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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Why does no one seem to want to go for Paul Hartley? I'd hope he is not waiting for the train wreck that is Hearts to become available.
  2. Games of thrones and HBO are huge so they can still make money. But piracy has affected shows like this as they rely more on product placement and other means of revenue but piracy affects smaller businesses more because the profit they can generate is less. And borrowing something from someone who has originally bought the asset is fair game as they can do what they want with it. A better analogy would be me putting up a cherry picker behind the south stand to watch the football and letting everyone in for free. If anyone questions me I'd just point towards Aberdeen's £8m turnover and say fuck em, then come onto forums and arrogantly back up my decision to get out of paying a few quid.
  3. I'm 22. I think part of the problem is for the last 2 years or so 80% of my posts are when drunk and they make me look pretty thick and weird. However posting when sober probably has the same problem.
  4. It should be illegal. With the further deteriorating of intellectual property rights because people can't be fucked to pay £7-8 for books, cds or films these things will just stop being made. We will start to see a world where, because of theft, there will be too small an incentive so the inventors and creators disappear. When the arts have gone I hope you glad you saved a few quid on not buying that book or cd. Also when do I stop becoming "young Andrew". I've been posting on here for five years now and I still have not shrugged off that label.
  5. Too right. If you ever own a shop I am going to come round and steal everything. Stealing property rights is the same as stealing assets. Anyway on the book front just finished crime and punishment and it was a really nice happy ending on what is thoroughly depressing novel. Put me in a really good.
  6. Just finished watching The Bridge. Was really very good. Much better story than the Killing I think. I wish there could have been a few extra episodes though. It felt that they easily could have pushed it out to 15 and 20 episodes and developed the characters and story more.
  7. That's brilliant. Soon there will be no tv, books, films or games if things carry on but you saved a tenner or something. Just spend money on buying things legally FFS.
  8. I really love Donstalk and its progressive liberal outlook on society. It really is refreshing to come hear and read the so many lovely nice things people say compared to the horrible outlook so many others have.
  9. Just back home. What a result and what an atmosphere. Just a quick thank you to the Gothenburg reds for giving me and my friends a lift home as the "Northern Lights" supporters club left with out us. But I still can't believe the result. Up there with Copenhagen and Hearts a few from a few years back.
  10. I'm glad you said this as I think the army, on a whole, are a bunch of bigoted, racist, ignorant killers who just join so they can kill a bunch of brown folk. But if I said this in a pub I'd probably get lynched.
  11. Finished my essay - can now look forward to this! Really nervous and looking forward to it at the same time.
  12. In what way is the current political system bankrupt? I think they way in which they parties pick their candidates is pretty awful(do PPE at oxbridge, become an advisor = safe seat) but apart from this aspect the actual system seems fine to me? The policies introduced(continued erosion of civil liberties, total lack of economic or game theory knowledge, lack of expertise, pandering to the lowest common dominator) are a problem but that is due to the policies people vote for not the system.
  13. Only read about half of it but it really is populist rubbish... "Slagging off bankers Politicans are only in it for the money Right wing economic idelogy = selfishness" This is the same ideology and way of living that has transformed us from dying at 35, living in absolute poverty and having most of your children not reaching adulthood to where we are now. It's not a coincidence that a lot of our social and economic improvements came under the "laissez-faire" economic period of our country.
  14. Considine is a class player. Really glad he is back. Thought he was MOTM today but, admittedly, my knowledge of the tactical side of football is pretty poor.
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24031979 Just shows how hypocritical these folk are. Banging on that ordinary folk should be giving money to charity while he is going on a vanity trip into space which would take the average man in Congo 236 years to pay for. Well done Bob.
  16. You're just full of such pseudointellectual fucking bollocks. I am not "offended" in any way I just think it's both childish and cuntish to include insults in posts.
  17. It's always nice to include an insult at the end of a post. Senile old cunt.
  18. It's the fact that they had no embarrassment that they went bust, were escorted into the league and were given a transfer ban but wouldn't stick to it. They could have at least have taken their punishment, got on with it and kept their tiniest bit of dignity but instead they found a loophole and used it to as much to their advancement as they could like the shameless low life reprehensible scum that they know they are. How anyone with half a brain to reason with can support, defend or in anyway think of them as a good for the game I do not know. The sooner the Rangers 2 die the better.
  19. In sport no one ever seams to mention the natural variance that happens. This is one of the worst Scotland teams and one of the best Belgium teams in history. Why can this not be a natural unlucky and lucky cycle when it comes to international football? Why does everything have to have some deeper meaning and not caused by the most likely factor, especially in sport, which is luck?
  20. Really glad he has been arrested. Always knew there was something wrong with him. Don't know why him or Savile were ever seen as "national treasures" they are both weird creepy disgusting old men.
  21. Self preservation is the key though. No one is willing to sacrifice the cost of their nation and people to start a WWIII any more. It would need much more of a key to start it than a few under cover operations. There were proxy wars during the cold war, where relations between russia and the US were much worse, where a world war was not started. I don't think in the situation we are in now a world war would start where it didn't before.
  22. Do you think? I don't think Iran are either that stupid or crazy. They care far too much about self preservation and don't care nearly as much about what the UK are doing to do anything like that imo.
  23. Of course they have. They have been giving supplies to the rebels in the same vain as the US gave weapons to mujahideen in Afganistan. We really should be supporting the government in Syria though. Although they are bastards at least they are not mentalists and, as a country we can trade and do business with them well. But really why do we have to get involved in these conflicts in any respect? I find it terribly embarrassing that whenever some global event happens, such as the arab spring, William Hague comes out and gives the UK's position like it matters to anyone. We really need to stop interfering in other countries affairs, take a neutral stance in conflict and take the position that is best for UK trade.
  24. I did end up with puke all over my shirt and duvet on the Monday night but avoided having to go to the hospital on this trip. I'm now hospital free since 2008
  25. Great three nights. Trafalgar square was great on the day of the game. Hopefully this can become an annual fixture.
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