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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Hopes being dashed time and time again is a killer. Not that we played well at all and we have one header from a corner and Joe Lewis to thank but the semi was the best bounce as an Aberdeen supporter for over 28 years, since May 1990 SC Final. The final was an inept embarrassment as the shots stats back up. Worse though, was the spin put upon it by our hapless manager. And worse than that, at the end of the semi and the final, you lot were chanting approval for the manager! Like the Celtic board made a mistake employing Lennon full time, thanks to their fans being so stupid too, we have a majority within our ranks who know fuck all about fuck all. The opening game of last season v. Sevco was, like the final, a total embarrassment during which our first shot on goal netted the 93rd minute equaliser. Despite beating them three times in Glasgow, we still couldn't get near to them in the league and the final table doesn't lie. If we're still in the SPFL title race in October, I'll be amazed.
  2. 1. Therein lies the principal problem. The board - Milne, with less than 30% of the shares last time they bothered to post out the annual accounts - is NOT interested in success on the pitch, only in pursuing his own agenda. 2. I guess I can't be an ex-supporter after this long, over half a century. But I've been worn out by shite fitba for a period exceeding 20 years, since Milne wormed his way into the club coincidentally. So I'm no longer "supporting" in that I'm not prepared to give them any more of my money. And that's tragic. And there's many like me, the missing thousands. The status quo is not good enough and nobody's interested in change.
  3. As another campaign begins, I reflect on my own position as an ex-supporter and where I differ from you lot. I've always been an optimist rather than a pessimist, have always considered my glass to be half full and definitely have a growth rather than a fixed mindset. But the thing we need is hope and with McInnes operating under Milne, I see nothing but hopeless. I can't even fathom where any potential for hope can exist under the current set up. With the additional journeymen getting signed on wages that journeymen get, do any of you carry hope that we can win anything this season? Or is hoping for a cup or the league not part of the equation anymore? I know Scottish fitba is of a shite standard but are we like Hamilton or Dundee now, starting a season knowing that we are going to win fuck all?
  4. Not sure if it's relevant in this case but there is, or at least there was back in my day, something called the CICB - the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. I always thought it an arbitrary awards system and whilst I have no problem with taxpayers money helping out the unfortunate, the fucking expense of employing the quango quasi-civil servants types in these roles was the bigger crime, given the waste, inefficiency and corruption.
  5. It's instinctive self protectionism. The wolf in sheep's clothing is a threatening being. It doesn't matter if some innocent sheep get slaughtered along with way. Best not to take any chances.
  6. Agreed, which means I was at 7 and missed matches 7, 8 and 10. Copenhagen happened in 2007 and was the only game I wish I'd been at (watched it on the telly) but it was the calendar year I boycotted Calderwood's AFC, Bayern therefore being early 2008. If there's another decent European night at Pittodrie, I'll not be there. Come to think of it, if there's ever a decent match at Pittodrie again, European or otherwise, I'll not be there.
  7. Sair een. We moved to Melbourne for 3 years. My first game back was that one so I know it was 1994. And unlike the wife who had two trips home, I didn't travel back at all during that period so my last game before leaving was Ibrox May 1991. I should have therefore foreseen the downward trend. I just couldn't imagine a local midget wig-wearing cunt would fuck it all up so badly whilst we watched it all happen.
  8. No I wasn't at that game even though I am of your same vintage and first went to Pittodrie in the 60's. We were living overseas at that time and I remember my uncles sent me the programme. Greatest European night was 3-2 v. Bayern. Nothing else came close but Ipswich, Waterschei and Hamburg were very special nights too.
  9. I use the Long Term park adjacent to (and owned by I think) the airport. Used it twice last week. Have tried the off site ones too and they're all pretty reasonably priced. If staying overnight before an early flight, there are cracking deals with the Holiday Inn where the car parked is included.
  10. I didn't see that as I missed the first half. The second half was class football. So few mistakes and so scarce in unforced errors that it flowed beautifully. So hard on Japan but the Dutch showed enough quality football that it was always going to boil down to one incident, especially as the clock wore on. Great analysis too from the girls. Japan did lack a ruthless killer in front of goal. Possibly karma for all the inhumane killing and torture they did in the POW camps in the 1940's. Am I allowed to say that?
  11. Well well, I tuned into this Holland v Japan QF 20 minutes ago and it's wonderful. These players are well organised and have excellent technical skills. They make the beautiful game look beautiful.
  12. I also voted Lewis. My first instinct was Logan but the excellence of his first season has since declined into mediocrity, the comfort level default that the manager is so expert at. Plus the goalkeeper and centre of defence are the most important positions of any successful team, success being a quality McInnes is unfamiliar with and will never attain.
