Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Everything posted by rocket_scientist
If my skull was found by primitive peoples they would probably be amazed by it. If they found yours they would be unimpressed and would probably not even pick it up or they might use it to keep things in (pebbles etc.)
It's not a competition (between galleries). Not that you're competent to stand in judgement. Shrigley is wonderful. I love all his work and have introduced him to my family who also share my enthusiasm. Why do you ask, anti-art man with a horrendous set of values?
It's not possible. For a start it wasn't an allegation. It was a fact (that you posted disgusting racism). You can disclaim or claim whatever you like. For all I know, you used to be a racist 2 or 3 months ago and now you're not.
Did you selectively forget your posts when we were discussing the Balkans and migration issues? I know Rico also objected to your filth.
Don't expect a sensible answer. He's regurgitating what the press regurgitate. He's not clever enough to distinguish between propaganda and lies. He believes what he's told. As we might expect given his proven racism against Muslim people.
Labour's gimmick of offering free internet is as left field as it is stupid. Do they honestly think that by each household saving a few hundred quid on this is going to get them enough votes? Have they done the maths? Who's funding the billions it will actually cost? I fear this is more evidence of Corbyn's unfitness for leadership. He doesn't understand business and doesn't know what day of the week it is. I'm dying to vote Labour for the first time but will no doubt go SNP again, even though I don't like Sturgeon either. At least she's better than Salmond, who repulses me. The defeating of the Tories must be the national priority just now. Followed by the exposure and dismantling of the "big press". Their demonisation of Corbyn from day one and their bias has been as revealing as it has been a disgrace.
Indeed and had I known of the previous between Levein and Ross, I wouldn't have guessed that. I think Hibs have got a good manager. I was surprised Heckingbum fucked up. He impressed me in his early days.
No not seen that film but I intend to look into it. Thanks.
Not sure I understand. Anyone can stand for whatever agenda they're selling whether it's communism, some Marxist ideology, the "all property is theft" party or for free beer and drugs. I don't think it's impossible for society to function properly "within the boundaries of the current debate". It's not so much the system itself that fails us but the arseholes who are exercising power. They're more interested in self rather than providing leadership for the common good, not that they even understand what that might entail.
We don't ALL know that the majority of us are imbeciles. I don't think Corbyn is worshipping at the altar of the pseudo faith of capitalism either. Anyone is free to offer a new system and stand for election too.
The forthcoming General Election is depressing for a number of reasons. Mostly, it's because all the parties and politicians are shite. Also, the electorate are fucking imbeciles. And to complete the tragedy, the media are totally corrupt.
That's cos you've never seen a deterrent like mine. I agree that Tyrant's corporal punishment argument was ridiculous. I don't want to deter paedos. I want them dead so we don't disagree on that either. They can't be cured and even if they could, too late, fuck em. They did the crime, the rules are they die and the state is VERY efficient at executing them. They might think twice about acting on their sick impulses. At least the Catholic Church will be severely diminished. Not picking on them, all religions will be tolerated at individual level but fucked if they're getting near the state.
Hate is powerful but it can be used constructively. Tony Blair. You don't hate him. You say he's just part of the system. I hate him. The Chilcott report nailed him. If it can further be proved that he ordered the execution of a man who's only offence was telling the truth - and it CAN be proved beyond reasonable doubt, it just needs the complicit parties to be given amnesty for their confessions - then the new world order (Rocket's new world order) can get to work. Capital punishment has now been reintroduced and it shall be used for maximum effect. The head of Blair is secured within a metal hold with full frontal exposure (so we can televise his face as he gets executed). The metal frame is fixed to the back wall and his head is fixed within it so that when his lifeless legs give way, his dead head is still in position for the camera to enjoy. We will see the terror in his face and this will also act as a deterrent for any others who think they're above the law. Two stainless steel knitting needles will be machine-driven into his temples at a very slow pace, making his execution gradual and his terror great. Then, once he's expiring, the computer will switch to driving the needles deeply and forcefully into his skull, repeatedly like pistons but with calm authority and machine-like precision, perhaps at the rate of a full stab and withdrawal every three seconds. It just takes imagination how to use hate. Hopefully the yanks will adopt the severity of our capital executions and similarly broadcast the expiry of Trump, Clinton and Bush. I would dig up the corpse of Nixon and give his head the treatment too personally. With paedos and other nut jobs, a bullet in the back of the head will do. As long as the people see what happens to the really bad men, that will discourage them. Hanging was ok, the lethal injection is too woose but televised fear and efficient temple stabbing, that's where it's at. Use the technological capabilities now available. After due process of course and crimes proved beyond all reasonable doubt. Edit: we can set the stabbing to music at the end, or have a random sequence left and right, making it fun and jovial. Or perhaps a crowd giving it whoahhhhh and the first full skull impact coming at the crescendo, like when the football crowds try to put off the executioner of the opposition's goal kicks. There's tons we could do in precision-execution.
