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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. Tonight's England v Belgium game is going to be the most interesting occasion so far for me. Not for the football necessarily but certainly for the build-up, commentary and analysis after. Belgium may even want to lose, which would be a shame and a mistake in my book although Gary Neville did put forward a great case. I'm with Slavan Bilic and Gareth Southgate on this. Speaking of the latter, Southgate has done a superb job thus far. The team spirit is tangibly better than anything previous England managers have put together. He's surprised me in this regard. He struck me as a wooden, uninspiring man. I can hardly believe that this squad is good enough to go all the way and it's a pity tonight's match is a dead rubber because I would expect Belgium to kill England if it was knock out. The English weren't expecting much this WC. QF was what they said is the max they would get... before they scraped past Tunisia and horsed Panama. The fact that no one country has looked dominant and it's wide open has fed them with an opportunity to disregard sense and embrace nonsense. For this alone, I hope they get humped in their next game after this one tonight. Brazil are now who they believe are favourites, correctly so, not that favourites always win. Neymar was poor last night and must bury his ego and understand that it's a team game if he's to have greater effect. But their technical skills, their short passing, their ball control and constant probing was joyous to see. I don't give a fuck who wins the cup but I hope the eventual winners are deserving because we all agree they performed the best. That team won't be England.
  2. The feat of one country going 80 years between failing to qualify beyond the group stages is utterly remarkable. Every record is there to be broken. Change is the only constant. I don't see much recognition of the phenomenal performances of Germany over a sustained period, more than an average lifetime. On the contrary, I see celebration, piss-taking and ridicule towards the four time champions. In the case of Lineker, he knew he wasn't broadcasting to Germans. He said those four words in full knowledge of what he was doing. By appealing to the average Englishman in the crass way that he did, he debased both his audience and himself and further reinforced their national stereotypical sickness. Scots on the other hand are so pathetic, we voted to be governed by these effete arseholes, as so eloquently written by Welsh and so brilliantly portrayed by Ewen McGregor.
  3. You missed the point, as you always do. Nobody's disputing that Germany were shite. It's something else being discussed. Something way above your tiny mind, your attention to detail being so weak that you thought he spelled it Linekar.
  4. Lineker at the end summed both him and England up. "Mein Gott. Auf Wiedersehn". Delivered with the cheeky chappie cheeky grin that defines his arseholeness. Germany won the first football match I ever saw live on colour TV, the 1974 WC final. They were a wonderful team, as were Holland back then, Gerd Muller, Paul Breitner and Franz Beckenbauer being supreme at their art. I've never hated Germany. I lived there for six years, I drove their cars for years (but changing to Sweden for our next new one), I admire their love of football and their national organisation at grassroots level, they never looked like an ugly football team to me and I can't even imagine what can inspire England to be so triumphalist tonight over them being put out in the group stages, as 4 of the last 5 champions have done. But I understand Englishmen. They are outpouring decades of jealousy, a successful nation being an affront to their false sense of superiority. Fuck England. Fuck Lineker. Ugly ugly examples of the human condition.
  5. Even if they do score in these last 20 minutes, the criticism and vilification of Germany is constant. It's unbelievable. 60 seconds can't pass without the English commentators implicitly saying "we're better than you". They don't know they're doing it, or more accurately, they don't know why they have an inbuilt need to do it. Edit: another give-away is the exaggerated praise. A "beautiful ball" in to the box from Germany was average. A "great run" by a German on the flank wasn't. Their fallacy of fair play - another indoctrinated lie given to their national psyche - is revealing itself by their guilt in relentlessly bashing the multiple World Cup winners.
  6. The English can be horrible race. I'm saying this as someone who has very good friends in and from England - so it's an obvious generalisation, albeit an accurate and valid one - but one of their most despicable traits is when collectively they are triumphalising. They think that they are a superior race, their education system implicitly teaches them this, they boast about their "democracy" and "values" (an obvious farce to any reasonable external observer), they are proud of their empire (whilst conveniently forgetting that it no longer exists nor how they got it in the first place), they mistakenly believe that the royal family is somehow evidence of a superior class system (without having the intelligence to understand the inherent unfairness in the feudal system) so give them an inch, just an ounce of encouragement and they run wild. How it's manifesting itself in very ugly fashion this world cup is how critical the English commentators and panels are of every other team in the competition. Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Portugal and now Germany are getting pelters, continuously. It's snide. It's sarcastic. It's condescending. It's ONLY been seen to this extent at this world cup because they believe that they're the best team in the competition and that they're going to win it, despite the only games they've played being against the great mights of Panama and Tunisia (against whom they only just scraped a win). It's not by accident that the English are not popular in the rest of the world. You don't see Europeans holidaying in England as much as the English holiday in Europe. I despise their smugness and their deluded superiority and Lineker is the perfect pin-up for their sickness, even despite him having much more intelligence than the average bear and speaking good sense the vast majority of the time.
  7. Lineker's problem is one of smugness. When one is fortunate enough to have been blessed with gifts, it is incumbent on the blessee to accept them with humility. He's so up his own arse, it offends everybody other than the Guffy mentality who still believe in their own superiority and who conveniently ignore that the empire was lost a very long time ago... by that alcoholic Churchill actually.
