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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by rocket_scientist

  1. There's always one eh? Usually a negative old cunt who canna crack a smile. I hate it. Change is shite. The neck detail black line overlap is shite. The ribbed front looks cheap and uncomfortable. The shorts look like they should cost 75p. And the model is an ugly wet pussy. Keep it simple AFC. Which doesn't mean getting a simpleton to model it.
  2. Hmmm.... if an individual can open a bank account in a day, pretty sure they would want to take in a few million pretty sharpish. Squint Eastwood spikkin shite again? Who'dve thunk it? Disgusting club attracting disgusting people.
  3. Logan after the match was fantastic. Only saw the last 30 minutes and he wasn't so good on the pitch. Brilliant win. Impressed with how much the players seem to like McInnes. Then again, I don't like most of them most the time but a phenomenal and enjoyable result today.
  4. Let's be honest. The decision to expire doesn't need drama. Just do it. Doesn't need attention-seeking.
  5. What I want to know is why they sang god save the queen last night? There's obviously no correlation between that and Scottish fitba but why are they the only people in the land who sing this? What is going through their tiny little minds? It's obviously not a protest song or an act of defiance given that it is indeed Britain in which they're singing it but what exactly is going on here?
  6. I like Cosgrove. I love the HT scoreline. Totally deserved lead. COYR.
  7. We just dined at Fud. Not a buttery in sight.
  8. 341 George St the only outlet. Abody kens at. Neep. Piner. Whiter.
  9. Fars the Thains shop min? Do they have any branches in Sicily?
  10. That takes some skill to do it again. Well done min. neenthewiserdotcom
  11. Progress is being able to join in the debate on NE bakery preferences... whilst sitting on a plane! This is my first experience of WiFi whilst flying. I can't even begin to imagine the technology that makes it possible. Given that they can do that, why the fuck can't anyone make a decent rowie these days? They used to be able to. Why change a winning formula? Fucking cunts.
  12. Spot on. Thing is, it sounds so easy... to do the right thing. The manager has limited control on how the players perform once the whistle goes but there are indeed no excuses for basic management failings.
  13. The huns I was speaking to this week are all convinced that some arab billionaire is set to take over. I guess they (arabs and proddies) at least have intolerance in common.
  14. True and as I used to love a good rowie, it's a desperate cry for help. Where do you all agree we can get magic rowies these days?
  15. It wasn't intended to be a sleight on his sexuality. He's probably happily married, I don't know and I don't care. I apologise if I offended you. The word poofter was meant to signify weak, as in he's a weak (and odd) man. But I guess these days the context has changed as homosexuals are no longer odd and there's no reason for them to be "weak". I must take care when posting in the modern era, especially after an evening of libations. Agree that his team were beautiful in the early and mid 00's. But after SAF chewed him up and spat him out, it was obvious that his management weaknesses were fatal. He was finished more than 10 years ago. He had no chance of winning the league this decade. I was backing a home win last night and was delighted to see it come in.
  16. Thank you Arsene Arsehole. You ended it well. His team delivered a 4/5 opponent's win tonight, a result never in doubt. Cunts like you make me vomit Wenger. But I love the fact I saw through you so often through the years. You're a fucking disgrace man. Your crime was milking your limited talents. But by fuck you were an exceptional talent-identifier. Just not a manager of men. Cos real men don't get inspired by poofter teacher cunts like you.
