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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Yes he's better than those others McInnes has signed but that's the point. The manager isn't trying to win the league. He signs journeymen who aren't good enough. This all goes back to aspirations and signing a footballer at that age even without following a leg break isn't planning to build a title-winning squad. He's not Henrik Larsson, possibly the best example of coming back from a leg break (although that was a very clean break).
  2. No to Hayes. Retrograde step. It won't work. Like Stevie May who is much younger, the effect of that serious an injury can be devastating.
  3. This kid deserves a thread of his own. I predict football fans will have a lot to say about him in the years ahead. Second time I've seen the 18 year old (on the telly) and he's the real deal. Phenomenal vision and a touch like God.
  4. Always love your pics and recommendations Elgin. Question for you. What are the best brands for keeping warm and/or dry? I love my Arc'teryx Gore Tex shell but only need it if it's pissing down, so mostly worn when working but it's not a warmth provider. I can't buy North Face as it's too voluminous and I can't wear what most cunts do so I don't care how good or otherwise it might be. Probably can't buy Rab for the same reason. Don't like the look of Mountain Equipment jackets but will be interested to know what you pros wear?
  5. VAR was overdue but the use of it in England and the roll out of it is haphazard at best. It's not difficult and I don't buy the objection re cost. It's only cameras and monitors with some simple software on top and almost every game is being recorded or streamed anyway. The reason why it's needed was perfectly illustrated when Millwall equalised with a ricochet off an upper arm, a goal I was delighted about for a number of reasons including that I'm going there on Saturday to take in their clash with Rotherham. The English/human beings can do spectacular fuck-ups. The family of the missing Cardiff phoned the FA to complain about the black armbands being worn yesterday so they weren't wearing them at the later kick off for Millwall v. Everton. I wonder who thought it was a good idea to conclude that he was pan breid before anyone knows for certain. Nothing like extinguishing the last sliver of hope for the poor cunts.
  6. I agree about GMS but the Shinnie booking was deserved. It was a careless and shocking lunge and he was never getting the ball. We might miss his passion and fight but he's really not that good in midfield.
  7. I also wouldn't want him anywhere near Pittodrie. He might have been a risk worth considering but his actions this week have proved that he's too loose a cannon. He's not that bright either. I just wish we had a manager with some balls though. Lennon at least has passion and does possess a winner mentality, something that McGhee has in spades actually. But where McGhee just doesn't have any interpersonal or man-management skills whatsoever, and is therefore incapable of managing successfully, I'm starting to think that Lennon also has fatal personality defects that disqualify him from ever being considered.
  8. Hibs lost their best players in the summer. Lennon has been getting increasingly frustrated and being the man that he is, he lacks discipline and self control and was always going to burst. Unlike McInnes, Lennon can't accept mediocrity. This comes from his burning desire to succeed, something that was never going to happen in a club contaminated by the weirdos who are Petrie and Dempster.
  9. And no, we do not ALL want to win. Desire separates the best from the rest, the desire to work harder, the desire to work smarter. The majority are losers and the losers who aren't handicapped by reason of intellect (which is most of them) are too lazy and too lacking in courage to have a go.
  10. We are never going to agree on this. We aren't on the same page and I can't understand anyone who thinks in terms of "class", a term used without thinking, being an indoctrination and a throwback to the Victorian era, where "fair play" and "decency" were invoked fabrications. The only winning McInnes wants is a wage. He's a fucking loser wimp. Lennon is a tink though. As was SAF.
  11. Hibs are never going to be title challengers but he WANTS to win and that's the point. McInnes likeable? I've never liked midget charlatans. Fuck me you think AFC are in the title race? Good grief.
  12. "Mazzy Star", who I had never heard of before has a flaw. Her voice is beige, or magnolia. It's lacks character and has no edge. It is built for the background. She doesn't have enough cunt about her. I predict a big future for her, given how dumbed down society has become.
  13. Confusing post. Yes Lennon behaves like a street urchin. You can take the man out of Ireland etc. but he has passion and wants to win and these are pretty important in football management. SAF had a big dose of cunt about him too. Your use of the word "class" is concerning. Being semi-articulate in front of a camera doesn't mean jack shit. The fact McInnes is so predictable, doesn't take risks and never explodes is because he's only interested in keeping a job. He will NEVER succeed in management. The only players who would break a toenail for him are losers themselves. The Shinnies of this world would die for the cause, not for him because they're properly self-motivated. It's fans who can't see how bad McInnes actually is who give licence to Milne and is why we have the club we deserve.
  14. I was shocked to see Lennon on Sportscene criticising his players after the midweek game. He never normally does that. He looked tired and drawn as well. Something's wrong. The truth will out.