  13. There is no doubt that Hitler fabricated reasons to justify his agenda, the false flag operations you refer to. But again the most powerful question is why? The terms of Versailles were arguably punitively unjust and the ethnic Germans in Danzig (and Prussia) had suffered some gross injustices which any leader would have wanted to protect. It's no different from Palestine and the Israeli expansionism through the West Bank etc. Where there is inhumanity and injustice, it will blow up one day.
  14. Irrespective of the specifics in WW2 and what happened 75 years ago, and whether or not you do have proof to highlight the errors within that article I offered, there is a bigger point being discussed here. The Americans lying about the moon landing and about Vietnam were also in history. Let's speak about the modern era. Iraq was invaded on a lie (WMD) and we (Blair) followed the mistruth. The actions in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Venezuela etc etc were and are predicated on lies. The biggest question is WHY? Right now, the USA and Israel are hell bent on provoking Iran. Once again, the critical thinker asks why? The answers to that question is a firm signpost towards the truth, however distasteful and frightening it is. The patterns in history are irrefutable.
  15. No I did not say that we were not told this. I asked the question. From my history at school - which I hated (mainly because of the poor teachers of that subject) - albeit 45 years ago and therefore pre-internet, I have no recollection of this fact. Because I'm fairly certain it WAS airbrushed out of the syllabus, assuming the teachers even knew themselves. I made the point that "it may be a lie" with regard to the historical record. You said that PCR's article was the "biggest heap of bat shit crazy". You therefore have specific knowledge that the commentator's positions are flawed. Where did you get your superior knowledge from and can you pick a couple of points from the article and disprove them?
  16. Your knowledge of history is obviously more detailed than mine but you are wrong to assume that those specifics are "common knowledge". I also consider the use of an autobiography as a citation source to be ridiculous and yet coincidentally, the same argument as the original one, that the victor rewrites history to suit their agenda.
  17. That's your opinion, your interpretation of the facts and you're entitled to it. Were we ever told that Hitler offered Churchill peace and a way to end the war? Does that mean that it didn't happen?
  18. Lies and truth are polar opposites. The former are used to invent, deny or conceal the latter. The victor rewrites history but it can often be a lie: - https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/05/13/the-lies-about-world-war-ii/
  19. It makes zero sense given the strengthening diplomatic and economic ties between Japan and Iran. It defies logic. There would be no reason for Iran to have done this. No state would shoot themselves in the foot like this. It would be highly counterproductive and considerably less than zero gain. The arrogance of the yanks thinking they could get away with it is incredible. It's part of the same pattern of behaviour going back decades and at least during the whole of our lifetimes. In Ink last month in New York, a play by a supremely talented young Englishman, they did a skit with a moon landing and the cast blew a raspberry at the audience. If the Americans could get away with that big lie, they think that they can get away with anything. They fail to appreciate that the rest of the world isn't as stupid as them.
  20. The Japanese and Russians are notable by not commenting on their tankers getting done in the gulf. They know that it wuz the Americans (or Israelis working in tandem) wot done it. We all know why too. Same agenda. Same modus operandi. Same old.
  21. No I wouldn't pay money to see Tracey Emin's shite. But I did see Starry Night by VvG and Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Picasso last month at MOMA, two of the most famous works by two of the most famous artists alongwith so many other phenomenal stuff, Cezanne, Miro and Kandinsky being personal favourites. You shouldn't begrudge the millions of us over millennia who love art. Just like I don't begrudge the imaginationless saddos who play computer games and play fantasy football. The difference is, you begrudge us because you don't understand our passion. You don't have the capacity to appreciate it. You're just wired up wrong. We on the other hand fully understand the type of people who spend time on inane shit like that. They're losers. You should be old enough by now to have worked out who you are and how you think. Hating on the different from you born solely from sheer stupidity and gross ignorance is a dangerous trait. It's the same root sources of racism and bigotry. Your lack of empathy and your intolerance defines you and it's tragic.
  22. I watched women's football last night for the first time ever (was working on Sunday so missed the auld enemy game). I only lasted to HT of the France Norway game. It was probably the last time I'll watch the beautiful game being played by females. It will be good if the market is there and opportunities are available to girls all over the world. I certainly won't be in the audience for a very simple reason; the standard is shite.
  23. You're not on Twitter (on here)! The huns and the sellic are sick fucks. I exposed the sellic fud last night in the pub by asking who are the best three SPL/SPFL footballers of the modern era? Henrik Larsson was obviously one but he said Lubo Moravcic and some other sellic I can't even remember. They are so bigoted. He was ripping into McKenna for the first goal so I asked him, what should he have done differently and how often have you seen him play? He didn't even have the balls to answer both question. Should've knocked the cunt out but he had specs on.
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