at Old Trafford, he was gone. He wasn't enjoying it, Pogba had undermined him and he had lost the dressing room. When the players turned it on for OGS in the two months after Mourinho, they did their club a disservice. The suggestion was that OGS was some sort of messiah or genius, and Rio Ferdinand famously fell foul of this overly-optimistic unrealistic thinking when as a pundit he was getting his wallet out and saying that "we are back". West Ham may well get thrashed in his first game but the real tests are going to come thick and fast. I reckon we will have a good idea how successful or otherwise he's going to be at Spurs pretty quickly.
  9. People who make assumptions are fatally deficient in their critical thinking capabilities, unable to distinguish between facts and opinions, let alone appreciate the relative values of each. Assumers are therefore granite-heided, lazy and thick. Personally I've never been on Facebook in my puff and I don't "follow" anyone on Twitter. Original thinkers and creative innovators aren't sheep. They don't follow, they lead.
  10. Exactly what I was thinking. Granite-heided lazy thick cunt. There was talk about it earlier this decade. Put simply it's this; Criminal burden of proof requires corroboration. This means one person's word isn't enough. It needs corroborated by other evidence, which can be circumstantial. However, when you have a number of different complaints against the same perpetrator for the same crime (five in the case of HMA v. Moorov if I recall), none of which can be corroborated by further individual evidence on each then the number of same complaints can be taken into consideration to corroborate them all. Fucking class.
  11. I wasn't aware of anyone protesting his innocence. And unless they were there, how could they? Legally speaking, there is something called the Moroov doctrine which may come into play here. It's worth checking out online. it's a beautiful concept, invented by us Scots in criminal law matters. Me Too is a manifestation of the same principle. Never liked Salmond. Slippery cunt. Almost wanted to take him by the lapels in Fraserburgh Golf Club 25+ years ago when he couldn't answer the simplest of questions - what is your handicap? Given that every participant had to have an official handicap in order to compete, or at least be eligible for the prizes at the Pro-Am, his sidestepping was a thing of political habit but like a hound with a bone, I never let go. He was an arse already but I made him look like an even bigger one in front of a dozen or so. Don't like Sturgeon either. Her crime is that she doesn't get enough good sex. Salmond's crime may be that whilst he doesn't get enough either (given the extraordinary age-gap between he and his his wife), he may have attempted to supplement this shortfall by abusing his perceived position of celebrity/power. He's a fucking wank onyhoo. And that's from someone who is VERY pro Scottish Independence and always has been.
  12. Harry Kane's sickly tweet was revealing. He was thanking his "Gaffer" for helping him "achieve his dreams" over the last 5.5 years. I know 'Arry is pig shit thick and over-rated but fuck knows what he dreams about? Last time I looked, he's never won fuck all.
  13. rocket_scientist


    It's not as simple as that. They make mistakes in the big games too. Example, 4/9 + 4/7 for HT/FT on Italy + Spain on Monday was giving money away, so me and my mate made a nice killing. Also, I jumped on Wycombe last night (for tonight's match) at 4/5, which was 8/13 first thing this morning, then 4/7, now 3/5. Even at 3/5 that's 25% less return that I got. I did notice that it was on the betfred coupon at 4/5 if you fancy? I was in a bookies shop for 5 minutes at lunchtime and realised it's the first time I'd seen the inside of one for 2 or 3 years. Must go more often. Bookies do make mistakes, every week but even though I pick up what I think is great value every week in the Germany regional leagues and lower Swiss/Austrian/Dutch leagues, it doesn't always work that way. Form gets thrown out of the window often. Look at Norwich before and after they beat Man C.
  14. And the special one in. Last chance saloon for the biggest head in world football history. There is no doubt that he used to be exceptional. Sustaining excellence is hard when you get in your own way however. One of the most fascinating appointments ever. If he succeeds, I will take my hat off to him. If he fails, his flame will have been spent. I couldn't make a call on this one. It could literally go either way. Pretty sure that it'll take less than 12 games before it does become highly predictable however. He's too out there not to be able to read his signs. How much the players love him will be the biggest influence and as long as he buries his arrogance and his narcissism, he will have a chance. Not sure leopards can change their spots as much as he needs to change his.