  17. Much as I agree with your suspicions of Milne and the obvious neglect of Pittodrie, I don't agree with your interpretation of his post. He hit the nail on the head: - The biggest problem I have is the share issue. I also don't understand how private investment would suddenly magically appear when for the history of the club and in particular the last 45 years once oil hit Aberdeen, we failed to attract any significant injection. As I said, the whole thinks stinks and has always stank. It is the agenda of one man, ably supported and flanked by sycophants. Football was never the agenda and karma will dictate that the venture will not succeed. Having attended 3 games in the Scottish Championship, Leagues 1 and 2 in 15 days last month, I was alarmed at the state of Scottish football. I knew the overall standard was going backwards in the top division - for many contributory reasons - but I didn't expect to see teams winning leagues that included footballers who were no better than top amateurs and juniors from 30 and 40 years ago. The infrastructures are falling apart, kids aren't playing the game in anything other than a fraction of what they did last century and therefore the timing of this new stadia investment is questionable. He's already done a great job of alienating generations of our potential fanbase and many of our missing thousands won't be back just because Aberdeen play at Westhill.
  18. I asked Stewrat Milne this very question at the last AGM I bothered attending, in 2008. I started by having a go at Miller and Calderwood and their repetitive claims that we all had unrealistic expectations. I finished by asking the chairman how realistic his expectations were that we could afford a new stadium. During our exchange, I drew an admission that a rights issue would be required to meet the shortfall so those of us who go fuck you, I'm not giving you more of my money for you to waste, our shareholding will be further diluted from the fuck all he's made our original investments worth. The whole thing stinks and whilst "the product" has been suffering for the whole quarter century that he's been involved, I don't expect any change in fortunes on the pitch any decade soon... because it's NEVER been his agenda nor his focus.
  19. Bill Leckie was on talksport when I was in the car at lunchtime. He spoke at length and at the end, he said that if Gerrard went to Ibrox it would be bad for him and bad for Rangers. Absolutely bang on. It defies belief that he would even be considered for the job. People with zero management experience don't tend to excel whilst learning on the job whatever the job and particularly when the job is such high profile as this one. This is all rich karma. Murty got the dunt because the gulf between the two halfs of the OF was so horribly or beautifully exposed in the cup game and on Sunday. He was a scapegoat for their embarrassment. They refuse to see the truth of the matter and needed someone to blame, rather than introspect. Their problems are so severe and so deep that they couldn't even get McInnes to join them, where he clearly wanted to. People who sing about being up to their knees in fenian blood, who hold deep-rooted bigoted views and who swear blind allegiance to queen and country do not deserve to succeed. Their recent chairmen/owners/board have all been financially corrupted. They are also morally bankrupt. I look forward to the day when this horrible second incarnation dies.
  20. I'm not worrying about it. All I said was that it was a balloon comment. What goes on behind the scenes is irrelevant to any debate about the publicly-uttered comment. McInnes made a management mistake. Not a big one, not a significant one but an amateur one. Which isn't surprising given that it's football management we're talking here. The reason why McInnes is getting paid over half a Mill this year is a bigger debate. Being paid for his management skills as he is, and as it's our money going into his pocket, I think it's right that we start to ask questions as to whether he's worth it? I don't see the man as being worth anything more than thanks for your service now fuck off. He is using us and we (Milne) has allowed him to use us. Edit: Back on topic, however cheap he is or might be, I hope Sam turns out to be good recruitment. His record hardly screams it but it's been less than 120 minutes and AFC are badly screaming out for a big capable unit up top, as we always have been since god knows how long. I loved when he had a dig at Brown personally. Brown's reaction was funny too.
  21. All I said was that it was a balloon comment. Either it was or it was not. Only people who are experienced in managing men are qualified to add value in any debate about the comment. Most people have never been in management. The proportion of football fans, considerably less.
  22. It doesn't matter whether it was his wages or the fee. A good manager is aware that what he says can affect not only the employee (the player) but his peers and colleagues (team-mates).
  23. Good management right there. What a balloon thing to be quoted saying. And midget charlatan is considered one of the better managers? Commons on Sunday quoted McInnes as a candidate for Sevco. Is it football, management or people that these "professional" pundits fail to understand?
  24. And yet Corbyn is the baddie, vilified by the complicit presstitute media. Who else told the PM in the Commons that she was being puppeted by Trump? Does anyone see the truth?
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