You mentioned Hong Kong. I lived there for six years and my eldest daughter is there just now. On her first visit a few weeks ago, she tasted tear gas. I hope we are seeing more of the conflict action on the TV than she is in person. The guy getting set alight was horrifying. What human can do that to another? Fortunately he wasn't seriously hurt but where the protesters (or indeed anyone) can think it's "part of the fight" to carry inflammables and do that to someone, it's all gone arse about face. Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World warned of the danger of totalitarianism. In order to get there, the elite will be loving the hate on the streets. The only love allowed is the artificially-induced soma or football, gambling and beer.
Great post Tyrant. You spoke about apathy and I totally agree. Here's a perfect example: - Folk don't give a fuck about others. They live only to feed themselves. It is indeed a disgrace as you say. I similarly have great respect for those who still care and who get off their arse. It's the self-centred cunts who let others do the heavy lifting that are parasitic and as cancerous to society as the few who abuse real power. Divide and conquer was ever thus. It's just too obvious now.
Some opinions on Considine haven't changed since the start... because they were spot on to begin with. This was from almost 12 years ago: - He is what he is. You don't win leagues with guys like him in the team.
I understand KFP. I dig your twig. I get your Montgomery (Clift > drift). There was a thing on the news yesterday about how much abuse retail assistants get. The wifie in the petrol station gets insults and unpleasantness daily and the physical attacks on them, the public services - doctors, nurses, fire and police etc. - are increasing exponentially. What the fuck is going on in our society? Where is the love? The Bloods and the Crips and the KKK are the symptoms. The CIA and our governments are the drivers.
Not my experience. It's easy to hate when the injustice or sickness is so obvious. On the other hand, it takes a lot of effort to love. How many people regret not showing love to loved ones who have since died and now it's too late? Family and Social are two of the six key areas to successful living and all too often, family and friends are taken for granted. The most common excuse is "the busy world that we live in". Bollocks. These cunts are so self-obssessd that they don't make time to show love. It's way harder to be nice than nasty. This is possibly why so many thickos are entrenched in take take take and don't think twice about the consequences to others, whether common thieving from them or stamping all over them on the way to their perceived "top". Giving takes effort. Any cunt can take.
The Black Eyed Peas song of that name is a favourite of mine. It provokes some big contemplation. If I were ever to get a tattoo - which I know I won't despite thinking about it for 25+ years - then the questionmark logo from that song would be on the front of the forearm with the peace sign O of Prince's Sign O the Times being on the inside. We all know that love is the answer and love is the solution but is there room for hate? Spike Lee's "hate k.o.-ed by love" was a brilliant interpretation of the old knuckles tatts but can there ever be circumstances where it's ok to hate? The Christians tell us to turn the other cheek and whilst there are great truths within all religions, the whole packages that comes with them discredit their value and import. Greater tolerance would reduce the capacity to hate but I can't tolerate those in power lying to the people they're supposed to be looking out for. Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were executed for their evil corruption and then they banned capital punishment thereafter (I believe) which seems bizarre to me. The likes of Tony Blair, David Cameron, George Bush, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump need to face their days of reckoning, plus scores of others like Mugabe (posthumously, obvs) and Duterte, but I can't see anything wrong in despising those who do unto others what should not be done. My hate for mankind extends way beyond thieves, fraudsters and charlatans. I can't stand the narcissistic fools who are in denial about their intellectual subnormality and given that half the world is intellectually sub-average, that's a hell of a lot of potential targets for my wrath. I don't think it's misanthropic to hate. Many people deserve condemnation. It would be mentally unhealthy not to hate them. And yet (it is my theory) that every human has the capacity for both good and evil. It's just that too many choose the wrong paths, thoughts, motivations and actions. Whilst people like this exist, I can't give them love and yet their only hope might come from love? I favour execution personally. Still working on the criteria.
Ok so you're the judge and jury as to what's "taking the piss". Let's not even go there as to what your criteria and definitions might be. Stuff like that? What the fuck is that? Looks like you've screenshotted part of a larger work to me but if that's meant to be a complete work, it looks like total shite in my opinion. You feel the anger? What the fuck's he angry about? I don't see nor feel anything in that abortion.
That's instinct talking. Time will tell how accurate your instinct was about him.
And without you saying the artist or work, nae cunt can answer your question.
Are you prepared to share the source of this quote? Edit: a simple search revealed. They quite obviously weren't your words for two reasons; style AND substance. The person who doesn't believe in putting people on pedestals has latent envy within his soul and would be unlikely to be able to articulate jealousy with intelligent words construction. The vocabulary range also far exceeded your own. The context was also a big miss in that no jealousy or envy had been posted to which your plagiarism would've applied. The fact that you failed to amend the punctuation weakness in your wholesale copy and paste was not surprising. One might wonder exactly what your motives were however?
First visit to Tony Macaroni today. With a name like that and supporting Livi, I never thought I'd go but glad we did. Their sourdough pizzas are superb and awesome value for money at £5.95. I upgraded to a BBQ base one with spicy N'duja and it was fantastic.
As you describe works of art in our local gallery as "taking the piss" or something that "anyone can do", is it all Abstract and Abstract Expressionist art that you detest? That's one question. Here's another; do you consider the people who pay over 100 million for a single work of it mad?