  15. I'm pretty sure that day is imminent. He's got everything he wanted. Are you happy for him to walk away? Do you not have any questions for him? Forget the FACT that he presided over the most fallow unsuccessful period in our football history within all of our lifetimes. That's not even material, other than "the product" (as he called it 22 years ago) has driven away thousands of customers. Is anyone going to ask him what Wm Donald Esquire is getting out of his "donation"? Is anyone going to explore the business relationship between Donald and Milne? Is the possibility of conflicted interests and the abuse of AFC funds not of interest to anyone? Who's going to do the due diligence on the land acquisition deals, the stadium and training ground costs and the proposed disposal of Pittodrie?
  16. 2 x good goals by Scotland. Great strike from Cyprus. Huffing and puffing. Shite.
  17. My mate has literally a life skill. He made his first million buying, doing up and selling property. It's his job, or at least it was. He takes on very little these days so as good as retired but started off as an apprentice joiner, did his time and learned his trade. Professionals and experience is always best but good on you guys for getting into it and giving it a go.
  18. Very interesting, guys. As someone with zero skills in this field, I don't "envy" you. Nor do I wish I had the patience and manual dexterity to try it. My attention to detail operates in other spheres. I am however very impressed at your ambitions and your efforts. A mate of mine is a fantastic builder and joiner and it's a beautiful skill to have, a life skill which I greatly admire.
  19. Wrong again. I have good stuff on my walls, accumulated over many decades, mostly prints that the frames cost more than, and a couple of paintings but not modern art, which costs way more than I could afford if it's good. You're not interested in art. I am. That's ok. We are all different. I've been to most of the best galleries across the planet because I love it. The only reason you got dragged along is that your other half is going through a midlife crisis and wants to boast at her coffee mornings and pretend she's sophisticated. Don't spout bollocks about a subject you know fuck all about. It makes you appear even more stupid. Surely that's a lesson we learn before we are 10, no?
  20. You miss the points because you're not capable of thinking with clarity. Poisoned by your own prejudices and ignorance. The documentary about Blue Note which has just started on BBC4, I'm going to abandon because it's not my thing. I can't stand Jazz either but when I was going through Greenwich Village six months ago, I was interested to see all the clubs where it first got popular. Here's the difference; some of us who don't like a particular art form don't say to the world that it must be shite. We are able to understand that others do have enthusiasm for it, even if we can't get the vibe. Cunts like you don't tolerate differences. You denounce what you don't understand, unsurprisingly given your insecurity about your intellectual subnormality, evident to yourself since primary school and therefore your whole life.
  21. Since you're unable to distinguish between abstract art and abstract expressionism, what gives you the right to make big statements about its value? What makes you qualified? Because you can do better and they're all taking the piss? Then you offer up a purple piece of shit and say you feel the "anger"? And you don't even have the common decency to enter into any debate by neither revealing the "artist" nor offering any interpretation? You think people who have paid over £100m for Rothko, Basquiat, Bacon and Freud etc. etc. are "gullible". So anyone who sees merit in it is "gullible" and you know best? You're a fucking balloon, a disgusting one.
  22. The only guarantee of the upcoming abortion is that it will be a hung parliament. But since you work in politics, you obviously know best. Since you have form for avoiding questions, I won't lose sleep when you further fail to back up the stupidity of your worthless opinion.
  23. You just got cunted. Those were Shrigley's words. You didn't recognise them. Because you'd seen a postcard or a print by him and thought you were an expert. Like you are on abstract expressionism.
  24. Please tell me you're making shit up? You canvassing? Who would be persuaded by the likes of you? What cause is so desperate they would want someone like you representing them? The world's gone fucking mad.
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