Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm
Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Everything posted by rocket_scientist
Yes it is a different argument and I don't expect it to be understood by the majority sub 40 years of age. I agree that there are shit parents everywhere and of course an environment that includes love is the most important influence in a kid's development. A single mother is very often better than a dysfunctional duo. I have no beef with the abnormal. In fact I encourage it. "Find out what 95% of the people are thinking and doing and then think or do the complete opposite" - Roger Anthony, Crocodiles not Waterlilies. The problem is an agenda which tries to blur the distinctions and particularly the motivations of those who drive the agenda.
Over 10 years ago I proposed on abmad a protest at Pittodrie whereby instead of staying away, we filled it. Against a lower league team where we wouldn't normally get more than 12k or so, I started an idea whereby we urged all our friends, families and friends to turn up and during the game, at a predesignated time we held up individual letters which spelled out something like: - RDS - HEY MR. CHAIRMAN SS - IT'S NAE WORKING Merkland - GET IT FIXED We needed three dozen or so volunteers to carry in the letters and coordinate to stand together in the right sequences (one seat apart for the letters, three seats apart per word), we had a printer who volunteered to provide them (he reckoned 3.5 feet tall would work) and I had more than enough volunteers "sign up" within a couple of hours. I got blootered one night/that night/the next night and got banned from the site for telling some cunt what I thought of them so it never grew legs but before the moaners, the cynical and the negative cunts pipe up, it was just the embryo of an idea, killed pretty swiftly by alcohol but the appetite for change was there. Milne has only ever faced direct challenge once, in the abortive (but highly revealing) vote at the AGM which led to the death of the original AFCST unfortunately. These days there are the missing thousands (as I call them). Their "protest" is costing the club every day and every season. I reckon at least 10,000 of AFC fans at Red Parkhead only went to say "give us a good team/finals/the chance of a trophy" and we will support you.
This is nothing new. Miller and Calderwood were very open in their criticism of the fans. Unrealistic expectations was their excuse to mask the hideous performances on the pitch. Willie Miller admitted this in an AGM last decade and sought to vindicate himself by saying that "you can check with the journalists up the back, we've not said that for a while" as he wisely learnt from that particular mistake. What is also not unique is moaning and it offends me when Aberdeen fans are held up as some sort of exception in this regard. The Scots are arguably towards the top of the world negativity league table but within Scotland, Aberdeen and the North East are definitely no worse than other parts of the country I could mention. The need to moan is more often to be found in the downtrodden, the thick and the unfortunate. As I was driving an hour or so ago, there was a debate about smoking and I was alarmed at how vociferous the anti-smoking feelings still are. I'm not talking about the laws which were rightfully introduced to discourage people from smoking but the vile intolerance that the majority of the panel/audience towards those who smoke outside a hospital. If McInnes is offended by the "disgruntlement" levels within his customer base, he either doesn't understand human nature (which includes a hell of a lot of negative cunts) or he's kidding himself about the job he's doing... and who can blame him from having a very high regard of his own abilities given how much Milne paid him last year? Nail. Head. Smashed.
I don't remember there ever being a feeling of being "dicked about" over kick off times, venues and tickets in the 70's, 80's or 90's. It didn't exist. There were never these issues. Can't say I recall anything like this in the 00's either. I know it's not been too relevant this decade - unfortunately as we can count the trips to Hampden on one hand - but I'm still not any the wiser as to what the complaint is. I didn't even know there were shite view seats at Hampden, unlike where we get put at Parkhead. The siege mentality referred to was SAF using the west coast media and the west coast centrism in Scottish Football as a motivator for an outsider to break down the door. It was nothing to do with victimhood and injustice about seats and kick off times etc. Some fans may be invoking weak reasons for not attending, perhaps through a sense of guilt that they don't want to go. Others, like me, are quite comfortable in not wanting to go and even if I was working in Glasgow that weekend, still wouldn't bother my arse. Different folks, different strokes and different priorities at different stages of life. I'm looking more forward to watching Celtic Hibs on the telly in a pub with a couple of green mates this weekend than I am the semi final next weekend.
If our manager ever puts out a team that believes it can win and actually tries to win the big games then he might deserve a "wall of noise" and "fantastic backing". If our chairman hadn't lied to us over 20 years ago about "the product" being his main priority, the club might have found a consistency of support in every single year of this century.
The adoption of children by gay couples. This appalls and disgusts me. By doing so, Elton and Ruth and their partners are so desperate to be "normal", they totally disregard the welfare of the children. Having two mummies or two daddies is sick and twisted. It's ok for gays to be outside of the closet these days and for them to live openly with their minority preferences but by forcing their abnormality on to the psyche of an infant is selfish and destructive. We don't have the data yet on the effects of gay parenting but there will be trouble ahead. As I said, we don't fuck with nature.