  8. Whilst I agree that Maradona lacks "class", the giving of the middle fingers doesn't define it for me. Having passion is good and righting wrongs is allowed. I suspect Diego is mad however and whatever definition we attribute to class, it won't include him. Years of global adulation, substance abuse and eating industrial sized portions has taken its toll. Lineker equally lacks class. His quick condemnation was born from bitterness. Guffy wank.
  9. But if our board and management don't value McKenna, how can we expect a buying club to? When we pay peanuts to our best prospect, how can we realistically expect a big price for him? Wages are a huge indicator of worth. It's not like we have clubs fighting over him in a bidding war. Our problems are many but the biggest one is a lack of ambition on the pitch. We should be keeping McKenna but Milne will take the first seven figure offer for him.
  10. Post up a link please. The hat has been overrun by mutants in recent years. The older genuine fans are good guys but the teenagers and the 20 something's drown out any decent content with total shite, which is only an expression of the vacuousness between their ears.
  11. No chance of Burnley fans getting battered... unless Burnley fans are looking for trouble. If some are looking for a fight, they will find it. There might be the odd idiot who comes up here, gets pissed up and acts like a total dick but the vast majority of Burnley fans will be welcomed and will hopefully leave our city with nothing but a positive experience and thinking that "Aberdonians are good cunts, just like us". Because underneath it all, we are all the same. Apart from the dicks. Just don't bring the flag of St George. You're here to support Burnley, not England. If you know your history, it's just wrong and in our case, a red rag to a ram.
  12. The bookies will support your view. There is no doubt you'll be favourites. Three factors in our favour though; 1. We will be extra motivated against EPL opposition to show the world that Scottish fitba isn't as bad as everyone (me included) seems to think it is. 2. Some of our players are so good they could walk into the Man City team let alone Burnley's. As you'll see. Players you've probably never heard of. That's if the new Real Madrid manager doesn't snap them up first. 3. Aberdeen comes before Burnley in the football dictionary.
  13. I think the Yonny Hewitt goal in the first leg was quite important too. We hammered them in the second leg though. Mick Mills? I shit you.
  14. My wife and I have just tripped 32 years together. We've not had a serious argument for quarter of a century. It took us SEVEN YEARS to work out that the only time we had ugly disagreements - and we did, regularly - were when she was ovulating. Once she worked that out, she stopped being an illogical unreasonable cow once a month. Plus I kept her busy by giving her loads of babies. Venus and Mars.
  15. There are too many females in the crowd at these games. This is the Men's World Cup. Girls didn't play fitba until very recently. And they're shit at it.
  16. The beautiful game. The first in this WC. Hope it's not the last.
  17. I can't express enough how much I detest the human being who posted this. For so many reasons. The arrogance of purporting to know best. The cowardice of not taking issue with any offending remarks. The stupidity of being "embarrassed" by something he didn't write. Posting to posture a position of superiority is prick behaviour. Fucking nothing.
  18. Ruthie might be pregnant. They maybe hired a stud to fuck her or she got injected at a sperm bank. Not that we'd notice, her being such a fat horrible cunt of a cow. Where's the pc polis to pick up on my toryist or ruthist sentiments when ye need em? However they play God and supersede nature by having a bairn, how fucking sad is that? Poor kid.
  19. I fear that you are correct but there is a dichotomy here. We are all capable of being an arse on one hand and being generous in spirit on the other. It's the greed culture imposed upon us by corrupt politicians that influences us towards the yang rather than the yin, selfishness triumphing over community. I maintain that the good within the vast majority is still there, just that it lies dormant in most.
  20. Neither do I. British people are mostly shit.
  21. You're possibly not familiar with the old song... I'd rather be a Cossack than a wahabi ragheid western-arse licking two-faced corrupt cunt. Who subjugates wimmin.
  22. Rico had the second best pick - he said 3-0 - and all but one of us (14 total) went for the home win. The poster who picked 1-2 i.e. a Saudi win, we won't embarrass cos he's a good cunt down under. It rhymes with wanc_don.
  23. Homosexuality should never have been illegal but whether it's "abnormal" or "unnatural" are simple terminology distinctions and neither here nor there.
  24. It really wasn't. It was provocative by design and in delivery. Don't agree Rico. This thread is proof. Some were "nauseous" at the levels of homophobia on page 1 but I never saw any. Rather, there are those who were more concerned to show how they were not homophobic. I'm not intolerant of shirtlifters, dykes, jews, arabs, the Irish, kafflicks, mooslims or weegies. But I am allowed to have generalist views based on personal experience whilst understanding that even a minority doesn't equate to the whole. The disproportionate amount of disabled parking spaces these days annoys me more than the disproportionate voice of the LGBT. That's just bad maths, erring on the side of PC. Go Roo Paul. Some of these weirdos are hilarious.
  25. For the record, I have never battered a poof, have never gone out to look to batter poofs, I have never signed a petition against poovery and I have absolutely no objection to them whatsoever. I've not met many but the one in Sicily last month who hosted us in a fabulous accommodation was a wonderful human whom we tipped generously. I just don't want it shoved down my throat and these mincing queers are relentless in pursuit of their agenda. I know you fuckers exist, I just don't want to watch you in action. So fuck off.
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