  15. It's a high profile case, nobody can know what the outcome will be and nobody has said that he WILL be convicted. Yet it's impossible for him to get a fair trial? Salmond specifically stated he has faith in the Scottish justice system. The only certainty some are putting forward is that the whole thing is a stitch up, designed to "end his career". I wonder what they know to state with such confidence that he's not guilty? For me, another factor to suggest that he is going to be found guilty is his own language. He's denying the "criminality" of his actions, thereby acknowledging that he has done something inappropriate, obviously, as you and I don't get charged with attempted rapes and other sexual offences every day of the week. He's already thinking ahead. He's preparing his defences in the public domain. The man doth protest too much. I think he will get a fair trial, I think he'll be convicted and the most interesting aspect will be the sentence given. The identity of the complainants are surprisingly slow to come out. That's another factor which will have a big influence on the case and will suggest if there is any possibility of a stitch up or not. Whilst the establishment have history of ruining and even ending a man's life unfairly and abhorrently, this isn't the occasion in my opinion.
  16. Don't believe the establishment and the remain agenda but even the BBC got this one right. It's a transfer of two executives to Singapore and a new global HQ. The 4,000 production staff in the U.K. are unaffected. Dyson is a massive success story for Britain and he has done brilliant both for himself and the country. Given where the business planning of any major company will be, Asia becoming the biggest market, it makes sense that the HQ is over there. China is the biggest opportunity and growth potential not just for Dyson but many other western companies. It's because he voted Brexit that the establishment tried to spin this against both him and us, the people who voted Leave. Plus a bit of the tall poppy syndrome at its heart, only the bitter, the weak and the useless being jealous of the success of true pioneers. Dyson is a genius and his products are the best in field.
  17. On this occasion, I'm pretty certain that you're right, not that I have any insight into this particular case. The reason I think there is a good chance that he will be convicted is the sheer number of charges. I think we've got not just one woman coming forward but a multiple and whatever the circumstantial evidence might be and whatever defence counsel do to them in the witness box (as it may well be their word against his on each charge), the good old Moroov doctrine will kick in to bind them together. No smoke without fire is a very dangerous cliche to follow though, particularly in the current era when smear campaigns are highly-developed strategies against political (and other) enemies. Having met Salmond though, and having watched his career over many years including numerous interviews, you get a feel for the man and my instinct is already screaming guilty. He's a fucking wank. Interesting times ahead.
  18. The unelected rubber-faced EU officials are ALL consistent when the Brits stick a camera and a microphone in their faces. They don't want us to leave. They are project fearing us to change the democratic referendum. Doesn't anyone wonder WHY the EU are desperate to hold on to us? Do you remember Cameron, pathetically pleading to us not to vote for independence? Did anyone ask WHY he was equally desperate? It's very simple. The bigger the organisation, the easier it is to get off with what they've been getting off with. Where was the follow up when that wifie on Question Time revealed that Cameron's father-in-law was the biggest beneficiary of EU wind farm technology grants? Scotland staying in the UK and Britain staying in the EU benefits the bigger organisation and handicaps the smaller. It was ever thus. Unfortunately us Scots and we in the NE of Scotland are so fucking thick we voted No and returned Tories at the last GE. It's a fucking shambles, brought upon by ourselves. Either you can't see what's going on or you refuse to believe it. As Adolf said, the biggest lies shall be hidden by public incredulity.
  19. Sky News and that cow Burley are filming from the Irish border today. It's become a big issue, this "backstop", one of the biggest. Voting to leave the EU means that we "we take back control of our borders", as hatchet face repeated ad nauseam. So control them. This means that everyone coming here has a right to be here, including refugees. Have a policy. Do tour fucking work, government. The problem here is that hatchet face paid a billion to Arlene Foster and is beholden to the DUP in parliament. It's a fucking mess, total mismanagement by an incompetent and corrupt government.