I was aware of the possible contradiction in my post but decided that honesty would be the best policy. But is is "fear" that I'm guilty of? I don't think so. Certainly not that the pupil's own sexuality would be affected. I guess that example was given as a thought provoker. Sometimes right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable comes from a place which defies rational explanation. The instinct lives by its own rules and that will be personal and different for each of us.
I don't think anyone is "frightened about the normalisation" of transgender people. It's quite obviously abnormal to choose to change one's sex. They are human beings, however they arrived at their decision and deserve to be treated as such. All the education in the world isn't going to change how the 99.999% of the people feel about the 0.001% who have crossed the divide however, or whatever the majority/minority calculation actually is. Would I trust my children to a transgender teacher? Absolutely not. If they're so confused about their own biology, what the fuck else are they confused about? Maybe 20% or 35% or 55% or 99% of the 99.999% are happy with leaving their kids to be taught by a woman-who-used-to-be-a-man but I'm not having it. Let's not kid ourselves. There is normal and there is abnormal. I feel sorry for the increasing number of women getting beaten by men in various sporting events. That's athletics and now cycling. That ain't right, and it's definitely nae normal.
Went into the Bread Maker for the first time this morning in fact. Pancakes, Bacon and Maple Syrup hit the spot. For wine, got a bottle of Puglia Primitivo from Lidl for cheap as chips. One of the best wines I've tasted for ages at any price.
It's good to have diversity. There are always going to be majorities and minorities. Outliers are great, they show us where the boundaries might be so that we can explore beyond them. Fucking with nature however, whether destroying the planet or denying one's biology, that's sick. And I mean sick as in its original sense, which is not good as it refers to mental illness. Unless the criminally insane are going to be next to be normalised? After all, the majority of big business leaders are known psychopaths already. The Westminster government corridors of power are being exposed for bullying presently. Most of us - which definitely includes me - don't understand transgender people and why they want to "switch". Until they convince me otherwise, I reckon there's some severe mental problems going on there but rather than Cornhill-ing them off, we spend our money encouraging and investing in their madness. Which is mad. Equally, sending single mothers to Cornhill (as they did not too long ago) was utterly insane too and don't get me started on religion and the Catholic church. It might be that I'm the only sane one left... and I severely doubt my own sanity sometimes, filled with prejudices and prejudgements as I am and as my own daughters like to tell me. But my prejudices are not based on sex, colour nor ethnicity. I just don't like cheating and a male competing against females in a female pursuit is cheating.
Someone imbibed from the alcohol counter last night. The being so direct, so intolerant, so passionate about righting wrongs and so typically North East was the giveaway. And so apolitical: - You know fine well he can't answer that with any precision, intelligence nor credibility. The drunk man never lies and fuelled with courage from William of Orange, becomes a bovine male in a teacup vendor.
Dod kent his ingins.
Once in Thailand I came real close to shagging a lady boy. It looked like a lady, walked like a lady, talked like a lady and kissed like a lady but when she drove me to her place and reversed into the garage first time I thought, hang on a fucking minute.
I've never met a transgender person, am not aware of anyone who has and quite frankly, I don't want to meet someone who's so fucked up they try to change their sex. Interesting that it's almost exclusively men trying to turn themselves into women. Fucking whack jobs.
Neil McCann and Gary Neville are two peas in a pod. They are/were passionate pundits but neither are leaders of men. After one disastrous stint in management, they won't go again. The chairmen who employed them are insane human beings.
There be truth
Radio 6 playing this just now. A classic and beautiful harmony.
So there are. Just scrolled through the tables. Thanks for your info and link. Whilst I've now got a better handle on it all, still not 100% sure how the play offs work but will cross that bridge when we get there, which we may not anyway so will be blissful in my ignorance.
For the very best coffee, Shamrock & Thistle in Stonehaven. They do authentic crepes too. I've never been a coffee drinker, only the occasional Espresso when in Europe. I now drink a cup every day, from the beans that we get from there. The boy's just a total coffee enthusiast. I've tasted from Guatemala, Panama, Ecuador, Columbia, Kenya, Peru, Tanzania etc. etc. So good.
Why do only some teams get to play for the right to get one of the four play off spots? There's 55 teams in the 10 groups but not 55 teams in the European Nations.
Young, Ginger and Black. Aretha sang that.
Pretty sure they're independent but this one opened in 1876: - Trotsky and Freud amongst its famous patrons.
Thx for explanation. I take it that the A to D group teams are the seeds for the real qualifying, so they can some practise matches and the back up of a play-off too if they win the group. So there's 16 teams for the play-offs, less the teams who automatically qualified through the groups proper (presumably only by winning their qualifying group), plus those who came second in the groups proper not already in the play offs by way of this Nations League stuff. I'm sure they would have thought this through but how many groups in the real qualifying, how many teams per group, how many in the competition proper and how many play offs? I'm guessing there may be room for a 3rd placed team (from the groups proper) to make up the 16 teams who play-off, assuming that is the intent.