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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. CM was exceptional for his country last week. His late goals won the game. He has plenty self confidence. He just needs to be deployed in a formation that he understands and trusts. It's the same for every human being. People can't possibly perform well if the system they're being asked to operate in doesn't work.
  2. Questions won't be asked of course because the shortcomings of the manager are of no interest to the chairman, whos agenda is not football. Those shortcomings have become so obvious that I'm sure you can smell and taste his ineptitude from over 5,000 miles away.
  3. Interesting post. Like you, I have trust issues with humanity. Well, I still give every stranger the benefit of doubt. It's just that I expect most of them to be shite with greater life experience. Instinct differentiates pretty quickly and there's fun in that of course. The main reason why they kill or assault their ex's is simple jealousy and inadequacy. In an ideal world, they would move on but where they feel they're punching above their weight already, or if their environment history was one of controlling and possession, they are frightened of losing a part of themselves, a relationship that can kid them that they're "normal", a man capable of severely injuring others for no good reason being highly abnormal of course.
  4. Russia are light years ahead. Doesn't matter who the manager is. Scotland's footballers are shit.
  5. John McGinn subbed off? Fucking joke.
  6. That didn't take long. Justice. 1-2.
  7. Missed the first half hour but it's been men v. pre-pubescent wankers since. Away win written all over it. Scotland are still very shit.
  8. Barco, it's never good to bite yer tongue and compromise honesty and integrity. Unless personal safety is at major risk. Being mental, not just acting mental, is a significant advantage in life.
  9. It depends on which Liverpudlians you're talking about. From our balcony, we can see Anfield and Goodson Park (plus the whole of the city, being in New Brighton on the Wirral). We just arrived this afternoon and drove past Stanley Park and all the scum that live there. We've never been here, the other side of the Mersey but the vibe and the people are magic, despite sharing the same "Brookside" or "Hollyoaks" accents. There are good and bad people everywhere. Those of gypsy oirish cunt heritage however (whether they went to Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow or London), there's a lot of bad tink blood there. Racist? Moi?
  10. The original question "will it happen?" wasn't one I thought we needed to worry about before. I naively thought that the people had spoken and that Parliament had a duty to implement the will of the people. Given the stuff since, there is now a danger that it won't. The "deal" that May offered, the one that Yanis described as one that "only a losing nation in a war could accept", the one that Boris was the first to rebel against when presented at Chequers, the one that was rejected repeatedly in Parliament, may have been deliberately offered in full expectation that it would be rejected. With the expulsion of May and the introduction of the bumbling blond fool, at least the new PM knows that leaving the EU is what should happen - best interests of the UK + it's what we voted for - but he has no idea how to achieve it. Without a majority and consensus, the only guarantee is nothing will happen. The Westminster rhetoric is being confused by the SNP in particular who are mixing messages, uninterested in what the UK voted for and doggedly pursuing independence. It's a fucking mess and if the Scottish people do now have the appetite to leave England, I would have far preferred the SNP to have delivered a clear vision rather than relying on Tory incompetence to swing 2 or 3% of the remainers. Currency, economy and the type of EU membership are big implications for an independent Scotland and there is no further progress since the last failed referendum on the key issues. The SNP banking on Tory splits is one thing, that they're continuing to sell nothing concrete themselves makes it less likely that they'll get a majority to any indyref that England won't allow us to have so soon anyway.
  11. Agreed. Good observation too, it was indeed a thwarted spoiled brat he came across as. He's also clearly not as smart as he thinks he is, although that would have been impossible of course.
  12. They say a day is a long time in politics. I've lost track of the mind belonging to the PM. He's possibly lost the plot completely. Corbyn's speech just now was the best he's ever delivered. There may be life in the old dog. At least in blocking and thwarting others, if not so much in original thoughts and decisive leadership.
  13. Barnier, Juncker, the EMF and ECB cunts and thousands like them are all unelected people who's actions have direct effects and consequences on the lives of real people. Farage has been fighting them for a very long time in the European Parliament, and "unelected bureaucrats" is the term he frequently uses.
  14. The one that we weren't born with? The "citizenship" that creates jobs... for unelected Europeans in Europe. A membership of a project that is designed to exploit you and me? To the tune of £50,000,000 a day for those of us who are British. And we ARE British because the Scots were too stupid to vote for independence.
  15. An intelligent, reasonable and considered approach. And no doubt highly effective. But it's not the way we do things round here. Fuck the moaning cunt. Get him telt.
  16. The only way that she CAN be against no deal is if she KNOWS that this would be counterproductive to our interests. We know that she's against it. We don't know why she is so anti because she has failed to spell it out, beyond the "loss of jobs" and other lines she spins, none of which has been backed up. Why is her crystal ball so robust, one might ask? She's against Brexit full stop of course. My guess is that she is taking the opportunity to play party politics. If she genuinely wants a Scotland free from England but remaining in the EU, God help us. More than a third of us in Scotland voted out of the EU. The other 62%, including my own children, are too stupid to be allowed a vote on this issue.
  17. Opportunity lost. For now. If you're mental enough, they wouldn't bother you. What's your fucking problem you fat fuck? Sorted in seven words. As long as done with the appropriate eye contact and some slavering like you're this close to knocking him out.
  18. Sturgeon is an unpleasant wee wifie. The only thing I agree with her on is independence from Westminster. It's because she's so shite that a record no. of Scots voted Tory in the last GE. I mean, Ruth D, David M and Jackson C? These are the worst "Scots" in living memory. Let alone the man molesting NE Ross cunt. Poof.
  19. I don't love Aberdeen any more. I used to. Then I grew up. But I'm grateful to the background it gave me. I learned how not to take shit. Belting cunts is the last resort but the threat of it is always enough to shut up the weak who aren't capable of fighting for themselves.
  20. Paxman did a programme on why are our politicians so crap. One thing that proved the stupidity of the electorate was when he put blue and rosettes on these pigs. They were BIG fuck-off pigs by the way. Something like two thirds of all the 650+ constituencies keep getting voted in the same, the safe seats for over 60 or 70 years or something.
  21. This is because you fail to see that Corbyn's stock has turned to shit. The man is unelectable, even by the non-thinking classes who always vote the way their parents told them to (on both sides). It wasn't just the unfair hatchet job (by the media and other vested interests), it's because he's a cardigan with zero leadership qualities.
  22. You really hate Aberdeen. Perhaps it's because you're not one. A real NE mannie wouldn't put up with that shit. There are mongs everywhere. It's putting the cunts in their place that defines us. You're too weak to be Aberdeen.
  23. I wonder how many of the English protester Stop Brexit eccentrics have done their due diligence? I wonder if the SNP have done the maths either? As they all have such a definite position, they can't have failed to. Why don't they just lay out how not paying the unelected EU cunts £50m a day will harm us? They know that leaving the EU will be a "disaster" and yet they don't explain how the implications of exiting will cost more than £350m per week? As for that Aidan lawyer cunt, what an embarrassment to Scotland. Bet he stinks. The government are taking control to get the job done, to deliver what the people voted for. The SNP are getting this very wrong. Independence should be from England AND from the EU.
  24. I know what you mean! When I lived in Melbourne, all my mates were Kiwis. Two years already. Jeez. Temp us foo git. Enjoy.
  25. Boris playing a blinder here. For reasons most wouldn't understand. Fuck the people and fuck the politicians. Boris has the right vision. Farage and Trump see the truth too.
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