  20. We send the EU £350m a week. Let's fund our NHS instead. That's what it said. The remainers are so sore that they're clutching at straws and making excuses, just as you've done by twisting the record. Who gives a fuck about implied? It was excellent campaigning. The first was a statement of fact (that we pay an exorbitant amount to the EU). The next five words was a proposal, a bloody good one. We should be looking after our own affairs INSTEAD to donating exorbitant amounts to fund a project that is doomed to fail. We are not on the same page, not even in the same library. rather than go round in circles, let's agree to disagree,
  21. Which of the two statements and 12 words were a lie? Don't believe the liars. Illegal funding? It's a fact of life. Money talks. You think Obama and Trump would've got office otherwise? This pretence at fair play is quintessentially British, and it's utterly hypocritical. It wasn't "fully articulated" because your government hadn't thought it through and couldn't imagine the possibility of losing. The three points of "articulation" you gave are so obvious (to anyone even slightly thinking about the implications) that they need not say it. Not that it would have made the slightest difference if they had. Pseudo intellectual horse manure, the same shite peddled by the MP's who want to remain and who can't see the bigger picture, unlike 52% of the electorate. What was dishonest? Name one act that was dishonest? I didn't see anything in the play that supports your establishment view. It wasn't a documentary. It was a play, with fiction included, as per the opening statement. I agree that the people would still have won if the obvious, non-contentious implications had been spelled out. The current shambles is fuck all to do with the campaigners. It's wholly down to your government being inept and out of touch with the people. The Leave campaigners aren't an opposition nor are they the government. They were people charged with doing a job and by targeting people who hadn't voted before, it was a brilliant masterstroke. The PEOPLE of the UK voted and we want out of the corruption that is the EU. Dom called Farage an odious cunt at the end of the play, and by god he is but he was absolutely 100% on the money with his abhorrence of the unelected cunts who are doing things to our world that are so vile, it's being hidden by public incredulity, including yours. We need change. The IMF and ECB and the EU are vehicles to steal. If we had an independent free press, it might expose some of the corruption at Westminster and Brussels. You lot who voted remain can't even see how our NHS and public purse is being stolen and no amount of Seabornes and Carrillions and PFI's can change your views and make you see truth. Your public school Oxford educated government are common thieves and whether "left" or "right", Blair or Cameron et al, they are ALL the same. Do you honestly believe they were in charge? Do you think Theresa is? The office of Prime Minister, like the president of the US, is not in control. The globalist agenda will fail because China and Putin never bought in and whilst the middle east has been propped up by Saudis and Qatar, that fissure is going to crack too.
  22. I hope Cardiff were insured against THAT happening.
  23. Rico, I just watched Brexit: The Uncivil War. It was phenomenal. Cumberbatch was brilliant. The side of the bus actually said - We send the EU £350m a week. Let's fund our NHS instead. It has been spin and lies from reptiles to suggest the Leave campaign said that all the money paid to the EU would be donated to the NHS. But it was clever campaigning as only a fucking half-wit could imagine that this is how budgets and financial planning works, and it is known that half-wits make up a sizeable portion of the electorate. It's not like the Leave campaign were the opposition or were ever going to be the government. However, whether it's 350m or 300m or 250m we pay for the privilege, it's really not the point. Take back control was the point, a genius slogan devised by a genius operator, if the programme is factually correct on this particular point and I can't imagine that it wouldn't be. The only potential "lie" peddled by the Leave campaign may have been the size of our EU payments. The fact that this alone isn't public knowledge and easily accessible by us all is a symptom of the absolute necessity that something had to change. Unfortunately the implementors of change voted Remain and are so fucking useless and corrupt, they don't know how to deliver what we voted for and are reverting to type, surreptitiously undermining the whole process. I pray to God that it's gone too far and they can't derail it but without leadership and vision, Dominic is right. It's a total fucking mess.
  24. Ink, in New York. Watching TV last night cost me three hunner buck! Ink is a play by James Graham, someone I'd never heard of 24 hours ago. It just so happens to open in NY the month before we are there and is running for a couple of months. I am now going to see what is available of his on iPlayer. Did any of you watch Brexit: The Unvcivili War? I'm sorry I missed it.
  25. That was a mistake in the campaign strategy. I saw an excellent documentary last night, part of the Imagine series. Alan Yentob was profiling James Graham, the young playwright who has genius. Benedict Cumberbatch played a fascinating role in a series I must now watch, all about the campaign manager for Leave. The UK does pay an extraordinary amount to the EU and exiting the EU would mean that the money would be spent here, not given to them and then only some of it coming back, after all, who pays for their considerable gravy train? It wasn't a "lie" to say that it would ALL go to the NHS because only the feeble-minded would believe that. It was a mistake to mislead the public - who are incredibly stupid - that it would all go to the NHS. The far bigger issues are that we pay too much to the EU and that our NHS is in crisis. Unfortunately if we want to go deeper than that and examine the precise reasons why our NHS is in crisis, then we will find corruption and deliberate engineering, big pharma costs being nothing less than extortion (facilitated by individuals in Westminster and proven by their gross (literally) profits and balance sheets let alone the disparity for the same drugs internationally), waste running unchecked, quangos and consultants getting fed, computer and database costs draining many hundreds of millions over and above what were ridiculously exorbitant tenders in the first place and many more outright strategies designed to lead us into privatisation, some of which has already happened. Our NHS is an exact mirror of the EU and the globalist hegemony project. Where there is publicly-earned money, and MANY BILLIONS of it, let's misappropriate it for ourselves is the agenda of the few.
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